
Stress Reduction Quotes

There are 710 quotes

"Deliberate respiration that involves controlled holds and exhales really has a dramatic and very immediate impact on reducing our levels of stress."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Mindfulness-based stress reduction has been shown effective for anxiety, for depression, for pain."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You have options, and you don't have to fret so much over 'Oh my gosh, I have to do this thing a certain way, and I absolutely hate it.'"
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Keeping stuff up off the floor and working to keep your flat surfaces tidy can make everything feel more manageable."
"People who focus on gratitude and appreciation have lower levels of stress, fewer cases of depression, and better heart health."
"Exposure to green spaces significantly reduces people's levels of salivary cortisol, a physiological marker of stress."
"Research suggests that self-affirmations like these can actually reduce stress and improve health-promoting behaviors."
"Mindfulness practice all those nasty emotions that you suffer from... all of this will melt away when you develop sufficiently high levels of mindfulness."
"Mindfulness has been shown over the past 30 years across numerous clinical studies to be very effective and robust for reducing stress, pain, anxiety, and depressive symptoms overall."
"It's very hard to reduce cravings, so just that refocusing on the body took away stress, anxiety, self-referential thoughts... to relaxing, feeling ease, feeling well-being."
"Neuroscientific evidence... suggests that this kind of training can help you feel less stressed, less pain, and change the way your brain works."
"Meditation is one of the most effective [ways to keep stress levels under that boiling point]. There's been a lot of research on this."
"Having a strategy for your money is one of the major steps toward reducing stress."
"Just that awareness of what's causing stress has been proven in studies to decrease our stress."
"Grounding yourself in yourself... The reason you're stressed is because you're so worried about what's happening out in the external world. You have to ground yourself back into your own values, your own principles."
"You don't need to worry about that right now; it's only going to make you miserable. So 5-4-3-2-1, cut off that habit. That'll stabilize your body, and then go to a vision of you... saying to yourself, 'I'm so excited because I know I'm going to figure it out.'"
"Rule number 38: Don't waste your life worrying."
"Cultivating an attitude of gratitude physically, physiologically lowered their body's response to stress."
"Meditation is important because it reduces stress and, more importantly, it helps you have control over your thoughts and emotions throughout the day."
"You really want to reduce stress on an ill system."
"I eat better food, I eat tastier food, I stress less, I've got less shopping, less food waste, and I save money."
"Prepping to be more self-sufficient leads to an easier life with less stress and less struggle."
"Saving time and, of course, reducing stress is going to be huge for many people."
"Kindness is contagious. Kindness helps to reduce stress levels, makes you happier, makes you feel better."
"I felt a lot of my stress leave my body at this announcement."
"If we can start to slowly forget about counting our macros and think more about the quality of food that we're eating and eating them in the proper amounts, then you're going to find that you are thinking and stressing less about food."
"Practicing gratitude can help reduce anxiety, reduce stress, help you feel calmer, improve your sleep, even reduce your perception of pain."
"Improving your sleep and optimizing your vitamin D levels help reduce oxidative stress."
"The perfect way to reduce stress no equipment is necessary. Let's do this."
"Minimalism can be used to declutter your life of excess things, fear, guilt, worry, stress, and consumerism."
"Minimalism is not a list of do's and don'ts. It is a guiding principle to help you stay on a course that's going to bring you less stress, more joy, more fulfillment, and help you be more intentional."
"The act of opening your awareness begins to reduce the stress hormones and creates more coherent brainwave states."
"The less [stuff] you give, the easier life is, I promise you."
"I'm going to actually give you a secret weapon to instantly reduce stress, and we all do this without realizing it. It's called the physiologic sigh."
"One of the tests of progress in Karma Yoga is the attainment of purity of mind. Another test is reduction of stress and strain."
"They seek a slower, less stressful lifestyle."
"Budgeting will give you peace of mind and it will help you relax more than you've ever known."
"Meditation... it's really a good way to really calm the mind, and it reduces the cortisol levels."
"People put two screens side by side, their brain lights up differently. It's less stressful to do it that way."
"Reducing stress and making the learning process fun and interesting are key to effective language acquisition."
