
Adaptation Quotes

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"Physiology wants to return to homeostasis. What happens in terms of adaptation is, you've challenged it to a level that it realizes if it does not make a change, it will not be able to get back to the same level of homeostasis."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It shouldn't surprise us that both pathways are stress. Local hyperthermia is stress. Burn certainly is stress. Sauna is a form of stress. Deliberate cold exposure is a form of stress. Exercise is a form of stress."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We are all knocked off of our hamster wheels... it's forcing a creativity, it's forcing the brain to rethink things in a way that is actually, despite all the lousy stuff, really good for the brain."
"Self-control could be an evolutionary adaptation."
"Resilience is our innate biological ability to adapt, recover, and grow in the face of life's challenges."
"We're fragile, and we break easily, but we can be restored, and what can't be restored can be adapted to."
"We're a hunter-gatherer brain living in a modern world."
"If there's one rule for long-term content creation, it is that creators must adapt to survive."
"The days of dancing for fun were over; people were now dancing for survival."
"The trick with the modern world is to take out the good bits and spit out the bad bits."
"Learning a foreign language the first time may be laborious and disorienting, but if you've learned two foreign languages, the third foreign language is obviously going to be much easier to pick up."
"Anxiety keeps you alive, anxiety keeps you sharp, anxiety keeps you learning, it keeps you attentive. It's a good thing."
"If you go blind, your hearing improves, and if you go deaf, your eyesight improves. It's like one thing enables the other."
"The more I learn about you, the more I can adapt. I could be your perfect friend."
"As the tides change, so does our council. We are happy to have you."
"A distraction can mean a curveball... something that's coming at you that you don't anticipate."
"We are going to have to change faster than the climate."
"Don't resist the phases, lean into them, acknowledge which phase you're in, and then kind of just go with it."
"When something is resilient, it is able to adapt in the face of adversity and it is able to withstand adversity."
"She stood in the storm and when the wind did not blow her way, she adjusted her sails."
"In uncertain times, you don't just drift, you don't just float; instead, you set shorter short-term goals."
"We evolve, we adapt, and we change the people we are. I think that's healthy."
"You will not get over, you will learn to live with it."
"We've become rapidly irrelevant, and the world's moving on."
"What I've come to realize is that it boils down to four things: preparation, adaptation, communication, and mindset."
"Adaptation is when I look at people who are successful across different fields, I see that the winners know how to adapt, and the losers don't."
"A divorce is not the end of the family, it's the reorganization of the family."
"Training for muscle growth is never going to be the same; it requires adaptation, understanding, and strategic application."
"Western civilization used Roman numerals for a very long time... and then at some point, Arabic numerals came along... why does it take people so long? Well, because the old protocol is embedded in everything."
"Thanks to natural selection and random mutation, nature is really good at figuring out what works."
"Trauma is not an illness; it's an adaptation. It's a solution, not a problem."
"The tech needs to adapt to us, not the other way around, for safety."
"You got to focus and readapt, continue, and then learn as much as you can. By helping others, it's been very rewarding as well."
"It was as if he had challenged himself to try and convince people not only did Wells convert the setting to contemporary Americana, but even in format, the show was masked as a series of news bulletins."
"Twilight Struggle, it's a real-life board game, and apparently, has a really well-done digital version. Just like the board game, it feels like there's a lot of kind of crap on the screen, but I can't... it's not that complicated to play. Hard to play right, but not hard to play."
"We cannot win today's battle using yesterday's tools."
"For neuroplasticity to be therapeutic, it has to be adaptive, it has to allow someone to function better in life than they did previously."
"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but rather the most adaptive to change."
"As times changed and people became a lot less tolerant towards this sort of humor, Family Guy was forced to tone down what had made it so successful in the first place."
"For a movie based on a creaky old ride from an amusement park, it is shockingly good."
"Evolution is not an inventor. Evolution is a tinkerer."
"We have to do with the best with what we've got, which is human nature."
"It's an extraordinary fact: it's not change, good or bad, that stresses us; it's change."
"To cope is to make a specific alteration mentally, emotionally, or physically so that you can manage or adapt to something that is causing you stress."
"The hero image is the path of optimal adaptation for human beings."
"I don't really like who 'myself' is. I'd rather just be whatever makes people like me."
"We're going to learn to do so many things better."
"I've changed a lot... It's a whole different website, a whole different world now."
"Nature is pressing for biodiversity, and adaptation is its code."
"Half of being in a relationship that's successful with somebody who's neurodivergent is asking, 'Do this thing that I need or I expect of you in a way that works for you.'"
"The extent to which he managed to convey so many of the book's ideas without heavy recourse on dialogue is quite remarkable."
"You can't make a well fleshed out adaptation of Dark Phoenix if your Jean Grey isn't a solid character."
