
Empowerment Quotes

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"For a subset of people, turning that curiosity to your own mortality and your own medical situation can be empowering and useful."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Empowerment is the ability to navigate the world around us and to bring myself to bear in ways that are effective. From empowerment arises the sense of agency."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Science-based tools for everyday life are not just fascinating; they empower us to lead better lives."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Empowerment and the humility, and then that gets enacted as agency and gratitude, and we have more of the goodness of peace and contentment and delight."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"There's so much we can do before we get to that point of like, 'Okay, I must quit my job.'"
"We have a lot of power over our own experience of our work."
"Information and awareness are always the first step in being able to do something about your situation."
"I'm Chloe, I'm a girl. There's nothing wrong with that. In fact, it's a beautiful thing, and I've learned to embrace that."
"You're not doomed by your genetics, you're not doomed by your brain. There's a ton of stuff that you can do."
"If I don't take a stand, how am I making it easier for those coming after me?"
"You are the prize. Don't you ever forget that."
"A big part of this for me is putting on for other Independent Artists and showing other Independent Artists like hey, you don't have to be beholden to these record labels."
"You're moving into a land of both empathy and ethics, of nutritional knowledge and empowerment."
"Once you understand that you can literally change your brain at any stage, any age, any mindset, it's life-changing, isn't it?"
"You are so much more amazing and powerful than you believe you are."
"Just learning to separate your emotions from you is so powerful."
"I am going to enjoy this period of time where my children are going to look like superheroes."
"If knowledge is power, learning is our superpower."
"Education plus opportunity equals empowerment."
"We are resilient and be proud because everything has been stacked against us to keep us down, and we just keep rising."
"No better tool than leadership than giving people ownership of what they're doing."
"The power plant doesn't have energy; it generates energy. You don't have motivation; you generate motivation."
"Once you realize that you are truly the captain of your fate and the master of your destiny... that's when life opens up to you."
"I believe if you give someone an idea, you enrich their life, but if you teach them how to learn, they can enrich their own lives."
"Your support means a lot, and I hope that you have a wonderful weekend and remember that you have more power over your health than you've ever been told."
"Taking responsibility is like the ultimate superpower."
"You have the power to thrive; you have the power to live your best life ever."
"You have more power over your health than you've ever been told."
"This book is a love story to every survivor, saying to them, 'Please bring all your gifts into this world because you have so many.'"
"I know I can do this; that statement is resilience."
"Unlike any pandemic in history, we have the power to change the way this goes."
"Patients want to feel a sense of agency over their health and their life."
"You are actually more capable and more magical than you may think."
"We have all the power in the world to take petty politicians out of their seats and put new politicians in their place; we're just not mature enough yet to want to admit that."
"If you desire a confident person, you are one, and you do actually hold confidence within. It's who you naturally are."
"Everything you need is in you now. You have everything you need to do everything you want to do."
"If you know the combination to the lock, it doesn't matter who you are... if you know the combination, the lock has to open."
"The fastest way to end hunger in the world is to educate young girls in rural villages."
"You have the power to turn nothing into something."
"Our job is to empower people. Everybody can get out of poverty because everybody can contribute."
"The first job of every supervisor at every level, including me, is to help your people self-actualize."
"I have the power and dominion over my own life."
"Your manifestation powers are going to be on point."
"You're a king and you could say yes or no to various options that come your way."
"Women can do anything. We can be a girl boss in a leadership position at a major company, we can be scientists and doctors, we can vote and be elected to top political positions."
"It's time that we as a population in the middle of a worldwide health epidemic take our power back."
"Live your life on your own terms, and all I'm here to do is try to empower you with the science and the knowledge of sleep."
"You're smarter than you think you are, you're more capable than you think you are."
"Own your power. You are more powerful than you think."
"You are meant to step up into more of yourself."
"By creating powerful people, you don't lose them. They may go and start their own business, but the stories will make even more powerful people come to you."
"Instead of saying 'I can't afford it,' ask 'How can I afford it?' That opens up your mind."
"The majority of people right now are consumers... There's something so powerful about not just being a consumer, but moving into the role of being a creator."
"Knowledge is power, but it's potential power. When you apply it, knowledge times action equals power."
"Self-love is the most empowering thing to do."
"You have the power to make your dreams come true."
"Everything has happened for a reason in your life. You are not a victim. You have the power to change it."
"Remember, none of this is possible without you."
"Rub your hands together, start feeling the magic."
"Imagine that you are both the leading character as well as the screenwriter in the movie called your life."
"You now have all the tools to manifest the life of your dreams."
"You will have what you need to be, do, or have anything you want in this life."
"We all have the power to create the life and circumstances in our lives which we desire."
"You are the creator; you create your reality."
"You can make people feel enormously strong and powerful and joyous."
"I want to teach self-improvement, teach people how to fish so that they can achieve great things on their own down the line."
"It feels great, empowering because I struggled with mental health like most of my life."
"Don't let these people tell you you can't be healed. You deserve healing."
