
Science Advocacy Quotes

There are 133 quotes

"We need science. Science is important. We benefit from science."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I think there is such a thing as truth and that's what science is about."
"This reaffirms my faith in science, for me personally, this whole experience has been about standing up for the scientific method as a valuable, reliable way of explaining natural phenomena."
"Science works. Science is probably the best thing humans have ever invented."
"At every moment where you see anti-science sentiment or science denialism, there is a resistance movement that rises up to confront it, so it's not going unanswered."
"If we're going to Simp for science, let's do it for the betterment of humanity."
"Science against darkness, knowledge against fear."
"We need leaders who believe in the merits of science."
"Keep your creation mythology out of our science classes, kicker God out of our governments... and stop using religion as an excuse to prevent the progression of scientific advancements." - Unknown
"Science always helps. Certainly exciting to get these missions started."
"Science respects no authority... it can prevent us from being taken advantage of by hucksters."
"We're going to choose science over fiction, we're going to choose hope over fear."
"Science is the greatest engine of just demystification the world has ever seen."
"I believe in science completely... in its methodology which is this error correcting mechanism relentless unflinching and it's to me kind of spiritual discipline."
"Science is our bedrock. If we can't trust the basic scientific facts, then we have no idea what to do."
"Be smart, follow medical science, and stop the pandemic."
"Science is powerful and in the right hands, our hands if we had hands."
"I'm just reading the CDC website which I thought was a pro science website."
"Science is not done, not by a long shot. We keep discovering and inventing new and exciting things constantly."
"Good science, rather than romantic, should be listened to."
"The science is very clear on this. We are the outlier here. The science is on our side here, and we encourage for localities and states to just simply follow the science."
"The science was always on our side about keeping schools open."
"Science is supposed to be about finding the truth."
"The reason we know verse four and eight are right is because we actually went out and investigated and found out through science."
"Let's make America appreciate science more again."
"Gavin Newsom stopped he survived in a huge way. What was the message of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and everyone who traveled into the state? It was like, you have to vote no on the recall because we are in favor of science."
"Vaccines have saved hundreds of millions of lives in the past century... If you ignore the power of science, you're not being honest with the lessons of history."
"Facts matter. Science matters. It's all that separates us."
"Now is the time to end the infodemic plaguing our world by defending a common, ready for this bro, empirically backed consensus around facts, science, and knowledge."
"I just believe in science too, like I believe science is very important."
"Follow the science? Science has empirical evidence."
"Every disaster movie starts with the government ignoring a scientist."
"One of the main goals is to move conjecture and conspiracy towards science and sanity."
"We need to ensure that the scientific process and method is free."
"Knowledge is power. Facts matter. Science matters."
"There is a lot of misinformation out there, but we have a lot of science that's on our side."
"If we react to Covid and other crises with generosity, cooperation, and trust in science, then the world could be a wonderful place in a very short time."
"I believe in the science of climate change. We need to have climate change action... Our country, the driest on the planet, faces existential challenges before this century is out."
"We said yes to science, we said yes to vaccines, we said yes to ending this pandemic."
"Keep science alive, keep pushing, keep exploring, and always keep looking up."
"Follow the science, no more fossil fuel licenses."
"You do it because it's the appropriate thing to do because somebody has to be the person who carries the torch for rationality and reason and scientific literacy in these communities."
"There should never be a war on experts, there should never be a war on science."
"The Earth isn't flat, gravity isn't a hoax, climate change is completely real, vaccines are harmless, and everyone needs them no matter what."
"We need to follow the science, we need to follow the experts." - Democratic candidates like Jon Ossoff and Joe Biden
"But at the end of the day, if somebody... is actually getting a real benefit, they're not propping up the pseudoscience or woo out of it, they're not advocating for those things, then generally I don't really care."
"Science demands the scientific method, whether it be a drug, an herb, or a yoga posture."
"This is the time for facts, not fear. This is the time for science, not rumors. This is the time for solidarity, not stigma."
"Science is an absolutely essential foundation, and it behooves all of us who are involved with science to do everything we can to communicate the science clearly."
"Listen to the scientists. Show some leadership."
"We have to get back to a time in America where we trusted scientists again."
"Science and reason are of inestimable value; anyone who attacks them is a fool and an enemy of civilization."
"We must choose facts over fear, science over hysteria, hope over despair, and the common good over partisan politics."
"I think that, you know, disregarding all the advances that science is proposing to us and not utilizing these advances for our benefit would probably make us miss a lot of the good that science has to offer."
