
Health Strategy Quotes

There are 323 quotes

"Cold water immersion is clearly the best approach rather than cold air or some other tactics."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Stress is part of life. Learning how to work with it, how to dance with it, how to buffer it is terrific. But zeroing out cortisol is not the goal."
"What I knew for a fact would work would be a long-term sustainable reduction in bad dopamines."
"All of this is aimed toward the goal of longevity through putting your longevity genes into... Or alerting your genes, your cells, to a state of adversity."
"Intermittently fasting... helps our body cut off the blood supply to cancers."
"If you're not consistent with all of these things, then you're not going to get results."
"The most important thing is the R should get below one."
"The point of these actions is to enable the more precise and targeted measures that are needed to stop transmission and save lives."
"Primary prevention is to eat good food so you don't get the polyps in the first place."
"Innovation is fundamental for us to stay ahead of antimicrobial resistance."
"One of the things that has become very important for us to do is make sure that the activities continue, especially the surveillance activities."
"Limiting food to 8 to 10, or maximum 12, hours helps to coordinate these three foundations of health."
"The key for these athletes is what is their protocol after this event, what does their fluid replacement system look like, what does their carb replacement look like."
"Avoiding glucose spikes is one really efficient way to go about making your health better, physical and mental."
"Don't lose the effectiveness of fasting... think of fasting like nitrous in a car."
"We want to be able to figure out how to use all the tools in our disposal to win this battle, which is called our life."
"Intermittent fasting regularly will do, and remember, it doesn't have to be a super long one. 14 hours can start, 16 hours is good."
"I wanted to find as many ways to attack that cancer from as many angles as possible."
"The strategy is to improve the quality of the food rather than restricting the quantity of the food."
"We're looking for three to seven days of decent sleep. And then we're going to try to get them off that medicine."
"We don't shut down society because there's a massive cost of that. I'm not talking about financial; I'm talking about life's lost, years of life lost."
"It's a three-pronged strategy: Number one, aggressive protection of high-risk individuals and the vulnerable; number two, allocate resources so that we prevent hospital overcrowding; and number three, open schools, societies, and businesses."
"Optimizing vitamin D status... will certainly have potential benefits for COVID-19."
"It will take time, but by following these four phases, remaining patient, and combining this with a solid training and nutrition plan, then you can and you will be able to strip off that fat for good."
"Efficiency is a terrible thing for fat loss. You want to be as metabolically inefficient as possible."
"Fasting appears to be, in the short term, a strategy that has some data behind it in terms of raising your metabolic rate."
"The debate here is public health strategy versus individualized medicine."
"This is going to be finite... we will turn the tide and I can see how to do it within the next 12 weeks."
"Testing isn't gonna prevent you from getting this thing, testing isn't going to prevent you. It may delay you getting this thing over time, it may prevent a widespread pandemic outbreak that overwhelms the healthcare system."
"People should look this up for at least 15 years standard pandemic management said lockdowns are harmful."
"If we follow this prescription, we will overcome the coronavirus."
"Our goal is to have every state and local health department online doing their own testing by the end of next week." - CDC representative
"Fasting was the easiest thing I've got in my life."
"I feel good and I think a lot of that has to do with not doing a dirty bulk."
"This is our best and only great public health tool. You're gonna see it most dramatically."
"This is our best and only great public health tool."
"Immune resilience is the way to go in the future."
"The biggest challenge is how do we implement it? How do I give people additional tools to figure out how to implement it the best?"
"It's like having a ring of health up all the time."
"My simple strategy is control carbohydrates, prioritize protein, don't fear fat."
"We are made for feast famine cycling so every few days just don't fast as long step out of fasting a 5-1-1 maybe your jam."
"Optimize your fast with strategic meal timing and mindful consumption."
"I do not recommend fasting every day... Alternate day fasting... three days per week is perfect."
"Fasting isn't all packaged into one thing; it's about what you're trying to accomplish."
"It's one cause and one treatment that's the key."
"Just go 14 or 15 hours without eating and eat during those other periods of time."
"Intermittent fasting corrects insulin resistance."
"If you do a 24-hour fast one day per week, you're on the fence of it being a prolonged fast."
"Shifting the ratio more in favor of fats might be the best approach."
"Fasting is the most ancient, inexpensive, and powerful healing strategy."
"It would be wise to acknowledge minimum effective dose, be responsible."
"The best health insurance is not getting sick."
"As always we at medcram believe in the Swiss cheese approach."
"Simply swapping out healthy food for an inflammatory diet cuts violent crime by 56 percent."
"Sustained weight loss is gained through sustained action."
"Sleep is this kind of non-negotiable performance enhancing strategy in the eyes of many neuroscientists there's simply no substitute for sleep"
"We're not going to mask your way out of this. The answer here is vaccines. Get vaccinated, that's the answer."
"Instead of starving, we thought we need to start making upgrades... so that's what we did."
"Intermittent fasting is always going to be able to be applied perpendicular with whatever other diet people are doing."
"The ketogenic diet kind of reverses that entire mechanism and says well let's not run on carbohydrates then let's run on fats because fats do not cause a significant increase in blood sugar and insulin levels."
