
Positive Reinforcement Quotes

There are 986 quotes

"A brain area called the amygdala, which most people associate with fear and threat detection, is actually involved in reinforcement of behaviors and experiences that are positive and involve reward."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If you say every time you give yourself a can't, you have to promise me you're going to give yourself a can."
"Acknowledge people all the time because I've learned over the years it's not good just to focus on the negative and what's not working."
"Praise the slightest improvement and praise every improvement. Praise is important because when you praise somebody, it's kind of like they're getting a reward from it."
"If you show gratitude, if you give that experience, people are going to want to do it more."
"We strengthen behaviors that are praised and appreciate, and we weaken behaviors which are ignored."
"Make the other person happy about doing the things that you suggest."
"Celebrate your wins more because the more you celebrate, the more you attract that into your world."
"If a child lives with praise, he learns to appreciate."
"It's important to end training sessions while the dog is still having fun to keep them motivated for future sessions."
"Acknowledging the little stuff is incredibly powerful."
"It's much more effective to tell anyone what they can do rather than telling them what they can't do."
"Positive reinforcement is way more effective than punishment."
"Let's start positively reinforcing adaptive social behavior."
"I don't think of any self-help program that starts with making people feel bad."
"When you see someone do something great, tell them about it; tell their bosses about it; tell their family about it."
"You have been working hard to take good care of yourself, and it shows. You are glowing. Your body is thanking you for your nutrition habits."
"I have a journal called 'Nice Comments'...if I'm feeling sad I can look through my journal entries for nice comments and kind of feel a little bit of an emotional and spiritual boost."
"If you want them to be warm and collaborative and open and happy and trustworthy, use those words; you are literally gifting them that feeling."
"Training methods are most effective when they focus on teaching the animal what to do rather than punishing them for unwanted behaviors."
"Positive reinforcement should not be contingent upon results... what we should reward is effort."
"If somebody is trying their hardest, we should praise them, we should reinforce them, and we should include them."
"If we focused more on education and loving and less on discipline, especially with our youth, we could get mountains moved."
"It's about positive reinforcement; you don't get anywhere when you just scream and shout."
"The only way to get through to someone is through validation, encouragement, and positive reinforcement."
"Positive feedback for young people with their art is really important."
"For every no that you give a kitten or a cat, for that matter, you want to give them an even better yes."
"She's learning all the obedience commands through positive reinforcement."
"Positive reinforcement can work, regardless of how small or seemingly insignificant it seems."
"The entire idea behind this concept of Honor is pretty simple: it's just positive reinforcement. If you're a nice guy in your game, you get a treat."
"Positive reinforcement is fundamental... it just makes the team feel like they're more than just individual players."
"We don't really want to work in the punishment realm; we want to work on the reinforcement realm."
"You didn't get lucky for someone to be attracted to you... if that person found you great, then that means thousands of people will feel that way."
"I really think that by rewarding dogs for doing the right thing, that's where you're gonna make the most gains in your training."
"Be an example of calm voice, calm face, calm words."
"Great, good job guys, well done, good decision-making skills, thank you."
"Thanks for reminding me that I am fabulous, darling."
"Praise, praise, praise, praise. Anytime anything small, it's a dirty Kleenex and he's like well that's trash, you're like yay! I love it when you get rid of things. This is awesome."
"What if each of us each day tried to give somebody an 'I believe in you' moment?"
"I mean, they were trying their best; that's got to be worth something."
"You ever made the right thing, you made the right decision, you did the right thing."
"But if you focus on what is working, the one thing you did do right today, then that thing is going to get better and better."
"Being nice to other people on the internet...there was an increase in self-esteem when women received positive feedback on their photos."
"Use the neurological pathways in a positive way. If you have a goal that you're trying to get to, give yourself an intermittent reward that motivates you to get to that goal."
"That is something to be proud of. That's a good thing."
"Hello there beautiful, how are you doing today? You were looking stunning as always."
"Positive reinforcement works way better than nagging somebody about something."
"It really is a great way to teach your dog to make good decisions."
"If puppy is praised for a behavior, it's more likely to offer you that behavior again."
"It's so worth it to go out of your way to create this positive association with the crate and getting them comfortable with their area."
"I hate to cut you off because... This, no, that's... That's totally okay, that's... That's awesome. This is awesome. You've got great energy, I love your passion, that's great."
"We want you in this world... keep doing good things."
"First, do no harm... taking things away feels depriving and negative, but when you do it, you will be rewarded handsomely."
"Verbally point out all the wonderful things that they do."
"I appreciate every single one of you guys for being in the stream."
"It's a good way of educating them in a really positive, easy, quite fun way."
"Link your need to a greater cause and remind them of good deeds that they have done in the past."
"It's much easier and more productive to train a dog through positivity."
"You're clearly just such a good guy but brilliant mind."