"When your mind knows it's not going to quit, your body will adapt to it."
"Passions rearrange, whether we like it or not. Your new passion can really overshadow your old passion."
"The more you try to suppress cortisol, the more you suppress adaptation."
"The Last of Us adaptation truly stands as probably to this day the best video game adaptation to live-action ever done."
"Adjustments are required and bring love into the situation."
"There's this very dynamic cultural co-construction happening that is messy, that is iterative, that you can learn to do in different ways in different contexts."
"As technology gets better, people are very good at adapting."
"The best explanation that we could come up with is that the Pokemon is adapting to dangerous situations and therefore powering up the moves that it knows the most about since it's part of its biology."
"You're not native to this region. You're a completely different kind of owl."
"Environmental factors are fundamentally changing the game for business."
"There's going to be a lot that we have to adapt to both environmentally but also in terms of what will be revealed to us in the decade or two to come."
"All our life has changed; we are not the same as before, everything is different."
"The game requires more basketball intelligence now... It's all about finding the right matchup."
"Just as with the nervous system won't change unless you give it a reason to, this is the reason why if you can perform something perfectly or speak a language perfectly, there's no rewiring of the nervous system."
"Whatever disagreements over adaptational decisions, the boxed set Extended Edition DVDs still stand as a masterpiece of filmmaking and an undeniable set of bonafides."
"This film showed a healthy respect for its book forefather, while also recognizing what elements of it might soured the experience for their audience and what changes were necessary to make the tale engaging for people of a different century than it was originally written for."
"This particular adaptation is notorious for the claim that some people tuning in, not realizing the broadcast was fictitious, were under the impression that there really was an alien invasion in progress."
"The job of an adaptation is about transcribing that something special from the original and making it resonate with a new medium, not obscuring what made the original great."
"The process of adapting one text into another and producing something that makes sense, that feels like its source material, that feels real, it's super complicated and tricky."
"Fans of the source material are rarely happy with the way an adaptation turns out, and most of the time, that disappointment is justified."
"There are adaptations out there that have truly marked me and made me obsessed with this notion of taking an existing story and fully unlocking its potential to make it something better than it was ever meant to be."
"When the adaptation is so good that it becomes the official canon of the source material, you know they were probably up to something."
"You can glean what was important for each decade to include; every adaptation is the same basic story but told wildly differently."
"You raise human beings whose needs are met, or you raise human beings in a way that you don't meet their needs. When you don't meet people's needs, they have to adapt in artificial ways."
"The Godfather... one of the very few examples of a film that surpasses its source material while still respecting it."
"There will be normality of some kind on the other side."
"OMAX CryoFreeze provides pain relief. Let me first say a few words about pain. It's useful, pain is adaptive."
"It transcends what the manga could realistically do, creating a work that, in my opinion at least, deserves respect as its own work of art just as much as the original does."
"Let's start positively reinforcing adaptive social behavior."
"You got to evolve or you going to get left behind."
"It beautifully adapted the seemingly unadaptable work of George R.R. Martin."
"Without Martin’s work to pull from, David Benioff and Dan Weiss had to make the transition from adapters to creators."
"We are trying to fix and upgrade the train while it's moving."
"You're forcing your brain now to operate on a level it's not used to, but then it becomes used to it."
"The Last of Us stands as one of the most impressive examples, with massive tweaks available to visuals, sound, and gameplay."
"We all have our own personal ragnaroks to deal with, and this story is about how you process that, how you own it, and how you make it a part of yourself and grow from it."
"You have to adapt to the current day. The way that you would get a woman today is not the way you would get a woman 40 years ago, 100 years ago, a thousand years ago."
"I'm still not used to this whole being dead thing."
"We are the ones able to leave the planet. We have dominated the planet in every way."
"This pace of change makes societies volatile, really volatile."
"Monetary policy must take a broad and forward-looking view, keeping pace with an ever-evolving economy."
"Human beings have existed for 300,000 years and have managed to live in many unstable environments."
"If they only stuck to appearance, then maybe this could be accepted as something that comes with the territory of adapting text to screen, but in instances where this change seeps into the character's personality or actions, if the removal of physical flaws is matched with the removal of character flaws as well, then I think the adapters are doing a disservice to the story."
"Evolution is a natural process that results in the survival and reproductive success of individuals best adjusted to their environment."
"To cope is to make a specific alteration either mentally, emotionally, or physically that allows you to manage or adapt to a situation that is causing you stress."
"We talk about the equation of stress causes adaptation, but as you alluded to, the piece in the middle is only if you can recover from it."
"Things opening back up... there is no normal anymore."
"The church of 1962 needed significant adaptation, significant rethinking and reform."
"Plasticity involves adaptation and is an agency of disobedience to every constituted form, a refusal to submit to a model."
