
Depression Treatment Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Exercise is about as good an antidepressant as SSRIs are, and the side effects are only good side effects."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Appropriate dosages of psilocybin can alleviate major depression in more than 67% of people that take the drug."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Ketamine has proven to be a miraculous drug for some people, not all people, for the treatment of depression, suicidality, and PTSD."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"After one day of getting single dose psilocybin, 80% no longer met criteria for cancer depression."
"Step zero in treating depression should be lifestyle medicine: diet, exercise, sleep hygiene, smoking cessation, substance cessation."
"91% of participants showed significant reductions in anxiety and depression."
"A single dose of 25 milligrams of psilocybin provided significant relief from treatment-resistant depression."
"Johns Hopkins University conducted a randomized control trial showing that a single high dose of magic mushroom psilocybin can lead to remission from severe depression in the majority of participants four weeks out."
"The idea that you could walk in with depression and a couple of days later be basically cured is just marvelous."
"Gratitude practice is an essential habit of mental health and it's been shown to be an effective treatment for depression."
"Even if the overwhelming evidence suggests that a good treatment for depression is an SSRI like prozac if it doesn't work for you it doesn't [ __ ] work for you."
"The best depression medicine is support from family and friends."
"Break free from your anxiety and depression with Mind Bloom."
"Psilocybin assisted psychotherapy could reach nearly seven point five percent of patients with treatment resistant depression leading to 1.4 billion dollars in revenue at peak sales within 10 years of commercialization."
"I've seen it eradicate depression I've seen it reverse PCOS I've seen people walk straight into fertility after Decades of infertility issues from PCOS or just Decades of PCOS."
"Depression is an illness and it can be treated."
"A low-carb approach is just as effective if not more effective than antidepressant medication."
"There is this false moral imperative that seems to be all around us, that treatment of depression, the medications and so on, are an artifice, and that it's not natural. And I think that's very misguided."
"Magic mushrooms pass first hurdle as depression treatment."
"Psychedelics may treat depression by reviving emotional responsiveness in the brain."
"Psychedelics are proven to work against depression more effectively than antidepressant medication."
"Depression is treatable and treatment works."
"Ketamine therapy's a five to six infusions for people with recurrent depression."
"Our treatments... are symptomatic treatments. ...we're not really curing depression... it's not fully getting rid of all of the symptoms. And I think that is probably one of the biggest places that we go wrong."
"IV ketamine is indeed the most powerful and effective way by nearly every study out there for addressing depression or chronic pain."
"Ketamine has now been approved for treatment of treatment-resistant depression."
"Magic mushrooms disrupt the default mode network, potentially offering a treatment for depression."
"DBT inside DBT, there should be ongoing treatment to alleviate depression and seeing that as a process. Though depression gets a little better, and then the person is able to do other things, which of course hopefully depression gets a little better."
"Paradoxically, rapamycin actually increases the effects of ketamine on depression."
"We practitioners should never fall into its trap, feeling hopeless or depressed even about treating depression. Helps nobody, we, you, and I, unequipped with drug products, can still greatly help depressed people."
"Ketamine, an analgesic, has been really interesting. It is an antagonist of this NMDA receptor, has profound effects on otherwise intractable major depressive disorder."
"'Ketamine, for example, is one of them; electroconvulsive therapy is another... there are definitely many more options that we're seeing in the market that's still being researched that I think are potential options for people with treatment refractory depression.'"
"Magic mushrooms could hold a cure for depression; they show great promise in helping people heal conditions they simply can't escape."
"I was introduced to plant medicine 10 years ago to deal with my depression and it knocked it out."
"Sunlight is better than SSRIs at basically curing depression."
"Yoga is one really great way to treat feelings of depression, to really help yourself feel better, release some endorphins, get your heart and blood pumping."
"Following a course of TMS, people who've failed medication treatments have more than half of their symptoms improved."
"Studies have shown that if you have people who are depressed, you give them an antidepressant treatment plus TMS, it really improves the results."
"Severe depression improved by 79% in individuals that used ashwagandha."
"Treatment-resistant depression seems to yield in a very substantive number of cases to psychedelics."
"Medication is warranted when you're as depressed as you sound, but therapy is also an important piece of this too."
"Acetyl-L-Carnitine has been shown to improve memory, thinking skills, and also been shown to treat symptoms of depression."
"Overall, St. John's wort was significantly superior to placebo and was as effective as pharmaceutical antidepressants."
"Sam e is just as effective as standard anti-depressant drugs at treating depression."
"Exercise seems to be about as effective as other forms of treatment for depression."