
Happiness Quotes

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"We can probably point to happiness as one of the most sought-after states or commodities, or emotions. Whatever you want to call it, happiness is what many people are seeking in work, in relationships, and in general."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The happiest people I see are the people who are giving."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If we look at happy people, no matter what stage of life they're at, no matter what their socioeconomic status is, the factors that tell us if someone is happy are agency and gratitude."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We know that people are happier if they live through altruism and gratitude and they're well connected with others."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What people were thinking at a given moment was a far better predictor of their happiness than what they were doing."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Meditation and mindfulness, being present to what we are doing in a given moment, is one of the essential keys to happiness and improved mood even if what we are doing is unpleasant."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's possible to be miserable in the presence of all those things... and it's also possible to have very little, and almost nothing, and to be quite happy."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Your happiness is no longer predicated on the next good thing happening."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We're social animals. And we're probably generally happiest, even for natural contrarians among us, when we're part of a tribe."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Studies have been done on what sorts of music to listen to in order to make ourselves happy."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If there's one area of your life to really focus on and try and optimize, if your goal is to be happier and more productive and just to have a better life overall, I can confidently say that sleep is really the thing to optimize."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Happiness and meaning often people say that meaning comes from service...but then the happiness component tends to be when we have filled our own buckets first."
"Often, we're looking for something that's really complex that we have to pay for, that requires discipline...and it really isn't. It's lots of these like little micro moments isn't it?"
"There's so much evidence that feeling good is one of the keys to productivity."
"Prioritizing your happiness and your health is always the best thing you can do."
"People who had increased happiness scores, positivity, a good sense of humor. Their longevity was increased even when they were living with chronic disease."
"People who are happiest are those who make others happy."
"If you want others to be happy, show them compassion. If you want yourself to be happy, show others compassion."
"Our first calling in life is to be happy, fulfilled, joyful human beings."
"If you are not within yourself happy and compassionate, you cannot give this to your children or anyone around you."
"Gratitude is like the scientific version of happiness."
"Retrain your brain for maximum happiness... Neuroplasticity, the concept that we can retrain our brain physiologically, seems like nonsense, but it's exactly what happens inside our brains."
"Happy is the ultimate form for you to perform in life. If you're not happy, you're not as effective as you could be at achieving survival."
"Happiness as a sort of fleeting transient state and being emotionally healthy are quite different."
"We can all extend our range of mental and emotional capabilities including training our minds to be happy."
"I've got a dream too, but it's about singing and dancing and making people happy. That's the kind of dream that gets better the more people you share it with."
"I feel like now is an opportunity to maybe go a little bit deeper and go to the next level spiritually because I am feeling already so healthy and happy."
"Exercise, ensuring the body has the right micronutrients, and enjoying what you love doing are essential components of happiness and health."
"Self-knowledge is a powerful tool; understanding our bodies, emotions, thoughts, and behaviors can lead us towards a path of self-improvement and happiness."
"You're going to own nothing and be happy; that goes completely against human nature."
"Someone can be smiling and happy; it doesn't mean that they're not suffering inside."
"Each person's definition of happiness is unique, influenced by their strengths, values, and life experiences, and it's essential to define what happiness means for you personally."
"People who prioritize time affluence over time famine, particularly those that will spend money to gain more time affluence, they're happier than the folks that won't."
"If you want to be happy, practice compassion. And if you want others to be happy, practice compassion."
"The only way you can come out of unhappiness is if you choose."
"The Jedi Master level of happiness is to say, 'Okay, it happened, and I have no choice to change it. There is nothing I can do to fix it, so can I accept it?'"
"No amount of external accomplishment will bring you lasting happiness."
"I'm so happy, I'm full of joy and gratitude."
"Gratitude is the ultimate solution to the happiness equation." - Mo Gawdat
"Happiness is that calm and peacefulness you feel when you're okay with life as it is."
"It's not the event that makes you happy or unhappy; it's your perception of the event minus your expectations of how life should be."
"If you like reading, you're going to buy books. If you like doing certain things, you're going to spend a little bit of money on things that you enjoy because they make you happy."
"We should live longer with the goal of joy and the goal of happiness and peace."
"The greatest motivation in this life is for the benefit and happiness of all other beings."
