
Health Science Quotes

There are 144 quotes

"The mind-body connection and the science underlying how our thoughts inform our bodily health."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We are now learning how to tap into that system."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"There is really solid evidence from the Gardner Lab at Stanford and from other labs showing that, when you look at different diets, you look at low fat diets, high fat diets, keto diets, intermittent fasting, provided people stick to their particular diet, it doesn't really matter which diet you follow. You can still get a caloric deficit and get weight loss."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The goal is to fix that receptor regulation."
"Clearly, aging is a malleable process that can be sped up and slowed down."
"A big objective for Metabolic Health Summit is really to bridge the gap from science to implementation."
"If we can rejuvenate externally and internally, there's no biological law that says we can't make you look and feel younger."
"The revolution that just happened in 2008-2010 that is fundamentally challenging our spirituality and our awareness on the science level is the discovery that the human cell is not at the center of human health."
"Sleep, whether you're getting high-quality sleep or are sleep-deprived, could be the biggest influence on your telomere length, literally aging you faster when you're sleep-deprived."
"You can reverse that process, that's the good news... you can reverse that aging process."
"Our mitochondria play a key role in helping us burn fat for fuel, helping us think clearly, helping us move our muscles."
"Food is one of those common solutions but common denominators of disease actually means when you take a look at how we do research on Alzheimer's and diabetes and obesity and aging and heart disease and cancer, these are vertical silos. They're about an inch wide and a mile deep."
"The science of Health is really the future of medicine."
"I was trying to see why obesity is associated with cancer, which was a really interesting question to me."
"Caloric restriction, cyclic fasting, specific nutraceuticals... scientifically contribute to lifespan extension."
"Ten percent of our body weight is mitochondria. So, how do you stimulate the mitochondria? We used to think calorie restriction and exercise. Now we can add nutritional ketosis to that combination and maybe periodic fasting."
"Scientists have linked disruptions to our natural rhythms to health issues ranging from diabetes and obesity to depression and dementia."
"There is scientific evidence to suggest that a large proportion of the population with obesity or diabetes would benefit from restricting carbohydrates."
"We can now do what we had thought was impossible: prevent Alzheimer’s disease."
"Metabolic health is intimately linked with the rate of biologic aging."
"Clearly, trees are very important; if forests vanish because of logging or other activities, the impacts on the environment will be great."
"The other thing that's been shown in human studies is that it will reduce blood sugar spikes."
"This pivotal role that uric acid is playing as a driver of obesity as a driver of hypertension a critical player as it relates to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes."
"Understanding how the body really works is essential for mastering health."
"Super physiological stuff is a protection of youth from the deleterious outcomes of hormone exposure."
"When it comes down to longevity, fasting is second to none because of the telomeres and the stem cells."
"Insulin resistance is a form of carbohydrate intolerance. So that's a no-brainer."
"Anything can kill you if you ingest too much, and even the most toxic substances in the world have a threshold below which they will do no harm."
"We have less confidence on the effect of saturated fat on the risk of mortality than on the risk of cardiovascular disease outcomes in general."
"Research has shown that berberine is equally as effective as metformin for improving insulin sensitivity."
"Naturally acquired immunity, which has proven to be superior."
"Years before cancer emerges, we can start to understand the microbiome as the harbinger of a problem but also the solution for the problem."
"Exercise produces free radicals. Stress is your antioxidant defense system at the same time."
"More than just amino acids are needed to form collagen molecules. Supplements can add additional vitamins to ensure that your body has everything needed to optimally build new collagen."
"We have to sort of expand our idea of food from just being fuel and energy to being information that regulates everything in our biology."
"Unlocking the secrets of human aging and helping to develop vaccines for polio, measles, mumps, and HPV."
"Insulin-like growth factor goes down... dramatic reductions."
"Muscle mass is the largest site for beta oxidation, imagine the more muscle tissue you have, the larger the capacity to burn fat."
"MRNA technology is incredible - it's a new kind of vaccine."
"The terrain inside the body, the gut terrain, the skin microbiota biome, the health of the cells—everything matters."
