
Daily Life Quotes

There are 8157 quotes

"The cerebellum...is responsible for an enormous number of basic functions that we use in everyday life."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Motivation is fundamental to our daily life. It's what allows us to get out of bed in the morning. It's what allows us to pursue long-term goals or short-term goals."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You have the power... we can change our mood, we can change our lifespan, we can change how we come into this world every day."
"While working towards the things that matter to us, we are managing to enjoy ourselves and kind of enjoying every day on its own merit rather than purely seeing it as a means to an end."
"It's possible to live every single day of your life feeling charged and feeling alive and eager."
"I wake up every single morning with a very clear sense of purpose."
"It's about celebrating everyday moments and showing the beauty of those moments."
"If you don't have a purpose or a reason for why you do what you do, you're never going to have a reason to want to get out of bed every single morning and crush your day."
"You have to enjoy every sandwich, you have to enjoy every day what you're doing."
"The more joyful moments you have throughout the day, the more joy you end up with every single day."
"The proof of the profundity of our experiences is proved in our day-to-day experience."
"The real meditation practice is your life, and how you carry yourself in each moment."
"It's what we do with the hours of our day after we wake up that make the difference in how much we get done."
"You are my inspiration for like everyday life."
"It was a real powerful moment for me to realize that day-to-day happiness is what matters."
"Do little loving things every day of your life for your friends, relatives, and neighbors."
"You have to learn to select your thoughts the same way that you select your clothes every day."
"Integrating our meditation into daily life... brings joy, it brings real joy to your life because you're fully there."
"Every day I tell them all, 'Wake up and make yourself happy.'"
"You should be praying every day; you should be going to God. I don't not have 20 minutes that I'm not praying."
"Kindness isn't just something we schedule within our day... it's how we live."
"Self-confidence opens you up to the energy required to carry you through each day at your very best."
"Values are qualities of action. Every single day, we have hundreds of opportunities to either move towards our values or away from them."
"Good morning, everyone. God has let me live another day, and I'm going to make it everyone's problem."
"Good morning, everyone. God has let me live another day, and I am about to make it everyone's problem."
"Becoming a saint is doing your duty every day."
"Your health is a blessing. A lot of people don't understand how it is to wake up every day in pain."
"You don't have to wait until tomorrow to have a great day; you can decide to have a great day right now."
"Why is everything got to be downstairs then upstairs, down and up, down and up, over and over? I feel like this is exercise simulator. I'm going to run a marathon soon."
"If God has given me breath on this day, I proclaim this is the day that the Lord has made; I'm gonna rejoice and be glad in it."
"Emotional intelligence is an absolutely critical skill because we have more than 400 emotional experiences every single day."
"Spiritualize your daily activities. They can be offered as a worship of God."
"Bring that spacious awareness into your daily life."
"I will live, eat, sleep, and breathe Jesus today."
"I step into my day with quiet expectation that something wondrous will occur."
"Life is always brighter when you wake up each day with a spirit of enthusiasm."
"Economics is something we all feel day in and day out."
"Every day I feel like I live a thousand years. Every day that goes by, before I go to sleep, I put on my shoes on, I always have to look for the exit, the police come, where do I run, where do I jump."
"Remember to be kind to everybody everywhere in your everyday life: in your home, in the grocery store, and especially in the comment section down below, please."
"Your spirituality is defined by how capable you are of dealing with day-to-day life."
"Loneliness has become such a battle that sometimes I forget to eat."
"It's often a sharing of the trivial day-to-day things between two people or through groups of people that leads to the feeling that people are really connected to one another."
"Every one of us has the capacity to improve one person's life every day."
"Instead of saying, 'I have to go to work today,' say 'I get to go to work today.'"
"Peter wants to explain to us the implications of everything being destroyed with fire and what that should mean to our daily life."
"How about coffee? Do you like coffee? Only with my oxygen."
"I truly believe you do not have to do anything crazy or extraordinary in order to have the best day ever."
"I always like to think of my energy in a day as currency."
"Bravery is a practice that we can utilize every single day."
"Self-confidence opens you to the energy required to carry you through each day at your very best."
