
Gratitude Quotes

There are 260477 quotes

"Performing a gratitude practice...can lead to a pervasive, a long-lasting impact on subjective wellbeing."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"A gratitude practice can benefit social relationships across the board."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Repeated gratitude practice changes the way that your brain circuits work."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Gratitude and the circuits associated with it appear to be especially plastic."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"A healthy relationship is, of course, one where agency and gratitude doesn't mean like, we're happy about everything, right? If there's something negative and we can change that, then we don't feel happy about that. The sense of gratitude in me makes me more likely to feel that I can change that, right? Or to take the chance of trying to change that."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The best amount of agency and gratitude? The most that's possible, right? Because we're going to engage in the world in the healthiest way."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If I can bring my best self to you, to thinking about you, to understanding you, if I can bring the agency and the gratitude, then I'm going to do right by you."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The generative drive, that set of potentials are being actualized through the verbs of agency and gratitude. Like you're doing it all right then, and as you're doing it, you have a sense of peace and contentment as you're enacting all of it."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"A healthy self approaches life through the lens of agency and gratitude."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If we look at happy people, no matter what stage of life they're at, no matter what their socioeconomic status is, the factors that tell us if someone is happy are agency and gratitude."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"A sense of humility... I'm part of this bigger ecosystem. If we feel that humility, then we approach the world through the lens of gratitude."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Show me someone who's coming at life through agency and gratitude and is not happy with their life, and you'll be showing me something I've never seen before."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Gratitude for being in life or having the capability of going back and planting seeds in that garden is the alliance between agency and gratitude."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What we all need to aspire to is to be in states of agency and gratitude for as much of our waking life as possible."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Agency and gratitude are verb states from which peace, contentment and delight emerge."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Serotonin is the molecule of bliss and contentment for what you already have."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Empowerment and the humility, and then that gets enacted as agency and gratitude, and we have more of the goodness of peace and contentment and delight."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Just for today, do not be angry, do be worried, be grateful, do your duties fully, and be kind to all living things."
"We need to... forgive, continue to love... be grateful for what you have."
Dr. Alan Mandell, D.C.
"Veterans are my people; they have a special place in my heart."
"Gratitude and meditation, especially gratitude, reset the whole system."
"Gratitude is not complacency...gratitude is wonderful; it resets the system so that you can be in pursuit."
"Gratitude... I painted the Goddess of Gratitude... when I practiced gratitude, I have my hands together at heart."
Jess Carpenter
"Oh believers, eat from the good things we have provided for you and give thanks to Allah if you truly worship Him alone."
"Gratitude is like the scientific version of happiness."
"I found a lot of maturity, wisdom, humble attitude, gratitude."
"It's a tremendous relief and I'm filled with gratitude for the transformation."
"I am grateful for my limitless opportunities."
"The feeling of gratitude opens me to new positive experiences."
"I choose to be thankful for all that I am creating."
"I am bringing a thankful spirit to each step and action I take."
"Shining the light of appreciation on all of my experiences."
"Focus on your blessings, not on your hassles."
"The first thing I should do as part of my daily routine when waking up is to thank God for a new day, for his mercy, and the gift of life."
"Lord, I want to express my gratitude for being the source of my strength and the center of my joy."
"I appreciate all the blessings in my life, even the ones that I may sometimes take for granted."
"My grateful heart attracts health into my life."
"My appreciation opens my life to abundant experiences."
"The feeling of gratitude connects me with rich experiences."
"Grateful now, and that opens me up to more things to be grateful for."
"The feeling of gratitude consumes me because all of my requests have already been fulfilled."
"Expressing gratitude that the universe supports me and the life I choose to live."
"Happily embracing each new day with the spirit of gratitude."
"I have a strong body; I am thankful for a healthy body."
"The most effective way to use gratitude for your own well-being should focus on human interdependence, not things or circumstances."
"I chose wisely on my husband, you know what I mean, and have two beautiful, wonderful boys, and the people who are in my life right now, I value and treasure so greatly, so much so, I just enjoy that, enjoy them, enjoy moments, and I'm grateful for every single one."
"I'm so happy, I'm full of joy and gratitude."
"Thankful for the love I have to give and for the love that I receive."
"Appreciative of the doors of opportunity that are opening."
"You'll be overflowing with gratitude for all eternity."
