
Social Connection Quotes

There are 843 quotes

"Quality social connection is extremely powerful in terms of its ability to increase our levels of happiness."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Regular social connection, trusting social connection of any kind is going to be very beneficial for that process."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"This is incredible because people are listening to the story at different times, but the gaps between their heartbeats become very stereotype and map almost precisely onto one another."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Friendship and connection made through movement is perhaps the most valuable form of connection."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The single greatest aspect of longevity is social connection."
"We all meet up every single day at 5 pm to have dinner together next to a big fire. It's like this community feeling which humans don't get these days."
"We thrive in connection. That's why COVID was so devastating. It isolated us all."
"The social connection is as predictive of how long you will live as obesity, high blood pressure, or smoking."
"Mental illness is a huge risk factor for suicidality, but it's often rooted in perceived burdensomeness and thwarted belongingness."
"The most important thing that you could do is connect and relate with people."
"The habit of group singing... improves your mood, builds your confidence, relieves loneliness."
"Physical contact is also important for social connection."
"If you're not laughing, if you're not having fun, if you're lonely, if you can't take care of the people you love because you kids don't have the ability to connect, you're broke."
"Healthy individuals that are injected with LPS experience symptoms of depression, depressive mood, feelings of social disconnection."
"The goal for this show is to create a space where there is a private club for people like you to hang out and build community, watch movies, share ideas."
"Seeing a good friend once a week was the equivalent of like an extra 80k in income in terms of its effect on happiness levels."
"It's part of our DNA to want to be accepted and to want to be connected."
"Just showing that you're willing to share something more personal about yourself can help make the other person want to spend more time with you."
"This happy face is the expression that this kid has when he's made a new friend and they found out they have something in common. This is the expression a kid has when he gets exactly the toy he wants for Christmas."
"Everyone's lonely, everyone just wants to be friends."
"Now more than ever, we need to stay connected."
"Chronic loneliness is an unnatural condition, a state that we were not designed for. It leaves us empty and longing for connection and understanding."
"Gaming has this unique ability to bring people together through gameplay itself for the love of games."
"I'm thankful for the connections games allow you to have with other people."
"I just wanted to let you know, Nate, that given it's Friday, I wore my orca shirt just for you."
"It's about doing things that make everyone laugh."
"Please take care of yourselves out there in these troubled times, and I will hopefully see you soon."
"Food is driving our happiness and we are becoming more disconnected and more lonely."
"The atomic unit in the metaverse is going to be about you and your stuff and your friends and your connection."
"You're going to meet other rebellious souls who go against the grain."
"What's the point of technology if it's not bringing us together like that?"
"The metaverse is really going to be first and foremost about connecting people."
"Loneliness is very different from being alone, and there are a lot of people out there who are lonely."
"Video games have amazing potential to connect people who might be struggling to make friends in their physical surroundings."
"Games are the best medium for bringing different people together."
"Surround yourself with inspiration. This can be through following people on social media or talking with friends who like to bullet journal."
"The most meaningful online communities are ones that span online and offline."
"Lord, put somebody on my mind today, somebody I can call, somebody I can bless."
"We need a source of family. Sometimes you find it online, sometimes you find it within yourself, or sometimes you do find it within your community, a church, your own family. Human beings need, or at least want, to feel supported."
"Spend time relaxing with people that you love. We don't do this enough. We text people... but we need to be hugging them and hanging out."
"The most unlikely friendships can form... they create a tight bond. New friends are coming into your life."
"The main reason influencers get popular...is because they have a young audience of people who feel alone and feel maybe misunderstood and feel isolated, and they find friendship and solace in their favorite creators."
"Human beings share conversation, they share connection, they share emotions, they share experiences."
"Even though our experiences are different, that feeling of not being seen, it's like the theme of our conversation, right?"
"I just really want to get close to everyone and not feel like a burden."
"Stay home and play together. In a time when we need to stay physically apart, it's amazing to see how people are using games as a way to be together."
"Strangers that is, until they found out they live a block apart from each other. That sense of community was necessary," Marshall said.
"The answer is not politics; the answer is community, connection, church, getting to know your neighbors and having conversations with them."
"The happiest people are people who are deeply embedded in a community."
"It would do a lot of good to be around the friends you haven't met yet."
"People connecting, forming communities, falling in love."
"My favorite thing in the world is when my friends come by."
"You know what is a good thing? Isn't like, friendship."
"We don't actually want to be socially distanced; we want to try to use whatever is available like Zoom and FaceTime and whatever phone calls to try to sustain and amplify our social connections."
"We're all in it together, and I'm really proud of the way that gaming is showing up to play such an important part of so many people's lives right now."
"Watching that in-person connection just changes the viewer's perspective. It's almost like the viewer is part of the friend group."
"The ability to be immersed and feel present with the people around you or the people who you care about is clearly the next frontier."
"The biggest cause of depression and anxiety is disconnection and isolation."
"If you watch this and aren't at least a little interested, then I'm sorry, I really don't think we could be friends."