"It's not just that China's team is underperforming; it's more about the individual performances and how teams adapt to the meta."
"The evolving meta of the intra-tournament, as in within the tournament, people start picking a certain champion which proves to be good against the champions other people are picking."
"We're living in the world that's changing in ways that we've never seen, that we're not conditioned to accept."
"When you're willing to put in the work, when you're willing to take control of your environment and put yourself through the stressors required for adaptation, you literally can become anything."
"We will fix, adjust, and move forward because that's all we can do."
"The actual story of The Devil Wears Prada is about Andy's internal struggle, specifically how she is forced to change in order to cope with the difficult situation she has found herself in."
"Roadblocks and times that it's not going to work out can't be your time to stop; you pivot, go around it."
"The stylish black and white pattern serves as an optical illusion to confuse and scare away their key enemies, predators, and annoying insects such as tsetse flies or horse flies."
"It's going to be new for everyone, but yeah, a bit scary time, honestly."
"It is simply that we are playing a game where the rules have changed, but the goals are still the same."
"Embrace the changes that are out of your control; they're bringing you to your new beginning."
"It's a whole new world for all of us out here."
"When snakes shed skin, it's an incredibly painful process for them that they try and resist until they literally cannot resist it any longer."
"A living being is going to be something that's a continuous lifelong learned, task-agnostic thing."
"One of the things that has happened over time and over development is we've found other ways to try and resolve the issues that we face and try and channel those problems into other ways."
"In the deep sea, the male anglerfish becomes a permanent fixture on the female, showcasing nature's adaptability in ensuring survival."
"Emperor penguins engage in long marches and faithful partnerships, reflecting their remarkable adaptations to the Antarctic environment."
"If you pretend that your choices and the things you want to do do not need to take stake of the outward reality around you, and that all of reality is supposed to comply with your preferences, you're gonna be quite shocked when it turns out that reality doesn't work that way."
"You always need to adapt, and the key for survival is to adapt to changing circumstances."
"The fittest is the one that is adapting to the reality around it."
"In our history, warriors changed, adapted, evolved, and never disappeared, both in times of war and of peace."
"This is for real and this is the new world order for the foreseeable future, so you better get on your game."
"McLaughlin might be new to the NTT IndyCar Series, but he's not new to iRacing."
"Change happens suddenly, and to be trapped in transition is to be waiting for your mind to catch up with the transformation that has already happened in your life."
"Embrace other ideas and cultures, not assume or force people to take on what's already there."
"Your sense of what you want to say is initially shaped by your native language, and it takes a while for you to naturally have thoughts in the new language."
"The game we're playing here is, we all agree we want more adaptation; that means we need to bring more stress into the system, but we then have to ensure that our recovery outpaces the stress input or else no adaptation will occur."
"The more hot weather a culture is in, the more spice use you have in that culture because cuisine turns out to be a cultural adaptation to a biological problem."
"I had to teach myself how to breathe again in a world without you."
"You actually get to a point where you don't even notice anymore. Yeah, like background noise."
"We have to learn to live with [COVID-19] just like we do any risk."
"It is incumbent for us to adopt as it's quite obvious that the virus itself has adapted."
"The frequency of grace supports our smooth adaptation to and anticipation of life's currents and changes as we evolve towards a higher version of ourselves."
"The good news is that there are mechanisms of connecting with other people. We just have to use them to replicate the informal social connections."
"Rejection sensitivity is actually an adaptive survival mechanism to a non-ideal environment growing up."
"We need to upgrade our software and hardware to navigate through the most confusing and difficult times."
"Alien Isolation marks as a great example of what a game adaptation of a film can be like, not only staying true to its source material but expanding on it."
"So Josh is said to be making the most of his prison life."
"It's all about tasting, adapting, adjusting, and overcoming those little hurdles and then we learn from them and we move on."
"Ubisoft has announced plans to turn several of their game franchises, including Splinter Cell, into feature-length films."
"Gon is unable to use Nen, which results in his father advising him to seek out what he is able to do now that he has lost his powers."
"No game before has managed to successfully capture the look and feel of the original films quite like this."
"We are the species that changes ourselves and changes who we are."
"If somebody screams at you all the time, you stop listening to them. And what you have done is just down-regulated your sensitivity to this pain-in-the-neck person."
"Part of what learning appears to be about is not only increasing the number of copies of a certain type of glutamate receptor but changing the subunit composition, and making for a more responsive, more excitable version of that receptor."
"They are realizing that they need to change their approach with you. So I feel like that's what they're intending right now, is a total change in direction, change of approach."
"His last look at Ichigo through dying eyes, drawn amazingly in the manga and adapted fantastically in the anime."
"It's going to take some work, and it's going to take having the mindset of 'the world is what it is, and I'm going to become what I need to become.'"
"Normal is changing. Normal will always grow and develop."
