
Mind-body Connection Quotes

There are 666 quotes

"The mind-body connection and the science underlying how our thoughts inform our bodily health."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The body and mind are linked in this way that emotions can really shape our physical responses and that physical responses also can shape our mental responses."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Nowadays there are dozens, if not hundreds of quality peer-reviewed studies on how the mind and how the nervous system can control activation of the immune system."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"When you manage your mind, you can change your cellular health, your biological age. In other words, you control that. So, you literally, with your mind, control how your DNA functions."
"You have some incurable disease, and it goes away, and it's not because you got a medical treatment; it's because something happened that shifted the course of the disease that was most likely coming from your own consciousness."
"If you keep thinking, acting, and feeling differently, our research shows without a doubt, you're going to have dramatic changes in your biology."
"Your thoughts can make you sick, can your thoughts make you well?"
"Your body's reacting to your mind, so in order to digest food properly, your mindset is crucial."
"The mind and the body are actually mind-body, not two separate words."
"If people worry themselves sick, could they not change the way their brains create vibration in the body to create ultimate health or at least start the healing process? Absolutely."
"You cannot separate the brain from the body, nor can you separate the body from the mind."
"Whatever thought you are thinking, your body is very busy making it real."
"Thoughts are the language of the brain; feelings are the language of the body."
"Our brains aren't just housed in bodies like it's a suitcase that's carrying our brains around; our brains really work best when we are in bodies that are active."
"Our spirit and our body are combined in such a way that our body becomes an instrument of our mind and the foundation of our character."
"I am a powerful creator who can use my mind to heal my body."
"I am now welcoming all the ways in which my mind and body can heal."
"Our thoughts could make us sick... is it possible then our thoughts can make us well? The answer is absolutely yes."
"Your thoughts can make you sick, and your thoughts can make you well."
"Mind-body communication involves clearly a thousand different neural pathways, not just the vagus nerve."
"Our gut and our brain are connected; there's a whole hard wiring of nervous system in our gut."
"If my thoughts could make me sick, is it possible that my thoughts can make me well?"
"Your body will turn that abstract thought into lived experience... it's actually really quite extraordinary."
"Everything we know about health and what that actually means — health of the mind, the body, and the emotions — is wrong and outdated."
"The amazing part is that our brain is also imposing those back down onto our bodies, so the way in which our body reacts and is modulated in response to mental states is also very real."
"Your thoughts could make you sick; is it possible then that your thoughts could make you well?"
"The placebo effect is incredibly real: thoughts affect matter, period."
"Your thoughts can make you sick, and if your thoughts can make you sick, is it possible that your thoughts can make you well?"
"Your thoughts are the primary control of your genes."
"Youth is a state of mind, but your mind is a byproduct of your body. Your mind, your body is one."
"The body and mind are very, very closely connected."
"The breath is integrally linked to the function of your mind and your body."
"It's a matter of controlling the mind and the body. You know, truly believing that you can do it, and then controlling the body to accept whatever it is."
"The mind and body are one system, and there's a relationship between mental and physical states."
"Our thoughts shape our biology. Our thoughts create the body."
"Every physical symptom, every ailment in the body, is the subconscious trying to give you a message; it's trying to get your attention."
"Your mind, your brain, is the most potent pharmacy ever and it will drive either inflammation or it will stop inflammation simply by your thoughts."
"The connection between the mind and the gut is just absolutely critical, and you've got to figure that one out for yourself for sure if you want to be able to optimize your mind and live the best life possible."
"The power of the mind and suggestion can significantly influence our perception of pain relief."
"Your mind is extremely gifted at talking to your body; it does it every day."
"Mind and body are inseparable. Our emotions, our nervous system, our emotional system in our brains and our bodies, our nervous system, our hormonal apparatus, and our immune system are actually one system, all serving survival and growth and reproduction."
"Yoga is really about the inner connection between your body and your mind, and that's where you feel that sense of bliss and grounding."
"The body is a physical manifestation of the mind."
"We are the absolute masters of our physical organism through the power of thought or suggestion."
"Breathwork is really the bridge in my opinion between the mind and body connection and gives us choice in our emotional regulation."
