
Social Isolation Quotes

There are 144 quotes

"Social isolation or even just perceived loneliness has immense health consequences for all social species."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Loneliness is worse for you than smoking 15 cigarettes a day."
"Censorship can actually increase radicalization through social isolation."
"You can be surrounded by people and yet feel alone in a crowd and hollow in victory."
"Social isolation is a difficult thing to study in a lot of conditions and we stumbled onto it by complete accident."
"Social isolation and loneliness are increasingly being recognized as a public health priority."
"A large number of young Japanese people today aren't dating and a large number don't have any friends."
"Building community is really at the heart of what could happen. We have isolated, atomized people who don't know their neighbors, don't know anyone. Old people live in solitary lives and aren't connected to anyone."
"If you put people in social isolation, the areas of their brain that normally show craving for food start craving social connection."
"Right now, our lab is working on a few projects...most of them are circulating around this idea of social isolation and what happens to the brain and behavior when an animal is isolated for an extended period of time."
"If you isolate almost any species you look at, if you isolate them, they will be more violent when you introduce them back with another member of their species."
"Depression and isolation are some of the worst conditions a social creature can endure."
"Lacking social connection is as dangerous as smoking 15 cigarettes a day."
"An element of human existence is... relationships. People aren't happy, people don't have friendships, people are isolated and alone."
"Especially since COVID and the increasing isolation of people, it's become more of a conversational point especially surrounding online content."
"It would be lonely, and you would be an alien in another world."
"Social isolation has been deemed as serious a health risk as smoking and obesity."
"Please let it be that you should never be controlled by your hatred, that you should never judge someone by their countenance, and that you should never isolate yourself in a void of cynical elitism unless your targets are xenos or heretics or people who do not eat the taco on Friday."
"Loneliness is a state of isolation, a feeling of disconnection with other people and the world."
"The standard of a queen conscious woman creates isolation."
"In a generation of social pressure, God isolates to shield from worry and anxiety."
"This alternative seems to fill a hole making it very hard for the victims of our loneliness epidemic to quit."
"Trauma is formed when you are alone in suffering."
"I realize I haven't met anybody outside of Twitch that wasn't a viewer or a streamer since I started streaming."
"All these influencers, they have so many friends, all this money... I'm just here alone in my house."
"You know how it feels when you're in a roomful of people and yet you still feel completely alone, right?"
"Younger and middle-aged men are the loneliest they've ever been in generations."
"You're lonely? Here's Facebook. That's like saying you want a cat, here's a toaster."
"Attention is sacred. You don't really realize it until you've seen the degree to which our minds are hijacked."
"No one wants to feel forgotten about or on their own."
"There's this feeling of isolation for many people."
"Lockdowns get people cut off from the essence of being human."
"To not be able to have a social network is... damaging."
"I'd say it's really hard to have non-streamer friends because a lot of people don't really understand like my life or this world."
"Being alone is one thing, but being surrounded by people who make you feel alone can be far worse."
"Loneliness is worse than obesity, smoking, and high blood pressure."
"A few simple 'Hellos' helped him find the strength to keep on living."
"I was weak-willed and growing ever distant from friends in society. I could very well have taken a gun to myself or worse to others around me."
"Social isolation and loneliness are as toxic to our health as smoking half a pack of cigarettes a day or being obese."
"It's just so sad to think that so many people are being buried with no friends or relatives to commemorate their passing."
"We are increasingly isolated by class and sorted by class."
"The Thief... so much about the thief is also about isolation and what it's like when you are neglected and when you finally decide to turn your back on society."
"I'm out here by myself. Nobody don't want to play with me. Bro, it's too much. Everybody's having fun. I'm just lonely."
"She has no friends left. It's clear there is no publicist or crisis manager of repute who would work with her."
"I don't even want to facetime people anymore... I want to isolate myself from the world."
"We might not be able to get out as often, so I'm just really thankful."
"They want to isolate us from polite society and paint us as conspiratorial pariahs."
"When you feel the whole world is against you... you wanna isolate, and a lot of times, that's not healthy."
"The part that breaks my heart is as all of our advertising becomes increasingly customized, we live in these little, isolating bubbles."
"At the age of 55, I can declare what a comfort it is to no longer feel isolated."
"Loneliness is hard and especially if you're getting like rejected in ways that are you know rude or malicious it's hard to come back from."
"Depression detaches us from people. Isolation is not where you want to fight your battles from."
"I really needed this. I've been stuck in my apartment for months. I needed this."
"Everyone in this city lives in their own goddamn bubble, and either you fly high or sink into quicksand."
"Don't give in to the feelings of being alone but strive to build new relationships."
"I think things are gonna get better. People will realize self-isolation is working. We've contained the issue."
"We can be surrounded by people and still feel lonely at night when our thoughts begin to race and our emotions take over."
"This kind of isolation is one of the unspoken tragedies of the elderly."
"When everyone at school is doing something and you're like the only kid not doing it you tend to feel really left out"
"It's hard to keep going back when you know no one really cares except maybe like a small proportion of people."
"Trying new things and doing a bit of self-care has been so key with dealing with my own mental health while having to be socially isolated."
"I thought others would see this as obviously wrong and step in. None of that happened. I've been left swinging in the wind by people I thought were my friends."
