
Mindfulness Quotes

There are 39683 quotes

"Many forms of meditation involve having a very still body and a focused mind, kind of a state that we are not in a lot of times unless we direct that state."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What people were thinking at a given moment was a far better predictor of their happiness than what they were doing."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Meditation and mindfulness, being present to what we are doing in a given moment, is one of the essential keys to happiness and improved mood even if what we are doing is unpleasant."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We should probably all chew our food better and eat more slowly, be more mindful of what we're eating, et cetera."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You want to find your point of rest in the midst of any struggle."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Focus on particular visual points as a way to harness your attention and to remove distractors."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We need to be very thoughtful about the way we use it."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Acknowledge that you're stressed, to own it, see it, be mindful of it. Welcome it because inherently in that stress is something you care about. Utilize the stress response, to achieve the thing that you care about."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Mindfulness-based stress reduction has been shown effective for anxiety, for depression, for pain."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Breathing itself is described as a bridge between conscious and unconscious states."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You have to be in sensory experience in order to find it."
"Often, we're looking for something that's really complex that we have to pay for, that requires discipline...and it really isn't. It's lots of these like little micro moments isn't it?"
"Focus on the present... you can't be in the past or the future when you're doing that."
"Meditation, specifically mindfulness meditation, is what we're going to delve into today."
"The capacity to create quiet and calm and mindfulness is available to every single human, period."
"Mindfulness is the ability to be focused on what's happening here right now instead of having just random thoughts."
"Mindfulness is moment-to-moment, non-judgmental awareness that's cultivated by paying attention."
"All that's important is this one moment in movement. Make the moment vital and worth living. Do not let it slip away unnoticed and unused."
"Mindfulness is an invitation to be aware of what we're thinking."
"Motivation is simply the ability to put something in the center of your mind and keep it there."
"Trust this moment, trust yourself, trust me, and close your eyes."
"What keeps me going is the continuous flow of my breath and finding gratitude everywhere I can."
"Deep breathing is associated with increased levels of mindfulness and improved moods, as well as lower levels of stress, anxiety, depression, and blood pressure."
"The closest we get to final truth is when we let go of all thought completely."
"It's being in the moment, being aware of how you make the immediate environment and the environment of others better, that's the thing that makes you feel alive."
"Master your mind and gain psychological distance from the noise in your head."
"Enjoy life and don't take the good things for granted."
"Find really small tiny pieces of joy throughout the day...little beautiful tiny bits of each day are always there no matter how bad they are." - Two Feet
"If something upsets me, I now have the gap between stimulus and response to examine the emotion."
"Most of us do not pay attention to the world around us."
"The idea of slowing down, being more mindful, being in the present, good food, exercise, good friends, good relationships. All of that good loving."
"Reading can be mindfulness, and for me, swimming is like my most mindful activity."
"When are we ever just present? When are we ever just living in the moment?"
"Life is so much more enjoyable when you're not doing enjoyable things because that forces you to be present."
"Resting in mindful awareness with nothing to do, nowhere to go, just observing, and enjoying that."
"We might be really focused on like, oh, there's a lot of happiness in the present moment, but we do also need to be conscious and also focus on the long-term happiness of ourselves as well and of others."
"Mindfulness...when you learn to redirect your focus from your thoughts onto your body and how you're feeling in that moment, is huge."
"Mindfulness meditation can, in this sense, make you a better citizen."
"When you actually start paying attention to your body, your body starts talking to you."
"Listening to that still small voice inside your body is crucial. It's telling you there's an intuition that is built into our bodies, and it's always talking to us."
"Being able to understand where your emotions come from and being able to address them is a process that takes on psychology, mindfulness."
"Meditation is a systematic practice of stepping outside of your mind and existing in a conscious state without the activity of the mind."
"Keep your cool, take a break, take a breather, gather your thoughts."
"Take a moment to pause and quiet your mind so that way you can ask your soul for guidance before you act."
"You are totally happy and blissful in your natural state when you're not thinking any kind of crazy thoughts."
"Living life on autopilot, you're not really checked into reality."
"Be present... Presence is when you're totally focused in the here and now rather than in your mind somewhere else."
"When you're present, that's when you're able to focus on things like gratitude."
"Most of our suffering occurs because we are fixated on the past or worrying about imaginary futures."
"Mindfully considering the emotional component of eating is the way to lose weight."
"Vitally important in any endeavor that you undertake no matter what it is, is not to lose your connectedness with the present moment."
"You could try that as a weird actionable step... just leave your phone, take your house key, and just go for a walk with nothing to distract you."
"What movement does for the body, stillness does for the mind."