"Shout out to the confident, intelligent, and assertive men out there with CIA; one love to the feminine, beautiful, inspirational ladies, the FBI."
"You can't be a victor and a victim at the same time."
"Self-stimulation is the key to your pleasure, it's the key to your power."
"You can't take the vertebrae out of your back just to fit inside of someone's ceiling; you have to stand up full and proud."
"You are not just a drop in the ocean, you are the ocean in the drop itself."
"True power comes from self-esteem, the core of your being. It has the following characteristics: When you have true power, you are independent of the good and bad opinions of the world."
"This is very, very crucial because when you can learn to cohere the heart and mind together, you can achieve very, very powerful things."
"Education is the weapon that we could use to change the world."
"Knowledge of self is having the power of self in all your elements within you, god-like."
"It's time to take back your life. It's time to love yourself in a healthy way."
"Our greatest human power is the ability to choose our thinking, choose our feelings, and choose our actions."
"I'm the author of my own book, you're the author of your own book."
"I buy my own diamonds and I buy my own rings."
"Responsibility and fault are not the same; accepting responsibility empowers you to make changes and improvements."
"The most empowering discoveries over the last however many years is just how big of an impact our decisions, our actions, can have on our health span."
"Representation matters in terms of, if you're a young girl and you see yourself in a position of power or strength or leadership, you can believe that that is possible."
"You are the award. We are so special. We are such a beautiful people."
"I don’t need a crown to know that I’m a queen."
"Discipline is the pathway to feeling powerful and in control."
"Knowledge is power. The more awareness you have, the more capable you are of surviving and succeeding."
"You are all-powerful; you are not victims of genes."
"Being really sensitive has its downfalls when you don't know how to hone it and use it, but when you do, it's just more information and knowledge is power."
"Once an empath has awakened, they become a fierce phoenix that is rising up out of the ashes."
"A healed empath is a very strong warrior. This is someone who understands what emotional battle is like."
"Narcissists will fear the healed empath because the healed empath can see through the narcissist."
"Always be the first one to say, 'How can I support you?'"
"If we manage to get seven-year-olds absorbing content that is empowering, that is creating new evidence in their mind."
"I made you to be the head and not the tail, thou art to be above only and not beneath."
"Forget the limitations that other people have placed on you, or that you have placed on yourself."
"The best way to deal with leaving an abusive relationship is to build up a support system of friends and family members that are going to support you and cheer you on as you do it, and make sure you don't go back to the abuser."
"Knowing how much Tess has helped me with my journey, it made me realize that if I post pictures of myself normalizing things society says fat girls can't do... my goal is there."
"When your worth is not tied to anyone else's opinion and it's all your own, you own every day."
"With great power comes great responsibility, and the opposite is also true: With great responsibility comes great power."
"When we take personal responsibility, we have the power to make things better."
"We have to take control of our narrative, family. We have to control our own narrative."
"It is imperative that we control our own narrative. We have to speak on our own narrative. We have to control our own narrative."
"I was really drawn to the idea of a young woman having her superpower be her mind."
"Empowerment really is just recognition of your own inner power, your own abilities."
"By not treating its female empowerment angle at face value and instead dressing it in a smarter, more universal form, the enjoyment of it is made non-dependent on what the audience has or hasn't got between their legs."
"Cinematic empowerment isn't a zero-sum game. Just because you lift women up doesn't mean you have to bring men down."
"In order to make these female or whatever gender or race or religion empowerment movies successful, you need to start thinking of them less as movies about this specific group of people and more as movies about people who belong in this specific group and reach the other groups through that."
"There is no fate but what we make for ourselves."
"Cruella is a character that young women, and women in general, can actually find empowering, which is achieved by giving her a strong, all-encompassing purpose: fashion."
"No matter how hard and frequently Cruella gets knocked down for her fashion aspiration, that aspiration is so strong that she never stays down... instead, always stands right back up to keep trying."
"Empowerment is getting on code as a group, understanding what we need to do to protect each other from white supremacist terrorism."
"You understand, you find like-minded people who are about empowerment, and you get with those folks."
"Peace, peace, and black power, family. This is Jade Arrendelle, aka Lioness Crowned, your revolutionary and apologetically black host."
"Nothing material that you get is going to make that go away unless it works for your empowerment and to everyday dismantle the system of white supremacy."
"Empowerment is making the other person feel stronger after they speak with you."
"This spirit guide... wants you to recognize that you have the power to turn things around."
"Every one of us has such similarities, and then we're unique based on the decisions that we make. That uniqueness is our power and is our greatness."
"You can either be a victim of life or you can be somebody who's responsible for the life you're creating."
"You are so powerful and when you set your mind to something you can make anything happen."
"You are more of a badass than you think you are."
"The most motivating force in the world, based on research, is empowerment, encouragement, support, and celebration."
"Knowledge is power. It really is if we have the information at our disposal."
"Optimism is such a beautiful character, such a beautiful quality. If you have it, it's a quality that turns everything around and makes you always feel empowered and strong."
"You are not fixing yourself, because you, my friend, are not broken. You are exactly where you need to be right now."