"The opposite of loneliness is not company, it's connection."
"The co-housing model is perfect for what we need in this world: more connection."
"Deeply appreciate you Rob, Emily, Peter, Joe, Lemur, and the rest of your community."
"Be yourself so you can find your people and..."
"Connecting people while still being mindful of the virus is essential."
"Men need community. Men are not lone rangers."
"There's a tremendous reassurance about that kind of communion and empathy."
"Your positive peer group, good, all your positive friends are in the closet, all right, they're all happy, positive friends."
"Welcome new friends, welcome welcome welcome on in."
"What happens next, do you find that generally people in a sense just want to not feel alone with their emotions?"
"There's a huge community of people who love their cats...plug into that Community."
"I think a lot of people have had a very lonely time, so when they see two people who are good friends having fun, it's good spiritual fuel for them."
"There's no better feeling on Earth than when your friends are making you laugh so hard."
"Vulnerability is the door to connection... that's exactly what these conversation cards do."
"I just don't feel like LA is a city where I could meet somebody in the street and feel a bond with them."
"It's increasingly difficult to find people you connect with, emotionally, intellectually, in terms of interests."
"The solution to all of this is connecting with people."
"It actually helped me a lot with depression and anxiety and I can attribute a lot of that to the multiplayer aspect of it."
"Thank you for helping keep me sane throughout this year's lockdown."
"It's amazing how YouTube connects people; I feel like we're sisters from another mister."
"I applaud both of y'all, especially two black people in the space trailblazing like he said as well."
"People admire our courage, our authenticity when we share our screw-ups."
"Life imitates art, especially in times of isolation and connection."
"People have to kind of connect important to come from a place of compassion."
"No matter who you are or where you're from, they are spaces where you can create new stories, forge new friendships, and make memories worthy of lasting a lifetime."
"I think I just missed you guys, you know? I used to go into the city, travel around, and everywhere I went, I saw a couple of you here and there."
"Golf was like the common denominator existing, and that was the thing that everybody's going, 'Oh yeah.'"
"There is something about that human connection."
"I've met the most amazing people through your discord."
"Community and feeling part of something are so important. I think kids do that for people too."
"Gaming played an essential role in 2020. It allowed us to connect with new and old friends, socialize, and escape for a little while."
"I love our little community. I love being able to do this. Thank you so much."
"Super fun to connect with them over their games."
"I love love love just meeting you face to face."
"Mukbangs are popular, but I also have this way of connecting with people through entertainment, through comedy, through real-life discussions."
"The very game itself is designed around needing to make connections with people."
"I have no friends" means "My friends don't really connect with the situation I'm dealing with."
"I was connecting other people through laughs, yet I remained profoundly disconnected."
"Cooking for me is my greatest therapy right now. That's where I get all of my joy because if you cook it they will come, right?"
"Connect and connect in an open and immediate sort of way."
"The more authentic you can be, the easier it is for friends, partners, for anyone that comes into your life to really connect with you."
"How do we fulfill that need that you have to play games online or connect with your friends and at the same time like make it so that I'm not crying myself to sleep like how do we fix this?"
"Let yourself enjoy the journey, connect with people, and be present in the connections."
"It is very humbling how much of a community this actually is."
"I finally understand mukbang videos. It felt like I had someone hanging out with me, you know?"
"No man is an island, and we need connection and we need those we can go to for support, for trust, for understanding."
"Empathy and connection is what makes us human."
"We're denying ourselves a connection to see humanity. We're dehumanizing ourselves."
"I'm almost 30 years old. See, I feel so much better, I don't feel alone."
"For us, it really is about the community... it's all about that connection."
"Gaming has been the bright light that's allowed us to connect with one another and keep our social and competitive edge razor sharp."
"I love my community, they show me unconditional kindness."
"It's really important to have these conversations... leads to more connection..."
"Thanks, bestie. Like you're part of the band."
"It's about people coming together for the common good, people connecting to each other on a deeper level."
"Let's make like a giant birthday card for your next birthday, it'd be cool."
"People from every corner of America facing challenges everyone is just looking for some type of connection..."
"Their means to bring people together, they're a way to have a shared experience that humans are meant to have, that seems so rare these days."
"Coffee is a wonderful thing that brings people together."
"Finding cool people to hang out with is clearly important."
"Everything we do is to feel a little less lonely."
"The opposite of addiction is not sobriety, valuable though that is to many people."
"But I think that what I love the most about weightlifting is that it keeps me connected to the people that I love."
"How do we get back to a position where I can see my loved ones?"
"We are seeing how we have lost the sense of connection, of innocence, how we've lost the sense of trust."
"I think it's gonna really change the way people mentor newcomers into the community, and our community really is full of some incredibly knowledgeable, passionate people."
"It's a big part of it. I have found more and more that new people that I speak to are saying, like, 'I just got into Warhammer.'"
"Y'all are an amazing Community... it's an amazing community so glad to be a part of."
"This person wants to reach out to you... it is on their mind to reach out and reconnect."
"Manifesting the ability to connect with a lot of people and really support them."
