
Nature Vs Nurture Quotes

There are 118 quotes

"Nature versus nurture and how we come to be who we are."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I used to believe that entrepreneurs are made, but now I think some of us are actually born to be entrepreneurs."
"Our multifaceted nature is clearly a product of both nature and nurture."
"Nature vs nurture has long been the topic of debate for researchers as well as the average Joe."
"Are we born good or bad, a product of nature or nurture, and ultimately, can people change?"
"He was fascinated with the relative influence of nature and nurture on behavior."
"Nurture can only take you so far until nature catches up."
"Goodwin asks and answers the question: Are leaders born or made?"
"Saddam Hussein, when he's 40 years old, is a scary bastard who just deserves to be hung... but when he's four, he is just the unlucky boy who has bad genes and bad parents and a bad society."
"One on human nature vs nurture – or better yet – how much would you change, would your world view change, would your moral compass and identity – change if you had two versions of yourself – cut between two systems, two environments, informed by two differing ideologies."
"You're born a certain way biologically, but then you're raised a certain way, that also shapes your personality."
"Is evil caused by the environment or the personalities within it?"
"The blank slate idea is that everything is nurture and almost nothing is nature."
"Animals eat other animals. It's nature. No, it isn't. We taught a lion to eat tofu."
"Being gay isn't a lifestyle choice, you're born gay."
"Was he born a killer or made one? Nature loads the gun and nurturing pulls the trigger."
"Justice as queerness has often been subject to the debate of nature versus nurture."
"People are born gay too, naturally or just that's just what they are."
"I think this might be one of my favorite ones because we're seeing the example of not just a straight up psychopath, we're seeing one that's been nurtured."
"Being gay is how you were born, not a choice."
"What if Jimmy is naturally kind and compassionate and it's the nurture side of things that influenced him to scam and manipulate people for many years?"
"Nature is what we're born with, but nurture, that's where our real Destiny lies."
"Nature versus nurture is a debate within the field of psychology."
"No one is born evil they either choose to be evil or they're bred to be evil."
"Nurture is as important as nature in creating a quality athlete."
"What little we have here in the anime is full of potential for a story about greed and consumption about nature versus nurture and about ambition and desperation."
"Are you born innovative or is it something that can be taught?"
"If I were to cast my vote in one direction or the other, I would probably say that it's more likely that they're born, not made."
"I do not think John Lindley Frasier was born to kill."
"Environment does play a very very large factor."
"Are people born Wicked or do they have wickedness thrust upon them?"
"There's nature but there's also how you're raised and what you're taught."
"No one is born a villain or a hero; sometimes, society forces him to be what they want."
"Villains are among the most compelling characters in media but sometimes they aren't born they're made or they have wickedness thrust upon them but usually the former."
"Makima and Toro are the perfect dichotomy of the debate, the argument of nurture versus nature."
"When we look at people who are psychopaths or high on psychopathy, it's a combination of what we would say nature versus nurture."
"Are criminals made or are they born? The short answer is we don't know. Anyone who claims to know is talking out of their ass, really, or they're trying to sell a book or something."
"Are people turned into devils by their circumstances or are they truly just born that way?"
"It's a discussion of nature or nurture in some respects... can someone master their character enough to control their stars? You must read this book."
"Nature versus nurture, right? I'm an identical twin, I'm always interested in those studies. It's fascinating."
"You can clone all you like, but at the end of the day, it's the way you're brought up."
"Was he a born killer or had something in his upbringing turned him into one?"
"Are we born a certain way or molded by our experiences?"
"Innate for this purpose doesn't mean present at birth—it means kind of determined at birth, essentially independent of experience."
"Are we the way we are because we're born so or are we made so?"
"Almost every trait that we know of in humanity has mixtures of nurture and nature."
"There's also the nature versus nurture kind of reference of how can the same people who grew up in the same house under the same parents all that sort of thing turn out so different."
"You know, does the child predator choose to be born a child predator? No, but they ain't for this world, they just ain't right."
