
Uniqueness Quotes

There are 63314 quotes

"What makes us individuals: how each and every one of us perceives the same things differently."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"This is by far the most creative island I think I've ever seen."
"Creativity...is what differentiates us from every other species on the planet."
"Every single individual is created as a unique being with tremendous potential."
"We're not actually that unique... Our life experiences aren't that unique because people relate to us."
"When you're a young man and you're on self-improvement and you're delaying gratification, there's not that many people like you just in the world."
"The true beauty of The Human Experience is that every single one of us, depending on what we've done in our life and where we were born and how we were brought up, has individual things that make them unique."
"The most special thing about you is the smile on your face."
"Skills matter. Skills mean you can do something other people can't do."
"We are generally better at recalling distinct, unusual events and also events that require active involvement."
"Believing in the impossible represents you being unique, your unique gifts and skills."
"Be proud of what you have to offer; you've got something very unique, a unique skill. So be proud of that."
"There's always going to be those creative people... Here's an exceptional person hidden among all these everyday people."
"Every experience is unique, but it creates a state of radical unicity, oneness, a felt sensation of being as God with God, inseparable from God."
"It's our brain that's the only thing. We are the only species on this planet that's built a model of the world that extends beyond what we can actually sense."
"Everyone has some kind of thing about them that's unique."
"For anybody that knows Mack rides, you'll know that they're not really that intense. This is completely different."
"I think you should at least try to love the things that make you unique."
"You are truly special; no one ever will be precisely like you."
"I'm like Beluga caviar; I'm an acquired taste."
"The Moon would be a cool place to do stand-up."
"There’s only one of us. That has to be the greatest realization of anything you could ever have."
"You are magnetic. There's something energetically different about the way that you conduct yourself."
"The odds against you ever being born are absolutely insane."
"You will only express your true unique self if you refuse to let anyone impact and suppress that expression."
"You are an amazing person. No one is a better version of you."
"We're all different pieces of the puzzle. We only fit in because we're different."
"We're obliged to build AI; we're not obliged to endow it with uniqueness or emotions."
"How would you describe your personal brand in seven words or less? A little weird, well-spoken, masculine, powerful energy at times, authentic, quirky, business simplicity."
"Whatever it is you want to call his job title, it's clear no one else is doing it."
"The IRS has the only division in any country's tax system where they have literally like actual agents, combat-ready field agents."
"We are doing research that no one else is doing in a way that no one else is doing."
"You have something different about you that's very apparent in your energetic field that makes people think, 'Wow, someday that person is going to make it or they're going to be somebody.'"
"It's not about what's been done, but what you could do uniquely for yourself."
"This is unlike anything I've ever seen in my life."
"My voice was the only thing that I had that was mine."
"Your unique qualities are an important part of your life's purpose... it's okay to feel and be different from others."
"There's no place like LA. I've been to so many places, there's not a place like it."
"You were seeing something that no other human has ever seen before."
"This is such a perspective to us. We have cool jobs, that we can all agree on that."
"Compete with yourself and win because you are the original, and as the original, you have no competition with who you are."
"You have a deep understanding of the universe. There's something very magical about you."
"It’s like comparing Mario and Sonic to me - Sure, both are platformers, but that’s where the similarities end."
"Why am I so weird? I don't know why I'm so weird."
"There's no place like it in the solar system; Mars was once the closest, but there's really no place like Earth."
"Man can choose his destiny. He is different from all other living creatures in that he has the power of choice."
"Stay on your game and keep going for your dreams, because the world needs that very special gift that only you have."
"I believe whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you... stranger."
"There have been many great rookies over the years, but there has only been one Faker."
"Nobody is you, nobody has your story, nobody has your limitations or your gifts."
"Each person comes into this life with a unique energetic signature."
"No one will ever love me like you do, and no one will ever love you like I do."
"He just burnt half a million dollars in Bobo tokens. That's insane, bro. Tell me, who in this world of greed does that?"
"It's built with a negative construction technique... Most people don't understand that this is really unique about the temple."
"Great leaders are always weird. If they would have fit, they would have fit. They found themselves by not fitting."
"Look, if there's one thing I'm good at, it's naming animals."
"You have a very interesting wired soul and personality in this lifetime."
"They will always see you as the perfect person. They will always preserve you in their mind, and no one else will ever measure up to you."
"You're known as like an Earth angel because of that, because you bring in something that no one else has seen here before."
"When you're young and you're different in some way, we can all probably relate to being different in some way when we're younger."
"It never gets old and it's a game so distinctive that I doubt it'll ever be topped."
"There is no comparison, okay? There is no you in a world full of billions of people. You will never find another you."
"The most original thing you can add to a story is your perspective, and that is unique to you."
"The flame of human consciousness... there does seem to be something quite special about us humans."
"God's marvelous grace imparts to each one of us varying gifts and ministries that are uniquely ours."
"There's only one you, and when you lock yourself in a shell, we don't get to experience you."
"Everyone has a unique and natural sense of humor... we've lost touch with it."
