
Comparison Quotes

There are 50358 quotes

"Cold water immersion is clearly the best approach rather than cold air or some other tactics."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The human brain contains 100 billion neurons; that's as many cells as there are stars across the Milky Way."
"Investing in the right comparison between biology and psychology is essential because people often overlook the complexity of psychological phenomena by focusing on more tangible biological processes."
"Being social is critically important... just a 10-minute stimulating conversation is better for your brain health than watching 10 minutes of the Seinfeld rerun."
"Loneliness has been found to be equal to smoking 15 cigarettes a day."
"It's important to keep your mind healthy, almost more important than your body." - Taya
"Do not compare yourself to others. It's not a healthy thing to do."
"Altruism stimulates the same area in the brain as cocaine or sugar or heroin."
"If I were to take you and deprive you of exercise for a day, deprive you of food for a day, deprive you of water for a day, or deprive you of sleep for a day, and then map your brain and body impairments, sleep deprivation would have the most significant impact."
"Loneliness is as bad for your health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day."
"If you go through all 10 of these steps, your chances of becoming a profitable trader will go sky-high compared to anyone else that's trying to trade in the Forex market."
"Growth happens in here, success happens out there, and let me tell you, real growth is much harder than success."
"Joe Biden is absolutely right when he says, 'Don't judge him by the Almighty, judge him by the alternative.'"
"Comparison is the death of joy, and the only person you need to be better than is the one you were yesterday."
"We always compare ourselves to others, so for those of us who think that pleasure and happiness is important, when our lives are not pleasurable or happy, we actually end up feeling more depressed."
"Don't compare yourself harshly against other people. You don't really know what everyone's going through. Don't be hard on yourself."
"A basketball in my hands is worth about $15, but in the hands of LeBron James, it's worth about forty million dollars a year."
"I just love goals like that. That's like R9. That's what I like about Rasmus."
"Now LeBron is universally respected and revered; MJ was feared. You know the difference."
"Natural beauty triumphs all forms of artificial beauty."
"It's like Pokémon with guns, and it looks like it's just madness, right?"
"The purpose of this video is simply just to point out the things about yourself that you may not see because you're too busy comparing yourself to someone else, while meanwhile, people are actually comparing themselves to you."
"The good relationships of today are better than those of history, but they are very few."
"The mind thinks involuntarily just like the heart beats involuntarily."
"Don't compare your first year to someone's 10th year."
"Your road is your road, your friend's road is your friend's road. It's not healthy to compare."
"It takes a certain je ne sais quoi to wear the same dress as Beyoncé and look just as good as she did. Madison Beer is simply that girl."
"It’s like comparing Mario and Sonic to me - Sure, both are platformers, but that’s where the similarities end."
"This organ inside of our heads consists of 84 billion neurons that fire in synchrony together. It is far, far more powerful than any supercomputer on the planet."
"Would you say that winning 96,000 was a mood changer? Yes, very much a mood changer, better than Coke; it lasts longer."
"Data is the new oil; it's more valuable than gold."
"Let me remind you what it looked like before and then what it looks like now. I think it's absolutely stunning."
"Game one, head coach told me that you're a better ADC than Pray, so have confidence in yourself."
"Virtuous woman, her price is far above rubies."
"The secret is to love where you are in the moment and not compare yourself to where you think you should be."
"I'm just trying to do the cool thing. I'm trying to do the Jesus thing."
"If you have a deck of cards, the king is a more valuable card, or an ace is more valuable."
"Comparison is the thief of joy because you can never be who you're comparing yourself to."
"Howard Hughes was like the real-life Tony Stark. This guy figured some stuff out...just can't even wrap your head around."
"Odyssey has the best movement system out of all of these games."
"Twilight's Call is so much more powerful than Rise of the Dark Realms."
"This is worse than Theranos, this is worse than Madoff."
"Come on, this is fun. I feel like Spider-Man."
"Comparison is the thief of joy, especially when it comes to that."
"The creation of the heavens and the skies is even greater than the creation of the human being."
"Angry Birds is going to be the next Sonic, and I mean that in the most derogatory way possible."
"For battery life, the Deck OLED has significantly better battery life than the Deck LCD."
"You're saying I'm the Magic School Bus? Absolutely, man, thanks."
