
Improvement Quotes

There are 78544 quotes

"Recovery is where the real results actually emerge, where we get better."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"When people see that things are better for someone else, they realize things can be better for themselves too."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Leaving them better than I found them...trying to leave as much positive karma in my wake as possible."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The Power of Play resides in play's ability to change our nervous system for the better, so that we can perform many activities, not just play activities, better."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Not only did I become more productive, but I also quit smoking."
"Your efforts are really going to make a difference in improving relationships with your siblings."
"You'll notice a lifting of the brain fog that often clouds your day."
"We learn and get better through trial and error and hardship."
"A spirit of appreciation for all of the improvements in my life."
"The only belief that matters is that if you put time and energy into getting better at something, you'll actually get better at it."
"If you end up being an ultimate human, you're going to also make a lot of other people better."
"Every day you're making your brain a bit better or a bit worse. You're not stuck with the brain you have; you can make it better."
"My mental health has never been this good before."
"It's up to the patient to be honest with themselves about their experiences... That awareness seems like an incredibly powerful thing to own and to build and cultivate."
"People who were less creative became super good because they worked so hard."
"If we can get your brain right, we can get your life right."
"A good Behavioral Economist is also a good economist. It's not about replacing standard economics but improving it."
"Dissatisfaction...wasn't why I wanted to become a physician. I wanted to turn things around. I'm by nature a fixer."
"It's actually starting to get better just recently because I'm working on a project with some friends and it gives me a sense of purpose."
"We should help people learn how to do relationships better."
"If you're right about everything, you can't improve. There's no room for improvement."
"To improve your social intelligence, you don't actually have to be great in social situations right now."
"Improving your mental health is the single best thing that you can do to increase your productive work output."
"Tastiest food doesn't exist; the best program for arms doesn't exist. But with food and cooking, there are dependable rules on how to make food that usually will make it taste better if you follow the rules."
"Consistently spending your time in engaged, deliberate practice where you're fully aware of your actions and thinking about them critically is in my opinion the best thing that you can do to improve your aim over time."
"This change is actually going to be really positive."
"Growth is the only guarantee that tomorrow is going to get better."
"I think everyone can like make some sort of improvement in some ways."
"Incremental improvement, repeated, is virtually unstoppable."
"I'm trying to change the world. I'm trying to make the world better."
"The only belief that matters is that by applying time and energy into something, you will actually get better at it."
"You can't edit nothing. You have to put something down that you can edit and then make better."
"I think loving people, caring for society, and making the world a better place... the feelings are immensely positive."
"Instagram having like, I don't know, pre-teen sex as a hashtag seems like a pretty obvious starting point for things that could be improved upon."
"The meaning of life is to make meaning, to leave the world slightly better, and to marvel at the wonder of the world."
"Use negative people to fuel you to become a better person. It doesn't hurt them and it massively improves you."
"In this case, though, a ground shaking event didn’t prove a catastrophe, but a catalyst—an opportunity for Boeing to be its best Boeing."
"We've got some issues in here, and unless you're prepared to change, this place has got no chance."
"Our ultimate goal is to be more productive today than we were yesterday."
"The only belief that matters is that if I put energy and effort into getting better, I actually will get better."
"When we are lonely, it is not because we need to add more people to the triangle; it's for actually needing to move some people up."
"You want this PvP patch to be good, well then make PvP good. Balance the game."
"I don't care if it's not easy. I just want it to be better. But don't stop trying."
"Imagine Heaven as an upward moving spiral where everything is as already as good as you could imagine it, but it's getting better."
"Everybody in the room is interested in everybody else getting better."
"Intentionally removing the phone from the bedroom... will transform your relationship not over weeks, within days."
"Accepting that you actually are enough today, and you can do more tomorrow. Don’t worry, you don’t have to let go of being better tomorrow."
"At the end of the day, it's fantastic that people are learning how to communicate."
"Relationships are the backbone of society. When we allow that to be as dysfunctional as it is right now, that's the reason why we have all these problems. If we fix that, man, this world becomes a hundred times better place, too, easily."
"The more you practice, the better you'll get."
"If your life is better today because of what you're doing today than it was yesterday, then I'm a clap for you."
"The more time we spend getting to know who we are, what we like, and then the people around us, it improves our relationships in the immediate."
"It's crazy how things change, which is good. It's for the better."
"We're all in this game together. We're all trying to better our lives for our families."
"The more of a conversation we have, the better."
"The best way to get better at something is to do it every single day."
"When we take personal responsibility, we have the power to make things better."
"Don't downgrade your dreams to meet this current situation. Upgrade your mindset, your motivation, and the methods you're using."
"Tool Academy is the one place that has proven it can take the world's biggest jerks and turn them into loving, caring boyfriends."
"Trust the process. Keep getting better with time. That's what it's about."
"A real friend can go against your thoughts and give you his input. He's trying to improve you, and also, you know, y'all add to each other's dialogue. That's beautiful."
"You can afford to have a little more passion about your communities, to see the good in them while being committed to making them even better."
"Do something to improve... pretty much every day for six to 12 months, I guarantee that you'll be in the top 20%."