"Lead with love, compliment them, make them feel good, babe, love it, it's good, it's fire."
"You have more skill than you think, you're doing a good job."
"It just shows them that you believe in them and that they're worth giving time to and therefore they should feel worthy themselves."
"Positive reinforcement and rewards for doing positive things."
"Always refer to positive reinforcement. It's more positive, and students will want to emulate that."
"The behaviors and accomplishing the behaviors themselves just completely separated from what number shows up on the scale is also really great like that is progress and it should be celebrated."
"When someone else tells you hey i think you're worth it and i think someone would would be lucky to date you here are the reasons that i think you're a valuable human being."
"I appreciate the positive messages in chat. It's always fun vibing every Wednesday with us."
"They understood that when you put value into a person, it empowers that person."
"Celebrating small wins: They celebrate even the smallest victories on their journey."
"It's the best thing you could have did. Yes, thank you, thank you."
"It's a step in the right direction and we want to encourage like good behavior like with any children you want to encourage good behavior."
"Lydia encourages Emilia to see the good in everything around her."
"This is positive reinforcement of desired behavior. This is child psychology 101. It's also dog training psychology 101. Hell, it's psychology for adults. But whatever, I'm getting sidetracked."
"Cool, I love that. Diaper change went really well. You decided to sit down and said 'fantastic'. Come on, might just do it."
"I want to hook this man up. We have to show up. It feels good, it feels good."
"Never punish the puppy for going potty inside."
"Her support to Brian at that time, telling him, 'You have my support, go and finish, go knock out this dive, you'll do great,' was the right thing." - Gus
"It's actually empowering them because we always feel like this is something you do when you're the underdog."
"The positive energy generated through reciprocal gratitude becomes a driving force for continued positive exchanges."
"It's amazing. We need more of this, not less."
"Celebrate your successes, Aquarius. Be the boss who praises, not the one who belittles."
"You're gonna do really, really great in life."
"Focus on things that do make you happy, because you guys are doing a good job."
"Positive reinforcement from Baldi feels so good."
"I think this club has made so many bad choices that when they make the right choice we should applaud them."
"You're a good man. Dude, appreciate you as well."
"Giving people platforms, showing different narratives, commending people when we think they did something great."
"You draw more with honey than you do with vinegar."
"Many of the reforms in our modern-day educational system are based on the findings that support positive reinforcement over criticism." - The monster study
"You're beautiful, you're gorgeous, you're fantastic, you're fabulous, you're amazing."
"The reason he even wanted to be in a relationship with you is because there was something good in you."
"It's great when someone hits a nice shot and you just say, 'Nice.'"
"Kevin's a man, look at that, he's washing the dishes, I love it, good job buddy."
"I think she's got it there you go a definitive statement from our Olympic champ Nastia Liukin I like it."
"Positive reinforcement is like the most powerful thing you can do to get people to do something."
"Encouragement and just say hey just keep like you're doing amazing work just keep going."
"You're amazing you know you're so powerful and you're so beautiful and just shine your beautiful light."
"This whole thing has humbled me. I just didn't even know that it was possible to be humbled as much as I've been humbled."
"You all are what is good and decent in this world."
"It's like being our own coach, being our own team captain, and doing it the right way—encouraging with love."
"It was the most positive reaffirmation that this is what I have to do."
"Butters hyped up the entire team by complimenting every single person"
"These are incredible people and you shouldn't be knocking them, you should be praising them. They have done an incredible job already."
"I want you to succeed. I think most people would like you to succeed."
"They may be actively trying to encourage you."
"I didn't realize that sometimes it takes five positive comments to take away one negative one."
"Constructive criticism includes telling somebody what it is that they're doing well."
"I think you're pretty cool just the way you are."
"You made this a very easy decision for anybody on the other side."
"Celebrate your achievements; you are truly a gift to the universe."
"Y'all some dope people for real like, y'all cool."
"I think that's always a great way to lead, is saying that I, hey, like I really loved seeing you in this or I loved watching you do this."
"It's because of all of this positive programming associated with that gesture."
"You matter and you can never hear that enough."
"That's right, it's a great thing, let's keep it as a great thing"
"Let's keep this good energy going, leave some advice down in the comment section."
"You're awesome just the way you are always remember that all right"
"We make it a point to inform our young people of how special they are, how precious their lives are."
"Keep It Coming, keep it up, that's what we want to talk about, not the drama."
"Encouragement fuels growth more than criticism ever could."
"We're memeing here, we're joking around, whatever else, but can I say it is honestly really good to see people like standing up for themselves."
"You are perfect, you are multi-talented, you are everything."
"Positive reinforcement is wildly more successful than punishment at encouraging long-term behavior changes."
"Positive reinforcement in relationships is crucial; focus on progress and nurture it."