"Everything is reaching frothy levels again, it reminds me of 2012, which was the last time the fear and greed index hit extreme greed."
"Loneliness is worse for you than smoking 15 cigarettes a day."
"The only comparison the scientists who made [the first atom bomb] could make to illuminate its power was with the Hindu God of destruction."
"You reminded me of Galadriel from Lord of the Rings."
"I think progressive Christians are at least as political if not more political than conservative Christians generally are."
"Yet there are men who take others besides God as equals, loving them as they should love God. But those who believe, love God more ardently."
"I'm too busy loving myself to compare myself with others."
"This sig, although it looks underwhelming, is one of the best sigs in the game."
"The only reason that anybody could possibly choose one religious morality as more ethically viable than another is because they feel it provides a better framework for moral truth."
"Is this how Jim Carrey felt when he was playing the Grinch? This is very stressful right now."
"I did get to open up the Mega Box, this Mega Box was way better than on my pay-to-play account."
"Stop comparing. The source of all discontent is comparison."
"I feel like I'm at church... oh my gosh, that is absolutely delicious."
"Education can do that much more readily than trying to get that one NBA contract out of a thousand people."
"If India is growing at 13.5% from today for the next 25 years... America is growing at 4% from today... in 2047, both our economies are the same."
"The missing children's incident is definitely worse than a spring lock failure."
"Last year, Americans spent more than $80 billion playing state lotteries, that's around $250 for each citizen, more than what was spent on concerts, sporting events, and movie tickets combined."
"The X-Men, the children of the atom. Charlie's Angels, kind of. They're my favorite anything."
"Kazmir gets more bookings than Taylor Swift."
"The children of this world are wiser in their own generation than the children of light."
"In a world where for the same amount of money we could buy a pre-owned copy of Spyro Reignited and the N. Sane Trilogy together for six genuinely incredible games."
"Anyone in charge of clearing landmines is way braver than I am. I can barely clear my driveway."
"Republicans are like Democrats going the speed limit."
"Where am I? How do I stack up to my peers? And is there some sort of metric that could let me know like, am I ahead of the curve, am I behind the curve, I don't even know where the curve is?"
"This is like cooler than anything we've done in this video."
"The last time I felt like this while exploring an open world was with Elden Ring."
"We're trying to establish, if you recall, best, better, and worst."
"The technology has improved, and we look back and go, 'Well, Jesse Owens couldn't compete against these guys today.' Well, actually yes, he could."
"This world teaches you immediately how to be unhappy with yourself, how to compare yourself, how to be ungrateful for the things you have."
"My beauty is found in the cross; my beauty is found in what you did for me, Lord, and I am not going to compare my life to anybody else."
"Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today."
"Garth Brooks: By some measures, he's more popular than the Beatles."
"It's better to have self-control than to conquer a city."
"Besides destroying the planet, we're doing some other cool things, like inventing science, and engineering, and medicine, and architecture, and poetry, and literature, and all of these other--and music--all of these other awesome things that other species aren't doing."
"The audio quality here is the best but also the file size is the largest."
"Comparison is the thief of joy, but the problem is when you stray from something that people love and you want to do your own thing, the quality has to be there otherwise direct comparisons are going to be made."
"Don't compare your beginning to somebody else's middle."
"If you don't experience anything or do anything, this is the same thing as a Netflix movie."
"Steady progress. You're doing great. You're much further along than a lot of other people."
"Is it easier for you to go and buy things in the stores than it was four years ago?"
"This finger versus everything else... this one little finger is going to overcome these two hands, wrists, arms up here in the shoulders, back muscles."
"For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also."
"Comparison is robbing you of the life God is intending for you."
"Nobody's ever told you this, but compare products, not people."
"People weren't made for comparison, yet we are consumed by it."
"Comparison is human, but not holy or helpful."
"Comparison paralyzes your perspective and convinces you to live below your privilege."
"Christ should be our only comparison, not to see how far we are but to see how close we are getting."
"She reminds me of the queen in that we seldom hear her speak. Yet, she carries this aura of mystery that makes her truly captivating."
"Both titles have a lot to offer visually. Gran Turismo 7 gets the DF nod for the most visually striking game of the two."
"Comparing the two companies is like night and day. One has shown a clear commitment to mods... the other one has shown that they understand how much of a threat mods can potentially be to their business model."