"If you change this pattern and program your brain to default to something that's empowering, your entire life changes."
"Gratitude for how amazing things are and optimism for how much even better things could be as a kind of superpower."
"It's very important to get into the habit of empowerment."
"You value life and you value empowerment, you put that life on the line."
"You can be empowered without Supernatural Powers."
"We as Muslims changed the world before; we have the power to change the world right now."
"Don't underestimate yourself, you are here to do big, big things."
"Seeing my little sister wearing a little blazer and a shirt and looking just like a strong, beautiful woman, it was...moving for me."
"Making the decision to love yourself is something you can actually do."
"I felt sexy and strong and like my opinion really mattered."
"It's my favorite thing to do...I want the women to leave there feeling a little more empowered."
"We got to start giving honor to our real icons because see, I'm all about us being empowered."
"It's all about empowerment with us over here, and we're going to have to start taking control of our narratives."
"Black folks, y'all better learn the game here. See, this is all about learning the game."
"Taking away the obstacle of how to dress is a huge part of empowerment."
"Once I know that I don't even have to think about my clothes, I feel like there's nothing holding me back."
"If you're not at the table, you're on the menu."
"You're stronger than you believe. You have greater powers than you know."
"Every woman has the potential of being something extraordinary."
"Only people who cannot take advantage of you anymore will hate you for stepping into your power."
"When we experience trauma, whether it is a natural disaster or victimization, doesn't really matter, we lose our sense of safety and personal empowerment."
"Learning how to set and maintain boundaries is also really important so people feel safe and empowered."
"Knowledge is the key that unlocks what's already yours."
"Affirmation Tower will be owned and developed by Black people."
"We have the power in this moment and going forward to choose how you pay attention to your thoughts and emotions."
"I think I'm emotional because she's next to me, and I finally said that in front of her."
"The community and creators are united when it comes to the most important things: the truth, what's right and wrong, speaking for those who can't, uplifting the voices of those that might otherwise go unheard."
"It is only by confronting the devil that his grip on us is weakened."
"To empower someone is to give them the strength and the confidence or the authority to do something."
"Stay strong and remember you can conquer the world."
"Speak your truth and encourage others to speak theirs."
"You are stepping into your authentic self and stepping into your own power."
"Empowerment simply means that you are back in the driver's seat of your life."
"You are limitless. You can do anything you choose."
"Let's Empower everybody together. I think that we can all ascend together and create beautiful things, improve our homes."
"To all of my DIY goddesses, you are more powerful than you know. We'll see you next time. Bye."
"From this day forward, you now know the power of your own mind."
"Empowerment means being able to do what you want."
"I want every child to know... you can be anything you want to be without anyone getting in your way."
"When women get power, yes there are exceptions to this, and they're like anchored in their [ __ ] and their magic and their energy, it's like I just want everyone to thrive, including the men."
"You are divine, you are connected, you are expressive, you are loved, you are strong, you are emotionally balanced, you are safe."
"I love to see a woman that's about her business, doing her own thing. That's a turn-on for me."
"God did not give you the spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind."
"I want everybody to become a warrior. Community creates change, and we are going to get a handle on all of this."
"God has gifted women with spiritual gifts such as teaching and leadership."
"Leadership is not about control, it's about service."
"True leadership is not about power, it's about empowerment."
"You're finally realizing your own power and you're finally taking wise leadership over your life."
"I have the world's information at my fingertips right now."
"We are here to make a mark, and all the women in the back can get you some."
"Trust that you can create whatever it is that you want."
"Not caring about what other people think is a superpower."
"Self-love is the ultimate strength and the ultimate power."
"Allow yourself to shine, you're a beautiful being."
"You have the power to make a difference; you don't have the power to fix everything."
"Our futures as young women were limitless. Ambition? Well, that was the whole point."
"I believe that I'm the head and not the tail; I believe I'm above and not beneath; I believe that I'm more than a conqueror through Him that loved me."
"You are not a victim to your circumstances, you are limitless and infinite, existing only in this present moment."
"I am stronger than I thought. And that's excellent."
"Now you have a name for it, you've got some power over it."
"Greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world."
"The satisfying and sometimes kinetic feedback of simple actions in the world feels so empowering."
"The best leaders don't create more followers; they create more leaders."
"Invest in yourself. Don't just invest in other people's company, invest in you."
"Strength, stability in this hour, endurance, stamina, I empower."
"Around me now a shield of gold, protecting me strong and bold."
"Imagine the power of asking your kids, 'What do you think?'"
"Education, because with the knowledge you can go get water, you can go get food, you can get shelter, and you can get medication."
"You should be the main character in your own life."
"Your praise is not just noise; your praise is a key."
"What we can do instead of falling into that victim mindset where we give our power away, we can take our power back and say, 'I'm going to do something about this.'"
"You are somebody who is incredibly unique and incredibly different."
"Self-love is not selfish. I feel like the biggest challenge people have in life is this fear that they're not enough."
"The two most powerful words in English language are 'I am' because whatever you put after that completes that sentence."