
Loneliness Quotes

There are 4282 quotes

"Social isolation or even just perceived loneliness has immense health consequences for all social species."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Loneliness is the distress that results from discrepancies between ideal and perceived social relationships."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Your life's going really good. I've stopped smoking weed, my diet's really improved, but there's one major problem: I'm just lonely."
"Music was my refuge. I could crawl into the spaces between the notes and curl my back to loneliness."
"When you feel lonely, that's your brain and your body trying to get you to connect."
"Loneliness has been found to be equal to smoking 15 cigarettes a day."
"Chronic loneliness poses as significant a risk for our physical health and longevity as cigarette smoking."
"The feeling of being lonely is as harmful for your health as smoking 15 cigarettes per day."
"I think about being alone... and I don't want people to feel the way that I felt."
"Embracing loneliness is a radical act of self-care. It is an act of reclaiming your own time, space, and thoughts. It is an act of self-love and self-compassion."
"People can be surrounded by people who love them and still feel terribly lonely."
"Loneliness is so much worse than feeling a bit awkward about approaching new people."
"Loneliness is a growing problem around the world despite the fact that we have so many ways of communicating with each other."
"Curing loneliness comes from the value that you provide to others."
"The United States Surgeon General even referred to this as a loneliness epidemic and saying that it's a Public Health crisis."
"Loneliness, lack of love, is the number one killer of people on this planet."
"Loneliness is as bad for your health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day."
"Reach out to someone if you're feeling disconnected; you're not alone."
"When we are lonely, it is not because we need to add more people to the triangle; it's for actually needing to move some people up."
"Modern-day loneliness is not because we need to interact more; it's because we need more intimacy."
"My loneliness wasn't from lack of friendships; my loneliness was because I didn't feel seen."
"Loneliness has the same health risk and reduction of lifespan as smoking 15 cigarettes a day."
"The real epidemic, the pandemic if you will, isn't just COVID or heart disease or diabetes; it's loneliness and depression and isolation."
"People who are lonely and depressed are three to ten times more likely to get sick and die prematurely from virtually all causes when compared to those who have a sense of love and connection with community."
"I'm never going to have a boyfriend, I'm a loner."
"The process can be very lonely, but it can also be very beautiful."
"Loneliness is not about proximity... it's how you feel about your relationships."
"Enjoy your family. I lost my family and didn't have anybody. I'm in a 100,000 square foot house by myself."
"More and more, though, it seems like we're feeling even lonelier, feeling less connected, feeling less together."
"Loneliness can be as damaging to health as smoking 15 cigarettes per day."
"Society... There is a loneliness epidemic going around, and it seems like we just can't find a cure."
"It's hard to find someone who makes you not feel so lonely."
"If you've ever been very alone, very sad, very depressed, the reason why you're still here is because of this spirit guide."
"This generation is suffering from loneliness, depression at rates that are not only alarming but unprecedented."
"Content creation, at least for me, is a very lonely world, and I've never felt lonelier than covering this game."
"Loneliness has been shown to be as much of a risk factor for illness as smoking 15 cigarettes a day."
"To anyone feeling lonely: You're not alone. Many of us are experiencing the same exact feelings."
"Loneliness isn't the physical absence of other people; it's a sense that you're not sharing anything that matters with anyone else."
"I think that if you're so, I think it sounds very lonely. A very technological future sounds incredibly lonely."
"Family is a beautiful thing, and without family, it can be very lonely."
"Connection is the only thing that heals; otherwise, we're all just lost in the fog, alone."
"You are that amazing friend that somebody who is going through a very lonely season, digging their way to a new life, needs desperately right now."
"Every time I've run the experiment of vulnerability, it's like the antidote for loneliness in many respects."
"Dr. Kai Tai will tell us about her discovery of so-called loneliness neurons, neurons that give us that sense that we are not being fulfilled from our social interactions."
"People are only getting lonelier, and stuff like live-streaming and other forms of immediate media figure contact is only getting more popular."
"You frequently reach out to us in our most lonely and desperate moments, and we need more of that in the world."
"I turned 50 in 2021. Probably one of the worst birthdays I ever had. I spent it alone."
"Loneliness in the elderly community is huge, and a lot of it is a significant contributor to health care prices."
"You can be surrounded by people and yet feel alone in a crowd and hollow in victory."
"When you come into union with the soulmate, it is so healing for both of you and it ends the loneliness that you both have struggled with."
"Sometimes I feel like I don't have a partner. Sometimes I feel like my only friend is the city I live in."
"Especially people that have codependency will feel loneliness like five times worse than the average person."