"It's like in Starship Troopers when they're blowing those things up into orbit."
"Life without you is like a pencil without lead... pointless."
"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night."
"It's like comparing a Nintendo and a PS5, though, right? Nintendo was the stuff back then, punch for what we had then the game is evolved."
"The more that we compare ourselves, the worse we feel about ourselves."
"If you want to compare yourself less, spend less time on social media."
"Upward comparisons were designed to give us a roadmap to improve our lives."
"There are some films and adaptations that are better than the book. The book is not always better."
"Kashin Koji is an antihero just like Itachi."
"The difference between the CEO and you is not IQ, it's EQ."
"Every game suffers this; some more than others."
"The washing machine has changed the world more than the Internet has."
"It's basically like Monster Hunter but without running around the map."
"This game feels like Monster Hunter and like maybe like Genshin and all of these other games kind of really mixed in."
"Artificial intelligence, the CEO of DeepMind compares it to fire."
"Entertainment surprised me by far the most... there's nothing that even compares to what the Apple Vision Pro does for you."
"The show is simply a better written story than the game was."
"It's no wonder why The Last of Us show is a better written story than the game."
"Sounds terrifying? Well, so is going to the dentist, but you should still do it."
"In terms of survival five years after diagnosis of cancer, the United States is head and shoulders above everyone else."
"All immigrants are less likely to be incarcerated than natives relative to their shares of the population."
"Whenever I see a massive company start to show signs of failure and going down the path of orgasmic collapse, I'm often reminded of the late great Blockbuster, God rest its soul."
"The ukulele apology video is not even close to as bad as this one."
"A spider spinning its web has more definiteness of purpose than has most men."
"So, I think that that, too, for me, feels like it's closer to a doctor-patient relationship."
"Disco Elysium is a better, more ambitious, more thought-provoking, and more sophisticated game than Jedi Fallen Order could ever hope to be."
"Hollywood is a weird place. How weird is it? It's more weird than wood."
"Factor is less expensive than takeout. I did the math."
"The United States spends more per person on health care than other high-income countries but still has a lower life expectancy."
"I mean, I don't like to directly compare, but yeah, obviously the ups and downs that I've been through in the last few years, this one's great."
"Loneliness is as dangerous for your health as smoking 15 cigarettes per day."
"Loneliness is a risk factor comparable to smoking, obesity, and high blood pressure."
"The magnitude of effect of avoiding the Sun could actually be comparable to smoking, which is really quite astonishing."
"700 women die every year in the United States during pregnancy, birth, or the postpartum period. That is a number which is too high and which is higher than any other developed nation in the world."
"The danger of AI is much greater than the danger of nuclear warheads by a lot."
"The brain is obviously the most sophisticated computer in the universe up to now."
"I am me and the charisma Carl, no matter how much makeups you wish you never become the super duper high school supermodel."
"Confidence is not narcissism, and feeling pretty doesn't mean I think I am better than anyone else."
"Mark my words, AI is far more dangerous than nukes."
"This is bigger than 2008. This, the subprime is going to look like a boom time."
"The fastest way to kill something special is by comparing it to something else."
"It's the D&D the video game that's exactly what it is, you know, everything just rolls that way."
"A society's ability to control sex is indicative of its level of development."
"It makes The Chemical Brothers one that I heard when I was high sound like Mozart."
"In paper one, you're given one source, and you have to analyze that one source, whereas in paper two, you are given two sources."
"All trauma is hard, so I don't need to compare it."
"Warren Buffett comparing AI to the creation of the atom bomb and Jeffrey Hinton saying that the threat of AI is more urgent to humanity than climate change."
"Now, one of the most attractive things about this Insight is its pricing since it's really not that much more expensive than the Honda Civic."
"Which starter Pokémon is objectively the worst? That is the question that we are going to answer today."
"The Prophet raised the flag of tawheed in a land of shirk on his own, which is more difficult than raising the flag of India in Islamabad."
"This is one seriously good-looking car that I think a lot of buyers who were considering a Prius may end up choosing."
"The United States spends more on the military than the next nine countries together which includes Russia and China Spend."
"Indeed, four decades ago, China was as poor as Malawi of Africa in terms of per capita GDP. Now, China's the largest economy in terms of purchasing power parity."