"Finding moments of gratitude, grounding yourself in the present moment."
"Being in the now is absolutely important because now is all there is. There is nothing else but now."
"Happiness is when all of your conscious thought is just in what you're doing in that moment."
"If you can observe your mind from your Consciousness, you're proving to yourself that you aren't your mind. Your mind is something that's doing that's working for you."
"Mindfulness means paying attention to what's in front of you, and that can be the littlest things."
"Make these interactions as if they were going to be the last time you're going to have those interactions. I think it's really powerful."
"I'm such a reactive person and being able to create a bit of distance from your reactions is crucial."
"Stand guard at the door of your mind and protect it."
"True spirituality... tries to get you to pay hyper attention to your perceptions, grounding yourself purely in perception without any interpretation, filtration, concepts, beliefs, or doctrines."
"Life is quick, you know, and I want it to be long. So, how do I make a quick life long? By really embracing and celebrating all the moments rather than just the big ones."
"As AI gets smarter and smarter, it'll discover what very many intelligent and mindful meditative monks have over history that once you really take stock of reality, there's just silence and peace."
"The Power of Now: The past and the future are illusions because when you're reliving or foreseeing them, it's in the now."
"The light represents awareness, mindfulness, and the warmth of the Sun represents kindness, compassion. That is actually what opens us up."
"You have no time to contemplate, no time to introspect, no time to be aware or conscious."
"This distinction between being and doing is such an important distinction."
"It's impossible to be mindful and conscious in your life when you have a fast pace."
"Meditation, enlightenment, your life purpose, learning or education, slow deliberate mindful action, contemplation, and being."
"Each thought is an investment that pays immediate dividends, so invest wisely."
"Mind wandering is absolutely essential for creative insight."
"Plan for the future, but don't forget to live in the moment and appreciate the now."
"Attention training methods we use now come from Eastern cultures... they've been developed over millennia."
"The amount of time we have on this earth is limited, so you want to make sure that you're using your time in the best way possible."
"Nobody can go back in the past and change things; it's just in the now and the here."
"Inner peace... means to be at peace with your experiences, negative ones as well as positive ones."
"Meditation is about waking up. It's about being present, being conscious, being aware."
"Mindfulness is paying attention, but not just paying attention. Paying attention in a particular way, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgmentally."
"Let's not move away from reality because it makes us feel good in the moment, let's lean into it so we can work within the realms of what's real."
"Apply this kind of attention to every moment in your life, and you will experience life in beautifully transcendental ways you never thought were possible."
"The key to being non-reactive is not to try and be non-reactive. No, no, no, no. The key to be non-reactive is to first observe your reactions."
"You can choose to change your breath to feel the way you want to feel."
"The whole goal of yoga is to quiet down our mind and body to experience that we have everything we need."
"When we keep focusing on the pains and fears, we get more pains and fears."
"I find that it makes me play other games more mindfully."
"The importance of stillness, the importance of silence, the ability to... have the awareness of your own emotional, your internal emotional states, so that you can really begin to suss out what you respond to."
"Self-awareness is the ability to look at yourself and how you're behaving right in that moment in a completely impartial state."
"It's really about taking control of how you feel in that moment and what you can do about it impartially."
"Life is short, you got to appreciate the people in your life."
"I don't have to chase extraordinary moments to find happiness – it's right in front of me if I'm paying attention and practicing gratitude."
"I notice the beauty of nature every day, and it feeds my soul in delightful and delicious ways."
"The first thing you learn at monk's school is learning how to breathe because we're taught that the only thing that stays with you from the moment you're born to the moment you die is your breath."
"Just because you have a thought or an emotion, it doesn't make it important."
"Life is so busy, so take every moment and live it to the best of our ability."
"Life passes us by, and we need to take every moment and live it to the best of our ability."
"It's very important to take moments for yourself."
"Being truly awake in the present moment and importantly not being pushed or pulled by our biases."
"Meditation, these mindfulness practices, are a way of like lowering the volume on that and in turn allowing us to then be more focused, more present, more curious, and less self-judging."
"What I am is just the awareness that's noticing the story."
"Live quietly in the moment and see the beauty of all before you. The future will take care of itself."
"To be mindful and present with children to the degree you possibly can... to really allow that child to feel heard, seen, and recognized."
"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Amen."
"Appreciate the beauty inside and all around you."
"Just take a moment to take a deep breath, feel peaceful, drop down into your body, and listen to that quiet inner voice that we all have to guide us through life."
"Deliberate thinking is when you start to take control of your thoughts instead of succumbing to the default way that you think."