"What is easiest and most useful in algebra is such as men constantly require in cases of inheritance, legacies, partitions, lawsuits, and trade."
"The amazing thing about the world is remarkable things are happening around us every day."
"Goodbye for now, ladies and gentlemen, have a lovely day."
"Food, music, and entertainment define our lives on a day-to-day basis."
"Good work, good morning, it is about 7:30, and I'm just getting ready to leave for Canton, Ohio."
"Pure maths really does apply to our daily lives."
"Your daily life is your temple and your religion. Whenever you enter into it take with you your all."
"Every action can become a spiritual practice."
"We need the power of the Holy Spirit to live our everyday lives."
"It was nice to have something every day that, by the end of the day, good, bad, or indifferent, it was something that I had put my stamp on."
"The importance of family, right where it's so easy to get lost in the day-to-day rush."
"Intimacy with the Spirit of God is something that you can have all day long."
"Coping mechanisms are typically a very good thing and very helpful in day to day life."
"What drives you to work and gets you through the day is pursuing the love of Allah."
"What would you do for an extra 45 minutes of sleep per day? That's pretty profound; that can be the difference between a good day and a crappy day."
"My life, like the thing that I actually do on a day-to-day basis, is awesome and I love it."
"Every day I'm constantly, I wake up and go what is going on ethically? - Bioethically."
"I think that's the life of a creator; you're every day all day."
"Go about your business and have the most amazing day, but even if you can't have a good one, don't you dare go messing up nobody else's."
"Continue enjoying when you see rainbows and feeling joy in your day-to-day."
"All human beings, irrespective of what they try to purport, have preferences for everything, not just humans and relationships, but even what they put into their gob at the beginning of the day. Preferences are just a part of life."
"What amazing things don't happen to me every day? That's the point, when you write it down... it brings those things to awareness."
"Take every day as it comes, especially if it's been super difficult."
"Everybody has the choice of being a hero or not being a hero every day of their lives."
"There are little points of light that exist throughout our pedestrian world that exist to just kind of keep you going along."
"Sometimes these start to give me actual headaches so I'm going to finish my iced coffee and make some dinner."
"True romance, real love, is how you do day-to-day life together and how you build a life together and how you choose each other every single day."
"Spirituality is really just a mindset that needs to be carried through into everything that you do."
"Social media is a hell hole that I'm trying to dig myself out of every single day."
"When you retire, that means you're stopping from work, but you're not working, you're chasing your purpose on a daily basis."
"Do not let the past rule you right now, because as long as you're carrying it with you, you're facing it every single day. So let it go."
"You don't have to like every day, but you do get to love every day."
"Every day I get to do something that I genuinely really enjoy."
"To change the shape of your life, then change the shape of your day."
"How many of us struggle with impatience? Impatience in traffic, impatience with your children, impatience, for me, with brothers."
"Hey, you. The best part of every single day."
"That is pretty much what I do every day: mom of three and an activist."
"A bespoke shirt, or a shirt that fits properly, is going to be more comfortable throughout the day, and that is important."
"You can only take it one day at a time, just keep going."
"Every day, every moment, there's something magical, there's something to be embraced."
"There are a lot of things that we take for granted in our day-to-day lives; one of the big ones is how we spend a good portion of our waking hours."
"It's every day is a struggle trying to save, make sure there's food on the table, pay the rent."
"Every day is new, and every day opportunities come to you."
"At the end of the day, if you go to bed at night and think you've done the very best you could possibly do, then you should go to bed happy and peaceful."
"The way we'll be faithful to the end is to be faithful today."
"We just try to make something fun out of a boring day."
"All politics is about everyday life... This is about everyday life."
"The Christian life is about having an everyday, all-the-time relationship with the Lord."
"It's been a day, hasn't it? Oh, James. Oh dude, right next to me."
"You can rely on divine providence for the ordinary things of life."
"It's like those casual moments when you go grab a coffee or you walk from one meeting to another meeting. Those moments are so essential."
"Wickenby's Roman finds already give us a glimpse of everyday life in the country, with cosmetic devices, elaborate drinking spouts, and religious icons."