"Negative ions are very beneficial for us because they lower our cortisol levels, which is our natural stress hormone, they also reduce inflammation, and they increase blood flow."
"If we can harness the power of that brain activation energy, that was evolved to put us into action to help solve these dangers in our lives, that is what decreases the stress."
"We reduce the stress, we become more creative, we see other solutions."
"Less stress in your body means more healing and longevity."
"Get a real estate agent, man. It's important. It's gonna save you a lot of headaches."
"We have no hurry. Children learn better when they are ready. Why stress them out?"
"The Latin Mass takes pressure off the priest. He just follows the book, like a waiter at a fine restaurant, and that makes life easier for him."
"You can't pick your life but you can make things less stressful than they are."
"You can have a great foodtastic day in Magic Kingdom minus all that unnecessary planning stress."
"And the result is that you will be better off because you don't torture yourself over the decision."
"You're trying to minimize the drama in your life."
"Money reduces intense stress, brings greater control, and leads to higher life satisfaction."
"CBD has risen in popularity over the last few years, mostly due to its potential ability to reduce stress."
"Living below your means means less stress. It means that you can relax knowing that you have enough income to cover all of your expenses."
"Control the controllables, see a real positive response in the math, in your numbers, but also on your anxiety level going down."
"The threads actually move with the brain even the normal pulsation of the brain and that help minimize stress within the brain tissue also and that has a long-term impact in the functionality of the device."
"It just kind of chills out your mind a bit and just helps you to relax."
"You've got some time. You don't have to panic."
"Rhodiola rosea helps reduce stress and fatigue, increasing energy and alertness."
"Meditation will increase your immune system decrease stress because stress really does a number on your immune system."
"Everything's kind of like falling into place and yeah I don't feel stressed I don't even feel like we like fight anymore like we're kind of just like this baby has almost just made us be like oh this is just how it was supposed to be."
"I mean, being under less stress, you know, since getting out from underneath that depression and stuff, like, I've definitely cut back."
"If you give a [ __ ] about a few very important things then the small things cease to bother you so much."
"Maybe you'll do something with a little less high stakes, and you'll get to relax more and it'll be more fun." - Megan
"Adding subcontractors allows you to sleep better at night."
"Gratitude is better for you and lowers your stress."
"Simpler is better. Don't kill yourself over this kind of stuff."
"The secret to stress-free cooking is making it easy for yourself."
"Food that's certain to make your life in the kitchen easier and stress-free."
"The less amount of stress surrounded around getting better, the more fun it'll be in general."
"I do feel optimistic that they're actually here benevolently and maybe caring about us and want to do a greater good for us. And if I'm wrong, I'd still rather believe that than be stressed out."
"Once we realize that we actually cannot do everything, then hopefully we can start living a calmer, slightly more intentional life."
"Living in Africa because you don't have the pressure, you don't have the stress, and you don't have the racism."
"For once I can't talk enough about how important getting good sleep is as it leads to better focus more energy improved mood and of course less stress which I think we can all use."
"If you're giving people 16 an hour and it's covering the basic goods most people need they're not stressing for things they can't buy."
"Touch actually lowers our levels of cortisol... makes us feel safer and more calm."
"I feel like there's this weight off my chest and I'm no longer stressed or worried about things that are financially related or about feeling like I've really screwed up."
"Slow productivity: accomplishment without burnout."
"Stick to your budget to avoid financial stress."
"It would help everyone else out a lot and reduce a lot of anxiety if you just told people that you were going to be regulating the space."
"I've just not been email... saved me hours of work, saved me a lot of stress honestly."
"I've simply found that people who meditate, it gives them such an edge, not just at their work, but they are less stressed out, they are more compassionate, they are kinder, they tend to be better with other people."
"Luck is a theme that permeates through this list as well as using guides to reduce stress and increase odds of success."
"Healthy keto can greatly take the stress off the liver."
"Reverse weed... will save you so much time, energy, frustration, and hassle."
"Life would just feel like I have something lifted off my shoulders."
"Being more financially stable reduces certain elements of stress."
"That is perfect then we don't have to worry about social need and we don't have to worry about getting tense fantastic that is so good."
"Building efficient systems is the key to saving time and stress."
"Just keep it simple, don't overthink things."