"I think telling people that they can honor their uniqueness and their creativity is one of the best things that I could try to share."
"Your soul is not meant to just fit in... your soul is different for a reason."
"Remember, each of us are human and we each have our own individuality and that's why you gotta stay weird, fam."
"These games are unique; they offer something you can't get anywhere else."
"Morrowind is unique; the experience of entering this place is a journey like few others."
"Scott Pilgrim vs. the World... the filmmaking style of this movie is really unparalleled."
"Gen Z has developed a breed of humor all its own, with jokes no other era of people have even had the opportunity to create."
"This week's skill is individuality. What makes you special?"
"At your core, you are a unique, eternal, infinite, precious, valuable, and good person."
"You have strengths and gifts and things that make you so different than anyone else."
"Invent yourself and then reinvent yourself, and stay out of the clutches of mediocrity."
"There's an incredible three-dimensional structure to the way the argument's being presented...It's not possible for a human being to do linguistically."
"Embrace your insanity and remember to stay weird fam."
"Every human being has something in him or her which is absolutely unique."
"The bunny represents freedom, the only man who could deliver such a line with that magnitude is Nicolas Cage."
"You weren't put on this earth just to succeed and climb to the top; you were put on this earth because you offer something special to the world."
"The atmosphere here, the vibes, the chillness is just unmatched."
"David had a unique independence for someone his age."
"Your partner now has a few different kisses: they're brand new, unique, and randomized."
"This special gift is from your one and only Obama."
"Beating someone super strong by being super nice wouldn't that be a truly great puzzle?"
"You can run away, but the smell of your pancreas will always draw me to you."
"Transforming yourself by finding your own unique self-expression."
"Your uniqueness will always feel like awkwardness until you get to a season where god shows you its relevance."
"Your uniqueness is what makes you beautiful here."
"Life is better simple, but life is even better weird. So remember to stay simple but stay weird, fam."
"It's one of the most unique sigs in the entire game, no one has stage control like this."
"Good is like the color yellow; it has no synonyms, it can't be described to someone who's never experienced it."
"Each human being... was born completely unique."
"This uniqueness that you're born with is a purpose, is your fate, is your destiny."
"Realizing who we really are allows us to express ourselves and find that uniqueness within."
"Leverage your uniqueness because you are the one and only differentiator in this world."
"The marriage supper of the lamb is the most exquisite event in the universe."
"Embrace uniqueness, that specificity of thought, that uniqueness of expression."
"Don't try to be perfect, don't try to be like everybody else. Embrace your unique self as an artist and that's when you're going to discover who you are."
"What you want is extraordinary, and because what you want is not the bulk of what's out there, you need to understand what is the right seed you need to plant."
"Stop spending so much time trying to fix your weaknesses. Instead, focus on what makes you strong, special, and unique."
"A positive view of a functioning utopian human civilization was a fully unique concept."
"Ultimately, we have what is possibly the most visually ostentatious curiosity we have seen so far: Nirnroot Island."
"It's my belief that everybody has a unique set of gifts and skills."
"What makes the glass frog truly the number one weirdest frog here in our zoo is their bellies, which are clear."
"That alone is why we decided to put them as number one on our weirdest frog list."
"Diversity... refers to the characteristics and traits that make that bring that makes your uniqueness."
"You're diverse because you are unique... We're all diverse because of our uniqueness, which makes our world amazing."
"I don't care enough about your perception of who we are and where we are because... we are unique as hell."
"Your uniqueness is irreplaceable on this planet."
"The things that the citizen journalist has to report on in Levy County, you can't make this stuff up."
"Help me to see the uniqueness, my uniqueness, and to love it the way you do."
"This is probably my favorite palette. It's one of the most unique ones that you can get your hands on."
"Your thinking power will be rising; you show ultimate brilliance and will show the world that you have unique ability and vision."
"Diversity becomes rare, very rare, like a mermaid riding a unicorn being chased by Bigfoot behind a Taco Bell."
"Save that wristband because that'll be not a whole lot of people are gonna have that wristband."
"We're never going to see anyone like [Ronnie] again. He's able to have the character of like an Alex Higgins or Jimmy White but be so dominant as well."
"That is Lan, isn't he? He is one in a million."
"This is also about finding who you are as well, because you're someone who's very unique."
"This has got to be the best pirate I've ever seen."
"That is one in a million, like are you ever going to see a goal like that again?"
"I'm into all things dark and creepy, and I also think that art should be celebrated in all its forms, even if it is a little odd, even if it is a little strange."
"You were born on this earth to be a trendsetter."
"As a photographer, your goal is to show the world to people in a way in which they've never seen it before, and that's how you can create photos that are memorable and unique."
"Control is a game that is so unabashedly following a particular concept, it has an art direction that is unmatched."
"The Indiana Pacers one is really cool. It kind of looks like it's on a boat or something."
"Don't compare yourself to others; being unique may not get you most popular in the beginning of life but it can make you stand out by the end."
"You're not native to this region. You're a completely different kind of owl."
"This is the first time I've had confirmation that the world- 'You're special.'"
