
Recovery Quotes

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"Recovery is where the real results actually emerge, where we get better."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The body has remarkable powers of healing and recovering from illness and injury."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"There's a better life out there for you, and you'll be able to taste it in a month."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The good news is that if you abstain from drinking for some period of time, then, of course, these systems reset."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"When things are really, really hard, when kids are just like they were like falling apart, it's like you put them to sleep, they wake up and they're like delightful."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If you can cool the body back to its resting temperature... the sooner that the muscle will recover, that the tendons will recover, and that the person can get back into more endurance training, more weight training, etc."
"Those who recover tend to inhibit the fear, a term that Pavlov over a hundred years ago in Russia termed extinction."
"People can take themselves back from these relationships."
"We've seen blind people seeing, deaf people hearing, not once, not twice. We've seen people with strokes for 10 years lift their arms up again."
"I'm trying to put more emphasis on sleep...the quality of my sleep is so good...when my head hits the pillow, it's like that. I fall asleep so fast and I stay asleep in the deepest sleep ever."
"Nutrition obviously has a massive impact on recovery in any type of physical training, but especially something like this."
"The greatest feelings is when your mental energy comes back. It's like the fog has been brushed away and everything is clear."
"To get better and to get well, you have to have a mindset of a champion."
"Relapse is a part of most people's recovery...Don't give up until the miracle happens."
"Replacement works way better than abstinence."
"Every model a Demon Engine kills in the fight phase, they kind of consume their life essence and heal a wound for every model they kill, up to a maximum of three."
"She's also gone back to skydiving which I think is great. I just think that's such a huge thing."
"The biggest action verb in AA is 'letting go.' It doesn’t sound like an action verb, does it?"
"When I got the cycles that I really needed and the help that I really needed, my life almost immediately just went right on track."
"Resilience is the ability to bounce back when you've been put down."
"Boxing saved me and pulled me out of a very, very dark place. It gave me purpose."
"My parents were originally alcoholics and addicts and they kind of got out of the life and got sober into recovery and became pretty successful individuals."
"Life gets so much better in recovery. It's the best life I've ever known."
"I'm very, very lucky to say he's a happy, thriving nine-year-old boy today."
"Healing but there's a lot of healing that needs to take place."
"The complete cessation or end of pathological caretaking. The relationships that they have are mutually loving, respecting, and caring."
"What matters in the end is not the fall, but the ability to rise after it."
"The basis of everything you love in your life needs to be recovery because it's the foundation."
"This is our year; this is the comeback season."
"If we can train our nervous system to then re-energize, to restore, to recover, then we can also do some of the body-based work that's going to be really essential."
"Recovery and discovery. Recovery of our past, recovery of what we're dealing with right now, and then discovery, which is the magical moments."
"The pillars of recovery: sleep well, eat and hydrate well, move well, and think well. These are things you can fully control."
"Success is having the ability to bounce back."
"Sometimes, taking a break is what we need to come back stronger."
"It's a hard road back but it's a worthwhile road back and it is possible to find your way back."
"The older you get, the more important recovery becomes."
"Resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness."
"Trauma does not have to control us; we can understand it, we can get our arms around it."
"When America gets knocked down, we get back up."
"A period of good luck, blessings after dealing with unfortunate events."
"We are committed to using our full range of tools to support the economy and to help assure that the recovery from this difficult period will be as robust as possible."
"There's nothing that can be said that's going to make me feel better right now. It's about how you respond, how you get back up."
"Be gentle with yourself. You have been through a lot and need time to heal and recover."
"You're gonna come back bigger and better than ever. Don't beat yourself up for resting."
"Sometimes in life, you make a whoopsie, but just get back up. You'll be all right."
"Rock bottom is wherever you stop going down. Then you look back and you go, 'I guess that was my rock bottom.'"
"If we can correct the brain metabolic defects from chronic alcohol use, we might be able to help people be sober and give them a fighting chance."
"Bear with me, and we'll be back in full strength soon."
"We at the Fed will do everything we can to support the economy for as long as it takes to complete the recovery."
"It's not how hard you get hit; it's how quickly you can get up after you've been hit."
"However, the process of grief can't be distilled down to one molecule, one circuit, such that we can say, 'Oh, you know, take this supplement or eat this diet and/or exercise in the following way, and you'll recover from grief more quickly.' It's simply not the case."
"This is where trauma and all this reflexive stuff that happens after trauma ultimately lead us."
"It limits our perspective to only what we can see and do through the lens of the trauma. And that is never better than the alternative."
