
Life Goals Quotes

There are 5657 quotes

"We can probably point to happiness as one of the most sought-after states or commodities, or emotions. Whatever you want to call it, happiness is what many people are seeking in work, in relationships, and in general."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You can never take your eye off the prize, and the prize is my eulogy going to be better than my resume."
"We should live longer with the goal of joy and the goal of happiness and peace."
"Health is something that we can use as a currency to realize our goals and aspirations in our life."
"You are but one habit, one killer routine away from having the exact life that you want."
"Health, wealth, love, happiness are the four pillars of the good life."
"Success and happiness could be two very different things. What I want to do is bring them together."
"I spent many years of my life chasing what I thought was success."
"What you think about and focus on is going to show up, so you need to be sure that what you are thinking about is a match to what you want to manifest in your life."
"A lot of us don't know what life we're wanting to live. A lot of us are living unintentional lives where we're essentially asleep."
"You have to evolve past that and you have to get to these higher levels...it's not about moving away from things, it's actually about moving just towards the things that you authentically genuinely are desiring in your life."
"You should spend an enormous amount of time thinking about what you want from life. You need a very clear vision, a powerful compelling vision."
"That's what brings us happiness, settling down with our purpose."
"Materialism is not the only game in town, and in fact, success is not the only goal and it's not even the most important goal."
"So much of what I want to do in my life is impact people in a positive way."
"My mission statement in life is to be happy."
"Our main goal in life is to love and be loved."
"Some people define success differently; some don't need the big house, the cars, and all of the things that we talk about when we identify with success."
"Most people are not that happy with their body, not that happy with their sex life, and not happy with how much they can't make what they want happen in their career."
"If you have a dream that has accompanied you your whole life, go ahead and try it."
"My life has to be big, big doesn't mean successful in money, big means meaningful, rich, layered."
"Optimizing around fulfillment and joy, that's the punch line. There isn't anything else."
"Genuinely passive. That's a dream. That's the goal."
"You've got some important work that you need to do in this life."
"The only real test of intelligence is if you get what you want out of life."
"I have waited my entire life for a chance to be free."
"The goal of life is not to get sex; it's to get connection."
"Ask yourself, what do I really want in this life? What do I really love doing?"
"I believe a thousand percent that if you were to name the four or five things that would make your life amazing, you already know what they are."
"In order to achieve immortality, I can't die."
"Financial independence is a universal goal we all have, barring the possibility of dying young."
"The pursuit of happiness is the most important thing a person can do."
"The lives of great men all remind us we can make our lives sublime."
"I'm very much motivated by the things that scare me; they seem to direct the things that are worth doing in this all too short life."
"One of your biggest wants in life is stability."
"Manifestation is essentially the outward expression of desire to bring something into your life."
"If we win a World Cup, then I probably won't care about international tournaments for the rest of my life because then we've seen us win a World Cup."
"Think about the magic of being able to say the kind of job you want to have and the kind of life you want to live and the kind of relationship you want to have."
"The goal is not a good death, the goal is a good life all the way to the very end."
"There are three things that if you answer... it sets you on the path to end goals: What experiences do I want in my life? How do I want to grow? How do I want to contribute to the world?"
"Work hard, bro, because if you want things in life, you got to work for it."
"What a terrible way it would be to get through this earth and never get great at what you're capable of being great at."
"This is my only chance to achieve happiness."
"There is a point when you start to think like, 'What am I chasing here? How is my life different when I'm at 10 million versus 9 million?'"
"Learning the power of purpose: A person who has purpose in their life has something to go for, some meaning."
"Imagine you could have the life that would be worth giving up some of the instant gratification for. What would that look like?"
"Seeing the bigger picture, getting excited about life, being connected to your higher mission."
"Spend 100% of your time doing those things that are fun and productive for you. That's the goal."
"You'll climb up this mountain and you'll hit this magical number that you think will make you happy, and then you really want peace, love, surrender, friendship, family, enjoying happiness."
"Aim for happiness first, and if you're lucky, you may be rewarded with money."
