
8 Rules Of Love: How To Find It, Keep It, And Let It Go Quotes

8 Rules Of Love: How To Find It, Keep It, And Let It Go by Jay Shetty

8 Rules Of Love: How To Find It, Keep It, And Let It Go Quotes
"I wish I could show you, when you are lonely or in darkness, the astonishing light of your own being." —HAFIZ
"Do not be led by others, awaken your own mind, amass your own experience, and decide for yourself your own path." —ATHARVA VEDA
"Language has created the word 'loneliness' to express the pain of being alone. And it has created the word 'solitude' to express the glory of being alone." —Paul Tillich
"The senses are so strong and impetuous, O Arjuna, that they forcibly carry away the mind even of a man of discrimination who is endeavoring to control them." —Bhagavad Gita
"We play out our unconscious knowledge in every unthinking move we make in the dance of loving. If a child has the right parents, he learns the right principles—that love means protection, caretaking, loyalty, sacrifice." —A General Theory of Love
"Love grows by practice, there’s no other way." —Eknath Easwaran
"The diamond engagement ring. How else could two months’ salary last forever?" —De Beers Ad
"Dear Self, We’ve been together since the beginning, and it’s thanks to you that I get to experience this life." —From the Love Letter to Yourself
"We are meant to learn from our karma, to use it to inform our decision-making, but that isn’t easy."
"Breathe normally and naturally. Take a moment to notice the pattern of your breathing."
"I am grateful for your support. I am grateful for how you ground and connect me to the earth."
"Thank you for your steadiness. Thank you for helping me move around in the world."
"Thank you for all you do to help me interact with the world around me, enabling me to care for and express myself."
"I’m grateful for the richness you bring to my life, allowing me to enjoy nourishing food, to hear music, to smell flowers, and to take in the beauty of nature and the world around me."
"Thank you for all you do to coordinate and monitor this miraculous organism that is me. For enabling me to process information, to think, to joke, to appreciate, to feel compassion, and to take action."
"Thank you for working all day and all night, whether I appreciate you or not. Whether I acknowledge you or not."
"I am grateful for how you digest food to create the energy I need for each day."
"The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away." – DAVID VISCOTT
"Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction." – ANTOINE DE SAINT-EXUPÉRY
"In a relationship, we must be careful that neither partner loses track of what they care about, what they value, and what makes them feel true to themselves."
"Purpose begins with curiosity. We think starting means doing, but it actually begins with learning."
"Your purpose is where your passions intersect with your skills."
"When a doctor goes to a conference on a specific disease, they connect with other doctors studying that disease. They learn about advances in science."
"If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things."
"The most important thing to remember about winning is that it's a by-product of the first four levels."
"Love built on honesty and understanding is deep and fulfilling, but not necessarily peaceful."
"We often think we need to establish what is right and wrong about our behavior, but answers don’t come from certainty or exaggeration. They come from clarity."
"The only successful argument is the one in which we both win."
"When you explain to your partner what you’re trying to do, it raises their awareness. They then have the opportunity to respond, 'Okay, I agree with you.'"
"People act out of ego when they feel accused. You haven’t successfully achieved neutrality, or they haven’t processed it."
"Your partner doesn’t understand or refuses to see how much this matters to you."
"If your partner shuts down, this isn’t the right time or space to resolve the issue."
"Sometimes a partner is so eager to end a conflict that they just agree to do whatever you want, but you don’t feel confident that they’ll stick to their commitment."
"You can’t resolve an argument by yourself—you both have to be on board."
"To resolve the issue, you’ll need to reach an agreement. This agreement necessarily involves change."
"Sometimes we need outside help to find a solution."
"Keep in mind that the goal of the productive argument isn’t to get a specific reaction or a positive response."
"We grow through conflict by taking responsibility for our part in the issue, and we acknowledge our mistakes by apologizing."
"An apology can be as empty as the resolution to 'never do it again.'"
"If it’s important, it’s important, and if your partner’s not willing to engage about it, turn to Rule 7, where we discuss how to handle intolerable differences."
"Every flaw doesn’t mean the walls will collapse. If we treat every scratch like an earthquake, we put unnecessary stress on the relationship."
"Abuse is any behavior that one partner uses to control the other, and control has no place in a relationship."
"If you’re in a physically or emotionally abusive relationship, you need to find a safe way out."
"When your relationship contains fear and criticism, it’s hard to feel free to be yourself."
"If the only way for you to sustain the relationship is to pretend to be someone you’re not, it’s time to think about ending it."
"Once trust is broken, only deep work and commitment on both sides can rebuild it."
"If you’re the one who cheated—don’t leave your relationship for another person. Leave for you."
"If you don’t feel safe, whether physically, emotionally, or both, the question isn’t whether to go, it’s how to leave safely."
"The pain you put out into the world will come back in your direction."
"You don’t want to be the pain in someone’s life. Karma will do what it needs to do."
"You’re never going to perfect love in this life, and that means you get to practice love every day of your life."
"When we 'widen and deepen' our sense of self, we see our interconnectedness, so serving others serves the self—there is no difference."
"By gradually broadening our concept of love, we begin to see new ways to access it. Love is available whenever you want to feel it by giving it to others."
"Instead of expecting love, we have to find ways of expressing love."
"The joy we feel from serving others has been labeled the 'helper’s high' or 'giver’s glow,' defined by scientists as a feeling, following selfless service to others, of elation, exhilaration, and increased energy, then a period of calm and serenity."
"We are connected, and when we serve others, we are serving ourselves."
"Anne Frank said, 'No one has ever become poor by giving.'"
"The Bhagavad Gita talks about the principles of śreyas and preyas, which roughly translates to what we seek, and what we ought to seek."
"Try to love someone for the spark in them, not what surrounds them."
"You can seek love your whole life and never find it, or you can give love your whole life and experience joy."