"People say that when something bad happens to you, you're better because of it, but not everyone comes out on the other side of abuse healthy and unaltered."
"It's the healing crisis. It always hurts; it feels like you're getting worse. But actually, this is your healing period."
"Listening to slow-paced music may slow down your recovery and slow pace when actually enhance it."
"It might take three or four weeks or more to get back to Baseline after a truly intense...training protocol."
"All my patients who have achieved long-term recovery have relied on truth-telling as critical for sustained mental and physical health."
"Radical honesty, telling the truth about things large and small, is essential not just to recovery from addiction but for all of us trying to live a more balanced life."
"Fortune favors those who can rise out of the ashes."
"The recovery process was smooth as usual and the crew is now finally back home."
"If we can get the same hypertrophic stimulus with less recovery demand and can do more weekly volume by not going to failure, the solution is simple."
"You've got this. It might just take some time, might just take some understanding, but you can definitely recover."
"The top end is can you do a certain workout and still recover enough to have another productive workout after that."
"In order for you to adapt from a stress, the stress has to be right, rest has to be right, and your nutrition has to be right."
"The core of recovery from C-PTSD is fundamentally changing your philosophy of life."
"It took me about two years to fully come to terms with what happened on stage and to feel violated by someone that I trusted so much."
"LAPD recovers seven million dollars worth of stolen Nike sneakers in a warehouse."
"We found that it is fatal, for when harboring such feelings, we shut ourselves off from the sunlight of the spirit."
"Recovery involves developing a sense of self-worth, identifying the function of the behaviors, addressing the depression, guilt, resentment, and anxiety, and learning about and creating a network of healthy relationships."
"Man, it's not how you get knocked down. It's how fast you get up."
"We all fail. The key thing is to keep in mind what is your goal and keep looking at that as you get up and dust yourself off."
"There is a special type of joy that folks experience on the other side of deconstruction and I want to encourage anybody who is in the right now or in the weeds that it can very much get better, feel better, and also that doing that work is worth it."
"I want all of us to do better than rebuild, because I know, believe, and stand for, and live the reality of rebuilding to levels that we never were at, even before narcissistic abuse."
"For a righteous man may fall seven times and rises again."
"Your devastation, your ruination, your annihilation is his restoration, his flourishing, his elation."
"The worst is now behind you, and you are surmounting any previous challenges."
"If life beats you down, stand back up. You will be stronger for it."
"Luckily, the pressure released. I was out of the ICU in a couple of weeks, into a regular bed, out in a month, and I walked out."
"Addicts are some of the best people on earth if they can just get clean."
"When rock bottom hits, you don't have to hit with a thud; oftentimes, when you hit bottom, you bounce."
"What you have left is all you need to rebuild."
"Childhood abuse and neglect do rewire and change the brain. However, in large part through a variety of techniques, most people can learn to rewire their brain."
"Depression is the worst thing that ever happened to me in my entire life. Things can get better, sometimes with the help of medication, sometimes with the help of a professional, and often because of acts of will on your part."
"In recovery, it's not about managing life perfectly but about acting like one of God's guys, even if not perfectly."
"You are starting to smile again, you're happy again, you're glowing."
"Resilience is the ability to recover from a shock and recover even stronger than before."
"Commit to a schedule and even when you get bumped off of it, just take your time and get back on track."
"A high HRV...is indicative of being more rested and recovered."
"Cautiously but irreversibly, step by step, jab by jab, this country is on the path to reclaiming our freedoms."
"Metabolic down-regulation is not permanent; it is recoverable."
"We're going to continue to make sure that once we are through this difficult time, people in industries and places across the country are going to be able to pick themselves up and get back to work."
"When we hit that rock bottom and we get cracked, we can see we're golden again."
"If you're at rock bottom, please reach out. I want to help people who are where I was."
"With the ace of wands, I see a full recovery or a period of growth that's much stronger in the future."
"She left the Downtown Eastside for six months and she actually got clean. And then she came back and within three days was there dead of an overdose."
"No more feeling sad, no more feeling in a dark place. You're good, you're golden."
"The economy is coming back and is coming back strongly."
"Face your delusions; once you get off the addictions, your brain will wake up, you will become smarter."
"The truth is recovery is so much more than doing no contact and trying to get on with your life."
"Get a job, raise your kids, take the L. That's it. And just take some time to actually heal from this."
"Every storm comes to an end, as violent or as catastrophic as it feels at the time."
"Keynes's message was you can't cut yourself out of a slump; you've got to grow yourself out of a slump."
