
Health Consequences Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"Social isolation or even just perceived loneliness has immense health consequences for all social species."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Just because we are walking around today without acute deficiencies, like acute symptoms of deficiencies like scurvy or beriberi, doesn't mean that there aren't some long-term consequences to not getting enough vitamins and minerals."
"What's the point of having the money when you go to the beach with your woman and you can't even walk, have a nice romantic walk on the beach, because you're out of breath or because you're diabetic and you already lost one leg?"
"When you eat the standard American diet, you get the standard American diseases."
"When sugar goes up in the body, it forms something called advanced glycation end products. It basically cooks your tissues the way onions brown in a pan."
"Life is really hard for people who are obese, both the social consequences of that and the health consequences of that."
"Dextromethorphan misuse can lead to permanent damage in the brain."
"Morbid obesity is a serious condition with very serious consequences and should absolutely not be exploited."
"Child marriages lead to serious health consequences... and deprive young girls of their childhood."
"The gut barrier is the single line of defense we have between gut bacteria and lipopolysaccharides... If we mess that up, we open up a whole different can of worms."
"About 750,000 Americans will die prematurely this year because of eating the standard American diet."
"Even one bad night of sleep can cause demonstrable insulin resistance the next day."
"Not all plant foods are created equal. So if you're going to eat the rainbow, you will pay a price."
"Often the healthiest seeming regimens can result in the least healthy lives."
"I really don't even know what to say. The same drive that allowed him to dominate the world of professional bodybuilding is still wreaking havoc on his body."
"The most important thing to think about for long-term consequences is what your organs see."
"Everyone was a winner, but their lungs were not."
"We have an iPod of evolutionary novelty and it's literally killing us."
"We have causation for diabetes, heart disease, fatty liver disease, and tooth decay."
"Eating fast food, going out too often... hurts overall health."
"If you eat sick animals, you create sick people."
"If you shut down the economy... you will be responsible for many, many, many more deaths."
"We live in a country where people have a poor diet and don't exercise and that results in health issues."
"The disaster took the lives of 31 people and the resulting radiation is likely to have caused 4,000 more cancer deaths."
"Unchecked modern life will inevitably lead you down a path of knee pain and let's face it, pain sucks."
"The longer you let it go, the worse health outcomes you're going to have."
"I am mocking the fact that if you don't get vaccinated and you get it, you have a higher likelihood for impotence."
"Excluding nuts and seeds from a diet increases the risk of death and shortens lifespan."
"If you are fueling your body with junk food, don't be surprised then when it runs like junk."
"Maybe it was a tweak that did these people in, it was kamagra anyway."
"Proton pump inhibitors worsen stomach acid levels and contribute to deficiencies."
"Public policies... can play an important role in mitigating the negative consequences of science and health misinformation."
"It's like they literally said you can eat whatever you want."
"Food is like gasoline. If I have a gas engine and I put diesel in my gas tank, I will mess up my engine."
"I used to suck on batteries and now I'm diabetic."
"I make these diets to show the effect of them and to show you that yes whilst they are short term will give you a result that you probably will like long term that won't last and it will not do good things for your brain or your body."
"It's not a fun game to play when you may end up in the hospital."
"If you're not sleeping well, you're going to suffer on multiple levels."
"We are destroying our home planet, and it's all for foods we don't need and that are making us sick in return."
"Your fasting insulin becomes very high, worsening the whole cycle."
"Louis fell into a coma, and nine days after the incident, he passed away."
"Sugar for instance if you eat too much sugar it spikes insulin insulin spikes inflammation it's just really bad for your skin in general."
"So we know that most likely through sugar, through elevated blood sugar levels for long periods of time, we get these fucked up arteries, we get the cholesterol coming through to repair that area."
"Life expectancy has doubled since 1900, but it comes hand in hand with some less desirable consequences."
"Chronic stress results in chronic inflammation and disease."
"Long-term exposure to herbicides like Agent Orange left permanent and serious health consequences."
"I don't want to be diabetic with high cholesterol in and out of the hospital because I'm eating the pimp's food."
"If we don't eat, guess what? Our body starts to feel pain and eventually you're gonna get sick."
"If you close the arteries to the eye, you get something called macular degeneration."
"What was meant to be a survival mechanism has converted into what's driving metabolic diseases."
"It's like, I feel like, I don't know, the whole science behind it, but there's no way, like scientifically, that you're producing like the right hormones and like you have like the right just like clear-headed like space, like you just can't."
"It's just unfortunate, and that leads to a lot of health consequences here in the US."
"I think the newer generation younger Physicians this makes a lot more intuitive sense, they're a little bit more exposed to it the idea that environmental toxicant that pesticides have adverse Health consequences is not like newer rocket Sciences to them."
"Lack of sleep, it's almost like a broken water pipe in your home, in the sense that it will leak down into every nook and cranny of your physiology."
"People were dying if not enough to eat. They're dying of the wrong things to eat."
"Cooking is essential; if you don't know how to feed yourself, it's going to cause serious consequences."
"What happens if you accumulate stress over your lifespan?"
"Processed foods are probably the major driver of chronic illness in humans."
"It's such an easy and cheap fix, and yet without vitamin C, people die from infections, bleeding, and even sudden cardiac death."
"It is critical for public health scientists and practitioners to listen to the public because they are living the public health consequences of Public Health decisions."
"Everyone who violates the laws of Health must sometime be a sufferer to a greater or less degree."
"We need sleep to survive, and if you're surviving on very little, it has knock-on consequences all throughout your body."
"Lack of sleep can cause a whole host of problems."
"We really have to be careful that we're not creating... individuals who... have the inability to work, to be productive, and actually even to have social and family interactions."
"If you don't have Vitamin C, you develop scurvy, you have weak collagen, and, literally, you fall apart."
"The chronic diseases that afflict us... are in fact the consequences of our own actions."
"It is the biggest cause of preventable blindness."
"The inevitable path towards obesity and diabetes is one that we're now paying for on the back end."
"The disabling impact of long COVID would have had an economic effect."