"Sickness is a problem for the body, not the mind, unless the mind decides that it is a problem." - Epictetus
"The placebo effect is the instance when you take a medication because you're sick and later, when you're all better, you discover that the medication was just a sugar pill. The pill did nothing; the healing was done by your mind."
"If your thoughts can make you sick, is it possible that your thoughts can make you well?"
"This is a really key point because when we talk about healing or improvement...if you want to make a biological change in your body, your mind is capable of doing that."
"There's clearly a connection between your body and your mind, and you can actually process emotions physically."
"The power of yoga is that it's body and mind connected."
"You are not your brain; you control your brain. Your mind is separate from your brain."
"Mind intelligence bowing to the body intelligence, and the heart."
"The human condition involves a continual to and fro between the body and the mind, and walking is beneficial to both."
"I’m training my mind and my body, my spirit, so it’s all one, so I can handle what life is gonna throw at me."
"We have the ability to go in such a space if you're willing to suffer. Your brain and your body, once connected together, can do anything."
"Your brain and your body, once connected together, can do anything."
"Your body literally responds to what you think. This is how powerful your thoughts are."
"The mind and the body are intimately connected...so one thing that you must understand is how the human body what it's designed for."
"When you have coherence in the brain and heart, you have a laser of energy."
"Your thoughts can have an effect on your brain, your body, and your life."
"The connection of mental and physical events without any clear cause."
"Your body goes where your mind goes, so you gaining control over your mind is absolutely crucial."
"Your body responds to every single thought you have, and your brain responds. Are they helping you or are they hurting you? And you can learn to change."
"The beliefs and ideas that we hold in our minds can be scientifically proven to affect how our DNA and cells express themselves."
"The brain is really fully responsive to the gut."
"Visualizations and belief can impact physical health."
"The science shows our cells are listening, and by using the mind to change what they hear, we can change what they do."
"The mind can hold tremendous power over our bodies."
"Mind controls the body, but can you hack into your mind and control your body in ways you could not have previously accomplished?"
"I think connecting the mind in the body I think that has been the hardest part because I know physically I'm capable but mentally and so I'm still working on it."
"I've been seeing the connection between certain kinds of infirmities and ways of thinking."
"My body and my mind should take instructions from me, only then it's a useful instrument. If it's start doing its own things, then it's a nuisance."
"Our tools are specifically to help strengthen the Mind-Body Connection and to help you shift in your entire being so you get a much deeper lasting transformation."
"The mind caused changes in the body... affect physical reality by changes in the mind."
"We pay attention to the mind the emotional the spiritual aspect... that impacts how the body is working how the body is is able to heal."
"The mind is so powerful and your body reacts in the way that your mind thinks."
"There's a huge connection between your psychology and your gut and what you consume."
"Your fitness is 100% mental. Your body won't move if your brain doesn't tell it to."
"The more you think about your desired future, the more your body shifts."
"What your mind believes, your body manifests."
"There is so much more wisdom in your body than in your logical, reasonable mind."
"Body and mind can start working together to promote a healthier, more satisfied quality of life."
"Our bodies and minds are so powerfully connected that experiences in the mind ultimately influence what our bodies are doing."
"If you put in a program that 'I am healthy' and at that moment I am sick with cancer, what do you think the function of my mind is?"
"There's an intimate relationship between the gut and the brain."
"Your body is a MIRROR that perfectly reflects your mind and spirit."
"Every disease of the flesh is caused by some process of mental action."
"The most powerful thing anyone can ever learn in their life is that your body and your mind are like in their own worlds but they can work together."
"Your physical actions affect your internal states and your internal state affect your physical actions."
"By relaxing your mind, you're going to relax your body, and by relaxing your body, that's going to help you to relax your mind."
"Emotions are physical and believe it or not, thoughts are physical too."
"It's almost... it's that mind-muscle connection / discipline."
"Your body will achieve what your mind believes."
"You can't fix the mind with the mind; you need to fix the mind with the body."
"Bringing skincare, self-care, and the mind and body... it all plays into each other."
"Your mind's job is to tell the brain what it is we're focusing on and create the chemical electrical responses to move our body towards that goal."