"Turn off the news, turn off the news." — Hayley Williams
"It really takes the stress out of cooking because you know kind of what you plan on making for the week and then once you're stocked up you kind of have everything ready to go..."
"No more smelly garbage... less stress for you."
"The sooner you realize that, the easier your life will be."
"Hello to the now. Don't worry about nothing else. Just let go and flow."
"We always use the low stress animal handling techniques."
"The day-to-day running of the restaurant has improved dramatically with less stress on their finances. The relationship of Chuck and Eartha is back on track, meaning this jazz family is truly back in harmony."
"If people would just do that, the amount of stress and anxiety in the world would decrease because they would feel seen and heard and understood, right?"
"Designing your home shouldn't be a burden. It literally just shouldn't."
"Don't rush; add padding time to avoid mishaps."
"Human touch can lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol."
"Lower our stress levels, it will also help us have a Kinder and more compassionate world full of empathy."
"No doubting, no comparing, no noise, just peace."
"Christopher, offered three thrones, declined kingship for a life without stress, marrying a millionaire American widow."
"For us, it wasn't the material aspect. It kind of taught us like, 'Less stuff, less stress,' you know? Like, yeah. So for us, it wasn't the material aspect."
"Simplify your routine, simplify your lifestyles."
"It makes it really easy and just convenient to bring your jewelry very hassle and stress free and just a great great thing to have."
"Acceptance leads to peace, which lowers stress and opens the door for manifestations."
"It completely takes the stress out of the buying process."
"Nintendo took a ton of guesswork out and as the completionist I super super appreciated it."
"It feels like everything was designed in such a way to reduce stress."
"That's just taking the weight off their shoulders."
"No one ever got broke taking profits. Take some off, take half off, take a quarter off, take something off. It'll make you feel better, less stressful."
"Eating mindfully can improve digestion and lessen stress on your body."
"You can really put two things together and make something even better than the sum of the parts."
"I needed to make a film that was easier and simpler with minimal stress, something that was fun."
"Google Calendar integrations: more organized, more productive, less stress."
"Baby steps is the way to go. You can't do everything all at the same time cuz you could get exhausted too so I just try to clean most of the house."
"Do not over complicate it. Don't overthink it. The less you overthink it, the less you spend time creating all these ideas."
"Stop taking it so seriously. It's just a game."
"We all deserve easy mornings let Daily Harvest give you one less thing to worry about."
"Is making our kids really stressed out so we need to reduce the amount of homework teachers are allowed to assign."
"Simplify matters, don't overthink, don't needlessly complicate."
"You're really able to relax and ease your way into things."
"Helping you to get more done and enjoy less stress."
"Should you view the Disney parks through rose-colored glasses? No. But does every park change need to make you sweat? Also, no."
"Minimalism allows us to remove some of that stress."
"Just focusing more on finding ways to have pleasure in your day and reduce stress whatever that may be."
"Life was meant to live, it was not meant to worry and stress and fight with people and hold grudges and compete and be jealous."
"Being in a financially secure and stable situation will lead to a lot less stress in your life."
"Happiness is the main thing in life. No stress. I appreciate the small things."
"Realize what emotions are yours to control what emotions are yours to even worry about in the first place and then why are you worrying so much."
"The last thing a person with cancer needs is stress, anxiety, or depression."
"Remove all emotion and by the way remove all that news too, guys that's causing you so much stress unwanted unnecessary stress all those chat rooms."
"In a perfect world, we have a healthy environment... lower stress... lower exposure to toxins. I want that world 100%. We don't live in that world."
"Life goes on much better when you don't control things so much."
"We're all gonna die. Resisting, stressing, running from it ruins the days of life."
"Changing states saves you the heartache, worry, and fear."
"Shut down the electronics and not to mention the stress and the headache that comes with being on social media."
"People see more value in you because you just start to exude more confidence, more happiness, less stress."
"Release and let go of the need or the belief that you have to do a lot of heavy lifting."
"Let them lift. Why create the extra fear and stress?"
"If you're organized, then you're going to be less stressed and you're going to be able to enjoy your teaching and your kids way more."
"What's more important is the flow, less resistance."