"I dealt with addiction for about six years and went through an intervention. I am about a month into being sober, and your videos absolutely helped me keep my mind occupied during rougher times."
"Just because you're going through an injury right now, man, give yourself love, give yourself grace. We're all proud of you, dude. It's one day at a time."
"The end of your story is not that you are broken; the end of the story is with leftovers."
"It is time to stop the bleeding in order for the healing process to commence."
"The opposite of addiction is not sobriety. The opposite of addiction is connection."
"As I've said to them, I am well and getting stronger every day by focusing on the things that will help me heal in my mind, body, and spirit."
"I am grateful because this, especially this, this got taken away for a full year."
"A lot of recovery from trauma is to re-establish your capacity connected to people around you."
"The most difficult part of the situation is over."
"Immigration basically went to almost zero during the pandemic, and there's been quite a strong rebound in immigration."
"Falling down doesn't mean you stay down; you're not done."
"I am the one who's always here, picking up the pieces in my life."
"Having hope, it's about it's almost like the calm after the storm."
"Whenever I woke up from the coma, everyone was so surprised I was alive."
"Certain things are going to happen in our lives, and our faith is proven in how we recover."
"After the storm, there is always a rainbow that comes out."
"The normal state of man is health, physically he has remarkable recuperative powers, and the body has been given all kinds of protections against the common ailments that affect the flesh."
"It's in being broken that we learn to rebuild our world with the pieces."
"We fall so that we can learn to pick ourselves up again."
"We will heal as best we can and learn from what's happened."
"There's no shame in being a broken man. You just pick up the pieces and start rebuilding."
"The planet is freeing itself from the snowball that was imprisoning it."
"All of this is tied up in the process of loving yourself because as long as you leave yourself in a position where you develop an internal prison of not being able to forgive yourself, not being able to recover from bad decisions and bad choices, you constantly live your life stuck in that pit of guilt."
"The world will always take advantage of you if you don't develop a self-love system whereby you can release yourself from the trauma and from the bondage of mistakes made and things done."
"If you've been up at three in the morning because you've lost your job... self-love personal care requires that you rest, recover, and do what you need to do."
"Six months later, with his wife's flawless support, Roy Benavidez walked out of the hospital."
"We talk about the equation of stress causes adaptation, but as you alluded to, the piece in the middle is only if you can recover from it."
"Shake it off and pick something you're going to do tomorrow."
"After almost 2 years of treatment and rehab, [Abigail Cop] has finally returned to school."
"Now that a lot of crypto has bounced back, there's enough in FTX's coffers to repay most, possibly all customers and creditors."
"When you shatter a stained glass window, it may take years to rebuild that stained glass window."
"Sometimes you have bumps in the road in your life, and what we do here is we help people get back on track."
"This is the moment that your body starts to integrate all of the work that you've done, so it's important to give yourself this time to just be still and let your body recover."
"The new story seems compelling, the idea of being defeated in our own city, losing all our powers, and having to fight against the Red Legion to regain our space magic, all sounds epic."
"That you could be a crackhead, hang out downtown, hear voices, have a yeast infection, and still get sober. It's a struggle, but it can be done."
"Recovery means taking sufficient time so that you're able to come back strong for your next session."
"The most powerful step that can be taken now is to pass the American Rescue Plan because that is a step that economists across the board have said would help expedite economic recovery, expedite getting people back to work."
"The biggest risk is not going too big if we go too small. We've been here before. When this nation hit the Great Recession that Barack and I inherited in 2009, I was asked to lead the effort on the Economic Recovery Act to get it passed. It was a big recovery package, roughly $800 billion. I did everything I could to get it passed, including getting three Republicans to change their votes and vote for it. But it wasn't enough. It wasn't quite big enough. It stemmed the crisis, but the recovery could have been faster and even bigger."
"I was in a really bad spot, so this is the cope."
"Everyone needs to find their rock bottom to crawl their way up."
"Burnout can absolutely be repaired. You can go from completely burnt out to not burnt out at all in loving life."
"Abstinence is bliss. It is so much easier to stay in recovery than it is to continually have to detoxify and withdraw and try to get sobriety again."
"I promise you it does get better. The fact that I'm here today is evidence of that. It's insane to think how far we can come from our lowest points."
"It's very possible to beat it, you know. It just takes time."
"Respare: an old, rare word meaning the return of hope after a period of despair."
"I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten."
"Sleep is staggeringly important. In fact, the older I get, the more I believe that if you nail your sleep, 90% of recovery issues will just be taken care of."