"I don't believe in common sense. I believe in science."
"If I have the knowledge, why covet it? Why hide it away like it's the Holy Grail? It's just physics."
"Science is the poetry of reality, and yet today science is under attack."
"Science frees us from superstition and dogma and enables us to base our knowledge on evidence."
"The liberating impact of science will truly open your mind to the remarkable universe we live in."
"Stay curious, stay excited about this stuff. We're doing this for you."
"Science is power, there are no obstacles it cannot surmount."
"Kyle, thank you for your stream today and for pushing us to support science and be kind."
"Science is OK, it has a method, you know it has a way of finding things out."
"I think we have to keep calling out lies and misinformation like this using real science and historical sources to prove what is truth and what isn't."
"Science literacy is a vaccine against charlatans."
"Being pro-science means supporting science even if it disagrees with your personal beliefs."
"I believe in science, I believe in evolution, and I believe you should live every single day as it comes."
"Keep promoting science and teaching others to use science and data to guide our decisions."
"Do you want a president that believes in science?"
"We need to make sure we are compassionate, to make sure that we tell the truth, that we trust science." - Joe Biden
"I submit that it really does and thus that one is morally healthier as well as much more likely to be studying science and reason objectively if one puts religion behind one."
"Until James Webb arrives successfully at its destination, is deployed without any problems and begins unlocking the fundamental mysteries of our universe, until that moment arrives, I urge all of you to stay angry about space."
"We choose science over fiction, we choose unity over division, we choose hope over fear."
"Science is going to help her get through this and nothing's impossible."
"Science is on the right side of history with regards to climate change."
"We need a little more trust in science in politics."
"Let the science speak. It is somewhat of a liberating feeling."
"Science is not a belief system like you know the believers trying to push on us, and that's what creationists do."
"We choose science over fiction, and yes, we choose truth over lie after lie after lie after lie."
"Follow the science, because of the wonderful things it does."
"At least we're ending this on a slightly more positive note and we are going to keep fighting against pseudoscience."
"Science doesn't need apologists, only religion does."
"You need to present the science that contradicts this, and you will be the first."
"Science is our weapon. It's our God killer. It's the greatest tool humanity has ever invented."
"It's through science that we're going to answer the problems that the world faces."
"You can be someone who's not a professional scientist and also not be a crackpot."
"I want more people to know and understand what science is and how and why it works."
"My research suggests that exposure to a high energy Cosmic storm might have triggered the evolution of early planetary life. The same Elemental profile will pass Earth's orbit, give kids a chance to live longer, stronger, healthier, please."
"People are willing to put that suit on and go out there and try and fix a science instrument is heroism at a level that almost unparalleled."
"You better pay attention to science."
"I need your help to come out, I need your help to stop hate, I need your help for the world to embrace science."
"Please listen to the doctors, listen to the scientists, this isn't political, wear mask, like just do it."
"I wish people would just pay more attention to science."
"I think we need to really push science, the beauty of science, not just because it's true but because it's beautiful."
"Science is not just something for people in white lab coats; science is a way of thinking, it's a way of understanding and viewing the world."
"We have to talk about science. We need to bring science back into the discussions that we have at cocktail parties and things like that."
"Support the science and pump the brakes, fellow Psychonauts."
"If you want knowledge, you have to either do science or help others understand science."
"We are very pro-scientific but we are anti-establishment science when the establishment science can be shown to be wrong."
"Science should be an absolute component that we should all care about and be able to evaluate and move forward with."
"It's sort of critical that we have to care about science otherwise, yeah, it's not going to go anywhere."
"Unite behind the science, make the best available science at the heart of politics and democracy."
"Let's not disregard science and facts. Open your brain and don't fall into a wormhole of lies."
"We continue to pound the drum of science education, reason, data, and humanity."
"Let's go with science. We usually do better when we're on the side of facts and evidence and science."
"Science and the pursuit of basic research is one of the best things that we can do."
"We're promoting science, skepticism, reason, critical thinking."
"If science is a matter of convenience for you, if science always has to bow to whatever other positions you already believe that aren't supported by science, you don't get to pretend that you're supportive of science."
"It's always very inspiring to see how great masses of people can come out in the name of science and reason."
"We need reality smart reality scientists."
"It's such a critical time to show how much we care about science and how we feel that it impacts our lives."
"That's science, that thing that some people want to deny now. Weird."
"I have the biggest and the best ally ever, which is the science, the truth, and nature."
"The scientific community now supports this idea that science has to be part of culture."