"Live your life for the happiness and benefit of all sentient beings. Make that your motivation."
"We don't have to chase extraordinary moments to find happiness; it's already there in the small, beautiful, day-to-day moments."
"I focus on abundance and am rewarded with wealth and happiness."
"We have 86,400 seconds a day, and whatever you're not investing into something for your happiness, for your health, for something that's going to outlast you, then we lose it every single day."
"The secret to being happy, truly happy, is gratitude."
"You can't be a happy person if you aren't grateful, and you can't be a good person if you aren't grateful."
"The key to lasting happiness is togetherness."
"Practicing gratitude is both the morally correct thing to do, and the key to lasting happiness."
"The most special thing about you is the smile on your face."
"Your happiness levels aren't going to go down because these things aren't a part of your happiness levels; they're just connected to your dopamine."
"The power of the mind is to become just happy, strong, and healthy."
"The happiness that all of us seek as human beings doesn't come with the material goal; it comes with the progress and progress is a direct positive consequence of work, sacrifice, and consistency."
"Happiness doesn't come from wealth, but wealth can come from happiness."
"Happiness wins. Love wins. I'm happy. Shoot me, I'll smile."
"Wealth is happiness, completely. It's how much you laugh and how much the people you love laugh."
"We are built to be happy, strong, and healthy. We've got all the tools, but they are not awakened."
"Happiness is about connection, purpose, respect."
"I'm extremely drawn to color and pattern. It makes me happy."
"This season, I'm not overthinking it. I'm just making things that make me happy."
"Money is virtually not correlated with happiness."
"Dopamine is an extremely poor predictor of what will make you happy."
"Just smile. Crazy as it sounds, studies suggest that happiness doesn't just cause smiling; smiling causes happiness."
"Be yourself not because it works to not be yourself, but because you will not be happy with the outcome if you're pretending to be someone else."
"The people who are happiest are the ones that enjoy their work because they're not thinking about it as work."
"We would literally be happier and freer without what are we still holding on to that's literally holding us back from happiness and freedom."
"Gratitude is not complacency. It's scientifically proven that gratitude makes you happier."
"We need to focus on our own happiness first, especially when it comes to the life that we are living for ourselves."
"This is possibly the happiest birthday of my life. Thank you."
"By seeing the world clearly, you could become happier and also become a better person."
"What makes people happy? And can we think about that, in particular, sort of financial choices and others?"
"The deepest happiness in the world... is happy for no reason."
"When you're happy, you don't mind the thought that everything has no purpose."
"The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts."
"Happiness doesn't just make us feel good; it's rocket fuel for productivity."
"We have to get you on a system that works... and you got to get to a caloric deficit somehow, but you got to do that in a way where you still are happy and sustainable."
"Health is the necessity of the good life, wealth is the indispensable, love is the purpose, and happiness is the culmination."
"Health, wealth, love, happiness are the four pillars of the good life."
"People in poorer countries report higher meaning in life than people in richer countries, even when you control for religiosity."
"Happiness is actually one of three factors that matter: one is happiness, the second is meaning."
"The natural state of the human psychology is total bliss and happiness."
"You are totally happy and blissful in your natural state when you're not thinking any kind of crazy thoughts."
"I am very happy, just because people still have to go through things and people still have to struggle with their mental health doesn't mean they're not thankful and that they're not overall a happy person."
"Money's not everything... when I'm truly happy, money doesn't matter because I'm having a sense of fulfillment and I'm helping people."
"Relationships...seem to be a major source of happiness."
"I think the most successful person is a person who's happiest because that's the point of life is creation and also to live the happiest existence and live the fullest life possible."
"Happiness isn't something you can really chase; it's something that you find within yourself."
"Find meaning because you can't always find happiness; you can't always find positivity, but you can always find meaning."
"You can't build your own happiness on the unhappiness of others."
"It's impossible to build one's own happiness on the unhappiness of others."
"I think the smartest thing the rich people ever did was convince the broke people that money doesn't make you happy."
"In the theater of happiness, there are infinite and unlimited seats, and there is a seat with your name on it."
"If you want to be happy and successful...there's no cap on how many successful soccer players there can exist at the same time or how many books are out in the world."
"You cannot find happiness without living a life where you are in service to someone else and caring for other people."