"We're setting a trap so that you don't fall into the default mode of laying in bed and looking at that thing. I want to give you a chance to catch your thoughts."
"I think paying attention to the seasons, and taking time to appreciate the little things, the simple things is what makes a meaningful life."
"I think relaxation and downtime is an important part of living a healthy, mindful life."
"Slow productivity means slowing down, doing less but better, accepting our mortality and our limits."
"Mindfulness is the number one maybe the number two most important skill that you can develop in your entire life to be happy and to be very effective as a human being."
"What mindfulness is about is putting you back in touch with what's really literally there, not what you're imagining, not what you're judging, not what you're afraid of."
"Equanimity is your ability to experience an emotion or a sensation or any phenomena basically and not be affected by it and not react to it in an emotional way."
"Mindfulness practice all those nasty emotions that you suffer from... all of this will melt away when you develop sufficiently high levels of mindfulness."
"Mindfulness will help you with all of that; these behaviors basically happen because you're running away from reality."
"You can experience enlightenment and you can discover the real existential nature of who and what you are and what life and what reality is through mindfulness."
"Mindfulness means focusing the attention in this present moment and letting go of the future, letting go of the past, and just coming to be aware of whatever is present right now."
"Mindfulness is bringing that non-judgmental attention to bear on something with intention."
"Mindfulness helps teach individuals to be able to let go of those orientations and come to awareness about what's happening right in this moment."
"Mindfulness tends to give you more of a gap between the spark and the flame."
"Mindfulness really teaches them a way to be kinder towards themselves and less critical."
"The moment you've noticed your mind has wandered away, that's a win."
"To allow the speed of your life without fighting it and to find the slowness in it."
"Evidence suggests there are five steps you can take to improve your mental health and well-being: Connect with other people, exercise, learn new skills, give to others, and practice mindfulness."
"Mindfulness will literally change the brain through neuroplasticity."
"Mindfulness is a non-judgmental awareness of the present moment."
"The way that you start to develop consciousness is by starting to be more mindful, starting to just notice what you're doing."
"Can you imagine what you could do if those problems were dissolved? You can dissolve them with enough mindfulness."
"So today I'm going to speak briefly a little bit about Attention, Mindfulness, and Brain Systems."
"Mindfulness has been shown over the past 30 years across numerous clinical studies to be very effective and robust for reducing stress, pain, anxiety, and depressive symptoms overall."
"Mindfulness means just shifting your awareness over into the present moment."
"Mindfulness I would define as the art of bringing your awareness into the present moment."
"Kindfulness - mindful together with kindness."
"Meditating people always want to do meditating. Meditating is the opposite of doing something. You're stopping."
"The right effort is not about striving harder, but about letting go and being kind."
"Mindfulness acts as a wedge to open up our minds and provide insight into the mental habits that are arising again and again."
"We have the power in this moment and going forward to choose how you pay attention to your thoughts and emotions."
"Mindful awareness can be simply thought of as a way of paying attention in a way that is continually watchful and discerning for what is arising and passing in our minds and in the external world."
"Mindfulness, in short terms, is really about speeding up our mental processes whereby we can be more effective with whatever we are doing."
"If you're able through mindfulness to interrupt this conversation and simply witness the feeling of anger as it arises you'll find that you can't be angry for more than a few moments at a time."
"Mindfulness allows us to shift our relationship to our experience."
"Gratitude practice every night, because when you're grateful, you can't be angry, you can't be resentful."
"Life is always and only here and now." - Eckhart Tolle
"Approach [improvements] with curiosity, lightness, and self-compassion, not like 'why the eff aren't you working on your posture?'"
"Great love is worth taking the steps you're guided to take."
"Mindfulness is not about changing your emotions, it's about noticing your emotions and being able to turn in and look at them with an intention to understand, not to judge."
"The opposite of a stressed and wandering mind is a mindful one."
"Pay attention to your attention and incorporate mindfulness training as part of your daily wellness toolkit."
"Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally." - Jon Kabat-Zinn
"Mindfulness gives you space between the spark and the flame."
"Mindfulness may help you accept things as they are, or in other words, suffering = resistance x pain."
"Mindfulness is really another word for presence, for being in a state of awareness."
"Mindfulness is actually just an act of becoming present."
"Mindfulness can be a big insight; it can give you so much insight into your life."
"Just being in that state of mindfulness and reflection, it really revealed a lot to me."
"All we have to do is dust off our capacity to access awareness, which is simply another synonym for mindfulness and heartfulness."
"Resting in awareness... transforms our relationship to everything that's unfolding in the world."
