
Wellness Quotes

There are 12451 quotes

"Sleep, exercise, nutrition, sunlight, and social connection are the foundations of mental health."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Your brain and body is a system. Everything is talking to everything else."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"People exercise for three reasons: number one, you want to feel better; number two, you want to look a certain way; and then number three, you want to be able to do that for a long time."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Try and engage in at least one hour of pure play per week."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We want our bodies to be healthy because, of course, we want to be healthy today. But we also don't know what will happen in the future. Will there be an injury or an illness?"
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Sleep, sunlight, proper nutrition, exercise, and social connection are all critical for maintaining baselines of health."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What I learned from that process is that it's really important to get, like, sun in the morning, to have health, to have good relationships."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Sleep is extremely important, especially for mitochondrial health as well."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Anything that's good for your heart is going to be good for fertility."
"Music therapy is on the up, which is just so beautiful because it does so many wonderful things for your brain."
"Sleep is the fundamental layer of mental and physical health."
"As you blend, brew, and sip these potent potions, remember that each one carries a promise of health, a testament to nature's incredible power."
"Sleep is, on the basis of all the scientific evidence, the elixir of life; it is the Swiss Army knife of health."
"Green tea is more than just a comforting drink; it's a versatile, powerful protector of your nerves, a key player in your overall health, and an adaptable ingredient in your culinary adventures."
"Let your kitchen become your canvas, where you paint with colors of fruits, veggies, roots, and leaves, each stroke contributing to the masterpiece of your well-being."
"Getting your hands in the dirt, you know? Literally grounding."
"Exercise, ensuring the body has the right micronutrients, and enjoying what you love doing are essential components of happiness and health."
"Imagine waking up refreshed, feeling rejuvenated, and with less pain."
"What we can do to optimize our wellness is a journey that we all can undertake, exploring both our inner selves and the ways we interact with the world around us."
"The intrinsic practice is about cultivating a collection of tools based on science, philosophy, and spirituality to enhance one's wellness and happiness, accessible to all, without any commercial barriers."
"Your thoughts can make you sick, can your thoughts make you well?"
"Everything I do leads to a healthy lifestyle."
"Cold exposure contributes to numerous additional long-term benefits."
"I felt very accomplished after my yoga Nidra session."
"Just introducing plants, walks in nature, sunshine, and occasional biological stresses...transforms your biology."
"Your morning routine needs four aspects: Thankfulness, Insight, Meditation, and Exercise."
"Health first, this is the number one most important thing in life."
"Health is the most important thing in the world, and if you don't have that, you really don't have much."
"Health, you have to win on the molecular level."
"Reading aloud might be good for your mental health as well."
"The idea of slowing down, being more mindful, being in the present, good food, exercise, good friends, good relationships. All of that good loving."
"One to three minutes in a cold shower... it's not that it's hard, it's fun, and you benefit."
"Our body is actually hardwired with all the processes we need to maintain our health from the day we're born until our very last breath."
"Health is true beauty, and the only way to address health is not to be at the level of the stuff but to be at the level of the cell."
"Shinrin-yoku, which translates to forest bathing...will literally change your life."
"Step outside and take a breath of fresh air."
"Our bodies are complex, beautiful machines, and we need to fuel them right to keep them running smoothly."
"Sleep is the most important thing, I would say."
"Sometimes the best way to get better is not just to take a pill or a supplement, sometimes you actually just have to go outside and get nature's benefits."
"The reality is... the thing that's making you sick predominantly is what you're eating."
"Over 85 million people around the world use Calm to get better sleep."
"All living things have on and off periods...humans are expected to be go-go-go all year round, and it's not fair on your body or mind."
"The majority of what I think I can do by helping people eat well consistently every day is preventative medicine."
"To reduce it to its essence: Eat well, move more, stress less, and love more."
"Find your joy outside of drugs, outside of alcohol. This is the perfect time to quit addictions."
"Health is more than just lab results and weight; it's how well you can move in the world, how your joints feel, and how difficult simple tasks are for you."
"I feel good after a good workout. It's part of my routine, but I just always feel better after I've done that."
"Make more time in your day for thankfulness, inspiration, meditation, and exercise."
"Taking care of yourself is taking care of the future."
"I had heart disease at 35 years old... Fast forward, I get on this alcohol-free adventure, now I'm flying."
