
Culture Quotes

There are 32449 quotes

"The states that we mark with words in each culture, some of them overlap, but a lot of them don't... It's very useful to have labels of emotion concepts from other cultures."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If you're building integrity, you're going to have people around you that's going to make sure that you get back in pocket because they know how much you mean to them and they know how much you mean to the culture."
"I managed to win a contest of my own creation. Now if that isn't a British thing to do, I don't know what is."
"Culture is like the background music of any community, of any organization, of every team, and of every family."
"It's really important that people remain fascinated about food and enjoy it because it's an incredibly powerful bonding human experience."
"Culture hacking is the art and the science of creating healthy cultures where groups of human beings come together and they help elevate each other."
"The Palestinian culture is essentially a culture of resistance."
"The Swedish hip-hop scene emerged in the '80s, shortly after the birth of the genre in New York."
"Sweden's amazing. It's incredible. The people are beautiful. They've got no trash, their fish even tastes like candy, like nothing bad ever happens there."
"You can't ask people for culture; you have to offer them a cause to join."
"The Oscars red carpet is a little more buttoned up, and the Vanity Fair is where everybody lets it all hang out."
"The culture of D&D, the hobby, will always be close to my heart. Obviously, otherwise, why would I make an hour-long video about the history of it all?"
"In general, in our culture, people are too much in a hurry."
"As one of America's longest-running animated series, The Simpsons has a knack for making eerily accurate predictions."
"Culture is everything you do. What you eat, what you wear, how you walk, where you walk, what you say, everything that affects your lives on a daily basis."
"The family is the foundation of our society, of our culture."
"America has at least managed to maintain a certain sense of cultural optimism."
"Our main export, besides McDonald's and reality television, has been that peculiar thing called The American Dream."
"We have a culture code of relationship here at Transformation Church. We believe that we belong together."
"Suburban markets and street vendors' economies are beginning to revive, evoking a sense of nostalgia."
"Nashville, known as Music City, has become a cultural and economic hub, drawing in people with its vibrant music scene, healthcare industry, and higher education institutions."
"Madira is a lovely island, beautiful views of the sea. I've never been here before, and it's amazing the society and the culture they built here in the middle of the Atlantic."
"The pride of a Luchador in their mask and gear... that's part of the magic."
"The world's on fire, they say, a culture war's blaze. But is it really burning, or media's manipulative haze?"
"Delayed gratification is a discipline that we have lost in an instant gratification culture."
"Taylor Swift ushering in a new age of making marriage cool again, making commitment and families great."
"America in the 1980s was all about ambition, and it was also the decade that nostalgia was invented."
"Hip-hop is not really music. Hip-hop is the attitude that gives you the music."
"At the end of the day, it's just great music, man. Great music come from everywhere but when you see someone celebrate their culture and music, there's nothing like that."
"If you can control the carrot, you control the culture."
"It's become almost cliché to declare that comedians are the new philosophers."
"If we can either provide something positive regarding that or put a little bit of fertilizer in the cultural mix to grow some more friendly plants, that would be very helpful and excellent."
"Money is not just the factor. It's the culture, the people, the projects that you will be working on."
"The culture of serving other people is big for our church."
"So many people have the same stories and descriptions of mermaids from all over the world, obviously this was way before the internet was a thing. So, how big of a coincidence is it that all of these stories match up?"
"In ancient Greece, throwing an apple at somebody was a declaration of love."
"In Italy and Spain, the midday nap is known as a siesta."
"Your authenticity is your cultural currency."
"We will have city-states on Mars, vibrant, optimistic centers of invention sporting lively and novel cultures."
"Multiculturalism is when one person can occupy more than one cultural space. You are multicultural when you can prepare those dishes."
"We're celebrating not just a victory, but a culture of excellence that spans from the academy to the first team."
"The American Experience: experiences may vary."
"In hindsight, every ting gonna be alright; it's a vibe ting."
"There's nuance to the culture that I will never get unless I stay humble and listen."
"We are a distinct culture if you recognize Jamaican, Trinidadian, any type of Caribbean, Puerto Rican, Dominican; if you recognize that, then you should be able to easily recognize that we are black."
"Invasion narratives capture the ecosystem of the culture in which they were made, what that culture fears most."
"Brooklyn keeps on taking it, Bronx keeps creating it, Queens keeps on faking it, and Manhattan keeps on making it."
"One of the most fascinating aspects of their culture is their deep spiritual connection to nature."