"The most important thing is, has always been and always will be total global macronutrient intake."
"Cut out the snacks and make sure you have an adequate fasting period."
"Fasting's such an interesting option because it always gives you that option of not eating, remember it's just food that you've eaten in the past."
"What's step one? Halt the inbound infections."
"Temporarily reduce fats and then bring them back up."
"Australia and New Zealand got it right, the rest of the world basically got it wrong."
"Our strategy is to save lives and to protect the NHS."
"I think it's the elimination that's the magic."
"High intensity interval training can be a powerful weight loss tool."
"President Biden is now unveiling a national strategy to tackle COVID. First of all, I just have to say that it's great that we have somebody that comes out and actually has a plan."
"Just structured regimented food intake, regardless of tracking, will actually lower calorie intake."
"Trick your body into hyper fat-burning mode."
"Transitioning from a mono fruit fast to the Dr. Sebi alkaline diet needs to be strategic."
"This is resounding endorsement of the one-dose strategy."
"This really is strong support for this one vaccine dose followed by a three-month delay strategy."
"The goal is to bring your insulin levels as low as possible. If your insulin levels are low, you have maximum fat burning, you have maximum ketosis."
"We need to stay committed to containment, and I still believe containment and control is the goal."
"If you can tolerate intermittent fasting, it's a great strategy."
"How do we create a terrain in your body right that's soil where cancers less likely to grow."
"The only way you can beat the fucking food addiction is with fasting."
"Fasting... if you have moderate to severe peripheral neuropathy symptoms you absolutely as quick as you can you need to ramp up your daily fasting."
"Behavioral change is critical...to manage COVID-19 on an ongoing basis."
"Start with the protein, load up with as much vegetables as you can eat, and then add fat to satiety."
"Low carb high fat... allows us to eat less without getting so hungry."
"Getting on a very organized and detailed meal plan was really helpful."
"Intermittent fasting can enhance the benefits of ketosis."
"We need a national strategy to get this economy working again and to save lives. It is really that simple."
"It is way better for you to lose a small amount of weight and keep it off than for you to lose a large amount of weight and gain it right back."
"Anticipate damage, heal through it, and heal early and often."
"It's not really my only shot of having them develop any immunity."
"Nutritional excellence is the most powerful therapeutic intervention not medication."
"We're saving so many lives compared to what it could have been."
"Managing autoimmunity is the art of doing less."
"Narrow your eating window down to about eight hours a day...you're probably going to derive most of the benefits from that."
"Ketones replace glucose so you can push those glucose levels down."
"You control body fat percentage with fasting time - that's the most important part."
"Testing is an important component but it's not the only component."
"Any strategy that tolerates high levels of infection is unethical and illogical."
"South Korea's model for combating the virus is being promoted to other countries."
"Overcoming micronutrient deficiencies, eliminating exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals, and natural regulation of stress hormones are key to naturally boosting testosterone levels."
"Treating before mental illness emerges can actually stop these problems from developing in the first place."
"We want to keep those numbers a lot lower than they were and we will do that."
"Harm reduction is a strategy scientifically based that we know works."
"Nobody's talking about that in these cookie cutter diets that you need to address the inflammation in your brain in order for you to lose weight."
"We must utilize our nation's scientific brilliance to vanquish the virus."
"When it comes to a strategy to combat overtraining, I like to use one called the 3 R's: rest, refuel, and recover."
"Most bloating fixes are short-term solutions. I am focused on feeling good long term and building a foundation of health for the rest of my life."
"We're all wired to benefit from some sort of keto reset."
"Natural infection followed by vaccination even more protection than one vaccine alone."
"Physical therapy is dipping your toe in the water, seeing how it feels, and always changing things up."
"The aggressive contract tracing they did, contact tracing and locking down people that they thought were infected... that was the thing that South Korea did differently."
"If carbohydrates stimulate this much insulin and we want to reduce insulin, that's the first thing we want to change."
"Natural infection I contend is our long-term way out of this pandemic."
"The question is how do you keep control of the virus?"
"The key is not about if someone ever gets COVID, but how fast you spot it and separate."
"If all we do is flatten the curve, you don't prevent deaths, you just change the dates."
"You have to simultaneously target the fermentation while transitioning the body over to fuels that cannot be fermented."
"For anyone who feels that way, titrating yourself off is a good way to go."
"Start small and look at changing your healthy lifestyle as this huge, daunting task."
"It's easier to maintain those results than it is to get them."
"The objective is to be irreversible, to avoid more lockdowns."
"Intermittent fasting: It's like whoa, this is amazing."
"You don't have to rush things if you're high Health."
"The key is to get things under control before you have disease."
"It would be the first pandemic in history that could be controlled."
"Vitamin C to saturate yourself... you've reached a bowel tolerance."
"Rest days are just as important as active days."
"A good model is worth some large fraction of a vaccine."
"This is the Wolverine and Logan that Jackman has been waiting to play."
"Be aggressive in the beginning so that you don't have to go to the later stages."
"Just lower your carbohydrate intake to 20 or less total grams of carbs a day and then try to fast 16 hours a day."