"If you don't compare well, don't get disappointed, upset, work on it, improve."
"Don't compare yourself to other people, compare yourself to yourself."
"I really love base building games like this, and Conan Exiles is the best one that I found. It's better than Ark, it's better than Rust."
"The term 'midget' is a derogatory word against dwarfs, which the N word is also a derogatory word against Black people."
"The worst part is when people see Mr Beast now and they think they're going to make their very niche content like his."
"The world of Red Dead Redemption 2 is way, way bigger than Red Dead Redemption."
"Comparison is and always will be the thief of joy."
"Cryptocurrency because it's kind of like that digital gold."
"But as the years went on, it became... the best first-person shooter ever made, hands down."
"It was just as good as the second one; it was such a fantastic story."
"At the end of the day, the question still remains: Can you use the iPad as a laptop replacement?"
"Why does my gender expression need to be such a big deal in real life when it's not in a Nintendo game?"
"Reading a book involves different areas of the brain much more precisely, much more actively than when you're watching a movie."
"It's important to understand that the kind of AIs that are optimizing the social algorithms are better than the AIs that beat Garry Kasparov at chess."
"Nvidia is a behemoth; it operates on a completely different planet from most of the other companies."
"Just because you have a high IQ doesn't mean you have a high EQ."
"I've trained with Stephen, you're out of Shame with Luis Suarez, Torres, all these great players, and so no one comes near to John Barnes in training."
"The second issue is social comparison, so it's just not healthy for us to constantly be looking at these carefully curated positive portrayals of everyone's life. That's not we're not wired for it, and so that also makes us less happy."
"Bitcoin's the Cyber property, Ethereum is probably the Cyber platform."
"It's about levels. Right here, right now, David de Gea is the better goalkeeper. He's got the better ceiling, he's got the better experience, he's technically the better keeper."
"Our economy has grown more in the last 6 months than it ever did at any point in Trump's entire four years in office."
"Being in a toxic relationship is worse than hell."
"Switzerland has a higher standard of income than the United States and it's a far smaller country."
"Positive thinkers are men and women who accomplish an awful lot more than people who have negative mental attitudes."
"House of the Dragon is a series that sets its sight on a much more specific thematic target than Game of Thrones' sprawling geopolitical intentions."
"The difference between involvement and commitment is like the difference between bacon and eggs: in bacon and eggs, the chicken is only involved, but the pig is committed."
"Imposter syndrome is real... Comparison is the thief of joy."
"I feel like 10 times better about this car than what I had before."
"Don't compare your chapter one to somebody else's chapter twenty."
"Who's better, you or Michael Jordan? Me. Are you the best basketball player in the whole planet? Yes."
"In America, you can change the party, but it's very difficult to change the policy. In contrast, in China, you cannot change the party, but it's much easier to change the policy."
"Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who somebody else is today."
"I don't want us to compare ourselves to anybody; I just want us to be us."
"A Volvo that is equipped like a Rolls-Royce."
"Now you should have a full understanding of the differences between declarative and imperative approach."
"Interesting enough, look at the difference in top speed year-over-year."
"You have very powerful and profound messages to share, and because you keep comparing yourself to others, you've not really found where you fit in and what you're uniquely bringing to the table."
"Victor Frankenstein's dilemma is not unlike the dilemma facing celebrities today."
"Engineering degrees earn $3.5 million over a lifetime, that's by far the highest out of any type of degree out there."
"Korea is objectively way ahead of us in terms of innovation."
"The similarities that exist between these two properties are infinitely outweighed by their differences."
"The economy and the stock market are not the same thing, but they are similar."
"There are more stars in the universe than there are grains of sand on Earth."
"Demon Slayer has some of the most gorgeous choreographed fighting animation since, in my opinion, the Todoroki Deku tournament arc fight in My Hero Academia."
"Avoid comparing your beauty to others, avoid comparing where you are at to others, avoid comparing your talents to others."
"A lot of unhappiness comes from comparing yourself to other people...and a lot of unhappiness comes from comparing yourself to a perfect self."
"Those marginal differences in governance even between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have drastic consequences on the lives of millions of people."
"Democracy in the political sense absolutely is a good thing, especially compared to the alternative."