
Alcohol Quotes

There are 1177 quotes

"The number of times I've seen alcohol like having been a good idea for coping with something approaches zero."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Sometimes our minds can be poison, and if you put your attention towards the minor poison that alcohol is and it takes away the attention from sometimes how poisonous our minds are, could be a good trade-off."
"Alcohol is really a saboteur to our gut-feeling connection. It will impact our gut microbiome, increase leaky gut syndrome, really raise systemic inflammation, and it's a neurotoxin."
"Don't drink and drive if you're drinking don't get behind the wheel of a vehicle."
"Alcohol is the devil. If you know how to... it takes over and you become a different person, it's time to let that go."
"There is no health benefit to be drinking alcohol."
"If you need alcohol to bond or to form a connection, there's probably something else going on that is unaddressed."
"It's hypocritical to live in a society that glorifies alcohol on the one hand and demonizes psychedelics on the other."
"Of all the types of alcohol, red wine, because of resveratrol, is actually good for the microbiome."
"Alcohol doesn't cure anxiety; it actually often creates a cyclical effect that causes your anxiety to actually feel worse."
"I'm kind of confident that our generation is going to be the last in America that gives a [care] if you drink or not."
"It's not just about the alcohol content, it's about the flavor, and this beer has it in spades."
"Alcohol increases intestinal permeability, making the gut more leaky, which can cause more inflammation and immune reactions."
"If you combine alcohol and sexual immorality, teenage pregnancies by the score."
"The most important question to ask yourself is: 'What am I trying to suppress or numb out with alcohol?'"
"Mixing energy drinks with alcohol masks the depressant effects of the booze, keeping drinkers from realizing how drunk they are."
"Now, alcohol disrupts the quality of your sleep. You can fall asleep, but the sleep you get is not restorative."
"I'm a bit of a beer snob, and I only drink the good stuff."
"We spend a lot of time in treatment talking about the damages that alcohol has caused us."
"The body’s natural reaction to being poisoned by alcohol is the dreaded hangover."
"Bourbon is for all seasons and for all the people."
"But does tequila really deserve its reputation as a party enhancer?"
"If you want to make a political point about who cares about the boycott, like okay, should I get it, but guy, I mean if I was gonna do a show where we just loaded up on beer, I'd get Yuengling."
"Alcohol is the most widely used recreational drug and one of the few that is legal in most countries."
"I think the Egyptians also gave us beer so you could get drunk and look at stars."
"Absolutely, I mean alcohol is a gateway drug you don't drink I rarely drink maybe once or twice within a month period of time."
"There's no denying that there's going to be alcohol in his system."
"If you say alcohol kills people, why do we have it in the house?"
"Bourbon won't solve all your problems, but it's worth a shot. That's my motto."
"Can I take that bottle and can I get one more bottle? Yeah, to go to bed."
"When clay has a couple of drinks he does the slow blink."
"Liquid confidence that you don't even want but sometimes."
"Alcohol doesn't create fun, you create fun." - Jeff
"Alcohol is the only substance that people think something is wrong if you don't take it."
"All grown up Sunny D juice brand announces new vodka seltzers."
"Teens are dressing up as mask-wearing grandmas to score alcohol."
"Considerably less harm to the user than alcohol also."
"The best whisky is the list you like to drink and the way you like to drink."
"I finally got in touch with his previous job that said he was fired for getting drunk and attempting to get inappropriate with some of the female staff."
"It's worth it. It's probably the only scenario I can honestly endorse drinking a little of it too."
"Yo, why is this actually interesting? Like, real talk."
"You deserve it, so to get the most convenient way to buy beer Wine and Spirits it's drizzly with delivery to your doorstep in under 16 minutes."
"I just started drinking beer, and now every time I've been out, I've been drinking beer instead of wine. I've switched."
"As long as you guys don't have a problem and as long as you're of age, having a drink when you're cooking really loosens you up."
"Understanding the scientific reasons behind alcohol's effects on the body and mind is essential for making informed choices about alcohol consumption."
"It's just like a Jack Daniel's apple flavored liqueur and it's really [ __ ] nice."
"I'd offer you a beer but I'm assuming you can't drink on duty."
"For some people, alcohol is a necessary thing."