"I just wanted to say some praise here for all the folks that have checked in."
"My man's O'Shea Duke Jackson likes to keep me in the loop on everything that's happening."
"Focus on finding the people that are your tribe."
"You matter to them and you matter to the people around you."
"If you're watching this video, hug a loved one. You know, call your friends, get outside, play football in the sun. Don't do this to yourself."
"I want to see your kids playing with my kids... we've been stuck in the streets."
"Thank you for watching to the end... put a sunshine in the comments if you got this far and thanks for being my friend today and always."
"You guys gave me a home, a home that I can always go to and find friendships, laughs, all sorts of amazing, amazing things."
"The amount of time I spend online talking to people from Europe or Australia playing games together is amazing."
"I've strengthened so many relationships over the quarantine through Zoom with the homies."
"Stories bring joy, bring people close, and break barriers."
"Christmas is a celebration of people and connection."
"Even when we reflect on our journeys in life and the pride we've built from lasting through them, it means nothing without others to share in the stories and the experiences we've gained."
"Thank you all for your happy birthday messages."
"This whole journey this week to be something that builds up that idea that we are not alone."
"Participating in fandom communities and conventions is a great way to connect with like-minded individuals."
"Offering support and friendship to people that might need it."
"There's a lot of good out there... Pick up a phone or come on a zoom call and talk to your mates."
"This person is waiting for you to message them."
"Connection time where you're actually receiving and giving out energy."
"We are elevating human consciousness through the bringing together of this connection."
"Stay connected. There are people that want to see you, connect with you, and know what you're doing."
"It really sucks at the original shutdown because I had so many messages on the pin board between me and my friends."
"It's amazing you know for such a tightly little knit community that we have and you guys watching is it's very very special so thank you."
"I appreciate every single one of you. The community is always growing, it's amazing."
"Regardless of what kind of game you want to play, there is a group out there for you."
"Clubs give you access to a group of friends you would never have had before."
"How about you just go visit your neighbors? How about we have community?"
"Play is a major tool for building trust, connection, creativity, and imagination."
"So much of the violence in the world, so much of the rejection of the world, comes from a place of fear."
"I've never felt more connected to a group of people in my entire life than the people that love this show."
"Life is about daily connection, building that relationship still."
"Your interaction has been so important in a year where so many of us have had to be isolated."
"A smile is hope. It's love. It's understanding."
"Your videos have gotten me through a horrible three years of my life your videos also brought me and my best friend closer."
"The culture is so important... if we don't connect with people culturally we're going to lose this country."
"Rainbow six siege can be a tough place to jump into but it can also be a great place to meet people."
"I just find that we have so much in common as girls and I feel like we don't talk about it."
"Making friends beyond proximity... people who share interests with you."
"Friendship... I wish I had a friend like that."
"You're always in my thoughts... thank you for being part of this community."
"People come to you because they know all your inside jokes."
"Loneliness is a terrible threat to our health in our community... and now with the friendship line, there'll be even more calls, even more connection."
"I'll tell you one thing, we were sort of me and Danny went to dinner with a body that's like real tapped into Elon Musk like they're like."
"Connection is about people being open and talking about their passions."
"Having social connection is so meaningful and so valuable for our overall health."
"There are many communities that are built around these collections."
"It tells us that despite the inflation, despite the high gas prices, people are still wanting to reconnect with their friends and their family and their loved ones."
"Without McDonald's, I wouldn't be able to make new friends, make chickens."
"Just reaching out to them, texting them, calling them, whatever it is, just reach out to two friends for sure every single day."
"Games aren't always meant to be experienced alone. Playing online helps me connect with my friends in a time where in-person social interaction is pretty damn scarce, and the music, well, it's literally made to bolster those moments."
"Just Dance has always been about connecting with good company."
"All we've got is each other... we are the only beings on this planet that can somehow communicate with each other."
"Creating rituals of connection, like regular date nights or weekly gatherings, ensures dedicated time for nurturing relationships amidst life's busyness."
"Our community has grown 100k strong and I'm so excited."
"Just having a game to play with friends while the outside world was in panic was all we needed."
"It is your duty to have more sex to make Society better."
"Sex is intrinsic to a society built on social connection."
"American Ninja Warrior, our fitness community, if not directly, I would call that fitness community adjacent."
"Your heart lifting up, people trying to reconnect."
"If we connect, we can make a change. I truly believe that."
"Thank you for watching, guys! We'll see you soon. Later, you look like a nice boy. I bet you have a lot of friends."
"People generally want to connect with each other and they want to see people from other worlds enjoy what they love."
"People are just much more willing to ask for assistance and try to connect with people."
"Laughing may be a form of empathy to connect with others in a social setting."
"I really do value spending time with my family, going outside, connecting with friends."
"I think they're one of the best things about the human experience."
"True democracy is about unbroken connections among people."
"We know that social connection, meaningful relationships, and having purpose... humans are meant to."
"I'm not the only one who goes there, you know."
"I love that about the internet, like I meet people that are like me."