"The daily grind usually refers to your workday, it's really more a lesson about our daily routines."
"Every day is something different; it's not really routine."
"I'm so blessed, thanking God every single day for waking me up, the opportunity that I have."
"Your life isn't margaritas on a beach in Jamaica. Your life is how your wife greets you at the door when you come home every day because that's like 10 minutes a day."
"People often say, 'I have never seen a miracle before.' The fact is, you see miracles every day; you just can't identify it."
"Every single time we leave our house is a spiritual warfare."
"There is nothing more beautiful than to wake up every day holding in your hand the full measure of your integrity."
"The internet permeates every aspect of our lives."
"The majority of people on this planet are living paycheck to paycheck."
"Your values determine your daily performance."
"You can really meditate anywhere, anytime, anyplace. The more you can incorporate it into your daily life, the better."
"The most fulfilling thing is waking up in the morning with my kids, having breakfast, going to work."
"Americans live their lives more as people that are just a little bit late for something they have to do, often something they do not want to do, but they do it. Impossible things every day that are only made possible through the little reasonable compromises we all make."
"I love my sense of humor. I find ways to be funny and delightful every day."
"Put God first in your life. Place Him at the very start of your day, stay with Him, walk with Him and talk with Him during the day, and most definitely end your day with God."
"If you can identify what those sensory moments are that you so love and clung to, you can begin to notice them in your day-to-day, even in a workday, even a day when you're chained to the desk."
"Improve your life every single day, and you won't even notice when a girl pulls back on you."
"It's a satirical look into everyday struggles and dealing with the fact that we live in a consumerist culture."
"We realize how blessed we are, you know? Every day."
"We all participate in politics each and every day."
"Although all humans are human... we all have thoughts and feelings and we all have good days and bad days."
"Little routines are the backbone of your day."
"You have no choice in your day-to-day life but to rely on your own reason, but you must acknowledge that it's not perfect."
"It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, huh?"
"Routine: wake up, drink coffee, tell jokes. It's like Groundhog Day but with more laughter."
"We are emotional people. Every day is a different day."
"Jesus explained that life would continue with its usual routines, eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, while these activities may seem ordinary, their implications in our spiritual walk are profound."
"From the minute I wake up to the minute I go to bed, all I thought about was manifesting my dreams."
"Before I move my hands and feet, I will bless His name. I will praise Him before I go out or enter, or sit or rise."
"Finally, we must integrate the spirituality into our daily lives, bringing into it the equanimity and the joy and the awe."
"Daily activities like eating and sleeping have become challenging, evoking a sense of sorrow in those who watch."
"The Canada-U.S. international boundary is the longest in the world, and hundreds of thousands of people cross it daily."
"The details matter. Details can come down to how you have a conversation, how you take a walk."
"Don't simply rejoice when things are well, when everything is good, but rejoice each and every day, no matter what meets you at sunrise."
"Every day is different; you don't know what you'll get."
"Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble."
"Artificial intelligence: How much has it entered our lives? What is its influence in our daily interactions? Is the machine a friend or a foe?"
"Your period should not interfere with your ability to live your day-to-day life, and that is a take home message."
"You know, every day when I'm getting out my socks, I just have a little moment of gratitude, that I get to do this."
"Weird that I remember her full name but not the password I created this morning."
"A lot of people have to do things they don't want to do every day; I choose to do what I want."
"I want what I get on the pew to come to the pavement of my experience."
"Every day when we get up out of bed and put our feet on the floor, we roll the dice."
"Magic was an integral aspect of ancient Egyptian society, permeating every aspect of daily life."
"Hope you're good and safe. Hope the butter is being toasted, the toast is being buttered, and the coffee's brewing."
"The sounds of people, roosters, waves, and music all mixed together."
"Every day, billions of people rely on caffeine to wake up and get through the day. In fact, it's the most widely used psychoactive substance in the world."
"Every day you get up, you answer by how you live the question: Do you think other people have intrinsic and objective moral worth?"
"Chemistry is so insanely important to our everyday existence and is happening immediately around us, inside us, in front of us, it's controlling every aspect of our reality all the time."