"Graffiti was an integral part of it from the beginning."
"Anti-establishment, the streets, and pop culture."
"This demonstration turned Taipei's Freedom Square into a gorgeous human mural that celebrates a way of life."
"Undertale has sent dank memes and positive vibes rippling through the internet."
"Don't we as Americans have an oral torah, an idea of what one shouldn't be doing that goes along with the written rule?"
"In the past, throughout nearly all of human history, the main threat to human survival is nature. Today, it's culture."
"Immediate experience is, in many ways, the most important touchstone of value in our culture."
"A Sprite bottle with purple liquid in it... it's either drank straight out of the bottle or sometimes they mix it with Sprite and call it purple drink."
"It's like Jon Stewart said, it's discussing how these issues have become so ingrained in our culture within filmmaking, within book writing, within fantasy, that they can perpetuate harmful stereotypes without them being a conscious choice by the creator."
"The beauty of growing up in India for me was the familial idea of family is beyond just four people or five people."
"A culture that is diverse... is an ecosystem that is much more resilient."
"Different cultures have different understandings of time, lateness, and what it means to be polite."
"I'm sure I will. Because one of the things is like you know, it's moments in time but like no question, one of the best things going on in culture right now is the stigma is melting very quickly."
"Hennessy is excited to celebrate the intersection of basketball with art, music, and fashion."
"Each of these elements of culture represent ways that fans, players, supporters pay homage to the game, both on and off the court."
"Society and culture will pull you towards falsehood, therefore a life based on truth is going to be rare and difficult."
"The West was the society that developed the abstract ideals of a humanity that transcended tribal identities."
"It's very German style like restaurant, Beer House kind of place with the long tables everywhere, and he got a big old hamshank on a bone with sauerkraut, which was like extremely German."
"Maryland is really the live blue crab eating capital of the world."
"We demand excellence here in the United States."
"Offense is the currency of today's culture, but forgiveness is the currency of the kingdom."
"The resilience with which cultures have had to survive because of persecution has also contributed to the richness in which family members have to pass it down."
"We are socialized from childhood into the rule of reciprocation...it makes the culture thrive because people give back and forth."
"Your true culture as a company is not the goals that you put on paper...your true culture is the shared habits of the team."
"The tools for thinking that are developed and improved in the sciences...have sort of filtered down into popular culture and become part of the ambient culture."
"These tropes, these ideas, are kind of archetypal, culture-bound archetypes."
"Meta modernism acknowledges that prescribing exclusively to either solely modern or postmodern ideas limits our ability to tell robust, complex stories."
"We need cultural participation, not just cultural commentary."
"It was a major time period for culture and entertainment in America: literature, art, music, and cinema flourished during this time period as the Golden Age of Hollywood began."
"The obsession with youth requires a third tenant to be added to that list because we are dealing with the disneyfication of human beings."
"A society cannot function without a mythos, embedding us into a larger story and moral framework that shapes our understanding of the world."
"Both the Bible and beer deserve applause in their own right."
"The opportunity for us as social entrepreneurs is to encourage people to live by love in a fear culture."
"Romania's been very good to me. It's a great country filled with fantastic people, amazing nature, great food."
"Young people are undefeated when it comes to predicting culture."
"Cultural norms... may produce people with the same genotypes yet forward rather different phenotypic expression."
"It's so important to travel because our world is becoming so same. It's very important to get out and see things in person."
"In North Korea, we don't say 'I like it'; we don't allow to say 'I'; we said like 'we like water'."
"Awareness is what we're fundamentally talking about. We live in a culture globally that's so intent on distraction."
"We will know we have succeeded when we have a culture so subversive that major corporations refuse to fund it."
"My next book is going to be entitled 'The Myth of Normal: Illness and Health in an Insane Culture'."
"The culture, the society around us impacts so much of how we experience the world."
"I always love going to local places whenever I'm in unique cities like this because one, it gives me a taste of the culture a little bit and two, it gives me some social interaction, which is very much needed for me because I travel alone."
"Culture of trust requires you to have common values."
"Hawaii has a rich mix of cultures that has resulted in a distinct cuisine."
"The donor kebab is an essential sandwich in Turkey."
"The Cuban sandwich or Cubano is not actually even from Cuba."
"Spaghetti and meatballs were actually created in the United States, not Italy."
"The woke virus almost requires this whitewashing of the past, but it's done for a specific purpose, which is to control the future."
"Our world is truly special. Not only do we have more natural beauty than one man can see in a lifetime, but as a species, we've spent the past few thousand years crafting a tapestry of culture."
