
Personal Well-being Quotes

There are 3279 quotes

"I think self-care is absolutely one of them. I mean, how much is talked about, how to take care of oneself that just skips over the basics that are necessary as a building block for all else."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Gratitude is a good one. The importance of being grateful for what you have already."
"If we feel content, we are living in our present."
"There's something better than happiness, and it's you being content with where you are."
"The more joyful moments you have throughout the day, the more joy you end up with every single day."
"The quality of our relationships ultimately will determine the quality of our lives."
"The quality of our lives is determined by the quality of our relationships."
"Money should be kept in a pocket, not in your head. If you keep thinking about money all the time, you can't even enjoy the money that you have."
"You've got to know when to say no to family, friends, and those who mean you no good."
"It is the quality of our relationships that determines the quality of our lives."
"Listening to music...always puts me in such a good mood."
"We are our best source of encouragement, and we really have available to ourselves many kind words."
"Health cannot be sacrificed, because it is your health that keeps you there and allows you to stay in the game."
"I've had to find different self-care techniques... whether it's date night forming some form of a date night, or even if it's just let's just go sit down and have dinner or make dinner just together."
"As much as self-care is about doing things, like working out and drinking water and getting good sleep, I feel like it's being able to say no to things that you don't want to do."
"Happiness doesn't depend on outward conditions. It depends on inner conditions."
"Close your eyes and tell yourself that you deserve to feel joyful. You can allow joy into your life regardless of the circumstances you currently find yourself in."
"If you truly loved yourself, you would not want to put yourself in a situation where you are working 80-hour weeks, doing grunt labor, and just chugging stuff out, killing yourself, your body, and your emotions in the process."
"Loving yourself first is crucial because you cannot help others or share anything of value if you are depleted."
"Please be kind to yourselves. Please take care of yourselves."
"Fulfillment is much more resilient; I can be fulfilled even when things are hard."
"You can't put a price tag on your own health."
"Peace, being at peace with the world and the people around you."
"All the good we have in our lives comes from others."
"You are not required to set yourself on fire to keep other people warm."
"The reality was I was no good to anyone if I wasn't good to myself."
"People are happy when they feel they're in control of their lives."
"It's almost like when we're lightening other people's loads, it becomes lighter for us too."
"Peace. Peace of mind. I'm telling you, that's what I want."
"Self-esteem means how much you like yourself. When you like yourself, you also like other people too."
"Happiness depends on conditions being perceived as positive; inner peace does not."
"I was good before you got here. So if this works out, good. If it doesn't, I'm good."
"Do something for yourself every day, something compassionate and kind."
"Don't do anything that makes you miserable. Pull out of situations that drain you."
"Codependency is when you are overly invested in the feeling states, the outcomes, the circumstances, the relationships of the people in your life to the detriment of your internal peace, your financial or physical spiritual well-being."
"No matter your size, how much money you make, or whatever it is you're going through, you will never be happy if you don't learn to love yourself."
"Your mind right now is very powerful, and what you're speaking, you want to make sure you're manifesting, speaking good things into your life that you want, or at least that are for your highest good."
"I thrive on getting up. I have a normal routine in the morning."
"I hope his life is very good, and I mean that. Yeah, 'cause I know mine will be."
"Be just a little bit kinder than is necessary today. That includes to yourself."
"Nothing else really matters if you don't have your health."
"Nothing in life matters if you are sick. I don't care how much money is in your account, your family, your kids, your relationships, none of that matters if you are in a hospital bed fighting for your health."
"Do not underestimate the power of a good day off."
"It's not all about making money; it's about having the best quality of life that you can possibly achieve for yourself and your family."
"If you don't store that stuff inside of you, it's beautiful in there."
"This is my Gratitude Log. I try to write down three items every day that I'm grateful for."
"Loneliness has a visceral impact on the self in every single measurable capacity."
"If I'm fit and I know I'm taking care of my body, I feel better, I'm happier towards people."