"Nostalgia can actually increase somebody's personal view of themselves, their self-esteem, and it can help combat the effects of loneliness."
"If you're lonely and sad like me, maybe it's a great product."
"Loneliness is an epidemic that has grown unchecked for quite some time and has been exponentially worse as a result of the pandemic."
"The loneliness crisis is genuinely taken very seriously."
"I'm sorry that your parents put you in a situation where you felt so lonely and abandoned that you had to call your mom from prison just to hear her voice."
"The most important thing is in this city right here where millionaires are made every day, some of the loneliest people are people with a lot of money and no relationships."
"Everyone's lonely, everyone just wants to be friends."
"Social isolation and loneliness are increasingly being recognized as a public health priority."
"There is just something extremely sinister about profiting off of loneliness, profiting off of artificial love."
"Loneliness won't just make you miserable, it will kill you."
"By taking action when you're lonely, by changing your responses to failure, by protecting your self-esteem, by battling negative thinking, you won't just heal your psychological wounds, you will build emotional resilience, you will thrive."
"Loneliness has become such a battle that sometimes I forget to eat."
"Is it possible that loneliness has deeper roots and a deeper purpose than you and I understand?"
"God put loneliness in the human heart...because he wants all of you back to himself again."
"Experts have even labeled loneliness an epidemic because it has been linked to high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, a weakened immune system, anxiety, depression, cognitive decline, Alzheimer's disease, and even death."
"Loneliness tells you that you're the only one that feels it."
"Loneliness is something that is far-reaching beyond an individual's sense of suffering."
"Loneliness... is not being alone. Rather, loneliness is the feeling that you do not matter to anyone on this Earth."
"The absolute worst kind of loneliness that you can ever experience is that loneliness that you encounter when you're with the people who are supposed to love you."
"To make friends with loneliness, you have to sort of like do a mental exercise... you have to make friends with yourself."
"That loneliness, that feeling of just crushing aloneness and that nobody gives a shit about you... it is the worst feeling there. No other feeling comes close to it."
"If you feel this incredible soul-crushing loneliness... you got to go out there and find the people who can kill it for you."
"I used to think the worst thing in life was to end up all alone. It's not. The worst thing in life is ending up with people who make you feel alone." - Robin Williams
"Loneliness is an emotional state that we have when we're feeling disconnected, but our need for connection is ingrained in our DNA."
"One of the supreme problems of modern society is loneliness."
"New York City is the loneliest place in the world for millions."
"Loneliness is often God's way of letting us know it is time to reach out."
"The general existential threat of loneliness and the inability to find happiness becomes the principal unifier of all the main characters."
"Loneliness could actually be the number one public health issue we're facing right now."
"Loneliness is as dangerous for your health as smoking 15 cigarettes per day."
"Lonely people have higher rates of heart disease, cancer, dementia, high blood pressure, diabetes, infection, anxiety, depression, insomnia, suicide, and alcoholism - addictions."
"Healing loneliness is an inside job but you can't do it alone."
"Loneliness is the siren of the soul calling us back home to one another."
"I think there's so much loneliness we haven't explored within ourselves yet."
"Taxi Driver gives a vivid betrayal of the stages of loneliness, a grim story of masculinity's conflicts with a modern world where men have seemingly lost all of their meaning in life."
"Humans by default are lonely, your consciousness, your innermost thoughts, and the core of yourself is innately lonely."
"University students are the loneliest people in the United States, followed by divorced people."
"Loneliness is something that a lot of us have felt at some point. It's one of my most common ask questions."
"As lonely as it might seem to be lonely, know that you are actually not alone in feeling that way."
"So many men are yearning for a connection, whether it be a community, a friend, a significant other."
"Loneliness is a risk factor comparable to smoking, obesity, and high blood pressure."
"80 percent of successful suicides are men, and one of the leading contributing factors is loneliness."
"Humans are meant to connect with each other, and I think this just goes to show how much loneliness can harm people."
"Loneliness is on the rise globally and it's being declared a health risk."
"Loneliness is feeling disconnected from others, even when they're right next to you."
"33% of adults worldwide report feeling lonely at least sometimes."
"As for the Japanese, to cope with the loneliness epidemic, they've tried to innovate their way out of the situation. They have the unique concept of renting relationships. Yes, that's right, you can pay for temporary companionship and emotional support."
"Loneliness increases the risk for heart disease, stroke, and among older adults, dementia. It can harm mental and physical health as well as social well-being and increase the risk of an early death."
"A study by Florida State University found that lonely older adults had a 40% higher risk of developing dementia over the next 10 years."
"Lost connections journalist and author Johann Hari argues that depression is largely a social problem, not just a chemical one. He believes that loneliness is a major cause of depression."