"You can't be drowned in negative thoughts and be grateful at the same time."
"Gratitude is actually liberating, it frees you from negative thoughts."
"Living a life of gratitude is actually living a life telling himself over and over: be grateful."
"Gratitude unshackles us from toxic emotions."
"If you trade resentment and impatience for gratitude, freedom, and joy, and you start making those chemicals in your meditation every single day, I swear to you, you'll get familiar with that."
"The moment you feel gratitude, your healing begins. The moment you feel grateful for your life, your life is changed. Now, you're causing an effect."
"Gratitude unifies the mind of a man with the intelligence of substance, so that man's thoughts are received by the formless."
"Man must form a clear and definite mental image of the things he wishes to have, to do, or to become, and he must hold this mental image in his thoughts, while being deeply grateful to the Supreme that all his desires are granted to him."
"The men and women who practice the foregoing instructions will certainly get rich, and the riches they will receive will be in exact proportion to the definiteness of their vision, the fixity of their purpose, the steadiness of their faith, and the depth of their gratitude."
"Gratitude is the ultimate solution to the happiness equation." - Mo Gawdat
"I love every one of you guys, and I really appreciate your time. Thank you so much for supporting Chef Ricardo to make me reach 1 million subscribers on YouTube."
"I think when we are grateful and we recognize the things that we are grateful for, no matter how small they are, it allows us and prompts us to be kinder in the world."
"Having gratitude changes your brain and how it's firing and changes your outlook just by having that little practice."
"I love my family and we're all close. I'm so grateful because I know not everyone has that experience in their life."
"I'm grateful for my friends. I'm grateful that I knew Bob. I'm grateful for all the people that are really like my core circle group of friends."
"I am grateful for the pleasure and pain, for they have shaped me."
"My life is a testament to resilience and gratitude."
"My heart is full of gratitude for the simple joys of life."
"I may not be where I want to be, but thank God I'm not where I was."
"Reflection is critical. We've got to look back...to come to a place of gratitude."
"Gratitude transforms every experience into a blessing."
"Life is a beautiful journey of gratitude and growth."
"Gratitude is a good one. The importance of being grateful for what you have already."
"Gratitude deeply roots us in faith, aligns us with God's will, and opens our hearts to the fullness of His blessings."
"Thanking God first is like planting seeds in fertile soil; it sets the foundation for a bountiful harvest of joy, peace, and fulfillment."
"Gratitude in achievements and success keeps us humble and grounded, reminding us that every good and perfect gift comes from above."
"God wants gratitude to be the primary motivation behind everything we do or say or think."
"Gratitude is a constant mindset of thankfulness."
"Gratitude is the antidote to toxic emotions."
"Gratitude opens the door to people and to other opportunities."
"If you're grateful for what you have, you'll be given more to be grateful for."
"It's a scientific fact that gratitude reciprocates."
"Gratitude and positivity are great ways to attract abundance."
"I am convinced beyond any shadow of a doubt that we can be, do, or have anything in this world if we will see it, believe it, and give gratitude for it."
"I am grateful. The more grateful I am, the more abundance I attract."
"The quickest way in the world to bring good things into your life is to have gratitude now, not later."
"When your life becomes a non-stop prayer of thank you, you will know that you have mastered this key, and your life will be nothing short of magical."
"Practicing gratitude invites joy into our lives."
"It's not joy that makes us grateful; it's gratitude that makes us joyful."
"When we look and say, 'I'm grateful for what I do have,' we create more of what we want."
"The secret to being happy, truly happy, is gratitude."
"Gratitude is the human characteristic most associated with overall well-being."
"You can't be a happy person if you aren't grateful, and you can't be a good person if you aren't grateful."
"Grateful people aren't angry and they don't see themselves as victims."
"Gratitude is an innate power of the human soul."
"Gratitude is the most powerful emotion you will ever feel."
"Gratitude is the universal currency that holds its value regardless of the economy's state."
"My negative thoughts were huddled in the shadows of my mind and were being kept at bay by this floodlight of grateful thoughts."
"What keeps me going is the continuous flow of my breath and finding gratitude everywhere I can."
"The most powerful way to share gratitude with someone is to listen and to let them know that they've been heard."
"People who focus on gratitude and appreciation have lower levels of stress, fewer cases of depression, and better heart health."