"If we kick-start them with a fast, it actually becomes a little bit easier to stay in ketosis outside of the fast."
"If the purpose of your fast is gut rest, which I think is an important part of fasting, and I think both of those are probably tweaking your gut."
"By applying these principles of creating health, we can really modify these diseases in real ways."
"When our body has a clear end point, we adapt better."
"From an adherence standpoint, it just makes sense."
"We have to flip completely flip the way we think about this disease because... it's an insufficiency."
"We need a comprehensive strategy that should include vaccine equity, adequate financing, and clear investment strategies."
"The goal is to have him just basically lose I would say about one pound per week."
"Fasting is a great tool if you want to manage your weight."
"Smoothies are convenient for me and they've been working really, really well so that's what I'm doing."
"That really helped inform the strategy to focus most of our efforts on the at-risk groups."
"It's not about weight loss, it's about restoring your mitochondria."
"A permanent lockdown is not a viable path forward and would ultimately inflict more harm than it would prevent."
"The purpose of a lockdown is to buy time to build capacity."
"Literally, by yourself, 1500 extra health. Okay? And what is Caitlyn's normal health at level 16? 1800."
"Take your time, do the rolling 72, do alternate day fasting."
"Complacency is probably one of our most dangerous aspects to our management of the virus."
"Goredrinker is designed for dueling and grants more AD the lower your health."
"The only way to beat the virus long-term is immunity."
"I'd like to say that it'd be great to have some sort of plan in place around vaccination rates."
"Instead of investing in a single diet, a portfolio of behaviors, small tweaks over big changes."
"As you can see if we compare the Czech Republic with other countries like Italy or Spain, the difference is like night and day."
"The Czech Republic has not only prevented saturation in hospitals, it is now also starting to help other countries."
"We've performed 3.7 million tests, with over 120,000 tests daily."
"Staying active throughout the day is the best way to combat being sedentary."
"You're gonna build those sustainable habits instead of doing something extremely intense and quick at first."
"Put your body in a fasting state, which is essentially a healing state."
"Prevention is much better than finding a cure."
"If you never give your body a chance to utilize its own stored tissue, how do you ever expect to burn fat?"
"Prevention is much better than rehabilitation because by the time they get to the rehabilitating state they're already psychologically damaged."
"The number one predictor of success is adherence to a diet."
"Citrus bergamot supplementation is essential while you're running performance enhancing drugs that potentiate their anabolism through the androgen receptors."
"Having both is better than having one or the other."
"Can a second massive deadly wave be avoided? Yes, if we all do our bit."
"Addressing half of the equation of fat loss."
"Fasting can naturally reduce igf-1 levels, but a more sustainable approach is protein restriction."
"We want to fast in the morning able to increase our Focus but not fast for so long that all but you also want that first milky moderate." - Andrew Huberman
"For me the most important thing you can do is a healthy diet combined with exercise that is how you're going to lose weight if you're in a deficit you do this you are going to lose weight it is absolutely guaranteed."
"Fasting is the most powerful tool that you can do."
"We want the immunized people or the natural immunity people to go up and reduce the susceptible."
"The government thought they knew better. They had an immunity strategy."
"Preventing disease if possible and treating it as cheaply as possible should be the goal."
"Anyone can diet for a little bit. It only lasts so long. Willpower's dying."
"Limit yourself to a window of perhaps eight hours of eating."
"In a real pandemic, shouldn't we be looking at what works?"
"This should be within manageable levels... essentially be the end of the pandemic."
"The folly of deliberately pursuing a herd immunity strategy."
"He's created countless amazing projects over the years."
"If you don't think you can follow it for the rest of your life it is not working."
"Flooding the body with nutrients and removing some of the obesogenic chemicals."
"The solution is to transition the body off to a fuel that's good for normal cells."
"The goal of carnivore is it can help a lot of people who have so many factors and they can't figure out what's going on, limit those factors, get to a baseline level, and then figure out how to reintroduce."
"If we can do that, we can stop these large super spreading events and we can actually drive the epidemic into lower levels that are manageable."
"Include sleep in fasting hours for effective fasting."
"Tea plus these other foods create a seal team effect, it's the strongest of the strongest fighting for your health."
"The best diet is the one you can stick to for yourself."
"You compare not day to day, not week to week, you compare month to month."
"It almost seems the government still emphasizes a herd immunity mindset."
"Cycling growth periods with repair periods may be better for health."
"The intermittent fasting can be really helpful."
"The ideal way to get into intermittent fasting is to challenge yourself to get into ketosis and ride that wave as deep as you can."
"Lowering LDL by increasing HDL can lessen the burden of cholesterol molecules and crystals, reducing inflammation."
"They absolutely failed to organize or coordinate anything like a comprehensive testing regime."
"You can manage your practice based on where your team's at health-wise."
"Keto adaptation is a state where your body efficiently utilizes ketones for fuel."
"Counting blood sugar instead of calories can help shift into a fat-burning state better."
"Fasting can actually be a powerful player in muscle building and fat loss."
"The approach of measure intervene measure again intervene measure again that's exactly what we should be doing that's the only way you ever get to personalize interventions."