
Individuality Quotes

There are 53234 quotes

"What makes us individuals: how each and every one of us perceives the same things differently."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"And that's the beauty of playfulness, experimentation, change, being different."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The only way civilizational change on any of these axes ever happens is because one of these people stands up and says, no, I'm going to do something different than what everybody else has ever done before."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Every man is born as many men and dies as one."
"Every single individual is created as a unique being with tremendous potential."
"Only healthy to understand each other and like who you are as individuals."
"Every man is born as many men and dies as a single one."
"The first thing is to change our school environments from places where we score kids and track them based on scores to a place where every child is seen as an individual and is treated as valuable and is treated as a person with infinite potential to learn."
"The only time you really truly get to be yourself is when you're by yourself."
"Don't let the world try to trick you into thinking you have to care about what is 'right' to care about. Care about the things you're into."
"Choose your own path and what is best suited for you."
"Life doesn't really have a meaning beyond what we give to it. We have one life to live... if you don't explore that idea, and no one else is going to. If you don't be the person that you want to be, no one else is going to."
"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened, but no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself."
"If you show up in a crowd and your goal is to fit in, then you're putting your self-worth on the line. But if you show up and your goal is just to be yourself, then you can't fail."
"Everyone has some kind of thing about them that's unique."
"Always try to do the right thing... find out what you're good at and do it... remember you can always separate yourself from everybody else if you want to."
"Authenticity is being as you are and expressing as you are, at least to some degree."
"Belonging is being a part of something bigger than yourself but it's also the courage to stand alone and to belong to yourself above all else."
"I say this with love, but I do think it's time for everybody to get back to having a personality of their own."
"Authenticity...transcends normality and weirdness."
"You're learning to embrace yourself and support that uniqueness rather than trying to continue to force yourself to conform to a society that just doesn't serve your growth."
"You really are your only comparison group, especially as you get older because your life is so idiosyncratic and peculiar."
"To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don't need to be accepted by others, you need to accept yourself."
"You are truly special; no one ever will be precisely like you."
"The hardest thing in the world is to be authentic because to be authentic is to be unpopular."
"I've always been a rebel to a degree where it's like, I want to say what I want to say, I want to dress the way I want to dress."
"Your marriage is not a statistic; your marriage is the actual marriage that you, the actual person, is in with another actual person."
"Love yourself, love your height, be you to the fullest and love you while being you."
"It's his life; he can do whatever he wants. 100% I agree."
"You do you. It's the best way to put it. Do what brings that calmness and that serenity."
"You can't take the vertebrae out of your back just to fit inside of someone's ceiling; you have to stand up full and proud."
"You are wonderful, you are special, you have a place in this world."
"We must not see any person as an abstraction. Instead, we must see in every person, a universe, with its own secrets, with its own treasures, with its own sources of anguish, and with some measure of triumph."
"You are not just a drop in the ocean, you are the ocean in the drop itself."
"Authenticity is not easy. To be authentic is to be unpopular, to blaze your own trail even when other people are clucking at you."
"There are so many different paths to success, but there is only one path that is uniquely for you."
"When you embrace your weirdness and embrace who you are with confidence... you're entitled to everything in the world, not because of the qualities you have, but because of the equalness of all things."
"The more of us that speak our minds and don't cave to the pressures of our political groups or our friends or neighbors, the more free we all are."
"You want your body to be the least interesting thing about you."
"It's such a rebellion in a way, just like in so many families, there is a kid who rebels... they took a path that was totally different."
"We're all just trying to figure it out and see what works for us."
"The perks of being the loner, the wounded healer, is we're gifted. This is powerful."
"I want to destigmatize women having seven cats. Why can't I be a sexy cat lady?"
"You're so uniquely you, and I think it's so beautiful."
"People are not a burger. They're not a McDonald's set of fries. She's not a Happy Meal, she's a person."
"Some people may not get it, but Megan doesn't care."