"To have a successful career as a trader, you need to be evolving with markets, finding ever new sources of edge."
"Life is full of ups and downs. You have to roll with the punches."
"Consistency is not for everyone, and those of us who cannot adapt it end up quitting so many things just because we think that we can't be consistent and therefore we cannot do it."
"Every species is probably intelligent in its own environment."
"Alien isolation is no different; it's unbelievable faithfulness to the sights, sounds, and moods of its source material elevates it into something absolutely mesmerizing."
"We're facing new problems that we've never faced before and the old solutions either were inadequate as they were or are not adequate to the changing landscape."
"Nature does its best, and we need to adjust our expectations. So we need to go beyond weird."
"The adaptations that the animals have to make to the desert, the adaptations that the plants have to make."
"Nature does its best, and we need to adjust our expectations. We need to go beyond weird."
"Change always produces change, and when we embrace that reality, the journey is much smoother."
"Grow up, adapt, that's what a true entrepreneur, a true content creator does."
"What I'm saying is, as time changes and technology changes, there's probably ways to improve."
"Darwin is often misquoted as saying it is the strongest of the species that survive. He did not say that. What he actually said was it's not the strongest of the species that survive nor the most intelligent, but rather the most adaptive to change."
"Getting comfortable outside your comfort zone basically pushing yourself to do uncomfortable things until that feeling becomes normal to you."
"You know, it's normal. You get used to it... having a chef, eating Michelin star meals every meal of the day, and you get used to it."
"It means that you have this drive to learn and to adapt and to grow."
"Whenever you change the rules of the game, you get different winners and losers."
"It's hard to believe that without cash, credit cards, physical abilities to do certain things, she just functioned fine in an apartment for a year."
"Biomimicry: understanding the genius of nature and how it adapts."
"These bold decisions expose you to new experiences, to new challenges which force your body and mind to adapt and to grow."
"It's interesting how these things survive... like those fish you hang around coral reefs who are the only fish that are immune to the poison of sea urchins."
"There are still some times when I feel a little homesick, but all in all, I sure love this city."
"Damage please. Okay, you know what, acid is damage. We can't afford to be picky anymore."
"It's the issue of how do we adapt to lower energy and material throughput while the ecological environmental situation is getting worse."
"The training of Spider-Man came by way of the death of his uncle Ben... he just had to adapt."
"Geckos devote about four percent of their total body surface area to those sticky sticky toe pads."
"It's a page-turner. In fact, we loved it so much that the talk in the book club turned to movie rights almost immediately."
"Get used to the crazy, because that's exactly what 2021 is here to bring."
"The thrill of being the trailblazer, of taking on an unknown enemy and succeeding not through knowledge of the encounter provided ahead of time but through skill and adaptation to the challenge in the moment."
"Life does change all the time; that is the one constant in life, is change."
"Hey, a small price to pay to keep on living. They'll grow back."
"I refuse to be a victim or be victimized by this circumstance; I will adapt, I will create, I will change, I will figure out ways from a greater level of consciousness to respond to those conditions."
"You have to move past positions that you've never even thought you would have to move past."
"Sometimes you just have to accept that leveling up isn't a solution. You need to use whatever moves you have to the best of your abilities."
"Like fishermen, wolves need focus, but unlike fishermen and their tools, wolves rely on their jaws and laser-sharp focus to catch fish."
"This is the great adaptation, not just the Great Depression."
"It was a new high-tech airplane which involved quite a change for the crew and the maintenance personnel."
"The way that we relate to these Technologies is we can relate to them with fear."
"So the interesting thing that happens with people with depression is that a lot of them will learn to adapt, cope, and survive because they're resilient, because they're strong, because they're adaptable, because they're intelligent."
"All new technologies, when they first start, can be clunky, can be slow, can have problems and might not be anywhere near as close to the technology that they're trying to replace. But what we have to remember is that technology is not a static thing; it is constantly changing and evolving."
"This is the only sunlight we're going to be getting right now."
"Human beings are very, very bad at mitigation and we are very, very good at adaptation."
"I trusted God. It's a new land; you don't have friends, your parents aren't here, your siblings aren't here."
"If you put a frog in boiling water, it'll jump straight back out again, but if you just put it in warm water and then very cautiously raise the temperature, the frog will stay put even as it becomes less and less comfortable because it's happening slowly."
"If you really love an archetype, every now and then it's not super supported... but you can usually find some build somewhere that can get you up the ladder."
"Nearly every ethnic group in Africa adapts on a year-to-year basis for the ever changing climate around them."
"Ruby will probably never be the show it promised to be, but with the gift of learning the lessons it has to teach, maybe something else can be."
"It's gonna take time for us to work out how to make these kinds of things work."
"Humans going to human. We're going to go back to the old normal."
"It's important to grow and adapt as a Creator."