"Create your own definition of loneliness. This is where people stand out."
"Loneliness has a visceral impact on the self in every single measurable capacity."
"In 2018, the UK appointed a minister for loneliness, and there has been talks in other countries to follow suit."
"Chronic loneliness is an unnatural condition, a state that we were not designed for. It leaves us empty and longing for connection and understanding."
"Loneliness is a problem that has existed behind the shadows for too long."
"Loneliness isn't created by being alone; it's created by thoughts."
"You don't have to live in loneliness. That's not the will of God for us."
"Loneliness also disrupts the regulation of cellular processes deep within the body, predisposing us to premature aging."
"Feeling alone is not an individual character trait; feeling alone is a part of the human condition."
"Loneliness is a key theme in Blade Runner, and the character of Joy makes an incredibly accurate parallel with the world today."
"More and more men and women go without any meaningful connections; we're lonelier than ever, more depressed than ever, more attached to our screens than we are to the people around us."
"Monetizing men's loneliness for profit is inherently bad."
"A surgeon general's new warning about an epidemic of loneliness as bad for you as smoking cigarettes."
"We're used to thinking about smoking and obesity as clear public health concerns... loneliness increases the risk for heart disease, stroke, and among older adults, dementia."
"You can have everything in the world money can buy, but if you are lonely, there's something missing."
"Lilo was a realistic depiction of a child, perfectly expressing the awkwardness and loneliness of youth."
"Enough food to feed a hundred people, but nobody's joining her for dinner."
"It was tearing me apart last night, and I needed that last night. For nobody to be here last night and to go into their rooms and know that I wasn't going to turn the rain machines on, I wasn't going to turn their monitor on, know I wasn't going to kiss them to bed tonight. It was horrible. I couldn't do it."
"Every morning, I come out onto the balcony, and I say hi to my people. But every morning there is no one!"
"Loneliness. Who's comfortable with it, who's uncomfortable with it, and who takes a hundred painkillers a day to avoid it at all costs."
"Can loneliness be healthy or even necessary? Well, let's find out."
"So, what do you guys think? Are we all alone in the world? Are romantic relationships elaborate traps for making us feel bad about ourselves? And is there power in being able to tolerate loneliness?"
"People who feel lonely die 50% earlier than people who don't."
"Guys like us, they got no family, and they ain't got nobody in the world that gives a hoot in hell about them. But not us."
"Loneliness and isolation have become a modern epidemic."
"Disconnecting from people and places and the loneliness that comes with that is one of the most common signs of spiritual awakening."
"I've been feeling more disconnected than ever and it makes me sad."
"Emergency preparedness is kind of a lonely hobby sometimes."
"It turns out it's a lot less lonely when you're working with someone."
"The most painful thing you can experience is not the pain of the actual experience, the most painful thing you can experience is being alone with your pain."
"Reports on loneliness compare its health effects to smoking 15 cigarettes every day."
"It's harder to be in a relationship and still feel like you're alone."
"Until you learn how to be comfortable being alone, you won't always know if you're choosing someone out of love or loneliness."
"I've never met her before. I feel sorry for her. She's all alone, and for some reason, I feel like it's up to me to protect her."
"I'm very fortunate in a situation where I'm not lonely, but imagine having somebody you wake up to every day of your life and just having that ripped away from you overnight."
"Loneliness is very different from being alone, and there are a lot of people out there who are lonely."
"Loneliness isn't an isolated individual issue; it's a social issue to do with the way this culture is going."
"Probably one of the biggest reasons why so many people die alone is... you want something that is percentage by percentage unlikely."
"Society right now is definitely trending towards people being more lonely."
"I just want to talk to some people. I just want some other words coming in to me than the ones that come out of my own mouth."
"Ellis states that he initially wrote the novel based on feelings of loneliness and alienation that he was having at the time."
"Material abundance can make us freer and less dependent, but simultaneously more lonely and isolated."
"Loneliness is as bad for your health as smoking."
"There is an epidemic of loneliness in the country."
"Now I'm imagining going to a place with no imagination. Oh, how lonely this must be."
"We can pray, we can pray, we can work for those who feel lonely."
"Self-love can't fix loneliness. You can love yourself 100% but still be lonely."
"Dealing with loneliness is not about being busy to avoid feeling lonely. It's about listening to what you really need."
"A lot of beautiful people can be very lonely."
"Being in front of so many people that love you and that you're connecting with through music and then just going back to have absolutely no one, there's not a single thing that could explain how empty and lonely that feels."
"I just want to be held. It's been nearly a year and a half since I hugged anyone, let alone had any sort of emotional intimacy."