"What makes you you? Nature over nurture. People come out of the womb pretty much built on what they're going to be like."
"People who are identical twins are hugely valuable for understanding nature versus nurture."
"It's always both. It's not nature, it's not nurture, it's somewhere in between."
"Development is multicontextual. We are influenced by both nature (genetics) and nurture (the environment) -- when and where we live and our actions, beliefs, and values are a response to circumstances surrounding us."
"...there's nothing about you Stephen or me or anybody that we know that's not both. It's not the right question to ask is it nature or nurture because the answer is that it's nature and nurture..."
"Is art nature or nurture? It's definitely a little bit of both."
"God's Word restoring us back in his image, nature versus nurture, we could look at it, nature being our genetics determine our behavior, our personality traits, and our abilities, in our nature."
"Personality is 50% biology and 50% experience."
"Characters are shaped by their own personal experiences, a product of both their environment and inherent nature."
"Is mental toughness something you're born with or can you develop it?"
"The tension between nature and convention is a great investigation."
"The complex interplay of nature and nurture in shaping Mary's behavior continues to puzzle and intrigue those who seek to understand the depths of human psychology."
"It's incredibly controversial just in a practical cultural sort of way to say something as crazy as 'our personalities are much more nature than nurture, it's almost entirely nature.'"
"That's what I'm saying. You can clone all you like, but at the end of the day, it's how you brought up that will change your features and the way you are."
"That's what I wanted to speak to you about because in the end, it gets down to what that thought and that passage talks about, is nature versus nurture."
"Nature is anything genetic, inherited; nurture represents things in the environment."
"You have to maximize their match quality, think more people than ever are selected out either by their nature or by their nurture from becoming an elite athlete."
"Psychologists today generally agree that both nature and nurture play a very important role in development."
"Nature may deal all the cards, but nurture plays them."
"It's crazy to think they grew up in separate homes but yet they still have the same mannerisms and they like the same stuff."
"Is it your environment that you're in that dictates who you become or is it your genetic makeup that makes you become who you are?"
"Behavior and personality is always an interplay of genetics and environment."
"You're obviously just a product of your experiences, your nature and nurture."
"Sibs separated at birth are no less similar than sibs brought up together."
"You have to take into account nature and nurture and cause and effect."
"You are who you are innately; you're not a product of your environment."
"People asked, are leaders made or born? It's both."
"It's interesting to look at the differences between Henry and Ed to really analyze the nature versus nurture thing."
"The possibility of behavior being governed by nature or nurture and how much these influence our actions."
"The outcome of a study supports nature as concordance rate is higher in identical twins where there is greater genetic relatedness."
"You think people are born brave, or they become it?"
"Nurture can actually act on nature via our lifestyle and environment, affecting our genes."
"It asks really big questions about nature versus nurture, about our circumstances, our class, our economic status, and how those things craft us and mold us."
"Many of us were not born that way, trust me, we were born raised to be gentle."
"You're not born with a blank slate, you have biological stuff, but there's other apparatus in there that can actually transcend that."
"Entrepreneurs born or are they made? I think the answer is both."
"Do you think people are born brave, or do they become it?"
"Thinking about nature and nurture is kind of the big time of intellectual life in a lot of ways."
"Nature versus nurture: yes, there may be genes that underpin behavior, but environment plays a big role as well."
"Nature being controlled by people seems more terrifying than just nature doing its own thing."
"Are you who you are today... because of genes or experience?"
"We walk around saying, 'It's just the way I am, it's just how I'm wired,' but are you sure you were born this way?"
"We're not just shaped by nature, we're not just shaped by nurture, it's both."
"Nature's a big part of intellect, so is nurture."
"They don't change, do they? These old habits, these instincts that embed into and ingrain into your DNA due to your environment, due to your hereditary genetics, whatever, it does stay with you."
"It's very like nature versus nurture kind of ideals, right?"
"I think a lot of people are products of both genetics and their circumstance."
"Creativity is not something you're born with; it's actually something you're born without."
"There is not a scientific equation for nature versus nurture."
"Are psychopaths born or are they made?"