
Physiology Quotes

There are 2334 quotes

"Physiology wants to return to homeostasis. What happens in terms of adaptation is, you've challenged it to a level that it realizes if it does not make a change, it will not be able to get back to the same level of homeostasis."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Nitric oxide is this wonderful compound that causes vasodilation."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Everything we know about these exercise snacks is that they enhance various aspects of your physiology in ways that promote both recovery and performance in your other types of exercise."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Our body has an internal timetable that's present in every cell in every organ that pre-programs many molecular aspects of the cells that leads to physiology and all that stuff."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"People who have a stresses enhancing mindset have more positive effect, not necessarily less negative effect, and it potentially changes physiology."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Every cell in your body actually knows external day length and therefore time of year by way of the duration of the melatonin signal."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Your body heat and your willpower are linked in a physiological way."
"Most of your heat escapes through your face, the palms of your hands, and the bottoms of your feet."
"Humans developed as long-distance hunters... we have sweat glands and other mammals don't, allowing us to expel heat in a way that others can't."
"Our technological abilities have allowed us to modulate the environments about us so that we can keep a homeostatic state, which has factored out the variations that we evolved with and created essentially a weaker physiology."
"This breathing technique brings you right into the deepest part of physiology, anybody can do it."
"It's really about leveling up and improving your physiology such that you can engage in those innate mechanisms that know how to prevent disease in the first place."
"No muscles are involved during the expiratory process if it's completely passive."
"Most people will say that there's much more peace, much more ease, much more comfort inside their body physiologically when they are open-hearted, kind, and generous."
"Let's start with the physiology, let's start with our nervous system, let's start with building the strength temple from the inside out."
"Beta adrenergic receptors were down regulated by something like 37 percent."
"How much vagal tone exists in the person, when they suddenly found themselves in the grief episode."
"Our brain and our body are highly coordinated because people are listening to the story and the heart rate is changing in response to the story."
"You're very much interested in and have always talked about physiology, how the body works, and also how the body doesn't work, what happens to make the body go wrong."
"Willpower is basically the amount of blood sugar in your system and the amount of sleep that you've gotten."
"Every emotional state that we generate has a corresponding physiology, posture, and breathing rate."
"Survival is the number one priority of the body, so when you go without food you amplify every resource it has to keep you alive."
"Unrestricted transhuman physiology is pretty awesome to have."
"The regions of the brain that generate tenacity... get strong input from the so-called autonomic nervous system."
"The muscles work in unison and also interact in almost an orchestration that's really complex."
"Your body is self-healing and self-regulating."
"Your brain is always regulating your body, and your body is always sending sensory signals back to the brain."
"Muscles kind of work in the same way as if you break a bone. If you break a bone, it heals back thicker and stronger to try to make sure it doesn't break again."
"The body has a thing called a circadian rhythm, and light is a huge, huge part of our body's physiology of sleeping and wakefulness."
"Pavlov was the first physiologist in the Russian Empire to devote himself to repeated experimentation, applying a factory-like approach to his lab."
"Pavlov and his team cranked out scientific papers on the physiology of the digestive system, new research techniques, and an important by-product: gastric juice – litres of it."
"Physiology alone does not provide all the answers; understanding performance also requires practical, hands-on approaches."
"The human brain is constantly getting a signal from all the bodily systems, but particularly the heart, the vagus nerve."
"The sympathetic nervous system is always working to keep us in good physiological balance and it regulates our response to stress."
"Iron plays a most important role in our physiology, in the way we live and breathe."
"When you blush, the lining of your stomach turns red too."
"We use 43 muscles when we frown but only 17 when we smile."
"Everybody is different, okay? Depending on your physiology and the job that you're performing, some people run hot like me, some people run cold like my wife."
"We think fear and anxiety is always about an external event that is happening to us, we forget that it can be biology, it can be physiology."
"Humans have a very good dynamic range in hearing. The amount of sound that we can hear across loudness and frequency is kind of amazing."
"Now that you understand your physiology, you have the power now to control it. Now you can say that I want to be my best self and here's how I'm going to make that happen."
"Mechanical tension, muscle damage, and metabolic stress are the main factors driving muscle growth."
"The mind and the body are intimately connected...so one thing that you must understand is how the human body what it's designed for."
"There is three times more neural activity coming from our heart to our brain than vice-versa."
