
Kiss The Girls Quotes

Kiss The Girls by James Patterson

Kiss The Girls Quotes
"Thank you for everything just the way it is."
"Stoop down and you’ll get stepped on, stand tall and you’ll be shot at."
"It takes a whole village to raise a good child."
"A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle."
"Those who never fight, always live to fight another day."
"Medical students have to practice humility."
"A victorious army wins its victories before seeking battle."
"Data got collected. Data ran loose in the brain. Eventually, connections were made."
"Casanova doesn’t just take physically beautiful women, he takes the most extraordinary women he can find. He’s taking only the heartbreakers… the women that everybody wants but nobody ever seems to get."
"I woke up sensing that someone was in the hotel room with me."
"Odalisques with great beauty and high intelligence were carefully trained to be concubines."
"I’m alive. Kate McTiernan slowly forced open her eyes inside a dimly lit room… somewhere."
"I have only one thought: how to escape."
"No, I am not crazy or out of control. Actually, I’m quite the opposite."
"The most important rule: You must never try to escape—or you will be executed within hours."
"I read all your rules. They’re very thorough, very clear."
"Naomi Cross was trembling as she pressed herself hard against the bolted door that sealed off her room."
"She had no idea how deep it was, but how deep could a small stream like that be? Two feet? Maybe four feet? Ten feet deep if these were the luckiest few seconds of her life, which she sincerely doubted."
"Kate hit a wall of freezing cold water—hard."
"Kate hit bottom so quickly it was as if there hadn’t been any water in the fast-running stream."
"She realized she was going to drown. She was going to die, anyway."
"She’s hanging in there. Apparently, she came down the Wykagil like a slippery fish. They’re saying it’s a miracle."
"We don’t know shit from Shinola, do we?"
"I wonder if that was the original idea," I said. "She might have been one of his rejects."
"Don’t touch me! Don’t! Don’t you dare touch me, you fucker!"
"I’m from Washington, D.C., actually. My niece disappeared from Duke Law School ten days ago. That’s why I’m down here in North Carolina. I’m a detective."
"It’s really nice to be back," she said in a whisper. "Sorry," she said. "I tried so hard not to cry in that horrible place. I want to cry now. I think I will."
"I don’t know about you," he said, tying to sound calm, "but, I think I’ve found what I like very much in here."
"I’m okay. No problem. Just a little trouble sleeping tonight."
"You’ll stay with me tonight," he said in the softest voice. "That was so beautiful, Naomi. You are so beautiful, the most beautiful one here. Do you know that, sweetheart? Of course you do."
"I left those other women there. I couldn’t find them at first. Then I was so unbelievably confused. I left the others."
"I kicked him. About three-quarters speed. He yelled out in pain, and he went down."
"It’s about Plath’s decidedly unsentimental reaction to flowers sent to her hospital room after a suicide attempt."
"I was just gathering my thoughts… What I would like to do is tell you what I can about what happened to me—and I will tell you everything I can—but that will be it for today."
"I’ll have the same," I said. "When in collegeville."
"You have no idea—but I’m the Gentleman Caller."
"He’s the ultimate pleasure seeker, I suppose. A hedonist for the times."
"I’d like us to be friends, too," I finally told her.
"I’m feeling a little crazy tonight. I thought of you, of course."
"I wonder if he’s disfigured in some way."
"You see any similarities to this cabin?" I asked her. I was trying to be very still inside, trying to get ready for the Gentleman.
"I’m hoping for a lot of things right now. I’ll put that on the list."
"First of all," Cosgrove said, "whether we like it or not, he has Washington’s blessing."
"I saw the devil." I told her the truth. "I saw an absolutely crazy and evil man talking to himself. If he isn’t the Gentleman, he does a great imitation."
"Makes us look like we belong," I said and winked at her.
"I saw him." I whispered into her hair. "This case is as bad as anything I’ve seen. It’s actually worse because of Naomi, and because of what happened to you. I want him more than I wanted Gary Soneji. I want both of these monsters."
"If you were really my damn friend, you’d listen to me when I’m worried sick and frightened for you. You were in an automobile accident a few hours ago. You fell about thirty yards down a pretty steep ravine, pal."
"Oh, cut the psychobabble, Doctor! It’s self-serving and doesn’t reflect you at your best."
"I’m not having a physical exam now, and especially here," I told her with as much resolve as I could muster under the circumstances.
"I would kill for a Coke, I would kill him for a Coke," she whispered to herself.
"I could kill Casanova. I could commit a murder. I’m that far gone, aren’t I?" she thought.
"He’s going to kill us," she called back. "Something’s different about him! He’s going to kill us for sure."
"I have one idea for everyone to consider." Naomi spoke even more loudly this time.
"Hello, my name is Will Rudolph," the tall, good-looking man in the doorway said.
"You think Casanova is enjoying this Invasion of the Body Snatchers aura?" Sampson asked.
"The two of them have to be sharing some big secret. That they abduct beautiful women is only part of it."
"I’m Alex Cross. I’m a police detective, you motherfucker!" I suddenly yelled at him.
"You know damn well the serial killer Casanova isn’t a black man," I said to the two disarmed Chapel Hill cops.
"Nice to see your ugly face again," I said to Sampson.
"I'm a police detective. Nobody can hurt you now. We won’t let them."
"You’re safe now. The nightmare is finally over, Melissa."
"I knew you’d be here, like this. I dreamed it."
"Don’t sweat it. I’m not going into shock."
"I wondered if the sentiment was his or his twin’s."
"The immediate families and close friends of the captive women kept arriving at Duke Medical Center all through the night."
"Extraordinary time to be alive, to be a cop."
"I felt as if thousands of pounds had been lifted off me."
"I have so many nightmare images now, it’s hard to pick out just one favorite."
"I went and got my pistol. I hated carrying it inside the house."
"We’ll always have this time. It’s one of those special treasures you get every once in a while in life."
"I’m not going into shock, either. Nothing shocks me anymore."