"You get better and better at fasting every time you do it."
"Improving my mental health has been the single best thing I've ever done in my life."
"Take a nice deep breath and just know that things can always improve."
"This space has done some good, and it's done some harm, and it can also do better."
"We hope that by the kids understanding what the parents go through, that it'll improve their relationship."
"Solving productivity is the only dial that I think we can actually move now."
"When the wrong people leave your life, wrong things stop happening."
"We really can improve the world if we set our minds to do it."
"Human beings are the sorts of creatures that could make things better if they chose to."
"I don't think New York is failing, I just want it to be the best it can be."
"They didn't force me to take the cover off to sync my Wii remotes. It's about damn time."
"Become a better person, be cooler, be better, get richer, and get fit."
"It's not about calling people out, it's about demonstrating the good movement motion and helping each other get better."
"Just because you don't have hope doesn't mean that things can't get better."
"Oh my God, that just increased the property value tenfold. You can see Donger Tower perfectly from here."
"Great strides were taken to improve upon the core mechanics in subsequent outings, which Avalanche realized rested squarely on the back of the havoc players could unleash."
"We're actually engaged in the exchange of ideas and trying to always learn more and be better."
"Let's get rid of that; let's try something different and move on to something better."
"Striving to make PvP gameplay more rewarding and fun and providing greater transparency for players in-game."
"You're going to notice less tests, less pullbacks, and ultimately just better behavior out of the people that you're dating."
"You learn new things every time you run. And that's why you have to keep doing runs because you'll learn more."
"Follow this process consistently every single day and you should see improvements very quickly."
"They still have hope that things are going to improve."
"There is a path towards that which takes the form of practice, but not just practice—practice where you're taking each problem... and trying to digest the deeper principles behind it."
"There's always room to grow. Put it into practice."
"I want this game to do better because I love this game."
"I think we're giving up the good for the great because I think there's real major steps we can make here."
"Accept where you're at fully, and enjoy the journey to becoming even more awesome."
"Keep watching. You will get better. You will improve."
"Up solving is important as in solving problems that you couldn't solve during a contest."
"Season one of The Owl House stands as the perfect example of the rewards that can be reaped when you give a show a chance."
"This game needed more challenges, and you delivered."
"Genshin seems to take what a lot of its predecessors do well and either puts a new spin on those ideas or outright improves them."
"Any improvement is better than no improvement."
"PewDiePie challenged himself to learn how to draw from basically stickmen to actually drawing in a 100 days."
"I've always wanted to make the game better, leave it in a better spot than I found it."
"I'm not above reproach; let me know if I miss step."
"If you can just work on getting better than you are right now, that is the ultimate success before Allah."
"We keep going. I know it probably looks on your end kind of the same, but if you saw our coverage from IF1 to IF2, this is an even bigger jump."
"There are people who claim that their complexion improves, and that their allergies... And there's probably all sorts of ripple effects."
"In order to improve, we need some feedback, and it's very useful, very helpful to hear your ideas, hear your opinions about how we can improve."
"Improvement is what we all want in our lives. You probably want to improve your English speaking ability and your understanding of English, and you probably have other areas of your life that you want to improve."
"I want to improve Effortless English. I want to improve my health and fitness. We all have things we want to improve. Improvement is a part of life."
"Great skill, great mastery, great ability comes from constant and never-ending improvement."
"The first key to constantly improving is consistency."
"Enjoying the process every little step is the biggest secret to fast improvement."
"The reason for optimism if you're a Purdue fan is this team is definitively better than last year."
"He's definitely become really fast and agile and even has various special moves and techniques."
"You never think about the great, you always think about what you could have done better."
"Every time you fail, it's not even failing if you get up. You're getting better every time."
"You're about to go through a glow-up the next three months."
"I think there's things around safety, around communication that can still be better."
"We have made the necessary changes, and today we are starting a new chapter."
"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another."
"Look at the Diplo strategy here from skirm Slayer though, I have suggested this for years more people need to do it."
"The biggest improvement over the last five years is just the raw feel and presentation of the match engine."
"I think men can improve on being more in touch with their emotions and just like talking about how they feel."
"Raising the bare minimum bar of what we provide, rights to basic human rights to people, is a better system."
"We're talking about solutions and improving our lives and building a community with deep roots."
"It takes courage to believe that we are getting better and not sliding into decline."
"We're going to learn to do so many things better."
"I'm actually pretty happy with this improvement."
"For a show ostensibly about teaching people to be good in the afterlife, The Good Place asks a more profound question: 'Can those lessons actually make us better people? And if they can, does that matter?'"
"There are story delivery methods that could be improved, that would not change the experience in terms of the mystery, trying to find it, but make it far more absorbable."
"The meaning of my life is to try to make the world a little bit better before I go."
"There is a difference, a meaningful difference, between good and bad faith criticism, and that distinguishing between the two is necessary if you want to improve."
"I feel better. I feel like I'm in a better place, maybe not financially, but I feel like I'm more aware of the bad decisions I've made."
"The rates of genocide are way down in the last three quarters of a century."
"Telling someone what you don't like absolutely will help them improve."