"Beauty is a word that many people find important in their everyday lives."
"You need to live each day doing the things that you love."
"Express his everyday life in a humorous and entertaining manner."
"That's why people date so they have someone else to put the fitted sheet on."
"Every day, 400 million people use it for secure one-click access to everything from travel sites to grocery apps."
"I know what you're busy doing there, just come out to the car. Let's go get peach and then back home, please."
"Every day I walk out the house, I'm proving you can live your dreams."
"Just being able to find and enjoy the little things every day really helps."
"The vast majority of the stuff you use and rely on is electric: from hair dryers to air fryers, curling irons to waffle irons."
"Good morning world and good morning to your faces."
"Freedom is the very thing that makes human progress possible, not just at the ballot box but in our daily lives."
"People who are struggling with PTSD or trauma-based disorders are very strong, courageous, resilient people. Even though they're struggling, they get up, they have to go to work, drop their kid off at school, and go to the market, even though they're struggling with these symptoms."
"The beauty of Islam is that living your daily life is considered worship."
"Music is a huge part of my life, it gets me through all of my days."
"Mindfulness isn't about dedicating hours to meditation; it's about finding moments of calm in the chaos of everyday life."
"Washing the dishes by hand? I'd rather not. Refuse it. We have a dishwasher."
"Driving EVs, I think for a daily driver, for going point A to point B, it's so nice to be able to do it in silence with immediate power."
"Never lose hope because miracles happen every single day."
"My entire day revolved around consuming, and it felt uncontrollable."
"So I used to live close to a McDonald's...and I would go there, and I would always ask for ice cream, and like nine times out of ten, it would be broken."
"Be reborn daily; let go of the past and breathe in your new incarnation now."
"Every day of our lives, we are dealt challenges that we have to overcome."
"None of us wake up and say, 'Today is the day I destroy my life.' What we do is we kind of check out because it feels overwhelming, or we check out because we're afraid, or we check out because we start listening to self-doubt, and then we make these teeny tiny decisions all day long, and we don't even realize it."
"Doing those little things just add little bits of joy throughout your day, and I feel like that's so important."
"Over the last two and a half years, look at food prices at home up 20%, electricity up 21%, gasoline prices up 72%."
"Real spirituality is like when you're fully surrendered and no matter what you're doing, whether you're driving a car or taking a shit or you're on the phone, you're possessed by God."
"Because no one can pronounce Worcestershire sauce."
"Thank You, God. I have one more day to love You."
"I enjoy being around the guys... I appreciate every day of it."
"Call an ambulance...but first, he really needs to call the grocery store and see if they got some milk."
"Another day, another adventure. Let's get it, let's go."
"I feel like your aesthetic is that every single thing should look nice," she expressed. "Like whether it's a sponge in your kitchen or if it's the scissors that you use."
"You didn't really need to know how to do everything... You sort of got by day to day by just focusing on those things that matter."
"She's been working hard, taking care of her son; she cooks meals for him every night."
"Attacking each day with an enthusiasm unknown to mankind."
"Pull up, and you never know who you'll meet today."
"We start fresh every day and make new decisions."
"When it really comes down to the core of being a human being, it's like, 'Hey man, you cool? I'm cool. Alright, have a good day.'"
"You're brave on the days that you walk out the front door in pain and not knowing what it'll result in."
"Good morning everybody! Good morning, good morning. I don't know what is going on."
"I can't do this anymore cuz it's like you have to ask for forgiveness like every day and if you don't and you die then you're like are you screwed."
"You can be anything you want to be. Okay, see what day is it again? What do you identify as today?"
"It is possible to incorporate that deeper level of Consciousness into our daily life."
"Let's go have a quick bite to eat and then I guess tomorrow we'll be opening up the clinic."
"You don't have to have it all figured out, you just do the best you can do each and every day with what's put in front of you."
"Avoid having to backtrack. Make sure you got everything ready to go the night before."
"I had a great day today because I made it a great day."
"My identity is found in what's written in that book and it's Who I am and how I conduct myself each and every day."
"May your family be well, may your Wi-Fi be strong, may your toilet paper be plentiful, and may the odds be ever in your favor."