"The problem isn't so much that we're encouraged to feel grateful for good things in our life, but that we're forbidden from expressing thoughts or feelings which contradict the message that we must at all times feel grateful."
"Practicing gratitude is both the morally correct thing to do, and the key to lasting happiness."
"Appreciate, be grateful, look from the outside in, and say, 'Hey, this is good, just enjoy it.'"
"We've got our work cut out for us... I am absolutely so grateful that we have Joe Biden leading this country right now."
"Gratitude is like the opposite of fear. When you're in a state of gratitude, love, trust, and joy, you're releasing the bonding hormone oxytocin, which makes you feel warm and open."
"Every single night I look at these crowds and I'm like, 'Holy shit, I can't believe this is my life.'"
"These individuals place their lives on the line for us. It is an act of service unlike any other."
"Enjoy life and don't take the good things for granted."
"It's hard to be hard on yourself when you're feeling grateful."
"Mindful eating is... you sit down, you're mostly quiet, you give gratitude for your food, and then you just eat your food. You don't do anything else."
"I just want you to know that I'm so happy that you were here spending some time with me, and I am sending you so, so much love."
"Everything that God has given me, from my wife to my family to my business, is all to be an example of His love."
"Keep my gratitude higher than my expectations."
"Gratitude is not complacency. It's scientifically proven that gratitude makes you happier."
"This is possibly the happiest birthday of my life. Thank you."
"You can enjoy the small blessings that God gives us that really make up life."
"Be very clear on what it is that you want, visualize those things being true, and then give gratitude for that."
"Gratitude is the key to wealth and fulfillment. It connects us deeply with the source of all abundance, making every aspect of our lives richer and more rewarding."
"The exercise of GRATITUDE will never fail to strengthen your faith and renew your purpose."
"It is impossible for a human being to be arrogant if they are grateful."
"We have to be grateful for that guidance that Allah has given us."
"If you practice gratitude, then you will be grateful. If you practice, against all odds, opening your heart when no one else will, that's supernatural."
"Gratitude is the ultimate state of receiving."
"You're literally changing your gene expression when you practice feeling gratitude or embracing the emotions of your future."
"Gratitude is a gateway to God's presence. It's more than a routine; it's a heartfelt acknowledgment of His ongoing work in our lives."
"Gratitude as a pathway to contentment... shifts our focus from what we lack to the abundance we already possess."
"Gratitude as an anchor in trials... helps us maintain our balance and perspective."
"Gratitude will turn everything around. That will make you feel good. That will get you off the negative."
"Every moment of relief along the way is a miracle. The more we add up those moments of relief, the more we live a miraculous life."
"Practice gratitude. Gratitude raises your vibration so much because it puts you at the frequency of receiving."
"When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love."
"Gratitude is like this big unlocking mechanism."
"Thank you is two words that can open up the universe."
"Accept compliments with a 'Thank you' without false modesty."
"Gratitude is the human characteristic most widely associated with well-being."
"I'm all for trying to maximize your agency, make as much of the time that you have on this planet as you can, and balancing that desire to be better with acceptance, love, empathy for yourself, and the ability to just be grateful and present in the moment."
"Gratitude cures narcissism; it cures entitlement."
"Reverence leads to humility, leads to gratitude."
"I am very happy, just because people still have to go through things and people still have to struggle with their mental health doesn't mean they're not thankful and that they're not overall a happy person."
"Honor your heart for a second. Give it some gratitude for keeping you alive, for sustaining you."
"Gratitude shifts your perspective, gratitude shifts your energy, and it raises your vibration."
"It's absolutely crazy to me that so many of you have decided to watch our show... We now have five million subscribers on YouTube."
"We use yoga to come together and create the space to focus on gratitude."
"Gratitude is all about finding the beauty in those small things."
"When you're present, that's when you're able to focus on things like gratitude."
"Gratitude should always start from trying to find something about yourself that you're grateful for."
"Practicing gratitude and thanksgiving are wonderful ways to increase those positive neural pathways in your mind and they make you feel happier."
"Gratitude is the key to worship in the Islamic tradition."
"Gratitude is not only the greatest, but is also the parent of all the other virtues."
"Grateful people are good people; they're happy people, well-adjusted people."
"Sending all of this thankfulness and this gratitude out to all beings everywhere. Namaste."