"We are not the same person with others; we are shaped by the relationship in which we are."
"Every one of us has such similarities, and then we're unique based on the decisions that we make. That uniqueness is our power and is our greatness."
"You don't have to be normal to find a path. It's about leaning into the hand that life has dealt you."
"What self-care looks like is going to be different for everyone."
"Build who you are not based on what society expects of you or what society wants of you."
"It is time for you guys to really start to harness your own individuality and step into your purest most individuality freedom independence."
"Be relentlessly you. This may require breaking from tradition or parting ways with your comfort zone."
"When we're born, all of us are gifted with our own unique set of natural strengths and abilities, and these strengths and abilities aid us in our life purpose."
"Trust in your ability to make great choices and do something or make the decision that resonates with your soul, that makes you excited, that is something you feel like doing. Don't listen to other people's opinions because you feel like other people know better."
"You've been born an original, don't die a copy."
"I love how tattoos and piercings make you feel unique."
"You're not going to be what everybody loves but you have to love yourself."
"Don't lose you, don't lose your personality, don't lose your health, don't lose your mind."
"Get to know yourself, you are an entire universe."
"Your road is your road, your friend's road is your friend's road. It's not healthy to compare."
"In order to lead the orchestra, you must first turn your back on the crowd."
"She's always been a tomboy, never been into girly things. She's always been in computers and robots."
"Everything becomes more individual, and the fight is to try to make these individuals be a team."
"You are not brought on this earth, you are not born to people please, you are born to live your own life."
"Nothing works for everybody. So by all means, find your way."
"Your own individual journey is your greatest contribution to your beloved human family."
"Choose freedom over a code switch. We're enough just as we are."
"Your kids aren't gonna be who you want them to be; they're gonna be who they are."
"Human beings vary substantially from individual to individual in terms of personality on the five cardinal dimensions of personality."
"Beauty is about loving yourself, not caring about what anybody else thinks. Just be yourself; that's all that matters."
"In the world of professional wrestling, if you're not evolving, you're standing still."
"To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, day and night, to make you like everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting." - E.E. Cummings
"Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them."
"Society emerges from the individual and from our relationships. Our society is a reflection of these relationships."
"Stop letting social media set my pace...no one has ever been here before."
"Nobody is you, nobody has your story, nobody has your limitations or your gifts."
"The joy of missing out is the joy of going like, dude, I don't care about all that; I'm running my own race."
"The petals of this lotus blossom would open to reveal this unique essence, that is within us."
"Be yourself, everyone else is already taken."
"Break free of the norms, break free of the box."
"You're basically arguing against the social conditioning of a person."
"The real individuality, with a capital 'I', is that oneness with the universe, recognizing the witness behind everything."
"It's okay for people to create their own purpose, to come up with their own ideas for things."
"Whether you've got amazing friends or not, you yourself are still amazing."
"It is safe to be seen. Stop trying to blend in."
"Remember, the journey towards not caring isn't about becoming indifferent or neglectful; it's about embracing your authenticity, reclaiming your freedom, and carving your path."
"Instead of saying you're a typical observer, just saying you are you, and accepting that."
"You are somebody who is incredibly unique and incredibly different."
"The balance is different for everyone and fluctuates as our bodies change."
"The sun doesn't dim its light just because some are uncomfortable with its brightness."
"There's wonderfulness in us no matter who we are."
"For so long, I've always wanted to be different, and now I realize I just need to be myself."
"Do what's best for you. Forget what other people think."
"Everything in a democracy depends on individual sense-making and meaningful choice."
"Value is what's valued to the other person. You can't force value."
"Your very existence alone, just for it to arrive here on this planet, is a miracle."
"There is no comparison, okay? There is no you in a world full of billions of people. You will never find another you."
"To break away from life as just another cog in the machine of the modern world and become your own damn machine."
"I think it's unhealthy to dehumanize people because people are not a statistic; they're individuals."
"Don't compete, don't play the competition game, play the collaboration game and just be you and bring out that natural fun."