"On the other side of suffering is happiness."
"We seek happiness in riches because the world has told us that is where happiness is to be found."
"Practicing gratitude and thanksgiving are wonderful ways to increase those positive neural pathways in your mind and they make you feel happier."
"Grateful people are good people; they're happy people, well-adjusted people."
"Happiness is a state of the soul, a state in which our natures are full of the wine of an ancient youth, in which banquets last forever and roads lead everywhere, where all things are under the exuberant leadership of faith, hope, and charity."
"Yes, money does buy happiness, but only up to a certain point."
"Every day, I get up and I try to answer one simple question: 'Why are some people happier than others?'"
"What I care about is how you experience your life, how happy you are. And I think you're the best judge and the only expert that can tell me about how it is to walk in your shoes."
"Gratitude has two effects: one is the secretion of molecules like the serotonin system, which make you very happy about the here and now, and it promotes the secretion of neuromodulators like dopamine."
"What makes you happy is a question that should be different from what is good stress relief for you because happiness is something you're running towards."
"Every one of us is human, every one of us wants to be happy."
"People exhaust themselves gathering things that they think will make them happy."
"This idea that we're willing to sacrifice for the sake of a greater happiness is actually a big part of life."
"It's not about the pursuit of happiness, it's about the happiness of pursuit."
"Don't look for happiness, create it. Happiness is not something you look for, happiness is something you create."
"Happiness is not a goal, it's actually the result of right thinking, right living, right acting. It's the byproduct."
"My habits create my happiness. We shape our habits and then they shape us."
"Happiness based on happenings is temporary, but happiness built on habits is long-lasting."
"Study after study link gratitude to happiness. The more grateful you are, the happier you are."
"We often think that when I get that thing, I'm going to be happy. It's the opposite; it's when I feel good, what I desire is on the way."
"The truth is, if you define yourself with that car or that look or that body... as long as you define yourself by that, you're never gonna be happy."
"Happiness is your events minus your expectations."
"There is only one thing that truly matters in life, one question that we all need to answer... Are you happy?"
"Happiness is all we have. That's the only question we need to answer, and that's the only thing we really need to fulfill in our life."
"Successful people aren't happy; happy people are successful."
"Happiness is not a permanent condition; it comes in little bits."
"Puritanism, the haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy."
"Our purpose should be to try and create as much happiness in the world as we can and as little misery."
"The main external factor determining our happiness is the quality of our human relationships."
"The more you try to perfect, the more you scrutinize, the more you'll seek the approval of others before you give yourself permission to just be happy."
"The only thing that can make you happy is your own cultivation of satisfaction within you, your own self-love, your own recognition of the beauty that is all around you."
"The happiness formula: discipline plus purpose plus gratitude."
"Instead of happiness, here's how to know if you're doing good in life: Are you proud of your recent efforts? Are you grateful? Are you excited for something coming up?"
"Everybody basically wants the same things: we want happiness, we want love, we want to live peacefully with each other."
"Green defines goals and objectives in human terms, like happiness or love."
"People want to grow, they want to be happy, they want to have meaning in their lives, and they want abundance."
"Happiness is just so silly; gratitude is where it's at."
"The purpose of a man's life is not happiness but worthiness."
"Work should really be the best, most hopeful, happiest times of our life."
"One of the very interesting developments was how did the Western parent, when asked what do you want the most for your child, say 'I want my kids to be happy'."
"Happiness cannot be a purpose; happiness is an outcome of multiple purposes."
"It's not the event; it's the story you tell yourself about it that makes you unhappy."
"Happiness comes from when you trade your expectations for appreciations." - Tony Robbins
"Happiness comes from solving your problems, not avoiding them."
"Happiness is from the inside. It's being okay with who you are."
"Success and happiness could be two very different things. What I want to do is bring them together."
"The person who has the highest level of success and happiness is the person that has the relationships squared away."
"Create success and happiness in every category of your life, and if you have all four of those squared away—family, faith, fitness, and finances—then you are truly successful, and you will have happiness and fulfillment."
"The happiest people are men and women married with children."
"Happiness is being sold so much as what we should strive for, but I think it's a lot of short-term highs. What you should be striving for is being fulfilled and being a leader amongst leaders."