"Human beings are embodied entities. If you try to disconnect the mind from the body or the soul from the body, it leads in a very dangerous direction."
"Experience our body gets aroused there is an intrinsic connection with what our mind does."
"This truly is a mind-body practice where we keep the mind in the right spot and the body will follow."
"Our fears, thoughts, intentions, and love all impact the body and its chemistry."
"It feels so much more like a collaboration between my mind and body."
"Your mind and body are interconnected, your physiology can shape your psychology."
"If you don't understand that the brain and the body are connected then you are in for a world of hurt."
"We need to examine what's going on in our minds; our minds control our body."
"It's all about, you know, this muscle-mind connection training."
"The enlightenment experience comes from the internal chemical, electrical, and biological reactions to our own thought processes."
"Your body responds to your thoughts... if you think the right things then you're gonna feel the right things."
"The placebo effect illustrates the remarkable influence of thoughts on the body's functioning. Individuals experience improvements in their condition solely because they believe they are receiving a beneficial treatment."
"Thought can convert to molecular reactions which can heal you."
"Your mind is matter, your mind creates physical reality or what you call perceived physical reality."
"We can't separate the individual from the environment, and we can't separate the mind from the body. It's all one."
"Your soul, your emotions affect your body, your thoughts affect your body."
"Mental health has a direct reflection on your physical health."
"Let that divinity flow through your soul into your bones into your muscles until your mind."
"Thought affects our health far more than is generally realized. Health is a state of normality."
"Thoughts are things. When you think a thought, you have an immediate reaction. A thought has a physical reaction in your body immediately and an emotional response."
"Every physical dis-ease has an energetic emotional and mental aspect."
"To hold our breath for several minutes, we just needed to have a little mind control and to trust our bodies."
"Overall DMZ I was pleasantly surprised I did not think I was going to enjoy it but I did."
"Physicians are aware that on some level the mind and body are connected."
"Thought actually can change the physical structure of the so-called hardware and its function."
"By harnessing the power of mental images and positive thinking, we can potentially improve our physical health and well-being in ways we never thought possible."
"Rewiring your brain through neuroplasticity conditions mind and body to work together."
"Believe in yourself, your body will go where your mind goes first."
"I truly believe... the mental side carries over into the physical."
"We are not just our brains; we are not brains in jars."
"The body will always be there for you if the mind is."
"Can the mind change the brain? Now that was a ridiculous question."
"Your brain, your emotions, all of those things are in your body, it's just health."
"The mind-body connection is absolutely critical."
"Your mind and your body are deeply connected, so you can kickstart a healthier mind by working on a healthy body."
"Your body is literally gonna follow what your mind is feeling."
"Body is an expression of Mind, a representation of mind from the premise of my ideal state of mind and my vision realized."
"Trauma generates cognitive, emotional, and physical changes; mind-body techniques are essential for recovery."
"Telling your body all is well, cementing that in as a reality."
"Your cells are continuously listening to you."
"Perception creates reality. It wasn't my body... it's the software which is our belief system, our thoughts that are causing problems in our body."
"Yoga is so awesome. The reason I fell into yoga is because I started getting really fascinated with the way my mind and body were connecting and the way it was creating response."
"He's not gonna heal my body and leave my mind captive."
"One of the most dangerous ideas in wellness... your body hears every thought you have."
"Your mind is the chemist that determines the composition of your body's culture medium."
"Your mental state follows your physical state, and your physical state follows your mental state."
"I want and I need each of us to understand our Mind Body Connection."
"Once your brain starts telling the body, 'Hey, this is what he keeps contemplating,' it makes it manifest."
"The mind is the body, the body is the mind. It's all one thing."
"Scientifically proven that the type of thoughts that we think actually physically affect our body."
"You can't disentangle the mind from the body; they are two halves of the same thing."
"If you think a thought, a thought has a physical reaction in your body immediately and an emotional response."
"The body is never against you... if the body is never against you, then it means that anything that takes place in your body is in fact for you... in alternative mental health we understand that... the body is informed by the mind, by the emotions."