"I think to me the most fascinating thing is in the field of type 2 diabetes because it's such an important disease."
"Cholesterol is critical for the function of the cell membrane."
"HDL and LDL work closely together in your system, each with their own jobs."
"Still there's a lot of research to be made to understand exactly what is damaged into the brain. But the only thing we know today is that concussion and other sever brain injuries are caused by this rotational motion of the head."
"Pathogens tend to evolve to be more benign over time, more transmissible, and more benign. But that is not... a rule of thumb."
"The human body is elegantly designed to thrive on just adequate nutrition."
"Quercetin facilitates the entry of zinc into cells."
"T cells last three to five months, an average of four months, and that's six times longer than the half-life of some of the antibody studies."
"If this is not present... transmission is blocked."
"Presence of msh3 can cause more severe disease."
"Clear evidence that vegan diets are nutritionally adequate and suitable for all stages of life."
"Even though you're not eating, you are actually priming your gut so that when you wake up and you consume that fiber-rich meal the fiber in that meal will be converted at an even higher rate and with greater efficiency into butyrate."
"We can prop up, enhance, and make our stem cells healthier..."
"Stop being technicians, start being biologists. Look at the biological creature of you."
"There are other ways besides activating autophagy that exercise can help you to keep your body young."
"The body prefers to use fat for fuel at rest."
"From all of the research I've done... a balanced, varied diet... is still the best solution to having a healthy body, a healthy gut."
"We can influence [the gut] easier than genetics or environments to address diseases."
"One of the primary, if not the primary driver of the metabolism, is the amount of lean mass that you have."
"Understanding these mechanisms is crucial in combating infectious diseases."
"This interaction between the spike protein and this ACE2 receptor needs to be blocked if you want to prevent infection."
"In order to keep the level of damage in this person's body down to the level that would naturally exist in a 30 or 40-year-old, all we need to do is progressively improve how comprehensive the damage repair therapy arsenal that we have is."
"Vaccines go through less rigorous process than drugs."
"We can predict leanness or obesity with 90% accuracy just from looking at the gut bacteria."
"Our body shifts to use more ketones as an energy fuel."
"Sauna increases heat shock proteins that help refold proteins and activate your innate immune system."
"A true cure for obesity is going to require medications or therapies that help readjust the body's self-regulation of fat."
"Reverse their biological clock in eight weeks by three years, wow."
"Genetics is not the major regulator of immune function."
"Zone 2 corresponds to two major events: far oxidation and increased glucose utilization, marking the highest stimulation at the mitochondrial level."
"Autophagy is going to keep you young, healthy, and energetic."
"Nutrients are multifunctional substances that affect dozens to hundreds of different biological processes."
"When you understand the science of mitochondria and metabolism, you can actually connect all of those dots."
"Inflammatory ingredients are the root cause of most diseases."
"MTOR is the most important amino acid sensor we have in our body."
"Interferon is the Cornerstone of getting rid of viruses from the body."
"If insulin was so critically important for fat loss, why do we not see it show up in human randomized control trials?"
"We know you can change these W genes by changing what you eat."
"Short chain fatty acids help in two very important ways one they provide a fuel for the epithelial cells and they provide a fuel to produce the antibodies."
"There can be no fat growth unless insulin is up, and there can be no fat loss unless insulin is down." - Dr. Benjamin Bickman
"Short-chain fatty acids have been shown to maybe play a role in neurogenesis, and may have some effect on cognitive development and improving memory."
"It's very much an interaction between the input diet and the gut microbiome."
"Let's dive into this first study because it's been long known that inflammatory visceral adipose tissue is a problem."
"Your immune system literally scans the barcode of everything it sees."
"Insulin resistance leads to every single chronic disease out there."
"Movement... activates neutrophils, monocytes, cytotoxic T cells, and natural killer cells."
"So if they become more specific, more active, more in number that will increase their memory cells as well and that would improve the immunity."
"Essential fatty acids and the gut microbiome, those are the two things that to me it's like it's undeniable."