"It's always the right time to begin investing in their health."
"The importance of self-care cannot be overstated; it is the foundation upon which a fulfilling life is built."
"Forgiving is about you. It's like, is it? People say it, so maybe you really feel that way. But, I don't think so."
"If you can be blissed-out no matter what's happening around you, that's success."
"Give yourself the gift of just being, making yourself happy."
"If we have core confidence, no matter what goes wrong in our lives, we'll always be okay."
"You can't help other people if your own cup is empty."
"On the external, on the day-to-day, I have felt so blessed, so grateful."
"Take care of yourself just like you would if you were your own child."
"I trust myself enough to be careful with myself, to treat myself right."
"I still meditate two hours a day, I go for a walk in the nearby woods."
"Better to be single than to be with a knucklehead."
"I love saving taxes, and I love making money, and I love sleeping like a baby at night. Actually, babies don't sleep that well. I like sleeping like a teenager at night."
"You can't be your best if you don't take care of yourself."
"I've been off Facebook for like months. It feels good, though."
"There's a difference between fulfilling the needs that allow your body to stay alive versus actually going out of your way to find things in life that enrich you."
"My focus of attention is what is best for me and best for my family."
"Good skin makes you feel good, and it gives you confidence."
"The most miserable people on earth are the ones trying to make everybody else happy."
"You only need four energies to live in this world: calmness, confidence, love, and joy."
"Get away, balance your life. Take care of your family, your spirituality, and good friendships."
"Take care of yourself, take care of others, do something that makes you feel good."
"He was raised by parents who came to early adulthood in the 1960s... he now works full-time from home for part-time income... He loves it, whereas working retail made him want to drink too much."
"Being single sucks... but being married to the wrong person is a type of hell no one should have to go through."
"When you give, you find yourself in a better space. When you share with others, you feel even more happy."
"Anytime you stay in a situation just for financial gain and you are miserable, it's never going to end well."
"Minimalism is not to esteem oneself but it's a way to simplify your life and make your life maybe a little bit more manageable and enjoyable."
"Life is so good. I'm very thankful to be here."
"Be your best self and most importantly seek out organic, natural to you ways of self-improvement, but not because it will get you more maidens but because it will make you feel better about who you are."
"Beth is living her best life as bad things happen to the people around her."
"Overall, you guys, I have been feeling the most amazing I've ever felt in my entire life."
"If it costs you your peace, it's too expensive."
"Stop focusing your energy on past events. Your life is too precious to waste."
"It was like a breath of fresh air. It was like a sigh of relief."
"Success doesn't lead to happiness; in many ways, it's actually happiness leads to success."
"I'm joyous with the way things are going right now."
"Allow yourself moments to be happy every single day. Happiness isn't just a reservation for the weekend."
"Being grateful is very important in living life."
"I don't need to participate in everything because I get overwhelmed, and that's okay."
"You are a worthy investment and you should not feel guilty if you want to go spend money on your hair, a manicure, the chiropractor, reiki healing, whatever."
"I'm in the happiest place of my life... I'm 100% happy in my life."
"Do what it takes for you to feel more grounded, more peaceful in yourself."
"You need to make sure that you're caring for yourself."
"You need your mind, body, and soul working together; you need as many friends as you can get."
"As much as we want to give as humans, you got to always make sure you're good so that you can continue that giving."
"Being alone is better than being with someone who diminishes you."
"Mood improvement... My mood's just better, life doesn't seem as bad lately."
"Keeping things bottled up inside just makes things worse."
"I meditate every day and I do it in the mornings and I think it's important because it just sets me up for the rest of the day."
"Be a participant in positive change, be a part of the solution. You'll feel good, and your heart will radiate happiness."
"Comparison...is just a huge waste of our time because we spend so much time feeling bad about our home, our things, our husband, our clothing, our wardrobe, our kids that we're not seeing what we have, the blessings that we have right in front of us."