"Machines make perfect food. The perfection is boring; it's the imperfections that truly make something unique."
"What you do there's loads of people doing it, but not like you. No one's got your DNA, they ain't got your fingerprints."
"Your highest value proposition is you. There is only one you."
"It's never been an easier time in human history to stand out."
"Everybody goes on and on about how good-looking you are, but the truly unusual thing about you is your personality."
"For me, whenever I see someone using the Claymore, it's always a moment of, 'Now that is not something you see every day.'"
"2020 has been unlike any year I could ever remember."
"Knowledge of the self is not like any other; it's direct but hidden in the most obvious of places."
"Your pet is one of a kind, and so is their journey."
"The secret... it's just that human brains are weird."
"You can't just do it every day and not get better at something. Quality's always going to matter, but also being different."
"I want Represent to be a lifestyle and not a brand. I want it to be unconventional and to be more than just clothes."
"I just want to do something that's no one's done, you know? Why not?"
"It's a box that no one else has been able to check, and nobody else will probably ever be able to check that box."
"If you want to be an anomaly, you need to act like one."
"You are one of a kind. You cannot be produced on a photocopy machine."
"There's only one you, and you matter because there's only one you and there's only ever going to be one you."
"What makes a man good is what makes a man unique."
"Most people start and don't finish. Most people never actually follow through. Most people say they want something, but they don't ever do the work to actually get it. But you're different. You're special."
"You cannot be replaced. There is no one in all eternity that can replace you."
"No matter who you are... the fact you're even alive is so incredibly special, and every day is an opportunity to share that gift with the world."
"I wanted to be uncommon amongst uncommon people."
"Ashes of Creation's biggest innovation, in my opinion, is its node system... ensuring that no two servers will ever be the same."
"It is utterly unique and beautiful in its simplicity."
"This footage you're about to witness is absolutely insane and unlike anything I've ever seen before."
"Don't go looking for people who believe exactly the same as you because they don't exist."
"You are unique, amazing, special human being and person, the likes of which have never existed in the world and that never will exist again."
"You were blessed with that beautiful bright light of yours for a reason."
"You are so needed on this planet, you are so special to this community."
"Don't be afraid to get wacky or do unusual things that make you unique."
"Horror games evoke a feeling that a lot of genres can’t do, which is to instill fear in your tiny little heart."
"There is truly no other thing out there on planet Earth like this. This is one of a kind."
"Everybody's experience is different; we got to make the most of it, figure out what you enjoy and go from there."
"For as long as I can recall, I've quested for a hero of a different kind."
"You bring something to this world that no one else has. You have a unique perspective, a unique background, a unique everything that no one else in this entire world has."
"Each performance was so fundamentally different from the rest, even though they are doing the same movement."
"He's a true singularity in the history of the sport."
"I love this, I absolutely love this. We don't have anything like this already in the game."
"Everything about my lifestyle is pretty exceptional, outside the norm."
"Many fans appreciate the first and only inclusion of our father in any main series Pokémon game."
"You are the only human being with your combination of gifts that you were given, whatever they are, and your experience. And real human beings help real human beings by being real."
"The Dirt Derby at Eldora is the only race of its kind in the major series today."
"Despite being terrible with directions, despite literally having a compass, was well received by fans."
"Bitcoin allows you to own something in an extreme form of ownership that is not represented in any other domain of life."
"Justin is so lit; he is my best friend and only friend on planet Earth."
"It's a little offbeat, but that's what I love about it."
"He had a lot of intensity, and he really felt unique."
"Your singular or unique approach is what's going to be magical or on brand for you."
"It's an honor to be with everybody and—very importantly—where the White House is, and there's no place like the White House."
"Kevin Durant is a transcendent talent, bro. Like, we've never seen [__] before."
"Being your unique self is the coolest thing ever."
"It is unlike anything that I have ever experienced."
"Every rainbow is unique to every person who sees it."
"You're quite a kind soul, just be careful not to spill any tea on your unique outfit there."
"You are an incredible person, and there's nobody else like you on this earth."
"If you're brave enough to be unique... a lot of times you get rewarded for being super unique."
"It may not be triple A in its production value, but it's a very special game."
"That was the perpetuation of this very idea of freedom, which is the exception to the rule in human history, in all of human history, even today."
"They feel like you have a really colorful spirit and you stand out."
"The special thing about this tiger, Tiger 131, is that this is the most famous tank in the world."
"Using Pandora's box as a shell is super unique and very interesting."
"They are their own history; they are fundamentally different types of intelligence."
"I believe you are a purpose. You're created for a purpose. Like, there is a zero percent chance of you being you. You are that."
"The capacity of a human being is spectacular; it is unrivaled."
"The blue ocean strategy: Go wherever no one else is going."
"To have a special life, you have to do special things, and that usually means putting in the work and loving it."
"I don't declare my love for a lot of people; I don't declare my love for anyone but you. You're the only person I've ever loved; you're the only person I've ever wanted; you're the only person I've ever needed."
"This connection with you is like one they've never had before."