"Skin color actually affects the ability to synthesize vitamin D in your skin."
"You can change your microbiome in 24 hours. It shows how responsive our gut is, it's very adaptable." - Dr. Will Bolsowitz
"Studies show that consistent exercise can generate new cells and blood vessels in the brain."
"Increasing NAD levels may have a protective effect by reducing oxidative stress."
"Examples of cancer cells that are being killed by natural plant substances."
"Natural killer cell activity as it relates to COVID-19...is really important for reducing initial viral load."
"You want the immune system to be dynamic, to be capable of switching gears if it needs to."
"There is a revolution in the science of aging."
"We can increase lifespan by 10 to 15 percent, sometimes more."
"Exercise mobilizes large amounts of SARS-CoV-2 specific T cells."
"Reducing igf-1 and suppressing tor leads to very extended lifespans."
"AMPK activation could be the ultimate key to not just combating body fat but actually improving quality of life."
"Virtually all chronic disease, when you go right down and say well why does chronic disease happen, the answer is chronic inflammation."
"Vitamin C inhibits the cytokine storm through immunomodulation and antioxidant, anti-inflammatory activity."
"The three hormones that have the greatest impact on your appetite are insulin, leptin, and ghrelin."
"If you consume nitrates and nitrites, they are converted to nitric oxide in the body."
"Insulin resistance is the Sentinel problem in all of these chronic metabolic diseases."
"Circadian clock disruption is linked to metabolic diseases, making chronotherapy essential."
"Rapamycin affects phenotypes of aging like hair loss, wrinkles, hearing loss, and ovarian failure."
"Nutrition controls the expression of genes."
"I think there is an application for which increasing NAD could be beneficial."
"It's a science-backed electrolyte ratio: 1000 milligram sodium, 200 mg potassium, 60 mg magnesium."
"The health community should be aligned with science and medicine."
"It is about science and about health, very practical and evidence-based."
"Nature and Science... a person's body does have to be in a certain state to healthfully carry a baby."
"Reduction of glucose... reduces signaling through the mammalian target of rapamycin, known as mTOR, which usually promotes cellular growth and protein production within a cell."
"I'm optimistic even obesity... we're gaining some fundamental understandings of the microbiome and the signaling mechanisms involved in these things."
"Insulin resistance and inflammation... that's what's driving cancer."
"Salt is what allows our body, particularly sodium, to actually absorb and retain the water that we consume."
"It's important for many reasons to start and target aging, and we have the tools to accelerate it right now."
"We use a synergistic strategy connecting several scientific fields to bring a better understanding to dietary components and the role that they play in obtaining optimal health."
"The gut should harbor the champion of all stem cells."
"We're living in a pandemic world right now, so microbiology is more important now than ever."
"One of the most interesting things in this class is learning about how nutritional needs change during a variety of disease state processes."
"Every Major Medical Association supports gender affirming care because the science of human health shows that that is the best possible thing to help those people mentally and physically."
"Biomedical science is essentially a course that revolves more around biology and science when it comes to the study of health and the study of disease."
"Vitamin K2, also called menaquinone, is a powerful anti-angiogenic, cancer-starving substance."
"It's super important to understand both healthy functioning and also disease is to understand what these things are doing and how they're structuring."
"There's a lot more we need to do and can do in terms of prevention as we wait for more definitive science."
"We have a pill that can mimic many of the effects of calorie restriction or exercise."
"We learn all of these things when you study nutrition and dietetics."
"You can make more telomeres; there's things like telomerase."
"I am about to graduate with my Master's in Health Science degree from Meharry Medical College."
"This is entirely science-based, in which I will be presenting the science of what really causes heart disease and whether or not we really need to worry about high cholesterol."
"Sulforaphane works its magic by promoting the detoxification of certain harmful chemicals and by activating protective enzymes."
"The lipid heart hypothesis indicates that LDL, VLDL, any of these lipoproteins can cross the endothelial layer."
"I spent 25-26 years in academia as a research scientist, as a senior lecturer, as a professor of health science."