
Personal Empowerment Quotes

There are 2390 quotes

"We do have far more control over our levels of happiness than we might think."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You are the owner of your own brain, your own mind, your own happiness, strength, and health; it's yours."
"Never let your circumstances dictate the outcome of your life. You can dictate the outcome of your life because you're the captain of your soul."
"Believe in your power and believe in the fact that you deserve the love that you desire."
"You are so strong, you have no idea the strength that is within you."
"Spirit is saying the only thing that's stopping you is you. You have all the tools necessary, and if you believe in yourself and your art truly, the world will mirror that back to you."
"Life will present you with many challenges, and I hope that you will carry from this talk today that you have the power to choose your response, or at least practice getting better over time."
"You are the painter of your masterpiece. You are the creator of your reality."
"If the power of life and death is in the tongue, I want to challenge you to begin prophesying over what is standing in your way."
"No matter how stressful our life seems, there are steps one can take to relieve the pressure and regain control."
"It's all based on priorities, and I just want you to know that if my family can do it, you guys can do it."
"The key is empowerment; you have to get a person empowered to change their relationship with themselves."
"You have everything that you need already. You've got the key, you've got the answer already; it's within you."
"I can do all things through him who strengthens me."
"Your femininity isn't for a man; it's for you."
"My role is to teach a spiritual truth...to awaken people to how, in whatever place you are in your life, to become as much of an empowered person as you can."
"It's by standing in the strength of your own energy that you shine the brightest."
"If I believe in God and if I believe in myself, nothing is impossible."
"You really can't be a victim and a master at the same time."
"You have the power to restructure your job or your career trajectory."
"I did not give this privilege to anybody that somebody can make me happy or miserable."
"Don't be afraid of anything, the choice is really up to you."
"You have to process that now, so that you can reclaim your power and feel like you're in your right to have what you want."
"Authentic power is the ability to move through your life with an empowered heart without attachment to the outcome."
"The enemy’s only power over you is deception."
"The real power of Mob Psycho 100, I think, is how it leaves us feeling like we can do the same."
"When fear rules the will, nothing can be done. But when a man casts fear out of his mind, the world becomes his oyster."
"Freedom is all about recognizing personal forces, resisting impersonal forces, acting against impersonal forces, becoming a personal force yourself."
"Real personal empowerment comes from verifying and confronting reality, educating yourself with a sober mind."
"If it's a good reading, blast, keep doing what you're doing; if it's not so pretty, you have the power to change and create your own reality."
"We truly can create the kind of life we want."
"Manifesting is about understanding how to create your own reality."
"You've got the power to change that perception."
"This is your moment. This is about you, no one else."
"You are the source. I want you to remember that everything that you ever wanted is within you and you are the source of all."
"You are not a victim of your genetics or environment; you have the capacity to experience reality and transform it."
"Ending the year with the Empress card... it's about control, creation, bringing things to fruition; it's about abundance."
"At the end of the day, the most important thing is that the technology works for you and not the other way around."
"You control your reality. You can either become a victim of your reality, or you can take over the reality."
"Trust yourself, trust yourself, trust yourself. You've always had it and you're always going to have it."
"All things are possible. Know that I was somebody who was told I wouldn't be nothing... and understand the power that we all have inside of us."
"When we feel really low in our lives, it's like we can't escape this loneness, and we're wondering and waiting for it to change, waiting for something to happen to save us. But the truth is, the only person that's going to save you is you."
"You can build yourself up to be able to do whatever you want to do."
"I know I was born and I know that I'll die. The in-between is mine." - Eddie Vedder
"You have all the power in this lifetime to create the life that you want."
"Your ability to expect an outcome is your greatest superpower."
"I think systems that allow you to feel like you have more control over the outcome are better."
"If you don't stand up for yourself first, no one will stand up for you."
"Awaken to yourself as a co-creator of that future fulfilled."
"Forget everything anyone has ever told you about the veil... The veil is not something that separates us from the divine. It's instead something that is created, are you ready, by our own vibration."
"You have to take love from your heart and give it back to yourself like a pump. You have to pump the love out of your heart back into your system and bring it to raise yourself up."
"There's no past, there's only a future... You can create your own world here."
"Now that you understand your physiology, you have the power now to control it. Now you can say that I want to be my best self and here's how I'm going to make that happen."
"I'm not trying to preach to people; I'm trying to give you the tools to make up your own mind."
"I am my own savior. I never fell for that old crap about somebody's coming to save me."
"Faith is not predicated on understanding and 5-year plans; faith is predicated on trust."
"You're making your own luck... thoughts becoming things."
"I'm running for Prime Minister to give these people back control of their lives."
"Just do once what others say you can't do, and you'll never pay attention to their limitations again."
"You were the master Creator, you have all those elements you have fire earth um water and air so that means you have really great ideas."
"You can become stronger than any of you ever imagined possible."
"Free yourself. It's time to take back control of your energy."