"Cutting out alcohol really does help, not only mindset but just on you in your body."
"Just how many martinis have you been drinking this morning, ma'am? Stop."
"Always good to have a little bit of whiskey."
"Alcohol is so normalized but it's actually terrible for your body's really terrible."
"Does it have alcohol in it? Yeah, yeah, ten percent. I thought it was just vodka flavored."
"Ale, wine, and occasionally Mead - staples of medieval drinking."
"Alcohol at feasts: a sign of wealth and hospitality."
"If alcohol was a way of displaying wealth then the lavish lifestyles of the Royal Court give us an idea about how much booze people would have had access to."
"The best whiskey is what the whiskey you like to drink the way you like to drink it."
"Alcohol isn't everything; me and you could go on a night out and have so much fun without drinking."
"Beer may never break your heart but it kind of broke my brain because I was not expecting that."
"I mean I was already hit earlier with a lot, go you add the aiow tricked and you don't know how much liquor pouring in here."
"I felt so much clearer and just better and have more energy, and you know being clinically depressed and drinking is a depressive so it's like we probably shouldn't mix those two as often as you think you should."
"Dave's father doesn't drink alcohol. You're quite certain of that fact."
"After a couple of drinks, I'm going to please speak earlier."
"Not hungover after drinking tequila but regret eating a falafel sandwich at noon the day before."
"Alcohol is directly related to seven different kinds of cancer."
"The prohibition era started in 1920 when the 18th amendment went to effect, banning the manufacturer, transportation, and sale of intoxicating liquors."
"Alcohol consumption was greatly reduced, but it wasn't eliminated. And this is where bootleggers and speakeasies come in."
"Did America rid itself of its drinking problem? Well, we already know the answer."
"Days like these are why single malts were invented."
"In Banning alcohol, the U.S. had created a massive and highly profitable illegal alcohol industry they could not simply put that underground industry back into the bottle."
"If you're going out for Halloween you you Andor everyone around you will be blackout drunk just enjoy yourself."
"The Super Bowl for the first time in 30 years will actually be allowing other alcohol Brands to advertise outside of Anheuser-Busch and Budweiser."
"When he's not drinking, he's the sweetest guy. I mean, he's just really sweet." - Aunt Peggy
"I'm pretty shy, like, I mean, I'm pretty quiet, but, and I don't drink much, but yeah, if you get a few drinks in me, it's game over."
"Alcohol has just sort of become a drug addiction that we've all accepted as a society."
"The best whiskey is what you like to drink, the way you like to drink it."
"He was talking boss talk, and here's the kicker, there was no Henny bottle in sight."
"I ended up getting this pretty good bottle of this vanilla flavored whiskey."
"It's probably not how you say the name, but it's a Stoli vodka, top tier Stoli vodka."
"Stoli gold is gonna go down to an F tier, it's not good, very overpowering, very bad."
"Stoli baby, it's time for a shot, it's time for a shot, boom."
"Absolute vodka fills it all, it gets you drunk, it tastes okay, and it makes you feel like you live in the American dream."
"I'm the cool aunt who lets the kids have some white wine on Christmas Eve."
"Tequila's rough. It gives me the worst hangovers."
"Last year we had a bag break and it dropped a 1.75 L bottle of vodka."
"Alcohol blaming: a desperate attempt to shift responsibility."
"Drinking alcohol is actually really bad for your skin."
"We trust people to be grown-ups with alcohol; why not with NOS?"
"Four Roses single barrel would be a great bourbon to Gateway you into bourbon."
"More people die from alcohol than cocaine or a little heroin."
"It was a hopeless situation for this man, all because he got drunk and didn't return home."
"Booze won't fix it. Booze will make all your other problems worse."
"Alcohol... realized I wasn't getting anything out of it anymore."
"You will know something's wrong with me if I start drinking every day."
"Zero alcohol, not a drop. Alcohol is a huge problem and modern literature suggests that no amount of alcohol has health benefit."
"Scotch is better than bourbon, just throwing that out there."
"Kieran, I will buy you a pint I promise if we ever go out you're only up the road aren't you what are you injera or something if we go if you if you see me out or if we go out we'll have 20 pints Karen maybe not 20."
"That actually smells like whiskey and tastes like whiskey. Thank you, Michael Klein."
