
Coping Strategies Quotes

There are 1103 quotes

"The number of times I've seen alcohol like having been a good idea for coping with something approaches zero."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The phrase 'think through the drink' is beyond valuable."
"Come from a space of peace, and you'll find that you can deal with anything."
"If you're feeling troubled, think of yourself as sitting in a movie cinema watching your own life story. It's going to get better."
"I learned something called the five-minute rule: it's okay to be negative when something goes wrong, but not for more than five minutes."
"Tough times require relentless optimism on screen and off, to show us how to process despair and break down our pessimistic walls."
"Emotional reappraisal: the basic idea is that your emotions are really a combination of your physiology and what you're thinking, so changing what you think can literally change the emotion you experience."
"When I get sad, I have to flip it fast and find something I like doing. For me, it's cooking lately."
"Stress is a poison and it's a natural part of life too, so we better learn how to deal with it because stress is never going to go away."
"I can't eliminate the stress in my life, but what I can do is control how I respond to it."
"The best copers are individuals who know when to use what type of coping."
"Menopause is inevitable; it's not a bad thing. It is a natural process, but you don't have to suffer."
"It's how you deal with it in the end that really matters."
"Recognize when you're struggling mentally and figure out how to cope."
"You sort of learn a lot about yourself in difficult moments and how you can get through them."
"Anxiety is a normal part of life, and by having a simple process for meeting it and not reacting to it but responding to it, you will see a profound difference in your ability to move through your life."
"Having a framework to go back to is powerful to overcome a lot of the mental challenges, the stress, the anxiety, the overwhelm, the depression."
"Stoicism gives you brilliantly is a robust sense of self... It's also very useful in terms of internal strife and just generally living in uncertain times."
"The goal of that is not just to understand it, but to be able to then look inside ourselves and see whether we can actually develop deeper resources, deeper strengths, in dealing with these situations."
"Our job as adults is to give children the message that no matter how Intense or difficult their feelings are, they can work through them without dissociating from themselves to become a different person."
"The first 'T' is usually capital and that is for like big 'T' trauma. The little 'T' trauma is for the things that just, yeah, that'll I'll think about that again one day, and then you try to move on from it."
"How do we get comfortable with uncertainty so it doesn't consume us?"
"You don't just have to cope with anxiety; you can learn to process through anxiety to resolve it and change your relationship to it."
"Mindfulness can help improve your memory, reduce high blood pressure, and even help people with mental illnesses such as depression or anxiety as a coping tool."
"Coping mechanisms are typically a very good thing and very helpful in day to day life."
"This power of acceptance seems to be the best strategy for dealing with these difficult emotions, these difficult thoughts and these difficult cravings."
"The emotional part of it became tolerable by having something to do that had been worked out and getting to it."
"Rather than pretending the world is different than it is, maybe we accept the world and we try to deal with it."
"There are better ways to deal with the world, and you might have reason to be bitter and vengeful, but there are better paths forward."
"It is important in these times that we strive for healthy ways to deal with trauma, loss, injustice, and feelings of grief."
"Therapy can really help you shift your perspective, find tools to cope in difficult times, and be a Guiding Light through the dark."
"You make the best life that you can with the cards that you're dealt."
"Your mind is a complicated thing... Sometimes, it's very hard to control. But talking and exercise, it's an aphrodisiac for that."
"Every day is a battle, but tomorrow will be a brilliant day. That's mental health, but it's how you deal with it."
"Meditations in focused attention and open monitoring teach you to construct mental tools to better cope with life."
"I'm glad I went to counseling. It taught me a lot of coping strategies and things of that nature."
"Developing healthy coping mechanisms is challenging and kind of an uphill battle. It can absolutely be done, but be patient with yourself."
"I think a lot of celebrities and performers and creators struggle with it, and I think that since they're smart, since they're adaptive, since they're resilient, since they have endurance, they develop certain coping strategies."
"Mental health is where you learn to kill the ants and tame the dragon."
"Whenever you feel sad or mad or nervous or out of control, write down what you're thinking and then just ask yourself if it's true."
"Whenever you want to worry, worship instead. Worship is much better than worry."