"Speak positively over your life, you can either bless yourself or curse yourself with your words."
"Say yes to your life, and when it comes to drugs. Just say no."
"The world is a giant opportunity for all of you."
"When we know ourselves, when we're comfortable with ourselves, and allow ourselves to be the vessels to which these ancestors will speak and do their best work, there is nothing that you can't do. That's how the universe functions."
"It's time for Britney to retake control of her life."
"Once you have life, you have the power to change anything."
"Stand in the truth of who you are and nothing can touch you."
"Embracing new things, choosing to like them, it gives you so much power."
"The moment I started using my toes and my feet and my legs was the same moment I ceased to have a disability."
"I feel it. I feel the internet watching, you know that live in Toronto they're giving me speed and power." - Dan Merrill
"Anxiety, I acknowledge you. I feel you, but you're not going to rule me."
"Just keep making your coffee, girl. Stand in your power."
"We encourage you to sit in the driver's seat of your own life put your hands on the steering wheel steer your own life."
"Strong man doesn't need to read the future, he makes his own."
"David versus Goliath: the little guy can beat the big guy."
"That encounter with God is gonna propel you into your next step."
"If the core efficiency of money is improved, this will naturally lead to a better standard of living and more power to the individual."
"You healing is called being empowered, not disempowered."
"Liberation ain't exactly the first thing that comes to mind for a lot of us because liberation takes risk and strength and self-esteem."
"We have the power to tap into that superpower of choice, that superpower of free will."
"Musk believes that great things happen when people are free to think, create, and explore without too many restrictions."
"You're very powerful... You can change things with the snap of a finger."
"We move from victims in our lives to creators of our lives."
"You're gonna get your own justice, and that justice is going to become absolutely life-changing."
"There's so much power in dedicating yourself to a practice."
"I see this as you being incredibly authentic, unapologetically authentic, showing up fully as yourself, you know."
"The game is over. I'm creating my reality, I'm choosing what I'm going to be experiencing. I am. I am. You start becoming the master in the game. The game's over. I got it. I'm good."
"It's not about attracting anything, you're literally choosing your lens."
"He made you think you can fly and jump make you believe so true statement."
"Working the program is the one thing that you feel you can control right now."
"Remember it's entirely up to you. You can manifest your own reality."
"Look how cute this cake is! It felt really empowering to me when I learned a new skill or when I conquer a new technique when it comes to cooking."
"I am worthy, I am worth it, I can do this, I deserve success, wealth, love, abundance in all the highest forms."
"By cutting back the things we need, we take power back from corporations."
"You have the power to mold the energy that creates worlds."
"You really can become the hero of your own life."
"That's right, learn how to take charge of your own personal health."
"You can't sit here and cry about...how black people are treated in America, whole time you're ignoring the fact that you can be whatever you want to be."
"I matter. I can say this. I can feel this. I can do this."
"You have the power to stop this curse on your bloodline."
"Embrace the power of 'no'. It's transformative, a declaration of self-worth and a testament to the respect you demand from the world."
"If you're discouraged I want you to have hope... the belief though that you have the ability to change your life and your money."
"You have something special, you have greatness within you."
"You have that much power because the god presence is in you."
"Know your worth. They don't get to determine how you feel or what direction you're going."
"I felt like I was Captain Marvel Jr. flying in to save the day. I swear I could feel Captain Marvel Jr. flying with me. It was fantastic."
"Each one of you can do what he did... Assume you are what you want to be."
"You have all that it takes but you need to believe in yourself."
"Stand up and speak for yourself otherwise you don't get spoken for."
"You are capable of creating the life you want; you've got magic within you."
"It's time to move on to the next phase of your life. Embrace your power."
"I love being able to tell fear to bow because if you don't tell fear what to do, it could run rampant in your life."
"Stay on code for empowerment, and make them concede."
"My goal is to help people help themselves with their own bodies."
"You have truly taken your own destiny into your hands."
"Don't settle for second best...you are amazing."
"We have the power to heal ourselves; all the answers are within."
"Do everything you can to create a scenario in your life where you have control of it."
"If you can think, speak, and write, you are absolutely deadly. Nothing can get in your way."
"If we start adopting that if you scared well damn it let me be scary for real."
"There is great solace, direction, and power that flows from the scriptures."
"You're attracting the positive outcome, you're attracting the answers, you're attracting this, you're attracting the things that you need to make this happen for you in a beautiful way."
"Just because there might be something that you don't like in this reading, you have the power to change it, and it is not set in stone."
"Walking power is a mindset. It is an internal belief that you carry with you."
"Either way you end up winning, because if he loses you then you'll end up finding somebody that's better."
"Things are about to start really flowing for your highest and greatest good."
"You don't need to come to a prayer meeting. You are the prayer meeting. It's you and the Holy Ghost having a prayer meeting every day, all day."
"There is nothing in this universe greater than you."
"You are the only one who could create the life you want and you may have to break some rules to do that."