"By slowing down breathing, we can actually raise carbon dioxide, allowing oxygen to move into the cells where it's needed."
"Why is it that when I take a drink of cold water, suddenly my body's like, 'I need to sweat now'?"
"Your brain's ability to do the higher functioning because the blood goes somewhere else."
"Our eyes are these amazing energy converters taking light energy and turning it into chemical energy."
"Every single action that you take comes from your brain sending electrical signals through your nervous system."
"During just one night of sleep, your body will replace billions of cells, repair broken-down muscle tissue, release many different hormones, and your brain."
"The body's physiology changes; there's an immediate increase in muscle power, vision improves, and our perception of the world and ourselves changes for the better."
"Food volume comes into play as well because your stomach can sense how hungry you are based on the actual physical stretch of the stomach."
"Metabolic health is when the body can take a substrate... and turn them into tissue and energy."
"It's actually physiologically impossible to turn body fat into muscle."
"So, bats produce tons of energy without damaging their cells. Sounds pretty awesome, really."
"Muscle mass is the largest site for beta oxidation, imagine the more muscle tissue you have, the larger the capacity to burn fat."
"Your heart in order for those that muscle to work properly it has to have a constant fresh nice oxygenated blood going to it."
"The body's like oh no we've got to fix this so what happens is it starts to develop these little tiny blood vessels that will just like branch off and we'll go around that blockage over to the other side."
"Once these blood vessel branches are produced, they cannot go away."
"Your body requires movement; it drives every physiological function."
"Muscles make up about 40 percent of your body weight and use up about 20 percent of your energy at rest."
"Kangaroos lick their wrists to cool down because that's where the blood flow is and it cools their."
"It's really impressive that the human body can endure such long periods in space."
"If you have stronger glutes your brain activates them more during movement."
"Your brain is a muscle just like the rest of your muscles, like your arm, your biceps and whatnot, and you gotta give it rest."
"Our bodies, our emotions, and our physical responses are designed to respond to our environment."
"You are unique, and we all have very unique physiology."
"Shock creates such a freeze in the human body."
"Your bones are not like stones and they're not even like trees. Bones are constantly being remodeled up to ten percent of your bone in any given moment is actively being broken down and rebuilt all the time."
"The motor messages going out, 'move that, go there,' and the sensory messages coming in, 'smell this, feel that,' occur in darkness."
"The eccentric contraction is when the muscle is generating force while lengthening."
"Ketosis is a phenomenal physiological state to be in."
"The anatomy and physiology of all this is you have to know what inside and out to hit the right muscle groups and hit the right spots."
"Moving stimulates the production of more mitochondria."
"Have you noticed that when you're concentrating or stressed out, you breathe faster? How does the mechanics of breathing affect us?"
"It's all about the kinetic chain of the body."
"The body adapts to stress based on the stress that's placed on it."
"Our eyes have tremors at 75 to 110 Hertz, that means 75 to 110 times per second your eye is constantly twitching and stabilizing."
"Muscle fibers can increase in length, known as the increase of sarcomeres in series."
"The body will always attempt to return to homeostasis."
"Micro wins are based on using your physiology to help you succeed and achieve things."
"Sometimes we have to be super aroused, and sometimes that primitive nervous system actually works in our favor. But if you're living in emergency mode for an extended period of time, there's no energy for growth and repair."
"Anatomy and physiology are essential to understanding the human body."
"Saturation diving simply means... all 16 of those theoretical tissue compartments have as much gas compressed into them that they can hold."
"The branch that actually helps us to feel relaxed and calm is the ventral vagal nerve."
"Every feeling has a corresponding physiology."
"It's the oscillating balance between challenge and recovery that induces optimal mitohormesis."
"Your body has a switch to determine if food is coming in."
"There's a symbiotic relationship between the activator muscles in your mouth and the turgor pressure in the specimen you are biting into."
"The first heart sound is the first sound heard at the onset of ventricular systole."
"The whole basis of science: understanding how your body works."
"Negative pressure ventilation: actively pulling down to passively pull air into our lungs."
"Positive pressure ventilation: pushing air from the inside out to open up the alveolus."
"98 degrees Fahrenheit is a temperature that feels hot even though the human body is of the same temperature. Well, actually, this is about the average temperature of our core."