"Imagine saying 'Oof' in 2024, as the younglings say. That's cringe core."
"It's just crazy. It's mentally complicated because our culture has made it more complicated."
"Everyone's so bored in their [] houses, they just started to make up more [] and more stuff."
"We need a more exploratory culture and we need to be forgiving."
"We're serious about understanding and codifying our culture."
"Foundational Black American, that's not a movement. That's grounded in our culture and our lineage."
"Respect our history, respect our elders, respect our culture, respect our lineage."
"The art and architecture of a society demonstrates the values and worldview of that civilization."
"Humor is very reflective of the culture of the people that are there; that's undeniable."
"Africa is the most culturally diverse place on earth."
"These African countries are reasserting their identities, gaining new recognition for their role as cultural powerhouses."
"Noodle symbolizes longevity in China, and it has the meaning you'll live a very happy life together."
"Of all of Japan's media exports, there is none so immediately recognizable as anime."
"What's the point in being human if not to at least experience culture or community?"
"There's so much history behind these amazing foods, and it's important to acknowledge that."
"Blaming the government is an American pastime; it's more popular than baseball."
"Go to that small hardware store... go support that small business. They're the cultural centers of our neighborhood. We need to support them."
"There are no savage and civilized peoples; there are only different cultures."
"The world calls us Albanian... we don't call ourselves Albanian. The word that we use in our own language is called 'Shqiptar'."
"Food, music, and entertainment define our lives on a day-to-day basis."
"The mistake you can make is it's all about culture personality, it's about you, and once you leave, the thing falls apart."
"It's still one culture; it's just a different type of house."
"A lot of billionaires pray for our customers and clients. Their happiness. So, I think that's probably the common Japanese millionaires' attitude."
"Rights are an outgrowth of thousands of years of socio-cultural evolution... most of that is done naturally, ground-up."
"Adapting to each other's culture... it's just about learning and respecting each other's different opinions."
"Most of what we do is only so we say loosely governed by our evolutionary past; it's so much governed by our cultural heritage."
"One of the signs of a great society is the diligence with which it passes culture from one generation to the next."
"The greatest contribution to culture and humanity are almost never the same movies that make the most money."
"We won't out-coach you or out-talent you, but we will out-culture you."
"It was like entering a parallel universe where reading wasn't just something that someone did for fun; it was a lifestyle, an aesthetic."
"Pancakes really just show us about ourselves. They are the black mirror from which we peer into, seeing our own souls and thereby the souls of our ancestors."
"Almost every culture in the world has a Coming of Age ceremony, an event that celebrates a child's passage into adulthood or a test of their skills or their bravery."
"Christians will hate it if you don't sell the narrative that Judeo-Christian values is the reason for everything good in this world."
"Narcissism is plaguing culture and mass society in a way like never before, similar to the zombie, it exists, feeds, and destroys aimlessly."
"Narcissism has become a cultural pathology, the routine of a fake life promoting a false self, a plastic and artificial world of redundant superficiality."
"Almost every society has cultures, traditions, and lifestyles which set them apart and make them unique."
"The author had wanted to include everything they possibly could to capture the knowledge of their people in one cohesive book that would stand the test of time."
"Why would we allow a foreign adversary to dictate what we build in culture?"
"To clothe yourself is to recognize your vulnerability and to use culture to hold it at bay."
"The way we approach these questions and the way we develop and share knowledge is a fundamental cultural trait."
"Hip-hop culture is the language that all people come to popular culture through, so we have to be really serious about listening to what Black women in hip-hop are doing and saying."
"Pirahã is one of the most interesting languages of all time, spoken by an indigenous group of about 700 people living in the Brazilian jungle."
"So to find the true origins of Britain A.D., I've had to look beyond the headline-grabbing figures...and instead, I've turned to the real heroes of these lands: the ordinary Britons in their millions who invented our diverse and resilient culture."
"Tagalog is spoken in the Philippines. The people are like the nicest in the world."
"Knowing a language really means understanding the culture and being able to interact with other people in real-life situations."
"A lot of it here in the US is the parents, it's how they're raising their children."
"The decline of American health was the beginning of this participation trophy [__]."
"Japan's culture is to when you're sick, you wear a mask, so I feel like they were already set up for success."
"In the summer, when a sunny day is predicted, especially at a weekend, everyone packs the car, drives two, three hours to the nearest beach, and roasts themselves."