"I want to be someone with the power to protect his own baby."
"You are special, you have something different."
"It's about practicing saying your needs out loud."
"The first step before anybody else in the world believes it is you have to believe it."
"Face your problems fearlessly and accept the awakening of your own power."
"Every person can have the experience they wish to have in the world, whatever that is."
"I don't feel comfortable, but in the end, I just thought you know what if I can do this I could really do anything."
"We're too scared of actually standing in our own personal power and simply saying what we feel."
"It's made me love my body more, it's made me be able to take back my agency more and I really, really like that."
"We're not victims. We can design and live the life we want if we just learn to live intentionally with purpose."
"No one can stop you, Derek. No one can stop you, man."
"It's time to stand strong, release the fear, and speak your truth."
"Empower yourself to stay disciplined... and making sure that your upside outweighs your downside."
"You are not your trauma. Healing is possible."
"Anything you can dream up for yourself that you want to do, you can do it."
"This is the week to feel your power and leave the past in the past."
"The most important thing we can do is to begin to decree audibly God's word over our lives."
"You are not meant to be a slave in your marriage. You are not impressing God by staying in an abusive marriage."
"Remember, you are remarkable. Power should never be dropped on the ground."
"Sticking to a workout plan or a diet or achieving weight loss can be so empowering in a way that can like spill over into other places in your life."
"No matter what people managed to take from you, they will never be able to take your voice."
"Allowing yourself to believe that you're capable of changing your life."
"You can do anything you put your mind to and just follow your dreams."
"Break the invisible cords of prescriptions and limitations in your life."
"It's my time now, express your anointing, express your victory, express your power, express your joy, express your wisdom, express your destiny, express your purpose."
"To become a narcissist's worst nightmare, you're going to have to devalue and discard them yourself."
"Your ability to create the life of your dreams is absolutely possible in this physical life and you don't need to wait, you don't have to put it off and it is available to you and to everybody."
"Don't let these toxic casuals determine what you want or should do. Don't let someone else ruin the power of your MMO fantasy. Don't let someone else ruin your precious game time."
"You're in control of your own thoughts, and they create your reality."
"You're realizing you deserve respect, you deserve to be valued."
"You are an immaculate and perfect creator of our shared reality."
"Value only becomes valuable when competence is added to it."
"Took psychedelics, opened my mind, and made me realize how powerful I am as an individual."
"It's so humbling to see how much support I have."
"We are empowered to be control of our own Journey here."
"Remember Aquarius, those stories that they told you, they want to remind you of how unique, how brilliant, and talented you are."
"It's a profound period for personal empowerment as well as empowerment of humanity in so many levels."
"Once you learn the demons, you feel like your own fight choreographer while you're playing."
"Feel every message, feel every piece of information coming at you, feel it. Don't just think, don't just use your mind, move in and feel if it resonates because that is how you will empower yourself."
"Like the strong female rulers who were her ancestors, Anna had found herself in control of her own life."
"Create your own reality. Even if you're within a simulation, you still have the power to create your own reality."
"Hopefully, you're now starting to realize the power of being able to do this."
"Once you understand, you can write your own storyline."
"You are divinely orchestrated to be successful."
"You're more than your body, go out and do, you don't have to be obsessed, you don't have to hate yourself."
"I am in full control of my life, which allows me to manifest my dreams and desires."
"The universe works in fractals and it starts at the micro level - you the individual. In order to create change we must stop funneling these companies our energy."
"We don't have to be stuck in our current limitations, really the world is at our fingertips at all times."
"Walking around to detective music just makes you feel more badass."
"Don't allow someone to steal your thunder, steal your joy, steal your happiness, steal your thunder."
"Own your reaction... give yourself the permission and the power to react the way that you want to."
"You are your own superpower. You always have to decide what's right for you."
"You have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes, you can steer yourself any direction."
"Don't waste your breath on people who won't even stand up for themselves."
"We are all always in the prime of Our Lives." - Jessica Denson
"It's your time, it's your place, it's your future. You have to really sort of take it by the reins."
"You're not searching for your other half, you are the one."
"You are your own Savior and you're going to be okay."
"You are enough. You have intrinsic value without authority's validation."
"You've given yourself a shot, you can give yourself a shot."
"It's time for you to step into your power and walk away from what no longer serves you."
"Everyone's stronger than they think they are."
"The ability to say no to something is, by far, the better feeling and by far makes me feel more rich."
"What I know for sure is that speaking your truth is the most powerful tool we all have."
"What those pages are saying, all of them, is that you, no matter who you are on the other side of the screen, were born above even the angels."
"Growing up, I felt like nothing could stop me, nothing could stop us."
"Let us stand now unbowed and unfettered by arcane doctrines born of fearful minds in darkened times."
"You have the answers you need, not doubt yourself, believe in yourself, feel empowered within yourself."
"Everybody has a skill, everybody's good at something. Right? I figured out my skill was fighting."