"Muscle mass is not just vanity, it's not just tissue that moves your skeleton, okay? It is a secretary organ, okay? It actually secretes myokines, it secretes signals."
"The more that we learn, we realize, ah, metabolism is associated with healthy muscle, not necessarily big bodybuilder muscle, but just healthy muscle."
"The brain controls and coordinates every function of the body."
"The body works on light, electromagnetic radiation, temperature, vibration, and food."
"Your body feels fear and remembers fear way before your mind does."
"When mitochondria max out, you hit the wall, like in a marathon."
"The heart is still the most important muscle."
"As your muscle cells grow, new nuclei come in to help out."
"There's this prevailing theory that when you have to pee, you actually make better split decisions."
"The balance of electrolytes and fluid is a major component of our body's homeostasis and its proper functioning."
"The amygdala communicates with the rest of the body through the Stella ganglion nerves in the neck."
"Strength is specific to contraction type, velocity, movement, muscle lengths. Literally, every step of the way."
"So if you've ever heard you are tallest in the morning, this is generally true."
"The gut-brain axis affects the way your body digests food."
"Exercise transmits forces through the skels and generating signals that are detected by our bone building cells."
"Recovery is you setting your physiology up to be able to access Peak Performance."
"When you are consuming alcohol, your body has to stop burning fat."
"Your brain is a physical organ and it has chemicals. If you don't think that's possible, like if you can hurt your leg by going through an accident or if you can lift weights incorrectly and mess up your back."
"Your brain is a champ. It's like the control center of your body, and your brain does a phenomenal job."
"For every one wire going down from the brain, there's actually nine wires going up from the gut to the brain."
"The heart sends much more information to the brain than the brain does to the heart."
"Your cardiac output and your stroke volume are actually increased. Your heart beats more efficiently and powerfully when it's burning ketones."
"Facial nerve: It's not just about facial expressions. It also handles parasympathetic functions like lacrimation and salivation."
"Stress is probably a hundred times more damaging on the system simply because of just what it does to your white blood cells."
"Fast-twitch muscle fibers handle glucose the best."
"The Frank-Starling law of the heart is a basic physiological principle that describes how the heart is able to move blood through the body in a regulated way by pumping out as much blood as it receives."
"Overload and fatigue management intersect to produce the SRA principle."
"Faster breathing may have physiological basis in our breath."
"Soluble fiber draws water in and creates bulk in the stool which is really beneficial."
"The limit for humans reacting to a visual stimulus is about 200 to 250 milliseconds."
"Muscle is probably the most important metabolic organ."
"Muscles are also sensory organs that provide information about our bodies and the world around us."
"Our kidneys maintain salt balance, so we'll start to excrete more salt in our urine if we eat a lot of salted foods."
"Resilience is the ability of your body that has been subjected to an external force to recover its shape and size following deformation."
"There's only one organ that we can do anything about and that's skeletal muscle."
"The human body has a tremendous capacity to store fuel."
"The average person can hold their breath for about 30 seconds to just under 2 minutes."
"The nervous system has three overlapping functions: sensory input, integration, and motor output."
"Is progressive overload the result of hypertrophy or is it the driver of hypertrophy? It's both."
"Rubbing the eyelid stimulates a special nerve called the vagus nerve, which helps slow down heart and breathing rates when it's massaged."
"The pupil of your eye can expand as much as 55% when looking at something you love."
"Stress makes your body temperature rise."
"Most people's heartbeat hits at 72 beats for a minute; they want to match music that matches the heartbeat."
"The moment you start to feel happy, the moment you start to feel joyful, your brain is checking in with your body."
"The power of the mind is demonstrated by how quickly the changing of a thought impacts the entire physiology of the body."
"When you're anxious, your body's probably working perfectly."
"You are taller in the morning when you first get up than when you go to bed."
"Your eyes blink around 20 times a minute; that's over 10 million times a year."
"Your body uses two forms of energy: sugar and fat."
"Any excess sugar that you don't use for the day is stored as fat, which is called triglycerides."
"High insulin levels are good if you're trying to grow tall like during puberty; unfortunately, when you stop growing tall, insulin makes you grow wide."
"Ranolazine reduces inward sodium channels and then reduces sodium calcium exchange, reduces contractility of the myocardium which reduces O2 demand."