"I'm at total peace; there's nothing you could say... I'm already at peace."
"Especially now that I've gotten married, I definitely see the benefits of making sure that I'm having my like self-care self-love time."
"Taking a time out, vacation, enjoying the simple things, slowing down which fits with all of your messages too. The home could be your focus."
"You can't really love somebody else unless you love yourself."
"How can I just eat healthy on a daily basis in a way that works for my body?"
"The moment we start to compare is the moment we kind of doom ourselves."
"Writing three things that I'm really grateful for today... it's just something that develops joy."
"A relationship should add to your life; it should be the dessert end of a nice meal, not the sustenance itself."
"Forgiveness is number one. If you can learn the skill to forgive the grudges that you carry, it will make you live longer. It's hard to have enough energy to let go of grudges and to do forgiveness if you're tired and hungry all the time."
"Sleep is like shoe size; one size does not fit all. We as individuals need to work out what's best for us."
"I prioritized my self-care because I knew that there was no way I could... face a challenge if I'm not at my best self."
"Be the healthiest version of yourself; for everybody, that is a fit, lean body."
"It's all about moderation and finding what works for you."
"Energy is everything. I think having good energy is one of the most beautiful things about people."
"If you were happy when you were broke, you're going to be really, really, really happy when you're rich...It's not always about the smile or the smile on the outside; it could be a smile on the inside. Whatever makes you feel good."
"A good life is trying to maximize and balance them as best possible."
"If your eight hours straight is working for you and you sleep well, that's awesome."
"If you can't love yourself, how in the hell are you going to love anybody else?"
"If you can't love yourself, how in the hell are you gonna love anybody else?"
"I don't want to dwell on negatives. I don't want to let those things into my life that don't want that energy around me."
"Deciding how to best spend your energy... having much more fruitful results."
"You can't help others if you're not looking after yourself."
"It's like forgetting the fact that we are interconnected and like we do need other people, and it's good for you as well to have responsibility."
"Take your energy off this person, put it back onto yourself where it belongs."
"Find what works for you and what you feel great on."
"Some people believe happiness is a personal thing; only you can make yourself happy. To a degree, that's correct, but your surroundings and medication can help also."
"I think acknowledging the fact that balance is never gonna be perfect, I think time should be put into making the quality of life good."
"The people I know who seem happiest are people who are not super invested in social media."
"In life, you got only four things I call them the four pillars of the good life: health, wealth, love, happiness."
"Being absolutely okay with who you are, where you're at, where you're headed is the most impactful and important piece today."
"Investing in your health, I think, is the most worthwhile investment you can find."
"Harmony within is expressed as harmonious people, environment, circumstance, and condition in the external world."
"You cannot give from nothing. Therefore, understand self-first is not selfish."
"Taking a little bit of time off just to reset, recharge...is something that we all need to do."
"I'm ready but I'm not ready. I need some herbal tea to calm me."
"If you had more purpose in your life, you live longer. Who knew? Purpose is life."
"Me to the place where I wake up happy 97% of the time."
"How are you within yourself is important. What you wear may be socially important, what you drive may be important somewhere else, but actually, there's only one thing important: How are you within yourself?"
"You gotta feel comfortable within your skin."
"The quality of your relationships is what determines the quality of your life."
"Focus on how can I take care of myself and putting time towards taking care of yourself properly."
"This person is trying to focus on what makes them happy."
"If I can't take care of me, how can I take care of somebody else?"
"It was a really good month; it was something that I really needed."
"I think the four pillars of living your best life are health, wealth, love, and happiness."
"You've got your perspective; I just wanna be happy. Don't you want to be happy?"
"An empty lantern provides no light. Self-care is the fuel that allows your light to shine brightly."
"If it costs me my peace, it's too expensive."
"The more you circulate healthy Chi, the better you feel."
"Doing decluttering and living with less definitely makes me feel like I'm more in control of my little world, especially when the world outside is out of control."