"My definition of greatness is that your life matches your vision for it."
"I want to help transform a million lives. That's the new type of millionaire."
"If your life is not the way you want it to be, it's possible that your goal is not what it should be."
"Create a life that you can't wait to wake up to."
"One of your purposes is to be very prosperous, is to enjoy the fruits of life... to enjoy freedom of money, wealth, to enjoy a very prosperous life, to attain things that you very much deeply desire."
"Your purpose is to create a very well-rounded life, a very well-rounded experience."
"Life is kind of short, and if you don't take action towards the things that you want, you may never get them."
"I know fulfillment at the end of the day is really the only thing that matters."
"One of the things, Sean, that I want to do for the rest of my life, man, is I just want to try and bless other people and help other people."
"Whether you're a saint, astrologer, politician, entertainer, scientist, or criminal, we all have a companion who will help us fulfill our goals."
"What do you want in your life? We are so lost because we don't spend enough time with ourselves."
"I don't want to get behind anyone. I want to live my life alongside someone and so does my partner."
"Discipline is the daily process of creating the life you want by consistently chiseling away at the things that don't belong."
"One of my life goals personally is just to do more of what makes me happy."
"Link your physical fitness to worshiping Allah and achieving the goals that you want to achieve in life."
"Is happiness really what we're all striving for at the end of the day as human beings, or is there other things that we strive for as well that are equally valuable to our experience here?"
"Money is just the tool; you're going to find if your goal is just to get a big pot of money... you might find it's emptier than you planned if you don't have a purpose."
"Who do I want to be? What do I want to become? What is the character and nature of the life I want to live?"
"The punch line of life is not money, fame, or recognition. It's just fulfillment."
"To remain in every way, live a normal life, get a normal job, have normal kids. Never to be anyone fortunate or unfortunate, content in normality."
"The only goal that anyone should have in life is one of happiness and fulfillment."
"I know that there is no greater goal than to love."
"Something to do, something to love, and something to look forward to."
"Getting what you want in life isn't tough, but deciding what you want is."
"I don't want to feel like I am surviving; I want to feel like I'm truly living."
"I want to be happy. My intention is to find true happiness and peace with myself."
"If this is my goal and I reached this goal and I'm still unhappy, then what am I doing? What else is there?"
"Everybody wants to be wealthy, everybody wants to be happy, and everybody wants to be fit."
"You got your perspective. Just wanna be happy. Don't you wanna be happy?"
"That's exactly what everyone that's trying to use Kirito as an escapist character wants out of life."
"It's an opportunity to create who you want to be and to shut out the outside noise and distractions."
"Am I on course, am I gonna get to the end and look back and be satisfied and happy with what I was able to achieve and contribute and not have any regrets?"
"One of the things I wanted was this meaningful work and meaningful relationships."
"Success to me is about living happily. People want to be happy. They want to be blessed."
"Getting more of what we do want out of our lives and relationships, and less of what we don't."
"Being completely debt-free, not owing one penny to anyone, your life would be a lot different, wouldn't it?"
"The end goal is about maximizing what you have right now and then investing the difference to give you the financial security to basically pursue whatever you want to do."
"If you did, you would not have any motivation problems. You would be working your ass off every day, waking up early, working on your life, building the kind of life you want."
"All you really got to do is you got to find the thing in life you're most fascinated by and pursue that."
"I think it's far more important to focus on... your values and your ideas about life and your goals aligning."
"Health, happiness, productivity...covers everything. You can tie everything into that."
"We got married and then we wanted all the trappings: house, children, 401K, etc." - Magi Pinto, 37.
"Life is about making an impact, not making an income."
"Living in the moment because I had a vision of like, ah, being a billionaire would be cool, then I looked at billionaires and I'm like, I don't know if I want all that."
"Money is not the goal. Money is a tool for creating the life you want, helping those you love, and achieving your dreams."
"At the end of the day, the goal is to be happy, not rich."
"The goal isn't money. The goal is to spend your days as you wish."
"It's all about building the life that you love."
"The key to a happy life is to have something to do, someone to love, and something to look forward to."