"It's not about how many times you fall down, it's about how many times you get back up."
"It's hard to make up for lost sleep in a single day."
"It's okay to not be okay. It's okay to regress and you know fall back a little but you know you're human. You always get right back up. I promise, that's life."
"Vegas is back, people are back, America's back. This is great news, it's super bullish."
"Success is not about never failing. It's not about never having setbacks. It's about how quickly you bounce back, how quickly you get back up."
"You cannot recover a sleep debt. You can’t just 'catch up on sleep' by sleeping for 12 hours on a Saturday after 3 nights of sleeping poorly."
"With the anti-inflammatory properties that this lifestyle and the diet have, you're going to be able to recover so much faster."
"Once I started recognizing my own beauty, that's when the recovery became a lot easier, a lot more enjoyable to manage."
"You're gonna come back to that really good awesome place of having amazing energy."
"We're coming out of what we certainly hope will be a once in a lifetime, certainly historic, the first really global modern pandemic."
"We're not only the trauma... once they start relating to their traumatic history in a different way, then the potential exists for them to experience themselves as not only the trauma."
"The game we're playing here is, we all agree we want more adaptation; that means we need to bring more stress into the system, but we then have to ensure that our recovery outpaces the stress input or else no adaptation will occur."
"You're in a hospital bed surrounded by doctors and nurses. They all take a step back, stunned. They're staring at you, but why? Well, you just came back from the dead."
"We're gonna focus on trying to pull ourselves out of this hole."
"I feel like we're finally coming out of a fog these past couple years, and this summer is going to be a time of healing and recovering."
"Being able to laugh again, it does help the healing process."
"Small business is the key to our recovery; you're the foundation of the community and of the American Dream."
"If anything happened to my company...they would recover quickly. But if anything happened to my home, how would my children recover? How would you recover? How would I recover?"
"Guys, that's 300, that's 300 my friends, that's a start to recovery, you know what I'm telling you."
"We wish him all the best and a good recovery, whatever difficulties, mental or physically, he's going through, that it's eased and that he goes back to his family and loved ones in a good state."
"Monetary policy will continue to deliver powerful support to the economy until the recovery is complete."
"It's been a tough year; we're getting over it slowly but surely, and that's good news."
"You can either recover quickly or slowly, completely or partially, it's entirely up to you. The degree, to which you are willing to embrace the pain of recovery, is the degree to which you will recover."
"I always say I don't care that you fall off the horse; I just care when you get back on."
"For every dollar spent on being resilient, you save $7 in recovery."
"We want to make sure that as we recover, we recover stronger. Then, as we rebuild, we rebuild together."
"I'm feeling way better and I cannot thank you enough for saving my life."
"And he managed to do it. Yu Chun finally recovered after Wuji treated him with an acupuncture therapy technique that even the healer had never seen before."
"Just start moving your body and your pain will become memories before you know it."
"The highest risk we see is a wave of bankruptcies and layoffs that would make the recovery from this crisis harder."
"You're gonna be better than it was when you went into it."
"Let me tell you something that God has more than what they tried to take from you."
"We've got to embrace our differences and get somebody like Jazz to love themselves back to life."
"Never cry over spilled milk. You can always get more."
"This person needs some time to regenerate and trust again."
"We have to get out of this pandemic first... We cannot rebuild the economy until we get through this pandemic."
"The metal's going to remain but the pain will be gone, and you'll have perfect mobility."
"Your ability to train hard, provide adequate nutrients, and bring that fatigue down as fast and completely as possible between sessions is kind of the trifecta of getting really good results."
"Sleep is the biggest part of bringing down that fatigue."
"There's no cure for what we went through, but there's a way to deal and a way to move forward."
"If you're training really hard and you care about your results... then you have to take all the stuff that you do per day, squish it down a tiny little bit... and spend a little bit more time in the evening relaxing."
"Your life is bigger than that one event. There is so much more to your life than that piece of your story."
"If you can look up, you can get up. I don't care what your situation is... everybody can recover if we're willing to put in the work."
"It's not whether you get knocked down; it's whether you get up."
"It's not about being knocked down; it's about getting back up."
"I feel like the second we got together is when I fully started to get my life back on track."
"We did it. We got all the hearts, and look, I got my hearts back. Everything is back to normal."
"What defines us is how well we rise because we slip up."
"The key for these athletes is what is their protocol after this event, what does their fluid replacement system look like, what does their carb replacement look like."
"It was an excruciatingly painful experience, but eventually, I got to the point where I said, 'Okay, I can recognize that this is a cult.'"