"Meal prepping... takes such a load off throughout the rest of your week."
"You should never worry about what other people think about you, it's just unwanted stress."
"Imagine a life with less stuff, less clutter, less stress and debt and discontent."
"Electric cars: driving should be a pleasure, not a stressor."
"Stress has gone down so much just having those paintings in."
"When I've encouraged to do that on social media I've had people say like because of their anxieties or stresses they go to social media and to watch YouTube and all that stuff."
"It's so bizarre when you spend time away from social media how clear your mind can be. Anxiety comes down stress of a comparison or whatever those things go down."
"Every day I get messages and people will be like, 'Hey, I finally left GameStop and had a new job lined up, and I get paid more and it's less stressful and I'm actually enjoying life now.'"
"Realize that something could be very easy in your life. It doesn't have to be overly complicated."
"Gratitude is so powerful that you can't be angry or stressed when you're in it."
"Mars is going to reduce the risk of tension, conflicts, and impulsive reactions."
"We're learning not to second-guess ourselves so damn much, because that creates its own turmoil or its own stress."
"Just everybody needs to think of voting not as a revolutionary act but as constant gardening. Take the stress off and just know we vote every two years in this country. Just do it and move on."
"We're attracted to the idea of having space of having an edit of being less overwhelmed."
"Less stress: Being your own boss can lead to a happier, less stressed life."
"Make your room a comfortable, stress-free space."
"It's good to focus on one section at a time, it's less overwhelming."
"This overload issue... I think it would be much more sustainable."
"I tell people, 'Remember, you don't have to fill in the blanks.'"
"A big weight is going to be lifted off your shoulders."
"In this world, there's too much stress and tension, not enough relaxation."
"Just slow it down and ground yourself, okay?"
"You're coming out of having to worry in your relationships, for your relationships to be more easy and more natural flowing."
"Dividends are an amazing way to create your own pension-like stream of income and even a small amount can start lowering your stresses about money, your job, and your future."
"Reducing the stress on whitetail deer is going to keep them healthier longer." - Keith Warren
"If we just felt less stressed, I think we'd be a lot healthier and a lot happier."
"Then I'm just gonna have fun now. I'm not gonna stress about missing a block, or a little glitch here and there."
"Stop being hard on yourself for the little things."
"Autopilot takes the stress out of driving, especially on long trips."
"Sometimes, you need a little bit of laziness. You can't be always motivated."
"Regular exercise is known to reduce stress levels and anxiety."
"A warm bath before bed can help to relax the body and mind."
"The pressures off I've got the account now and if the treats present themselves I'll take them but if they don't I don't need to worry thinking I've got three days left and I've got 7% to get so so yeah it's a lot better."
"It's almost a burden off the back of your mind."
"Life's too short to be fussing about whether you're in or out."
"You just have to break it right down into a manageable thing."
"Number one rule: If you aren't having fun with a video game, they are meant to be fun. Do not stress yourself over some preconceived notion that ranks and video games matter because they don't."
"Enjoy the process... take a deep breath, chill out, relax."
"Sleep will allow you to burn more calories. You won't hold on to as much fat because you'll have less stress hormone AKA less cortisol."
"A strong and healthy mind will help reduce stress, which is one of the leading reasons that people waste their potential growth spurts."
"Don't over-schedule kids; prioritize play and relaxation."
"Simplify activities to prevent stress and overwhelm in kids."
"Letting them get bored allows their creativity to come alive."
"We always have something... but the older we get, the less stressed we are."
"Sometimes less is more—less stress, less drama."
"Don't let notifications beat you to your knees."
"The goal is to end the stress and burnout epidemic."
"The lesson I hope you take away in good spirit from this video is: try not to worry about scaling in Dragon Ball."
"This is a day to be excited, not a day to be stressed out."
"2020 is hard enough, we don't need to get mad about bad audio and video."
"Things will improve for you, you don't have to do anything drastic."
"It can reduce stress, it can improve your sleep, boost focus, and increase your overall sense of well-being."
"One trade a day removes stress from trading."
"One or two trades a day keeps the stress away."
"Fear is the mind killer. Panic only ever makes a situation worse."
"I ain't worried about it because it's not a priority, it's a plus."