"The goal is to search for contentment, not happiness, because happiness... it's too elusive."
"I want to change my life, I want to better my life."
"A real man's intention is to lead you both to a good life, or a better life, every day."
"The greatest tragedy is to win at the wrong thing."
"Everyone in this room has a chance to see eternity. Begin to plan for your eternity now because it happened."
"It's really gonna draw this person's attention. It doesn't matter if you don't have your whole life figured out yet; they're attracted to somebody who at least has the drive and motivation to do things."
"I've always wanted my life to mean something, to be important."
"You're sick and tired of waiting for your time, for your turn, or for your spot. You go and take it."
"Following your dreams is freaking underrated."
"What is your life's Mission? What do you want to do? What do you want to achieve?"
"I could support a family, and I've always had this dream of having a one-income household."
"The only great disappointment is if you don't get a chance to do something that your soul really wants to do."
"What do I want out of life? What do you want out of a job, a career, a relationship? What gives you your life?"
"My dream in life keeps changing, and I think people with interesting lives probably don't have just one fixed dream. So maybe my dream is just to keep changing my dreams."
"If in life your goal is to be a billionaire, what kind of life is that? I think your goal in life should be successful at something, and if that happens to bring a lot of money, then that's great."
"It's not actually about money, it's about buying back your time so that you can do all the things you want to do with your life."
"Become obsessed about the things you want; otherwise, you're going to spend a lifetime obsessing with making up excuses as to why you didn't get the life you wanted."
"Stop screwing around with low value escapism and instead play a bigger game with your life so that you can win where it matters and become the man that you admire."
"You're supposed to live to walk your daughter down the aisle. You're supposed to live long enough to say goodbye to your parents."
"The very thing you're pursuing in your life is very simple: it is fulfillment. That's it."
"There is nothing too big or too greedy that you can ask for; this is your life."
"Dream bigger. What good money can do for you? What's your rich life?"
"My main goal in life is to support my family."
"I'm someone who is looking for something that is going to lead to a lifetime of memories and potentially a family."
"Pressure to achieve worldly success and pleasure, to accumulate wealth, to find lasting romantic love; none of these are necessarily bad things."
"This house right here is going to be where I get married, raise a family, have kids, and I'm going to live here for the rest of my life."
"The people who dream and those people who dream big have a different kind of life than the people who don't dream."
"I want you to use this as motivation to move forward in your life and to paint a bigger picture for yourself."
"You guys are meant to really expand your career and your life."
"The goal of your life should define what you do."
"Define your rich and meaningful life. What people, things, and experiences are important to you? On what do you want to use your energy?"
"It is not to make a billion dollars, it is to actually wake up in the morning and be in a good mood."
"Careful what you aim at, what you aim at determines the way the world manifests itself to you."
"Dignity, nobility, character, truth, responsibility, beauty—those are the things to aim for."
"The goal in my life is to protect my family and provide for my family."
"I feel like a lot of you are focused on getting your happiness back."
"People don't really know what they want in life; they're chasing desires which people have put forth in front of them." - Host on Renee Gerard's memetic theory
"Improve yourself, start a family, have kids, buy property, improve on your skills, get in shape."
"Our goal was to have an adventure every single day."
"Purpose is so important for all of us to have."
"Their deepest desire is to have this partner to go through life with."
"This is what life is about, it's about chasing your dreams, following your goals, fulfilling your passion."
"A rival fallacy...the false belief that once we achieve X, as soon as we do Y, or once we have finished Z, we will find happiness in that thing."
"What's the theme of this chapter of your life? What do you want to have accomplished at the end of it?"
"I don't think that's a thing, is it? Well, like, what's your goal in life? Just be happy."
"If you have like a constant dream or idea in your life, don't ignore it because that is your soul telling you that that is where they want you to go."
"You get to a certain point in life, and you want to leave something better than what you started with."
"The ability to adapt to new situations or challenges is a key aspect of creating the life we dream of living."
"I think one of the big depressions is, it's like, you grow up and you have these dreams and these goals, and you kind of achieve it, then you sit back and think to yourself, 'Oh, is this it?'"