"Taking care of our basic needs is self-care."
"Treat it with respect the way you would any other creature that depended upon you, you'll live better within your body, and your body will help you live better too."
"How you start each morning can absolutely set the tone for the rest of your day."
"Remember, it is your health that keeps you there and allows for you to stay in the game."
"Self-care, yes. I feel like this term became more popular over the years to kind of demonstrate our needs to take care of our overall well-being."
"Pay attention to your attention and incorporate mindfulness training as part of your daily wellness toolkit."
"Nature wants us to be happy, healthy, and vibrant."
"If you're meditating twice a day and exercising every day, your life is going to be amazing."
"The pillars of recovery: sleep well, eat and hydrate well, move well, and think well. These are things you can fully control."
"Good sleep and the adequate amount of sleep is critical to good health."
"I am obsessed with this eucalyptus shower spray; it turns your shower into a literal spa."
"Self-care is more of an encompassing term that involves not only your body but your mind, your spirit, releasing tension, stress, and all those kinds of things."
"Become stress-free first, and decisions will become easy."
"It's not making the right decision that makes you chill; it is becoming chill first that allows you to make the right decision."
"Working on your body is the beginning of everything. Your mind starts to work better, you're a better husband, a better father, a better friend, and life is just better."
"Workouts and mental health... I truly believe in that so much."
"The best thing is how confident she is feeling, and I preach this. I agree with that 100%."
"What are you waiting for? If you're not breathing, breathe deep, take your vitamins. Make the most of this time for yourself."
"Should serve your mind and your body. And if you're open to it, your spirit, dang it, your soul, because you're worth it."
"You have to feel gratitude in order for the healing to happen."
"Healthy shouldn't be controversial. It says more about the system that's calling us controversial than it does about us getting people healthy."
"Your gut health is correlated to your gut feeling."
"Make time for self-care. Taking care of yourself is essential right now."
"Take your three deep mindful breaths. Not only will this calm your mind, your body, your soul, and your spirit, but this will also help you ground and center."
"Let's start with the physiology, let's start with our nervous system, let's start with building the strength temple from the inside out."
"If you're able to be functioning in your life across your life domains, then you're probably fine."
"Wellness conversations attract us because at some point we got so stressed it jacked up our health, jacked up our happiness, and all of a sudden we're frustrated with life."
"Health and happiness both mentally and physically."
"Exercise in and of itself can be a useful medical intervention."
"Sexual wellness is about being confident in the bedroom and beyond."
"Being well is really about your needs and what makes you thrive. It is not defined by social media or an influencer's version of wellness."
"Ultimately your body knows best, so I applaud Sarah for honoring herself, practicing some self-care, and not forcing herself through a strenuous workout when her body just isn't feeling it."
"Here's the thing about Wellness week: it's not just about eating 100% healthy, it's about enjoying your food."
"I always say, make your skin care self-care."
"I believe in taking care of myself and a balanced diet in a rigorous exercise routine."
"Your body loves you and your body also needs your love back."
"How you eat is as important as what you eat. Eating mindfully is key."
"Your body knows how to keep you well. Your body knows how to keep you in order."
"Your body is a wellness producing machine. You are doing wellness."
"We can all collectively do wellness and allow our lives to go back to normal quickly and powerfully because of our collective decision to do wellness, to boost our immune system."
"Do wellness. So now just allow the vortex to move out through the soles of your feet and you can stay in this wonderful state for as long as you like."
"You need games that you can play, you need fun things that you can do, fun things that are actually good for you."
"I am now welcoming all the ways in which my mind and body can heal."
"I am grateful to my body for its healing abilities. I am now embodying total wellness."
"You sound like you shouldn't have come to work today."
"Health and wellness is a long game; there's no quick fix."
"Wellness, now there's a word you don't hear every day. It means exactly what you might think it means: the opposite of illness."
"Wellness is... living well in every capacity... financially well, relationships are well, everything about it as well."
"When I created Spiked Spin, this is just my venture into the wellness space of making sure that marginalized people, people of color, people who haven't felt seen, now have a resource, they have access to something that's premium, something that's quality, and something that's built with them in mind."
"Food is medicine, exercise is medicine, meditation is medicine, sleep is medicine."
"As avid consumers of wellness culture, we're going to have more and more trouble in the future differentiating between the actual experts and the self-styled experts."