"You may find yourself isolating or pulling away because you feel like you can't trust the environment or say what you need to say."
"Guys, please! Somebody, anyone! This place is empty!"
"The young American man's social disconnect can have tragic consequences."
"Mental health and addiction are diseases of isolation."
"It's lonely, it's isolating... So for many of us, the only way we feel like we can connect to others is to connect to the news."
"The future being rushed into being treats our past weeks of physical isolation not as a painful necessity to save lives, but as a living laboratory for a permanent and highly profitable no-touch future."
"You feel like the kid left after everyone paired up."
"A study from Harvard University finds that having no friends can be just as deadly as smoking."
"Why am I 25 years old and I have no friends?"
"People now have far more isolated existences."
"The speaker of truth has no friends. I've been living that life for years, three years."
"This may even be the age of the femcel; loneliness affects everyone."
"The trouble child was an outcast amongst all the other children they never got along with anyone hence their name."
"Not being allowed to question teachings and being encouraged to disassociate from family and friends that do ask questions, that is textbook cultism."
"I wanted to be home but I didn't want that pressure of friends."
"Basically what I'm saying is I'm a loner who has no friends that's basically what I'm saying."
"David spent almost all of his time online, had almost no physical friends, and began to fail at school."
"So if you don't get in, you're going to be alone for the rest of your life. So don't do that."
"Have you ever felt completely alone in a crowded room? Imagine that feeling multiplied by a thousand..."
"Living in a complete bubble... They don't know anybody who would admit to them they voted leave."
"Woke ideology at its heart is designed to remove the individual from the healthy support systems around them and is designed to take independent individuals and turn them into repressed shells that reject the healthy outlets around them."
"I'm surprised I think from what Nate Eaton was saying that she said he said Lori's quite secluded or something like that something to that effect."
"It's hard to get excited about clothes when you have nowhere to wear them."
"Someone here may be feeling alone, left out in the cold or lonely."
"Hello, but it's quarantine and we're all bored."
"You're doing something to your body that is not only irreversible but it can't actually give you what you think that you want and you're removed from the people that actually love you and that's evil."
"So you never have to converse with another human being again. Yeah, it's hope."
"Loneliness was prevalent, with 20% often feeling a lack of companionship and 23% feeling isolated."
"The man who never existed... his interactions with other people were limited and little is known of his Origins."
"Social media is my social activity for the day. I'm gonna go back to playing PUBG for hours."
"The basis of all friendship is we choose people who share our vulnerabilities. If you hide them & pretend you're perfect, you will be alone."
"I draw faces on the wall and have conversations with them to remind myself of what a social life used to be like."
"The downside about YouTube is it's cool, it's fun to do it, and it's cool to be this big, but oh no friends at all."
"A smear campaign is a preemptive strike to sabotage your reputation and slander your name so that you won't have a support network to fall back on lest you decide to detach and cut ties with this toxic person."
"Sitting in isolation with a computer looking at a laptop is not the same as being out there in the real world." - Dr. Peterson
"I think we need to focus more on the idea that a lot of people are just lonely."
"You ain't got no friends in this game hope I'm here to let you know in this game you ain't nothing but a lame."
"We are more socially isolated, on the other end our expectations especially of romantic relationships are unprecedented and have skyrocketed."
"It's not like I had any friends to hang out with during lunchtime."
"You make this person feel a lot of people get so caught up and shutting themselves off from the world."
"I mean, there's the medical side of things, there's the abandonment that people have experienced in their life, from people's social isolation."
"Being socially isolated actually makes you more fatigued."
"Loneliness wasn't just something we experienced anymore it was something that could be weaponized and used against us."
"We have a few projects in the lab circulating around this idea of social isolation and what happens to the brain and behavior when an animal is isolated for an extended period of time."
"They want you to be alone. They want you to just pull into your cul-de-sac not know the first names of any of your immediate neighbors and go in watch TV leave the cul-de-sac go to work and then come back and that's your life. That's what they want like that is by Design."
"Social isolation is as bad a risk factor for mortality as smoking or high serum cholesterol levels."
"We're all in social isolation, which honestly is not so bad."
"Cutting yourself off from other your neighbors results in stagnation."
"If nobody talks about this stuff, then we're all just going to be in our own homes in our own lives just feeling completely isolated and alone."
"They're no longer able to do the work that they are accustomed or trained to do, they lose productivity, they feel socially isolated."
"Without regular social contact, the mind begins to deteriorate, leading to a range of psychological issues."
"It's been a tough year; we're socially isolated, it's politically charged, divisive time."
"Isolation. There is a sense of being surrounded by people but still feeling lonely."
"In a world which is more connected than ever before, people have never felt more alone."
"When you feel alone by yourself, that's one thing, but when you still feel alone in a crowd..."
"Loneliness is much more than feeling lonesome, much more than isolation."
"When we're forced to isolate a little bit, we lose the social contact that makes life worth living."
"One of the purest truths is that you can never feel more alone than when in a large crowd of strangers."
"We are the loneliest society there’s ever been."
"Television didn't have to be isolating. It could be isolating. We have to find a way to make our current technologies less isolating."
"It's really easy to be isolated if you're perceived as a person that doesn't have good mealtime skills."