"Surround myself with people that give me good energy."
"Hatred traps you, hatred removes your options, hatred takes away your freedom."
"In the end, the effort you put into cleaning and organizing your space is a direct investment in your personal well-being and happiness."
"I was beginning to feel like my old self again."
"Your happiness lies within you and what you put out there into the world. It's not about a person."
"My career wouldn't be over, might not see as much growth and stuff, but your sanity and your mental health is way more important."
"Solitude matters, and that for some people it is the air that they breathe."
"Trust God to help you recognize when a relationship is becoming detrimental to your business, your ministry, or the health of your family life."
"Being married to the wrong person is a type of hell no one should have to go through."
"We only have so much shelf space for these thoughts and feelings and emotions. Why stock it with aggravation towards somebody who burned you?"
"Relationships shouldn't be a sporting event to see how much suffering you can withstand. If it's not getting better, leave while you can."
"I'm mentally good, better than I have been in many years."
"No more fear in your life, no more lack in your life, no more sleepless nights in your life, no more depression in your life."
"This year is going to be all about self-care, hygiene, how to feel good about ourselves."
"Overall, I had a pretty good day. All my classes, fingers crossed, shouldn't be too hard throughout the year."
"If I backed off of my passion and I became less stressed, I would actually personally be more successful."
"You have to get into meditation and understanding breathing and just finding that time to absolutely reconnect with yourself because we're losing connection to ourselves."
"It's a mindset, guys. I don't know if I can handle this anymore. This doesn't feel good."
"The most beneficial thing I've done is meditation."
"Nothing can come in before that, not your family, not your husband, not your boyfriend, not your children. You have to come first."
"Human beings have deep spiritual needs. When we're not contributing to something that we understand is greater than ourselves, we do start to fall apart."
"If you want to attract healthy love from someone who is whole and happy, then you have to be healthy, whole, and happy in yourselves."
"Love yourself because no one will love you if you don't love yourself."
"Life is really long when you're with the wrong person. Every night is longer than the one before."
"My hope for her is that she does whatever she wants to do that makes her happy and that stays in the bounds of keeping her healthy."
"I began to design my life around what gives and takes energy."
"We're going to take our time, we're going to practice a lot of self care."
"My biggest and most important tip is to get a cat. Stroking her is just the best possible thing you can do for stress."
"Until you experience an alcohol-free, toxic food, toxic person-free life, you don't know what you're missing."
"What we need to replace this concept of work-life balance with, is the idea of customizing an individual's life so that their time resources and energy are going towards what benefits them or what feeds their well-being specifically."
"I genuinely have just had a better life, a better outlook, I feel so much better every single day, and I want that for all of you."
"It's not about how I look, this is about how long I can live."
"It's really hard to be okay in any other facet of your life if you're not okay mentally."
"Self-optimization... amounts to total self-exploitation."
"I always feel like I'm being productive on every level when I'm outside."
"Being close to nature helps me release stress and worry."
"Everywhere you turn, there's something that feeds the soul."
"Having a bad man is infinitely worse than having no man."
"Having a spiritual dimension to your life, I think, is really good."
"I think it's good to make people understand that there are more things in life that you can do to get to a higher state. Meditation, breathing exercises, teach you a higher state than other drugs as well, and it's more natural."
"If you don't love yourself, you won't be with someone who loves you, period."
"Desperation and neediness will make you unhappy."
"I have a place to live, I have people around me that I love, like why would I not be happy right now?"
"Let go of everything that no longer serves you."
"I just want to get back to a place where we're having fun."
"Don't let it impact your mental health, you're in control of that."
"Remember to take care of yourselves, please."
"It allows me to sleep at night if I don't stand up... and if I do, even though things go haywire, I feel good."
"When I'm confident of me, my nature, if I do me, I'm good."
"The little things in life... walking around in nature."
"I'm a long-term optimist... your state of consciousness matters."