"You don't have to go with the crowd. Life supports you in every way."
"Hold your center. Trust in your own instincts and take your own journey without comparison to others."
"Don't be afraid of being called names for standing up for things that you know are logical."
"You have an abundant amount of creativity; get wild with it, show it off."
"It's all about the individuality that you're finally letting shine."
"It takes a lot of courage to go on our own way... to have our own voice."
"Your soul is not meant to just fit in... your soul is different for a reason."
"The reality is the line is different for each individual person and that's why it's so hard to determine when something is too much."
"Through my clear pursuit of my interest and my individuality, consequently, I met a lot of people who were similarly interested in pursuing their own individuality and were confident in their interests."
"The biggest thing for a person to learn from his content is how to embrace your individuality. It's centered on embracing your individuality, being who you really are so that you can live the life you want to live."
"Remember, each of us are human and we each have our own individuality and that's why you gotta stay weird, fam."
"Even if you're not what we wanted you to be, you don't need to be someone else."
"I'm incredibly grateful for their acceptance, even though I might be a bit eccentric."
"A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds."
"I need to have a voice of my own. I need to make videos about things that matter to me."
"Everybody deserves to be happy, not the way you think they should, but the way they naturally should be."
"Femininity and Womanhood does not look the same for every woman. We are all different people and that is a good thing."
"Be your own person and you'll be happier in the long run because of that. And don't worry about what anybody else has to say."
"This week's skill is individuality. What makes you special?"
"Now it's time for you to come into your own individuality and create your own dreams."
"You aren't part of something else; you are that something else."
"You have strengths and gifts and things that make you so different than anyone else."
"We should treat people like individuals and base our opinions on them on their character and their skills."
"Don't accept groupthink and settle for a life of average."
"Stop caring what other people think about you."
"For you formed my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb."
"In his essay on Liberty, philosopher John Stuart Mill discussed the importance of individuality, seeing the free development of individuality as one of the essential elements of human well-being."
"The original insights that spring from individuality are a key driver in human innovation."
"If you're not a fulfilled, healthy, and happy individual as a standalone, you really don't need to be joined to anyone."
"Don't force your value system on me; I don't need you to adopt my values, but don't make your values my problem either."
"Embrace your insanity and remember to stay weird fam."
"That jacket represents my individuality and my belief in personal freedom."
"We should have, if out of all people, the most space to be ourselves because we've never really had a choice but to be ourselves."
"Individuality is just like, in layman's terms, having your own freaking opinion."
"The heart is indeed the soul, but that is also the culmination of one's being, holding your will, compassion, and even the fate of the world inside it."
"Great is specific to the individual. There is not a universal great."
"Your uniqueness gives you this opportunity to live in a way that other people can only dream of."
"Leave my skinny Gremlin body out of the conversation; it's a perfect Sanctuary for a Heathen Gremlin like me."
"Radical self-reliance encourages the individual to discover, exercise, and rely on their inner resources."
"This is the time where you need to express yourself in the most creative way and let people know, 'This is me.'"
"I think who you are is awesome, and I don't think you should change who you are."
"If you don't have a lot of friends, don't feel like you're weird... We have just been pitched this idea that we're gonna have a whole bunch of friends, and it's gonna be perfect, or we're gonna have one very best friend who's gonna be there for us through everything."
"Peace on Earth can prevail if we can individually follow our own paths in life with no resistance to the unfoldment of the Tao, which will surely soften our hearts."
"You, in your most unstaged way, are remarkable, amazing, and fascinating."
"I don't think there is a right or wrong way to parent, because kids are all very different, just like human beings are all very different."
"God thinks there is a Christopher Hitchens, and God loves him."
"A cell in your body that doesn't want to be the cell that it is supposed to be becomes cancer."
"You could be the most amazing, juicy, end-of-summer ripe peach, but if someone doesn't like peaches, you're not going to be a fit for that person."