"It's the whiskey that got me into whiskey, you know."
"It's like, my first time getting drunk is literally in my church."
"Pink Whitney should be illegal. It's that good."
"To me, the alcohol is what led to my addiction."
"It just it is what it is and like alcohol just makes you more relaxed and like why did you just have a cheese pizza for certain nights like it's gonna be fun."
"By the time you go through all of that energy and emotion, you want a drink."
"You can't look at sake as just an alcohol, it's far more complex and beautiful than that, and for me, it's a life-enhancing community and culture to be proud of."
"Wine is one of the most civilized things in the world. It's a pity it can't make a man civilized."
"Who's going to tell the people to drink responsibly now? Oh, I'll do it right now."
"Drunken words, sober thoughts... it's like the [__] that you say when you're drunk you really, really mean sometimes."
"This retails for about 75 bucks and it's just delicious, it's easily my rye of the year."
"Tell me something that makes you happy: Alcohol."
"The Art and Science of alcohol might be more interesting than the alcohol itself honestly but it's pretty amazing."
"Alcohol doesn't create character, it reveals character."
"Alcohol is one of the leading behavior-related causes of health problems and deaths."
"If the gods wanted us to be happy, they would have given us a honey-based alcoholic beverage."
"Thanks ethanol, we've had some good times together."
"It's interesting to say alcohol. Cause they often blend it with other fruits and water and ferment it and then what's left becomes like a daily tonic. Quite literally like a daily drink."
"Putting alcohol in the drink makes it taste significantly better."
"Knock the dust off that knob. This is a single barrel of Knob Creek, selected by Black Heart. It's all of the notes, all that wow."
"There are no strangers once you get a couple shots."
"It's like having a glass of wine but not the whole bottle."
"Every addiction is an addiction, but alcohol is the beginning of bad habits for so many."
"I never drank because it tastes good. I drank for the effect. I don't know how people like pour wine and go like this 'Oh, this tastes good'."
"Alcohol affects our judgment and it can really affect relationships."
"It's an intersection of my two favorite things, green apples and vodka."
"Alcohol can temporarily and significantly reduce tremor amplitude."
"Alcohol is part of human tradition... it's part of the traditions of human society."
"Don't drink alcohol because it abolishes REM sleep."
"Every drop of Jack Daniels anywhere in the world is made right here."
"Liquor, there's a lot of reasons. Medicinal purposes, man, if you've got a really tough cough, you add a little honey to it, you know it's going to help."
"If you drink even a little bit, it's a very good value."
"The myth of Stalin's drunken stupor."
"I don't feel like a shot. It makes you more fun, people like you."
"It's very good and reliably informed booze and wine store them."
"He precisely warned Funky not to drink any booze if he were to find some."
"That's what happens when you drink, smoke, and drink, and yeah, beer a day, and drink, yeah, and have a cigarette, everything."
"A Karen plus alcohol is a deadly combination."
"Nostalgia and beer are a hell of a mix."
"If you manage to not drink for 6 to 12 hours, your body physically starts to change for the better."
"After a couple of weeks of no drinking, the kidneys will heal enough to maintain proper fluid levels, waste excretion, and hormone balances."
"Being mindful about alcohol intake is crucial."
"Studies show that reducing alcohol intake can significantly improve depressive symptoms and overall mental health."
"I'm not selling Melly M no more wine. He's too drunk as it is."
"Never normalize drinking large amounts of alcohol in your life because it is not normal and it doesn't lead to anything good."
"People enjoy the feeling that they get from alcohol."
"I thought it was rum or something, and then he did a fun little trick to make him catch on fire."
"Alcohol alters your body chemistry and spiritual vibration. Lower-level spirits can enter your body when you become absent consciously."
"Nope, this ain't happening. So I'm already drunk, I got my bottle of liquor."
"In Georgian times, in London they were knocking back an incredible seven million gallons of gin every year."
"That's what we do when we make alcohol. We make sure that our foundation is so solid that it cannot be moved."
"Alcohol can trigger migraines for a variety of reasons. I'm going to go over that today."
"The point is the alcohol makes aldehyde bad and fructose makes methylglyoxal also bad."
"Alcohol is known to be a neurotoxin it also depletes certain B vitamins it depletes glutathione which is an antioxidant in your liver it's also dehydrating and sedating."