"It's not about making the ugly stuff stop; it's about being with the people through it all."
"The best thing to do is not actually to try to overcome the emotional root of escapism but to actually learn how to train your mind."
"I felt terrible this morning and I didn't want to do anything... but I think the best thing for me when I'm feeling anxious or depressed is to get out and do something."
"Stop listening to sad music... You're just adding on to your depression."
"My coping mechanism for anything going wrong is to make something else go right."
"It's a natural human thing to consider the stability of our own lives, our ability to cope with problems, and to understand our flaws and try to correct or avoid them."
"You could kill yourself if you kept asking 'What if?'. Instead, you have to ask, 'So now what?'" - Teresa
"Life is not fair to anybody. Life is simply rolling. It's for you to learn to ride it."
"Instead of trying to fix your negative emotion, sit with it."
"Shock, relief, anxiety, excitement: any tips for how to process big events like this?"
"Any task feels insurmountable when you're in this low state, so we're going to make it all super bite-sized."
"Just enough of a positive attitude and faith in yourself that you know that you're gonna be okay. It's a cliché, but take it one day at a time."
"The whole bullet journal method was designed to help me cope with my ADD, for very quick thinking, people with very little patience."
"Creating your own happiness creates a stable foundation for yourself because this world is crazy."
"You can't talk yourself out of loneliness. It doesn't work that way."
"If something unpleasant happened to you, you have two choices: either you can become wise, or you can become wounded."
"Gray rocking is a form of disengagement, not taking their bait, not having the usual invalidating conversations, not sharing your achievements with them so they can minimize them."
"Therapy taught me that I was having normal reactions, to a very abnormal situation."
"Gray rocking is a response to the constant baiting that happens in a narcissistic relationship."
"The meaning of life is the pattern of thought and action that you take that enables you to tolerate at least tolerate the conditions of life."
"I find for myself that as long as I'm staying busy and moving forward, that I usually get over things very, very, very, very quickly."
"It's nice to have good smells when you're going through despair."
"Create a plan to manage your stress because life will throw many twists and turns at you, and you will be little Kimming your way through everything, trying to dodge every little thing."
"It is never your dysfunction that stops God from using you; it is how you choose to deal with the dysfunction."
"I've learned those triggers. When I see that coming, I know what little things I need to do for myself to balance myself out."
"You're human, so feel how you want to feel. You're mad, be mad. You're sad, be sad. But you cannot sit in it."
"What I've learned over the years as I've managed my depression and lived with depression is that there are simple things that can help us."
"I found a system where I would immediately journal my thoughts and feelings away whenever things arise. I also resist the urge to isolate from other people."
"You can't change it, and if you can't change something, you have to learn to accept it. There's no point in fighting it; that's not any way to live."
"It is sometimes an appropriate response to reality to go insane." - Philip K. Dick
"Understanding the truth about character traits like compassion, enthusiasm, openness can help everybody better cope with the unrelenting chaos of the day and set yourselves up for success today."
"Anxiety never goes away 100%, but it's way manageable."
"Take a breath... try to restructure the way you're thinking about this."
"Narcissism is a defense mechanism, a coping strategy to fend off pain."
"The best way to handle this is to be pretty nonchalant."
"We're all just doing our best. We're all in this together."
"Expect nothing, reframe the relationship, reconceive the narcissist."
"There's no point in complaining about things that are outside of your control."
"Don't feel overwhelmed. Deal with what's happening right in front of us."
"If you're to do just one thing do anything you can to keep your heart open to open through the extremes."
"You can either laugh or you can cry, so I choose to laugh."
"It's up to you to turn your damage into strength."
"Consider worry and anxiety as enemies of your life that you're gonna deal with every day."
"When you're troubled, you just hide it and keep moving, that's dumb. You should face it head-on."
"Everything's temporary, but I'm very much of how'd you get through them."
"Resilience is about navigating and managing your internal and external resources."
"Life will hand you lemons, sometimes all we can do is learn to make lemonade."
"When life hands you lemons, you just have to make lemonade."
"This is pure and Stone Cold survival at this point."
"Empathize with their feelings and help them leave."
"I had to leave two weeks in because I was spiraling with my eating."