"Nature provides the ultimate medicine, offering healing through plants and elements that resonate with our bodies."
"Lockhart and Hannah continue on, embracing the sunrise with newfound wellness for life."
"If you're worried about your spinal alignment, this is a fantastic way to correct any problems with your spinal curves."
"Moving your body doesn't need to be some extreme workout. It cleanses the mind, your mindset gets stronger."
"Taking a one to two minute cold shower activates your mindset, body, and benefits your immune system."
"Health before everything. Health, health, health, health."
"Most successful and happy people in their careers know how to balance work and rest."
"Our thoughts could make us sick... is it possible then our thoughts can make us well? The answer is absolutely yes."
"Ginseng and beans act as antioxidants, which not only helps with just anti-aging but also helps with wellness."
"Do not smoke. If you smoke, please try to give up because it's not pretty."
"Things you can do today and going forward to increase your wellness and to potentially live a much longer healthier life."
"The future looks like this, that we can keep our bodies healthy by eating right, doing physical exercise, taking the right medicine slash supplements, and when that doesn't work and things fail, you can then rebuild the body, replace cells, put in your organs."
"A healthy aura keeps your energy in balance and harmony."
"Physical activity... 10,000 steps a day is enough actually to transform your metabolic state."
"You wake up feeling refreshed, more energized, and just like you had rock solid sleep."
"Health and wellness can become as infectious as disease."
"The brain and body are not separate. What we're doing to the body is having a significant impact on our brain."
"Exercise, meditate, do yoga... mind wellness."
"Every single person should [get hypnotized]... It's awesome, makes you feel peaceful."
"I believe food should confer wellness, not illness."
"My goal is to get men and women to a healthier place."
"Sleep... is probably the biggest lever that you can pull."
"Too many people are suffering today... But there's this simple, elegant solution to living a better, badass, kick-ass life, and I call it ancestral living."
"You don't have to just suffer; people just suffer needlessly when there are ways to heal these problems that are quite different from what you get in traditional medicine."
"Weight loss should not be the main goal; health should be. It just so happens that when you're healthy, you'll start balancing out to a normal weight."
"Everything we know about health and what that actually means — health of the mind, the body, and the emotions — is wrong and outdated."
"Getting sunlight during the day has huge health benefits."
"Meditate for 20 minutes twice a day, exercise for at least 30 minutes a day, avoid processed food, spend more time in nature, and come back in three weeks."
"Not eating any food or ingesting any calories liquid or otherwise for the first 60 minutes after waking up each day. And for the two to three hours prior to your bedtime, that's ideal."
"You are generally most contagious to other people when you feel at your worst."
"Your health is your wealth. Put yourself first."
"You are as old as your arteries; keep your arteries healthy, everything else will take care of itself."
"You need diet and exercise and sunlight, those things are like the basis of health."
"Without a healthy mind, being happy is hard."
"Anything good for the heart is good for the brain."
"What does it take to keep neurons happy? Well, start off with good genes, that's important, physical exercise, cognitive activity, social activity, good sleep, minimize inflammation, maintaining a great diet."
"Self-heal, self-heal, self-heal. We are our own medicine. Heal thyself."
"Movement is key to aligning your solar plexus chakra; engage in exercises that resonate with your personal and authentic preferences."
"Speaking of wetness, make sure you get some water, hydrate, lubricate thy throat chakra."
"Why would you not nourish yourself with quality food, decent movement, quality rest and sleep if you truly love yourself?"
"Physical exercise has so many benefits that can help you in your life, in your daily affairs, and even in things that pertain to the hereafter."
"Our thoughts can make us sick...if our thoughts can make us sick, is it possible then our thoughts can make us well?"
"The way we think has a huge impact on our health and our happiness."
"The basics of self-care aren't squared away. It doesn't matter how many chefs or vacations or whatever a person has."
"There's very few problems that are made worse by taking a walk."
"Be good to each other, eat well, get outside, and no more than six masks."
"It all is going to boil down to your immune systems, making sure your gut is in very healthy condition so you can fight off all this stuff."
"If you eat well, you're drinking good water, you're getting outside, you're getting movement, you're getting sunshine, you're grounding barefoot."
"Just making little micro changes to your life, your diet, your sleep, just drinking more water, staying hydrated... it'll change your life."