"'Cause after you drink this (beep), you gone look at your girl like, (makes alarm sound)"
"Understanding how alcohol affects sleep architecture is crucial for overall well-being."
"I had some beers and you know what, the next day I felt a little weak, but not the depression."
"technically speaking alcohol is a solution"
"I personally don't see what the whole fun thing is, but everyone's just getting drunk."
"Alcohol is borrowing happiness from tomorrow."
"If you are regularly consuming alcohol, then it is holding you back."
"So, obviously, that wine is defined, comma strong drink is raging. That would be the fermented wine, okay?"
"Judgment decision-making abilities can be adversely affected by even a small amount of alcohol."
"Alcohol is a scam. It's the biggest scam in the world. You borrow fun from the next three days."
"Was it a real beer? It was IPA or whatever. Oh Toby, no wonder you don't like drinking. Is alcohol-free? Yay. What is the point of alcohol-free? Just get a juice, surely."
"It's probably the best alcohol-tasting alcohol I've ever tried in my life."
"I'm screwed here, I'm gonna end up paralytic, aren't I?"
"When you make drinking illegal all that happens is people start drinking with no prior experience and end up drinking to excess."
"That's Sensational, been drinking, perfect hot."
"...this next one might be surprising to you I certainly surpris myself with this one but I am not buying alcohol from stores anymore I am producing enough alcohol and enough variety for my own personal consumption."
"Don't forget to have a designated driver."
"I always thought booze was always the clear."
"People even in our nation are starting to wake up to the fact that drinking is very dangerous."
"If you're concerned, if you ever don't fancy a drink, then you're probably not an alcoholic."
"Why does it have to be in a place where there's alcohol?"
"If they want to stop drinking or people who want to cut down or people who want to decide when and where they have a drink."
"I absolutely pledge never to allow myself to be pressured into drinking something I don't want to drink."
"My favorite in the entire building is 70 proof root beer moonshine. It's going to taste just like root beer. It's even going to give you that root beer fizz at the end."
"Alcohol is going to be involved. So if you all see them dying of laughter, you know why."
"Caffeine doesn't increase blood pressure, but it can be an issue for people who consume large amounts of it through drinks such as soda, coffee, or energy drinks. Alcohol, on the other hand, definitely has an effect."
"Alcohol absolutely can serve as a social lubricant."
"Alcohol will screw up your life more because it's like the argument is always like 'I've never heard anybody's marriage get ruined because of X Y and Z but alcohol has certainly destroyed marriages.'"
"Alcohol is almost like the Trojan Horse for social connection."
"That's a really Jeff gr really handles his alcohol."
"All the alcohol snobs out there that uh hold yourself above the rest in your ivory tower looking down on us we drink alcohol but we're not connoisseurs we're really gonna defile these drinks there's alcohol connoisseurs and then there's alcoholics."
"'Drunk mind is sober thoughts'? I've said some of the most outlandish [ __ ] when I'm drunk."
"I don't like eating a lot when a lot of liquor is involved because then I end up throwing up like I did on Saturday."
"If you even need to measure your blood alcohol content, you probably shouldn't be driving."
"My margarita never hits me like if I didn't watch him make it with my own two eyes I would have claimed that there was no alcohol in it."
"When you're blacked out, it ain't helping."
"With all the trouble that Richard had gotten himself into this time, without any clocks available, we lost track of time and had a decent buzz going."
"This is the to problem drinks kick in this [__]."
"Size matters, a hundred percent when it comes to alcohol size matters."
"So, guys, you want to hear about how we snuck in a tequila bottle?"
"I believe liquor has definitely a very strong spirit on it."
"The beers are starting to kick in."
"If you get a little too drunk and up, that's fine because the excuse is you're a little too drunk."
"I got thrown in, luckily I had alcohol at the time because I wouldn't have been able to do it without it."
"Nothing good ever happens after midnight, especially if there's alcohol involved."
"In Georgian times, they were knocking back an incredible seven million gallons of gin every year."
"Why does a man take alcohol? I see a man running down the street doing wild [bleep], well, I think I'm a different person. Might as well. Why wouldn't I try ayahuasca now?"
"As the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) goes up, judgment and self-control are affected."