"It's kind of important to recognize because that's why stress or changes make it harder and we have to have healthy ones to replace the negative one."
"It's rough out there right now for sensitive people."
"One thing that I've learned is when you have trials, pressures in your life, you don't run away."
"Worrying isn't going to change anything... maintain a positive attitude... hope for the best."
"There's a way to get stable again, there's a way to not freak out and panic over what has been lost."
"One of the first things that helped me to get out of my so-called flop era aka depression was kind of being delusional... What I mean by being delusional, yes, there is a very negative way to be delusional..."
"That's my coping strategy most times is like just thinking back to all the times previous to this that I have gotten through it and I have done it I felt so good afterwards."
"When uncertainty happens, opposition happens, adversity happens, I can put my mind, my perspective, in a space and place to extract some good."
"Sometimes if I get too in my own head or I'm too like 'Oh' sometimes I need to hear from other people who have been through worse things than me."
"Every time people were coming at me with something, my immediate response was just to turn on my stream and talk about it. I was like, I don't really see why people let [it] fester and they just act very strange about it."
"I guess my head wants to go into solution mode because it's just so overwhelming and disturbing."
"How do you stop a bully? You ignore them." - Jay
"Mental toughness is knowing what to do when things aren't going well."
"The only way that you can prepare yourself for unchosen suffering is with chosen suffering."
"If you sit and you let it catch you, you'll find that you can handle it, that it's better than running all the time."
"A problem becomes a crisis when it challenges our ability to cope."
"Just about anything can help you cope with and even recover from what ails you..."
"Good rehabs focus on awareness of triggers, deep emotional work, coping skills development, and environmental planning."
"The way that you almost win a breakup is to just go business as usual."
"Live to fight another day. Throw it in the trash or eat around the burnt edges the best you can and just know that tomorrow you're going to be hungry again and that you get to try."
"Acceptance is key. Accept the reality of the situation, but don't give up. Use positive thinking and spiritual practices to maintain clarity."
"You just stay positive. Sometimes you laugh, you really want to sit down, get mad, shed a tear, and throw a punch and you're like, 'Man, I'm just going to laugh this off, you know?'"
"Sometimes just kidding some McDonald's turning on Netflix and maybe hanging out with some online friends can help the longest night of the year just that much less depressing there are no standards except for what you make."
"Wow she's still keeping still upset about that elevator situation but she she knows how to make the lemonade and so do you thank you."
"Petty is my coping mechanism, so in your life if someone comes at you with some nonsense, y'all don't need the bottle of wine, you can pull up with the kettle and pour them a dose of mega petty."
"Avoidance is a great short-term strategy to find comfort but avoidance is also a great long-term strategy to guarantee misery."
"I think everything is just kind of like in a state of weird limbo girl and I'm needing her to try crack the eggs."
"Let's talk about worry, anxiety, and the mind."
"Healing from a father wound may involve recognizing self-destructive patterns, developing self-compassion, and learning healthier ways to cope with relational challenges."
"Find a way to live with it or let it ruin your life. Those are your choices now."
"When life's ropes begin to unravel, tie a knot, hold on, simply do your best."
"Your best hope is the usual techniques of setting boundaries, setting realistic expectations, and engaging in radical acceptance."
"Do not live your life in such a fashion that a bad day can kill you."
"It's kind of hard to pray the panic away when my own lifestyle is creating it."
"Going sideways is actually a really good thing. It beats going down 30 every single day."
"Dealing with things like anxiety and depression."
"If you can't change the situation, change your perspective."
"It's supposed to be hard... the trick is not minding that it hurts."
"Seek perspective: Has anyone died here? How could this be worse? What are my blessings? What's good here? What am I grateful for? Perspective is a really important thing to be playing with as you're navigating a challenging time."
"Everything that is a symptom of CPTSD only occurs if it gets triggered. You can't stop the world from triggering you, but you can learn to calm how you respond to triggers."
"Because of that I am able to do what I do today I was able to set boundaries for myself I was able to understand myself more the capacity that in which I could receive hate."
"The solution to dealing with strong negative emotions is very, very simple: it's to allow yourself to fully feel the emotion. That's it."
"This is a proper Uno reverse... from the most D situation possible."