"Mindfulness orients us to be present so we can be self-possessed, self-aware, well-regulated, empathic, and available, again, present in the moment."
"Empathic people are mindful people. They are able to shift gears even when it doesn't work for them because an empathic person understands that someone needs them."
"Relax, look for joy, observe, let it come, let it be, let it go."
"Aware of the suffering created by fanaticism and intolerance, we are determined not to be idolatrous about or bound to any doctrine, theory, or ideology, even Buddhist ones. This is the lion's roar."
"The biggest benefit of meditation is that it allows us to observe our thoughts and thereby gain a degree of control over our mind."
"Mindfulness is really the awareness that arises when we pay attention in a particular way: purposely attending to the present moment, without judgment."
"Through the practice of mindfulness, they are able to connect with an inner resource that allows them to take care of themselves in a way that touches greater moments of wholeness in their days."
"The real meditation practice is your life, and how you carry yourself in each moment."
"We want to catch ourselves rehearsing and reliving stress or worrying about the next thing, saying, 'Right now, I'm safe.'"
"It's very hard to reduce cravings, so just that refocusing on the body took away stress, anxiety, self-referential thoughts... to relaxing, feeling ease, feeling well-being."
"Mindfulness is being present in the moment... Sometimes just being silent, you get all the answers."
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present."
"Surrender, let go of the control. Surrender to it. Just allow it to be what it is. Don't try to find it; it will find you in the perfect timing, in the perfect way."
"To the elements of water, I allow my body, mind, and spirit to flow intuitively through the changes in life."
"Mindfulness is just concentration training, achieving a calm mental state by focusing on the present moment instead of fixating on the past or worrying about the future."
"When it matters most is now. It's not later. It's not the Superbowl. It's not your Everest. It's not the pitch that you're gonna give to a VC firm. That's not the moment. The moment is now, and it's always now."
"Life is happening fast, and we're really busy as a human race. Figuring out how to be more present more often... the stakes could not be higher."
"Mindfulness is the dark meeting the light. It's the anima and the animus, there's a marriage."
"The moment you begin to notice the mechanics of your own psychological suffering... is when mindfulness becomes a kind of superpower."
"The fundamental capacity you want to get in hand is to recognize the freedom of consciousness no matter what is arising."
"Mindfulness of the body and breath is the first step, a critical first step, for learning how to regulate emotion, and learning how to regulate negative or repetitive thoughts."
"Deep and true happiness, the true meaning of happiness, is not what we in the West think of it as. It's complete presence in the moment right now."
"Mindfulness is the tool by which you can break that spell."
"Mindfulness... can become the difference between being angry all day long and being angry for ten seconds."
"The moment you notice that you're thinking, just notice the thought itself."
"What I love about this technique is that it shows you just how weak our minds are in Western cultures."
"Mindfulness and any other things related with presence, with attention, is, of course, extremely useful."
"Mindfulness is about falling awake. Whereas masters are falling asleep, we do it every night and through most of the day too, at least on autopilot or semi-asleep. But falling awake, that's a challenge."
"What matters is only that we be true to ourselves in there an amendment we ever have, which is this moment."
"Living your life from moment to moment as if it really mattered."
"Mindfulness is about keeping that button right on 'play,' to experience the moment-to-moment unfolding of our lives."
"Mindfulness should go always and unambiguously with a caring quality."
"A simple mind exercise to have a clearer, more stable, more calm mind often starts with watching your breath."
"Let it [a thought] pass like a bird passing through the sky."
"Mindfulness combined with CBT has been shown to work as well as medication at treating depression and anxiety, but without the side effects - and it's more effective in the long-term."
"When we're mindful, deeply in touch with the present moment, our understanding of what is going on deepens, and we begin to be filled with acceptance, joy, peace, and love."
"Acceptance, in my opinion, is the key to convert momentary happiness to enduring happiness. It helps you move from feeling happy to actually being happy."
"Mindfulness is defined as bringing your attention to the present moment and recognizing your thoughts, emotions, and reactions that are going on in that very moment in a non-judgmental way."
"Our minds love a sense of spaciousness in time. Taking your time is wonderfully regulating."
"Mindfulness is a tool you can use so that someone will say of you, 'I feel like you're listening,' 'I feel like you're here with me.'"
"It is the practice of giving full attention to the thing we're with because at the end of the day, there is no such thing as multitasking."
"A kind of psychological space opens up between you and your thoughts, feelings, emotions, desires, prejudices. A luminous space opens up between you and the mind, and the mind calms down."
"It's really much less about what we're eating or what we're doing; it's about how we are being when we're busy with whatever in our lives. How are we being?"