"The spirit of '76 was about a culture of curiosity."
"The more hot weather a culture is in, the more spice use you have in that culture because cuisine turns out to be a cultural adaptation to a biological problem."
"A safe haven for people who use the phrase 'thought leader' unironically."
"I'm giving people something that's not out there, a kind of realism. A lot of people are inwardly very tired and very sick of all the kind of coddling that goes on with readers and in our culture."
"We work on emotions, we work on culture, we work on influence, external and embedded."
"D&D is a culture... something important about who you are that has huge value in itself."
"Royalty... is a snapshot of history, it's connection to history, it's connection to culture and heritage."
"Our social and economic culture generates chronic stressors that undermine well-being in the most serious of ways."
"We need to find new cultural solutions. We need to find a way to maintain fertility rates while having education, while having gender equality, and while having a high level of prosperity."
"We should be pushing a culture that isn't obsessed with looking at the self all the time."
"Black culture is America's greatest export; it is the world's greatest exporter."
"We turn from Betty Davis and Joan Crawford and look toward another gay icon, Elizabeth Taylor."
"You have always been interested in unconventional and ambiguous things like books, art, or movies."
"The more we meld our culture and our politics, the more polarizing both culture and politics become."
"The entertainment that you create is a reflection of the culture that you're in."
"Considered by some to be the worst movie ever, by others to be the best worst movie ever."
"If you were to pick one phrase that belongs to gaming the most, I don’t think you could find one better than ‘Level Up’."
"You can ask two Jews, you get three opinions."
"Both for enriching our culture, conveying a message about the world we live in, or even acting as a confrontation between what we believe about our culture and what the reality of that culture is."
"Reindeer herding is not a job but a way of living."
"Racism... is such a norm in this culture that it's not seen as racism."
"In terms of sheer scale, virality, and full-throttle insanity, we haven't really seen anything like the Brony fandom since."
"2015 was the year that the Year itself became justification for anything that you wanted. It's 2015; it's time because it's 2015."
"The ancestral plane of Wakanda is a spiritual realm where the Black Panther can commune with their ancestors."
"The times are to entertainers, not engineers. That's a fact."
"Celebrities have been a strong guiding force of our modern-day culture."
"Learning a new language helps us understand and appreciate different cultures, allowing us to connect with the world around us."
"The impact of society and culture is enormous on how people actually make decisions."
"We need to foster a culture of respect. That's the starting point."
"The first way you want to wipe out a civilization is to destroy its history."
"The knight is the precursor of many of the modern-day heroes that are around us, whether they are John Wayne or Batman."
"Hot rods and rock and roll with a 32 Ford and the electric guitar leading the way man, it was a wild time."
"Entertainment is one of life's greatest desires; we're obsessed with it, we admire it, we work all week so we have a little bit of it for a couple of days, and then repeat the same cycle all over again."
"In Finland, people celebrate National Day for Failure every October 13."
"Once you get there, it is incredibly powerful because you can sway culture."
"In Finland, people celebrate the National Day for Failure every October 13th."
"Sanskrit texts, the subcontinent of India has one of the richest cultures in the world."
"I'm approaching this the same thing I would approach anything else. It's not just going to be a... I'm not just going to be selling weed. I'm going to be a part of a bigger culture."
"Artifacts can convey the bigger picture of a particular culture while sometimes they can also provide detailed insights into the lives of individuals."
"To many car enthusiasts in the '60s, the roofline with its high windows resembled an Asian temple, so the car was henceforth known as the 'Pagoda'."
"A man came with his mother on his back to Omar bin al-Khattab: 'Did I pay her back?' Omar replied, 'Young man, you didn't pay her back for one tear she shed when she gave birth to you.'"
"The real NFT culture is just getting started."
"Everybody loves a good old convenience store."
"I think words have power, and the way we use them begins to expand in our culture."
"Every one of us is shaped by culture and as culture evolves, the individual brain is evolving."
"We're living in an era of almost completely undisciplined cultural challenges to the maintenance of the brain and brain health."
"Music really is universal... it's been found to be part of every known human culture."
"I have respect for mobsters. They hustle. They grind."
"This is a place which is a huge religious, entertainment, relaxation center."
"Even nowadays, about 85% of Indians prefer an arranged marriage, and only one out of ten ends in divorce."
"We have no cultural cohesion, we have no shared moral framework."
"Japan is a land of enormous beauty and culture."
"Miami isn't just a place, it's a vibe. It's where hustle meets heat, and legends are made."