"I have a goal to live a really long life like a centenarian."
"How does a guy know if he's with the right woman for him? The right woman will be supportive of his hobbies, interests, goals, and most importantly, his mission and purpose in life."
"You need a noble goal in life to buttress yourself against its catastrophe."
"Cancer is... so into family... they really do look to settle down and build a life for themselves and to have children."
"You have all the power in this lifetime to create the life that you want."
"This is our dua, Ya Allah, we ask You for the best of this life and the next."
"I can finally be a mom, one of my goals in life... to be a mom to my own child."
"Make a plan. Most people do not make a plan for their life. They don't know what they want; they don't know where they're going."
"Peace of mind is one of the key desires that almost everybody should be striving toward."
"Success is doing what you want with your life."
"Islam provided stability, provided a clear picture with regards to what this world is about, where I should be going, and what my goals should be."
"Everyone has a passion in their life, and everyone has something they were destined to do."
"My three goals in life are to always just be happy, successful, and in love because I just feel like those are the three things that you need."
"Once this is over, I wanna have fun. I want to travel the world with my wife, with the kids, and have fun."
"It comes down to what skateboarding means to you and what you're trying to get out of it."
"I think the main point of the life of them was to find somebody to be divided. That was the dream of their lives."
"It creates an interesting dichotomy between the worldly pursuits we have and our goal of glorifying God."
"They want you to take some time to work toward your goals because they feel like you have a lot of big awesome stuff in store for your life as well."
"Money and investing is really just a tool; your end goal isn't to make a lot of money, your end goal is to be happy."
"What does everybody want in this life? You want good friends, you want to be safe, you want your children to go to good schools."
"What George wanted from life is what any of us want...the unalienable rights endowed by our Creator: to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness on this earth."
"Sometimes when you had certain dreams and you live out that dream, you realize that you have other dreams."
"What you want is not more, what you want is all."
"You're headed towards something really good, maybe some of you, happy family, some of you a new home."
"You guys had a dream since childhood that you're gonna start to kind of move after."
"What do you want out of your life? Yeah, you know, what do you want? So, do you think it's easy to sit around and cry about everything? Get out there and get what you want. It's all out there for the taking right now."
"If you want your life to have purpose, then you must decide what you want that purpose to be, and you must work to that end."
"Time is up. It is time to finally take care of your family, finally live the life of freedom that you have always promised yourself."
"Visualize freedom, chase freedom. That's what keeps me going."
"I'm gonna make this my life mission, my whole purpose."
"Personally for me that's hell that's my personal hell is working a menial job that contributes nothing towards higher things that I care about in life"
"Everything I've done in my life was to get me closer to my ultimate goal."
"One thing you want to do before you die, I feel like... well, yeah, maybe."
"My mission in life is to realize all the promises I made to myself as a kid."
"Everyone's idea of success is different, but to me, it's those things that I fantasized about as a kid."
"Interesting data and trends under critical trends on the Johns Hopkins site."
"Go after your passions, live your life's purpose."
"Success is having the life that you want to have."
"A dream is a grander achievement than ever making billions of dollars."
"And joy is a better thing to aim for than happiness."
"Try to figure out what's going to really make me feel fulfilled."
"If all it did was help you finally get the confidence and determination to go out and attack life so you can accomplish all the goals you set for yourself would it be worth it I think you would."
"I'm finally going to live the life I've always dreamt of."
"Freedom is my endgame, right? I hope to live for a long, long time feeling free. I'm getting closer and closer to that."
"The goal of this game called life is not money, it's fulfillment."
"Decide, commit, and resolve, or your life's task this was what you were meant to do in life."
"It's time out for doing stuff that don't fit into our purpose, fit into our reason for why we're alive."
"Young men should aspire to find a good woman and start a family with her. That's what you should be aspiring to do."
"Is this the thing I feel like I was put on this planet to do?"
"Get your act together. You've got things to do in the world."
"My life goal is to influence as many people as possible."
"His dream had evolved... to leave behind a life Without Regrets."