"You will earn the money through your own efforts and you will become a leader in your own way."
"Being normal is overrated. The most satisfying thing in life is to be yourself and to really live into that and accept it fully."
"Only you can live your life. Only you can feel into the truth of situations and things. You have to follow your heart, use your heart as a compass to show you where to go."
"If you don't personalize, then you're not treating the uniqueness of each of our facets on the diamond of life with the kind of celebration that it deserves."
"I became the person I was supposed to be just doing my own thing."
"Each human being... was born completely unique."
"Leverage your uniqueness because you are the one and only differentiator in this world."
"People are broader than the categories we try to fit them into."
"Embrace uniqueness, that specificity of thought, that uniqueness of expression."
"I like you for who you are, besides you should never pretend to be someone you're not."
"Do you. In this social media age, it's so easy to look to the person to the left and right of us... But you're different and you're running your own race."
"You've been blessed with so much uniqueness, and you go to work every day and people want you to contribute."
"Everyone's got the right to support their team in whatever way they want."
"Every single person is handcrafted uniquely for His glory, meaning that every ounce of uniqueness you carry in your personality was woven into you by God in your mother's womb."
"You individually have been handcrafted and formed by the Potter to bring glory to Him in a way that none other can."
"It's my belief that everybody has a unique set of gifts and skills."
"You can't base the expectations of your life and what you're capable of based on what someone else is doing."
"You do have a voice. Combine them and don't let other people speak for you."
"I'm going to do it my way, and I'm going to have a smile on my face when it gets there."
"You are the main character of your own movie."
"We are not separate individuals but interconnected with each other."
"He's cool, he's tall, he's smart, he reads books."
"I'm not just a black actor, I'm an actor. I'm not a number, just like anyone else."
"Everybody else is already taken. Be who God made you to be."
"People will always surprise you as well. No two people are ever the same."
"It's easy, really easy, and it is comforting to think that maybe it's not as complicated and detailed as real life is. But unfortunately, everyone is actually an individual."
"It's important that you don't conform to other people's ideas on what is perfect, what is good."
"We want to get away from making everything a race or a gender or whatever issue and just treat people like individuals."
"Every human being has a different equation and there's not like some cookie-cutter book of, hey, read this book and you'll be fixed. No, you gotta figure out your own personal equation."
"You don't have to have some magnificent talent or ability or skill to help people; you have to be you."
"Life is too short to be anybody else. I choose to be myself."
"I'm just gonna be me, and I don't care if people don't like it. I'm just gonna do what I want."
"What do you say about someone who built a functional electric car then shot it into space on a rocket? He's a singular person."
"Follow your divine intelligence, connect with this internal joy, no matter what others say."
"You are a very precious unique individual; you do deserve love."
"You play them for you, and that's all it should be."
"There's something sacred about individual autonomy."
"It's up to you to design yours how you want it. And it's up to me to design mine how I want it."
"You were born on this earth to be a trendsetter."
"You follow your heart with a lot of the things that you do, and you go against the grain."
"People don't predominantly think of themselves as members of a race; they think of themselves as individuals with actual priorities."
"Stop thinking in terms of podiums... You have your own lane, your own race with your own finish line."
"Don't compare yourself to others; being unique may not get you most popular in the beginning of life but it can make you stand out by the end."
"Love you for who you are, the special person that you are."
"I'm leaving, everyone should acknowledge that."
"That's the beauty of us. That's the beauty of me. I'm jacked up."
"People are naturally drawn to you because you stand alone because of that independence that you have."
"I was proud of Belle and what she did...she saw clearly that they wanted to put her in a box and she goes, 'I'm not gonna enter into a box that you've defined for me.'"
"I am not a sheep, I refuse to walk, talk, and think like a sheep. The slaughterhouse of failure is not my destiny. I am a lion."
"I wanted to do this because I need to emphasize the importance of individuality."
"What you do there's loads of people doing it, but not like you. No one's got your DNA, they ain't got your fingerprints."