"Secular humanism is entirely focused on discovering and promoting the best methods of improving human life."
"Aim for the best possible world, and you are at least constantly working towards a better world."
"The goal of a better human life, the recognition that we have to solve these problems apparently ourselves, is the part of reality that carries with it this seeming objective motivation."
"Nourishing your mental mind and body so much more in this next year."
"Your environment is improving, and so is your financial and career situation."
"SpaceX had installed much better and upgraded Starlink antennas on both booster and ship for this flight and it really did seem to have paid off."
"I think the culture should continue to evolve and everyone that joins it should get better and better."
"He's exceeded all expectations, brilliantly improving some of the players who we didn't think were good enough."
"We're talking about one of the most important topics... improving your most valuable superpower, which is between your ears, called your brain."
"Innovation is not just about creating new paths but about improving the paths we already walk on."
"Company culture is not just about being tough or smart, it's about gratitude, respect, and pushing each other to be better."
"I use money to improve my life and the lives of others."
"The world hasn't seen the best of Devin Haney. Every fight I get, I'm getting better and better."
"The survey is to improve the Huberman Lab podcast according to your feedback."
"We strive to improve on everything we do when it comes to sustainability."
"I call this chin tucks on the wall... it's one of my favorite exercises for improving how straight the spine is and for improving neck posture as well."
"Adjustments are required and bring love into the situation."
"Those little victories only happen because you refuse to give up, you continually applied yourself, you continually took action, you continually try to get better, and you simply focused on getting better each and every day of your life."
"The magic that we create is that every year it gets better."
"Powerful goals and making sure that those goals actually get realized...it's something that is actually changing our life, transforming your life for the better."
"It's not about being perfect, it's about getting better."
"Just start it. You're going to be bad at making your first videos, bad at your first streams, but just start it and then do it again."
"It's special to have an opportunity to turn things around."
"Communication's improved, things are a lot more clear."
"Your life improves if you're in the right relationship, regardless of if it's platonic or romantic."
"I've done a lot more with a lot less, so imagine what I'm doing now."
"All the children of Adam make mistakes... the best of those who make mistakes are those who constantly repent."
"Things are getting a little bit easier and better."
"I stopped and self-evaluated... what worked, what didn't, and then what do you have left to learn?"
"Your voluntary adoption of the struggle to improve being is the proper antidote to the suffering that life ensures."
"I decree upfront that we're gonna be much better going out than we were upon coming in, in Jesus' name. Amen."
"A world in which there was a bit less death would be a better world."
"But I do think death is bad and a world in which there was a bit less death would be a better world."
"Always stay young and innocent and have wonder about the world and then do your best to make humanity the best it can be."
"I'm smiling now more than I have ever been...she's helped me be a better version of myself."
"The greatest business to have is when you're helping people, teaching people, giving them tools, skills to improve the quality of their life."
"If I'm one percent better tomorrow than I was today, that's all I need to fucking do."
"You're finally getting yourself to a much better place in life."
"I still want to make every video better than the last."
"I'm very proud of myself, actually, at the moment. Just on a reflection point, I've been pretty good the last few weeks. I'm doing much better."
"We're also going to give you a strategy that is going to help you constantly improve."
"One nice thing about Dark Souls 2 is that unlike the first game, you can completely reallocate your stats using an item found in the game, and you can find a fair few of them too."
"Fundamentals are practiced, they're corrected, and then they are perfected."
"Consistency, dude. The fact that he's doing it every day, that kind of discipline is what shows in his improvements."
"I am nowhere near perfect, but I want to make this world a better place than I entered it."
"We need to change. And if changes aren't made, then nothing really changes."
"My definition of greatness is to make an impact and make individuals' lives better."
"Who did Michael Jordan make better? Everybody around him. The mindset, the mentality, everybody."
"You can't just do it every day and not get better at something. Quality's always going to matter, but also being different."
"There's nothing like finding a good running mate that pushes you."
"Move with a sense of urgency if you want to improve your outcomes."
"It's always a moment to recalibrate, look at everything, and then come back stronger."
"Make at least one thing better every single place you go."
"I did the most I could to leave the world a better place than I found it."
"If you're feeling like you're the worst of the people...we have to give each and every one of us the opportunity to be the best versions of ourselves."
"The first act of correction or cure is always 'revise'."
"Feedback is how you get better. No feedback, no improvement."
"Perseverance, things will get better, and your perseverance has paid off because the month of October things will be getting better."
"If you want to build your ceiling, you have to bring the floor with you."
"If you're playing this game to feel good, stop."
"Always look for something you can make better."
"You get better by a lot more work than you think."
"Capitalism, like any tool, can also be improved and modified, already every economy in the world today has laws and regulations to rein in markets from being truly free."
"Your relationships and connections are much more authentic, genuine, and real in 2020 than what you've been experiencing in 2019 or prior."
"This eclipse is about confronting and being courageous, having strength, and expressing your anger in a controlled way so you can fix and improve the situation."
"You never get better if you're not willing to put in the time. I still grind."
"Day by day, in every way, your life is getting better and better."
"I'm not going to do anything like that ever again and I'm going to go on the right path as a person and become a better man."