"Yes, at last the matrix is really that good."
"For every complaint that you offer your spouse, you ought to offer 10 compliments."
"Every morning you're giving yourself that physical gesture that means it."
"Sometimes you're just the absolute best, so thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!"
"I love you, you are beautiful, and you can do anything."
"Nice working, but you're doing great, cookies on me later!"
"You deserve success. Good job. Look after each other, okay? Good night. Thank you, Chef."
"Oh my god, you've got this! I believe, I believe you've got this."
"Find the thing in his conversation that is praiseworthy and sincerely celebrate him."
"People will always appreciate it, they always appreciate it."
"You're everything you were presented to be and more."
"Guys, it's okay if he has a big bro, we should encourage this behavior, that is true, we need people to guide the youth."
"In any way you say or do things, you will be appreciated."
"Positive reinforcement can be very helpful in the learning process it's one thing to hit a goal and feel good about it but if you have a reward too it seals the deal."
"I love how it's like, yeah, just all of you, you're doing great."
"Have gratitude and appreciation for the things he does do or the things that he does start stepping up on."
"They want to see your smile. This person wants to see your smile."
"It's awesome to hear what you're saying right now with, 'Hey, this feels good because of these reasons.'"
"We've done it g-gee we managed to win there I was good game guys good game indeed."
"Make sure to drink some water, eat some good food, and love yourself today."
"Oh, you did great today, amazing, awesome fist bump."
"Congratulations for being on the right side of history."
"You guys are beautiful, you guys are as Freddie says, superstars."
"Lots of positivity Ellie, lots of happiness."
"Wow you did a very good job, I'm very proud of you."
"You follow your dreams, fine, I think it's more than 'fine.'"
"Attack the issue and affirm the person. Attack the sin, affirm the identity."
"Affirm the identity, attack the issue, speak life to the person, and come against the real enemy."
"Celebrating little wins could be celebrating big things."
"Give encouragement, like positivity over negativity with eating disorders always."
"That's just my saying, way to go. You do something good, I say way to go. It's that simple."
"Praise is actually essential. Positive reinforcement, Steven. That wouldn't know any of this."
"It's that reinforcement that things you're moving in the right direction."
"Did you know that bald is beautiful? Yeah, thank you!"
"Thank you for reminding me that people can be kind."
"You like yourself, you really like yourself. And because you like yourself, other people like you. You praise yourself, and other people praise you back."
"You are good. I know you. I see you. I like you."
"You're going to be busy and productive, and we like that."
"The added value of admiration is such a cherry on top."
"Keep doing what you've been doing, you're on the right track."
"The more small wins, the more validations you have in your life, the more confident you're going to be."
"Exhort one another, to build somebody else up."
"I like giving positive feedback in games even when my allies are being really angry."
"That's dope, that's really dope. It really is."
"Take a real good look at who you are and give yourself a pat on the back."
"That's brilliant because you're a hero every time."
"Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you goes a long way."
"Thank you to everyone who thumbs up, I will personally thank you so much. I will go up to your face and say thank you."
"Put your miracle grow, which is your attention, on something that's working."
"I got so much positive feedback from you guys that I'm feeling confident now."
"Thank you so much for watching if you like this video don't forget to give it a big fat thumbs up."
"You're gonna be surprised how much positive male attention you're gonna get."
"Send him happy memory texts... give him something to smile about."
"You don't gotta treat bad kids like bad kids in order to correct the behavior."
"I have so much confidence in us. So much confidence in us and we are doing such a good job."
"This drive and motivation are so consuming that no matter how much your internal voice is crashing away, it's almost like somebody's turned the volume down on it."
"It's really important for me to make sure that you know that I see you, I see what you're doing, and I love it."
"Thank you so much, very, very nice. Very, very nice, hell yeah, I like that too, very, very nice, very, very cool."
"Good for you, Caillou. They're going to make lovely presents."
"This was so much fun. I'm gonna have to put I love that for you."
"Remember, the moment that you express that gratitude, that's when the universe is gonna give you more to be grateful for."
"When you celebrate yourself, you do more things worth celebrating."
"You're gonna do a great job. I have faith in you."
"Wow you are an example of a great person poke seriously good work."
"It's good design to say don't punish people for doing the wrong thing, reward them for doing the right thing."
"Every single time bro, every single time Nicola, that's beautiful."
"You and your partner are gonna do absolutely fantastic, I have all of the faith in the both of you."
"It's a good choice too very wholesome like I said gosh yes."
"It's important to make handling a rewarding experience."
"Great job! You distributed the negative 2 correctly this time."
"It's hard not to tell little kids that they're special because they all are."
"I'm rooting for you. I can tell you're a good guy."
"It's really not a punishment if anything, it's like a good job sticker."
"You're being rewarded for everything that you do."
"If you do the right thing, people will reward you."