"Eat as perfectly as you can, train and sleep as perfectly as you can, and take the safest, lowest effective dose approach to what you're doing, whatever it is that your goals require."
"I'm going to keep promoting the benefits of staying natural because your potential is much higher than you realize."
"You're doing great. Trust me, we're gonna make it through this."
"The importance of a healthy gut I began to look at sickness in a completely different way."
"When the body is free of tension, we have the clarity to listen to our intuition."
"Healing happens in cycles, it's a spiral motion."
"The most cost-effective means of cutting health care costs in the most humane way is to prevent health care need by focusing on wellness initiatives."
"A healthy body, mind, and spirit thrive with constant flow of balanced energy."
"Stretching is super important and very beneficial to the human body."
"Make sure you have a healthy work and emotional life balance."
"The entire practice involves reading off these bullet points as a cue to your nervous system of the sense of gratitude."
"Reawaken your body and mind from within, focusing on the marriage of movement with breath."
"Socializing at work turns out to be a hugely powerful factor for increasing productivity and increasing wellness and happiness at work."
"Getting a good night's sleep is one of the most important things you can do for your health."
"It's cool to see everybody because, dude, like, we need people to get better. And I think people are realizing that it's more than just like, 'I need to get in shape or lose some weight.' They realize they need to get better."
"I've noticed that without proper nutrition, I become unproductive and just feel bad."
"You're not wrong to obey the Sabbath; let's be honest, guys, we all need rest, and we should rest."
"The ability to give ourselves the love we need is the most valuable gift we'll ever receive."
"Go gentle on yourself. You don't have to be everything to everyone."
"It's a lifestyle, you know, it's about total wellness. It's about the big picture."
"Art is a catalyst for health, wellness, well-being, and healing."
"You know, it is true that the life forces, the universe rises up to meet you exactly where you are. And you're being here today saying, I want to move in the direction of wellness and goodness in my life."
"The body has a profound ability to heal itself, given the right conditions."
"Being healthy boils down to three important things: One is sleep, and the second one is nutritional food, and the third one is physical activity."
"We are not a weight loss clinic. We're not looking to maximize gross weight on the scale over a short period of time. We're interested in fat loss and improving health."
"You maintain your good health through a positive attitude, proper nutrition, daily physical activity, and by avoiding harmful substances."
"Meditation is actually a really great thing to include in your everyday life."
"Food and sleep are major inputs into the body's energy and ability to manage themselves."
"Getting it should be regarded as highly as anything else you do that's good for you, and conversely, not getting it should be seen as negatively as smoking or poor diet."
"Rushed wellness, where you are trying to kind of rush someone's healing process, is one of the worst things you can do."
"Detox starts by removing what is bad for you first."
"If you have the opportunity to get proactive things done with your health, consider doing those things sooner than later."
"Self-care is a message we've been getting a lot lately."
"I'm just, whoa, breathing in that good ass prana baby, sending you tons of good energy."
"High quality sleep for sure. I think a lot of people are burning the candle at both ends and are not really dialing in their sleep."
"A lot of people are very deficient in vitamin D. I definitely think that's worth checking."
"Our sleep quality is more important than our diet and exercise combined."
"Let's take care of ourselves so we can take care of everybody else."
"A framework I often use is what I call my four pillars of health: food, movement, sleep, and relaxation. Four core aspects of health that I think not only have the most impact on how we feel, but there are also four things that we have quite a high degree of control over."
"Life isn't just about looking at the science; it's also converting that science into something practical for people that they can actually use to improve the way that they feel."
"Everyone in our Western world cuts on the sleep... sleep more, it's just makes everything better."
"Naps can improve your life. It helps with alertness, boosts creativity, reduces stress, helps with your motor skills, stamina, mood, and even weight loss."
"Assuming you're not malnourished... fasting is actually one of the best things you can do for yourself from both a mental standpoint and a physiologic standpoint."
"A good workout can help you sleep better, but it's about timing and intensity."
"Sleeping well is so important, a sleepy brain is a hungry brain."
"Self-care is not a luxury. It's something that we really need to pay attention to now."
"Be very mindful of the music you're listening to, the TV shows you're watching, and the foods you're eating."
"I believe in holism, so I added a lot of mental and spiritual activities."
"For me, caring for myself is more important than anything else."
"If what you're doing is working for you and you feel great, don't look for problems where there isn't any."