"The experience is teaching the body chemically to understand what the mind has intellectually understood."
"It's really difficult to separate the mind from the body because they are actually one."
"My thoughts and my beliefs and my emotions can influence my physical health."
"Our gut bacteria communicates to our brain, communicates to our immune system, communicates our inflammatory system, helps us heal."
"The body is only as strong as the mind."
"A healthy body gives you a healthy mind."
"The mind is the final frontier; the body is as well. They're not even separate, they're one."
"Every thought you think has a physical reaction in your body and an emotional response too."
"We can treat things that manifest physiologically through psychological means."
"The mind starts to send different messages to the body, messages of healing and confidence and energy and wellness."
"Heart and brain coherence is about getting the mind and the heart to talk and have conversations. Your heart is an electromagnetic field that extends outside of you, and it determines what you are attracting into your life."
"Consciousness is not just in the brain, it's through our entire body."
"The more you coax your immune system into love, the more you empower your inner world."
"Nothing shows up on your body until the mental version is first thought of."
"You control your thoughts, you control the chemistry, you control the biology."
"Men's thought impulses begin immediately to translate themselves into their physical equivalent whether those thoughts are voluntary or involuntary."
"Our brain is able to find a way to allow our body to get to a different level, you know, to be superhuman."
"Our bodies listen to those messages and our nervous system really wants us to stay alive."
"Your body keeps the score... meaning like it's up to 62, I think the research shows, your thoughts can be negative."
"It's much more effective to use the body to calm the mind than it is to use the mind to try and calm the body."
"yeah they can do all the MRIs and everything that they want want to do on my body but what they really need is to do an EKG to basically see what's in my mind and what's in my heart true"
"We're not broken, our bodies aren't broken, this is a perfectly natural and normal response to an abnormal environment."
"The mind and body are connected... there should be some open-mindedness."
"what does mind over matter mean it means recognizing that sometimes the boundaries between the body and the mind are blurred and that that is a beautiful thing."
"When your soul is moved, your body will follow."
"Your mind makes it real. The body cannot live without the mind."
"Your parasympathetic nervous system and your sympathetic nervous system coordinate with your brain, coordinate with your thoughts, and coordinate it with your behaviors. We are all connected."
"Our brains are so powerful that if we imagine something calming and enjoyable, our body begins to feel it."
"It was more closely connected than ever because I had to use my mind to retrain my body."
"Therefore, we must say that a mind inhabiting a body must always be a conditioned mind."
"...it's not just the mind that's in your head, it's also the mind that's down here in your gut that is just as much at play in terms of creating your health as the brain in your head."
"The mind has tremendous power over the body and how quickly it ages."
"...we change the way a person's brain is reacting to the emotional trauma but we change the way the body reacts as well."
"People heal by thought alone all the time."
"The spirit never dies. You can't separate the two and say the Spirit is more important than the body because the spirit needs the body to fully express its will."
"Human health is obedient and under the control of the mind."
"Your body is run by a network of intelligence where your mind influences your body."
"The mind says yes, the body says yes. It doesn't really work the other way around."
"Every thought creates a neurochemical change in your body."
"Whatever happens in the mind has a biological correlate."
"No more viruses, it's nothing, but your body's gonna when you say say like right now you're in heaven and just say place you want to you you want to be in Rome then many of you think of your body is going to travel at distance like that and you're there."
"Physical wellness practices not only contribute to a healthier body, but also positively impact mental and emotional well-being."
"Your body does what you tell it. Your body, the cells in your body, like a classroom of children."
"When the mind becomes absolutely still, the body simultaneously gains a state of deep relaxation or deep rest, significantly different from what is normally called 'rest' or 'relaxation' or even 'sleep'."
"Diseased bodies lead to diseased brains."
"If you leave out the mind, you're an idiot. They're so combined, you can do all the right things biochemically, and your mind can overcome them."
"The body is the messenger, the spirit is the message."
"The mind goes Way Beyond this physical body."
"We need to be holistically embodied Minds where we're really listening to our bodies because our bodies have a lot of wisdom too."
"Our imaginations are incredibly powerful and our imaginations directly link to the chemicals we produce in our bodies."