"The antidote is to be grateful and content in what you currently do have."
"I'm here because someone cared about my family. I don't even know who it is, but I'm giving back every way I can. It changed my life. It wasn't the food. It was a stranger's care."
"Gratitude has two effects: one is the secretion of molecules like the serotonin system, which make you very happy about the here and now, and it promotes the secretion of neuromodulators like dopamine."
"I deliberately introduce a gratitude practice, and the reason for that is thoughts are very hard to control. It's hard to suppress thoughts, but we can add thoughts deliberately."
"Study after study link gratitude to happiness. The more grateful you are, the happier you are."
"I must be grateful for the people in my life; I must pray for the people in my life with joy; I must expect the best from the people in my life; and I must love people in my life like Jesus does."
"We just take this for granted, but that's like an unbelievable life experience to have a rain, a controlled little booth where it rains hot water on your head."
"The happiness formula: discipline plus purpose plus gratitude."
"Gratitude gives you perspective. Perspective allows you to find the light, the love, and the lessons in everything."
"Love and gratitude are the highest vibrations that you can be in."
"Instead of happiness, here's how to know if you're doing good in life: Are you proud of your recent efforts? Are you grateful? Are you excited for something coming up?"
"You need to be able to write an unlimited amount of things that you're grateful for."
"If you made a mistake or something's taking a long time, do not apologize or say 'I'm sorry' to the customer; instead, thank them and say something along the lines of 'Thank you for your patience.'"
"Happiness is just so silly; gratitude is where it's at."
"Have a go-to mantra to redirect negative thoughts. My personal one... is 'attitude of gratitude'."
"Happiness comes from when you trade your expectations for appreciations." - Tony Robbins
"What can I do that would make my future self grateful for me?"
"Finding moments of gratitude, grounding yourself in the present moment."
"People who are unhappy generally look at what they don't have, and people who are happy look at what Allah has bestowed upon them."
"Thank God for not just your blessings but also for your hardships, and your trials."
"My biggest takeaway so far is to just lead with gratitude. I've been saying this phrase over the past couple of months: It's lead with love, live with gratitude."
"What's something you look forward to each day? Honestly, praying and just speaking to God every single day."
"Practice gratitude. Expressing gratitude regularly has been significantly linked to increased levels of happiness and life satisfaction."
"My boats are all fixed up thanks to you. It's about time I start paying you back for your loan."
"The circus has packed up and left town, but not without leaving behind even more gold as appreciation."
"I want to thank you for being who you are, thank you for all the memories."
"Through feeling gratitude, we are connecting directly to Source Energy."
"Teach me to bear my cross in the spirit of faith, of confidence, and of gratitude towards God."
"There's lots to be grateful for, but also lots for you to be proud of."
"We can choose to be the happiest and the most grateful we've ever been while we are going through the most difficult, painful, scary time in our lives."
"Life is a test; it's important to be grateful for not only life's blessings but its sufferings."
"Just for today, I will not worry. Just for today, I will not be angry. Just for today, I will do my work honestly. Just for today, I will give thanks for my many blessings. Just for today, I will be kind to my neighbor and every living thing."
"Gratitude is a powerful, powerful thing in the universe."
"If we all showed more gratitude in our daily lives, our lives would become a lot more peaceful, more happy, and more joyful rather than being stressful and chaotic."
"Gratitude and unconditional love help you vibrate at the highest frequency."
"Gratitude is what leads to freedom; gratitude is what unlocks you from the chains."
"I start my day with thankfulness and gratitude."
"I'm blessed, bro. I'm blessed for all the fuck-ups too."
"I'm so grateful that you're allowing me to just talk."
"I got so much love in my life, so much joy in my life."
"Discipline, it's willpower, it's presence and gratitude. There's so much more."
"I never would have imagined in a million years that I would have this life... I'm just grateful for everything versus before, where my language and the way I related to life was not quite as intentional."
"You can't be grateful and fearful simultaneously."
"Have an intention to be more grateful throughout your day for one day and see how your mindset and your happiness and the world around you shifts."
"The more that you practice gratitude, the more easy and almost more habitual it becomes."
"Just ask yourself that question: How can I be grateful for this situation?"
"Words cannot begin to express my thankful heart."
"I am truly grateful for all your beautiful energy."