"The most important organ in the body to regulate glucose is probably muscle."
"Nitric oxide is one of these fascinating molecules; it's a gas produced naturally in the human body."
"It controls blood flow and circulation to every organ, tissue, and cell in the body."
"Our brain and our gut are two parts of the same system."
"All of the chemical reactions in the body work together to generate an interactive set of reactants, products, and cofactors that can ultimately go to the electron transport chain and generate a massive amount of ATP for the body."
"It is indicative of ventricular repolarization."
"What does the T wave indicate? Ventricular repolarization."
"AVR is just kind of like a lone rider that tells us about the right ventricle and the basal septum."
"The R to S ratios usually less than 1 for V1 to V3, greater than 1 for V5 to V6."
"That is called our net QRS vector."
"The entire ventricular myocardium is completely depolarized."
"There seems to be a good rationale for the use of ketones for fueling performance in a hypoxic environment."
"Being in a state of ketosis could be beneficial from the context of brain injury, inflammation, and the stress of being out in certain extreme environments."
"Train low when your glucose is low and your insulin is low in a semi-fasted state."
"Iguanas have a third eye, known as the parietal eye."
"Our nervous system... basically operates all parts of our body."
"The brain consumes approximately 20 percent of the body's energy."
"Your heartbeat increases, your airways allow for greater air to come in."
"Pain in one place of the body can originate from another place in the body."
"It's movement, just like for humans, that causes the layers of the fascia to glide against each other helped by the hyaluronic acid."
"It is muscle stress or mechanical tension, however you want to word it, which influences muscle growth, not the load lifted."
"Magnesium is so important... it keeps that heart muscle at rest."
"Humans can sleep with their eyes open."
"As they lose blubber, as they use up their fat reserves they switch it up with water."
"The majority of total daily energy expenditure occurs as a result of our basal metabolic rate, not via exercise."
"Deliberate heat exposure is actually kicking on a physiological response that is in many ways very similar to moderate intensity aerobic exercise."
"If you're lying in bed and suddenly experience vertigo, place one of your feet on the floor; your brain will receive the information that you're standing on something firm, and the unpleasant sensation will pass."
"Slow twitch fibers are fatigue resistant, they can contract kind of all day long because they don't use as much glucose."
"The amount of cross-bridges you have, the more effectively you can pull the actin closer to each other, the faster the contraction, the more forceful the contraction is going to be."
"The liver is an unsung hero of the body."
"Adding more muscle mass is going to elevate your basal metabolic rate, so you'll burn more calories just sitting there."
"Non-exercise energy is energy you're burning that's not physical activity or exercise."
"The atrophy of fast-twitch muscle fibers is the almost exclusive problem with aging and muscle."
"If you do high reps with a low weight if you do it to exhaustion, you also start using the type two fibers."
"There are tendon-like structures getting pulled to move the joints."
"Lean body mass is not the same thing as muscle mass; lean body mass is all non-fat tissues."
"I can breathe easier because it's the diaphragm."
"We have to map out what happens physically in the brain and in the body; separately, we can map out what happens mentally."
"Cured that flawed mechanic so when they land the core stiffness allowed the gluteal muscles to pull the knees out."
"Growth hormone is released primarily in sleep."
"We also talk about the various sleep stages."
"The brain starts to slow down, and at that point in stage two non-REM, it's maybe going up and down just four to eight times per second."
"Emotions can't be separated from your physiology; you cannot be separated from your environment."
"The gut is a massive producer of a bunch of things that we've traditionally thought of as neurotransmitters."
"Cows only sleep lightly when upright and easily wake up; they only go to deep sleep when they're lying down."
"My heart rate is historically always right around 55."
"Most people don't know that the reason that you get salty is because you don't have enough actual salt in your body."
"Can't hum while holding your nose."
"Its maneuverability and agility are almost unheard of in such large animals, and it's thanks to the giant manta's large and flexible wings."
"Ketones blunt the activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome. We're blocking that activation."
"Ketones stabilize mast cell degranulation. It's going to make them less reactive to an allergen."
"So it's obviously got to have a significant amount of muscles in it to be able to run the way it does."
"It's not really about willpower... The physiology is really tough, your body doesn't think it's a great thing to lose weight..."
"Tight junctions are really important. It turns out the tight junctions are not just in the intestine; they're in the brain too."