"The funny thing is, it says 'together,' but no one is here. Who are we together with?"
"When that road gets lonely, you got to keep yourself motivated because the people that used to be around you won't be around you throughout the whole situation."
"I have three million followers but no real friends. How pathetic is that?"
"The problem with being a social recluse with a fundamental disability to connect on a romantic level is that we want so much to find that one special person with whom we'd want to grow old with, to raise children with, to spend the rest of our lives with, and yet we're incapable of going out and finding her."
"A goddess who gets rejected by her master is fated to wander alone for the rest of eternity."
"I know that this can be a very lonely and isolating journey sometimes, but I want you to remember that no matter who you are and what your situation is, there is at least one person in your life who gets it."
"It is difficult to put into words what I suffered. The longing that seemed to be tearing my heart out by the roots, the dreadful sense of being alone in an empty universe."
"The biggest pain of the modern world is loneliness. Modern society is unbearably lonely for most young people."
"Humans have evolved to be social, and loneliness is as deadly for shortening lifespans as is smoking a pack of cigarettes every day."
"Let go of something. I think you could let go of that feeling of being alone. You're not; you're here with all of us."
"She sits alone in her little home, dreaming of her grandchildren leaving, saying, 'Don't go, don't leave, don't leave your poor old grandma.'"
"Cubone: They wear the skull of their dead mother. They cry loudly when they feel lonely."
"When you realize the unity in the universe, knowing that everything's you... loneliness naturally dissolves from there."
"Even among the large crowd, it is possible to feel all alone."
"The difference between having nobody to talk to and having one person to talk to is big."
"All you really need to feel less lonely, in my opinion, is one good friend."
"The biggest difference that helped my loneliness was the difference between zero and one."
"Loneliness doesn't just come from not being around anyone else. It can come if you don't feel connected with anyone."
"Don't excuse their behavior just because you are lonely. Holding yourself accountable is crucial."
"Entrepreneurship is a lonely journey, and if anyone could conquer loneliness and own it, they can do anything, in my opinion."
"Being alone and being lonely are two very different things. Loneliness seems to be awful for our health."
"It's lonely at the top. That's why a Bugatti has two seats and a bus has 50."
"I thought I was lonely globally... but it's something everyone can relate to, feeling so alone."
"You are incredibly kind, generous, and loving, but can feel lonely at times."
"I trained five months; that was my sole focus and purpose. And I win, party like have a good time, like turning the [] up with all my [] best friends, and then all of a sudden, I get back to LA, I'm by myself, my girl's not there."
"If you feel like you're by yourself all the time, you feel isolated. People need other people and people want to feel like they're part of something broader."
"The most dangerous person in the world: a lonely, young, broke male."
"We're all walking around lonely as hell, and our opportunity to rebirth because death is not an endpoint; it's a transformation moment."
"Being the absolute strongest comes with loneliness."
"Lonely artists have made their mark on the world because the lonely mind sees things in a different light."
"There's nothing that freezes your heart like years of being alone."
"What's killing our kids are lack of purpose, lack of community, and loneliness."
"What's behind the rise of lonely single men? Well, I mean, probably a lot of things."
"Among all the countries I've been to, Japan is the only one where I felt this profound sense of loneliness, despite its sophistication and perfection."
"He was searching for whatever made him feel like he wasn't alone."
"We all die alone, we're all born alone, but we don't have to be alone on Twitch."
"Lonely Robo scientist desperate to be left alone, seeks out a remote, lawless world to build the greatest and friendliest robots mankind has ever seen."
"Growing up often felt lonely in a way that no one talked about, and I kind of feel that way about adulthood too."
"Loneliness comes from a disconnect to your own soul, to your inner child."
"Being lonely is the health equivalent of smoking 15 cigarettes a day."
"I wanted to share a little nugget of wisdom that I've been thinking about a lot over the last few weeks about dealing with loneliness, being on your own, and also sort of like post-COVID meeting people."
"I believe there is a serious problem in our society, pretty specifically for men. Everyone is getting lonelier, everyone is having a harder time finding friends, but this is very disproportionately affecting men."
"I'm just tired of being alone, bro. It's actually mad sad and depressing."
"Once you can enjoy intimacy with everything all the time, loneliness is no longer an issue."
"Loneliness is a bigger code on the planet; that's why when you're lonely, you'll go to the external stuff to try and fix that loneliness."
"You can't talk yourself out of loneliness. It doesn't work that way."
"When we feel really low in our lives, it's like we can't escape this loneness, and we're wondering and waiting for it to change, waiting for something to happen to save us. But the truth is, the only person that's going to save you is you."