"We all seek happiness, we all hope to obtain it."
"You can't purchase happiness; it's not something you can buy."
"What is happiness? What truly makes us happy?"
"The true pursuit of happiness is submitting to the will of Allah."
"Satisfaction in life begins with self-reflection and happiness, leading to a greater ability to meet and interact with people whose 'light is on' as well."
"Folks are usually about as happy as they make their minds up to be."
"It's impossible to stay happy all the time, but that's not such a bad thing. After all, you need a few tough times to better appreciate the good ones."
"What every human being really wants is happiness, fulfillment."
"You need to focus your mind on actual happiness."
"We have to want to be happy, we have to want that for ourselves."
"It's time to put yourself first, to put your own needs first, and to put your own happiness first."
"You deserve happiness. Why is it that you see that you deserve happiness?"
"People who are unhappy generally look at what they don't have, and people who are happy look at what Allah has bestowed upon them."
"The closer you are to Allah, the happier you will be."
"Happiness is a choice that you have. You actually would make that choice."
"Happiness is not the absence of anything negative or sad... Happiness is, in fact, the presence of all of it and the acceptance of all of it just the way it is."
"Happiness is not about money because very simply, people who are much richer are only a little bit tiny bit happier than the rest of us."
"Happiness means to me, um, doing what you love, being with people you love."
"Happiness is when all of your conscious thought is just in what you're doing in that moment."
"Practice gratitude. Expressing gratitude regularly has been significantly linked to increased levels of happiness and life satisfaction."
"Happiness is more than a feeling; it's a powerful emotion that affects our whole being."
"Destinations do not bring any happiness, only the journey does."
"Aristotle claimed happiness was the ultimate purpose of life."
"Blaise Pascal believed that all men seek happiness."
"Happiness increases your physical, mental, and emotional health."
"As one expert in the science of happiness put it, 'It is the holy grail of life. Everyone wants happiness.'"
"More than money, I love seeing people happy and safe. That's what being a knight is all about."
"Morality is more complicated than internal happiness."
"The act of doing this every single day is what we call blisscipline, the discipline of bliss."
"Nourish the world with your happiness and then watch it conspire helping you get what you truly seek."
"When you understand that every single situation in life has multiple perspectives and you can train yourself to choose what I call the happiness perspective, you don't create emotional stress in your body."
"More and more people are struggling with their health, more and more people are struggling with their happiness, and they don't realize that those two things are actually very, very strongly linked."
"Every human being at their core wants to be happy."
"Your dreams won't make you happy unless you're intentional about them."
"It's about helping people realize, wait a minute, you can be happier than you currently are."
"Happiness is... very simple events minus expectations."
"If you start to bust those illusions, see things for what they really are, your happiness equation is going to be solved correctly."
"My greatest wish for you is that you can continue doing epic shit while being happy right now and knowing that, you know, even if you failed, it doesn't affect your happiness, but you'll continue aiming big even though you know you can feel, because that's just how you roll."
"I think I was definitely born happy, and then life happens."
"The best predictor we see in the data of whether people are happy or not is whether they're satisfied or happy with their relationships."
"Having money is not everything. Not having it is."
"People are happier when they are generous and when they feel that the society that they're in is a generous society."
"Maybe Finnish happiness is more like inside, you know. It's like inner peace, or something like that."
"The true source of happiness lies within you."
"Happiness is not something you get. Instead, it arises naturally and spontaneously when you get rid of something; when you get rid of your feelings of incompleteness and the desires associated with them."
"This is a card of power. This is a card of happiness. This is a card of celebration and family."
"Your happiness doesn't go up much after reaching about seventy-five thousand dollars a year in annual household income."
"The people who had the warmest connections with other people and who made that a priority in their lives, they were happiest as they went through their lives but also they stayed healthiest and they lived longer."
"The people who are the happiest and the healthiest and the most fulfilled are the people who make it a practice, an ongoing practice to attend to their relationships."
"Let's just let the past go and focus on moving forward for our happiness' sake."
"We are here for a reason. Your purpose... is to be happy."
"You're transitioning to something brighter and happier."
"We can choose to be the happiest and the most grateful we've ever been while we are going through the most difficult, painful, scary time in our lives."