"And you know how you're going to get through it? With a positive attitude."
"Life is going to happen. It's how we navigate that."
"Not doing something because there's nothing you could do—dude, who could possibly blame you? That's the secret right there."
"You got little victories in situations where a big victory is impossible."
"If they are actively trying to end you, nah, deal with the man sucking."
"When you're dealing with an emotional dilemma, sometimes there's no better solution than to just wail through your feelings."
"We've created a new spiritual relationship with Lulu and Leo. We've shown Nessie and Felix and Linus how to do the same."
"If you don't like these mean comments, just don't read them."
"How do you deal with drama school rejections? Hang on tightly let go lightly."
"Take a breath, say a prayer, smell the roses, just relax. We will get through this."
"Carrying on as normal in the face of everything is, I would say, not mentally healthy either."
"A lot of you in the comments to my recent videos are asking me questions along these lines how can you keep a positive disposition in the face of so much anger hatred and poison from your ex-wife."
"Sometimes you got to laugh to keep from crying, y'all."
"Let's let's not forget. We're in the middle of a pandemic."
"The escape is not running off and hiding somewhere. The escape is getting into the Word of God and in personal fellowship with Christ all day long."
"Know that everything will get better and some things that really helped me on my bad days is to be there talk to somebody or even just journal and write some things down just to kind of like get it out of your head."
"In life I have found that where there is fear and uncertainty and doubt, there is also opportunity if you're looking for it."
"Self-encouragement may be the most important tool we have."
"Do not let it spoil your mood or distract you."
"Is ending your life the way to deal with your problems? Well, suicide really atone for the mistakes or lack of a good life that has made you feel so sad? I don't believe so, my friend."
"You are allowed to make space for yourself, build yourself a first aid kit of physical and mental coping mechanisms."
"Stress is not what happens to you but it's how you respond to it."
"If you're a viewer and you're watching this and you're dealing with this, like, there are things you can do right."
"I can't think about the rest of my life as a quadriplegic, but I can get through today."
"The best way to manage your anxiety is not to find a poll that makes you feel better about yourself, it's to do some things that give you agency over the outcome."
"I'd rather hope for the best and be disappointed than walk around mopey all the time expecting everything to suck."
"Sometimes speaking about the problems you're going through is one of the quickest ways to release them."
"It's not about beating it it's not about conquering it it's just about resisting for 15 minutes 20 minutes 30 minutes 1 hour then things will start to work in your favor."
"There's a reason that this thing has stood up to the test of time."
"It's easy enough to be happy when life goes along like a song. But the one worthwhile is the one who can smile when everything goes all wrong."
"When things go wrong, sometimes it's best to just go to bed and have a cup of tea. Great people can do that."
"Being with a narcissist is definitely a full-time job."
"How spirit may strengthen to bear an unbearable world."
"Sometimes it looks like a good long cry... or talking to a therapist."
"When the world's gone mad, why not embrace the madness?"
"It's not a weakness to find someone who can assist you in figuring out coping skills or prescribe you medications."
"Coping with a parent who has this low-grade narcissism can mean needing to have realistic expectations."
"Acting out is actually a strategy to resolve internal conflicts... it teaches us about the person who is acting out."
"Feelings are not permanent; this too shall pass."
"The storm isn't always what rocks the boat, it can be what torments the mind."
"You have to deal with things, you can't let things harbor within you and fester."
"I had a rough patch in Denver recently so notably bad that my wife and daughters are like gave me that speech that you talked about in your documentary."
"It's all good ultimately, but yeah, you know, we just let's just end with what can we do to help ourselves through these times of intense transformation, which is basically where we're at."
"Focus on others, contribution to your community, to cope with any wobbliness."
"Have some strategies that shake off any morbid feelings."
"If you know you'll be okay then it makes it easier to deal with circumstances out of your control because at the end of the day you have yourself and you can control that."
"Big Momma style is used to live with that push, Riley."
"Getting your mind on a different track is what I found healthiest for me."
"It seems legit logic if you got a song stuck in your head you play it till you're sick of it same kind of thing."
"Confidence and indifference I think are two powerful tools."
"Mental health issues are an ongoing process to try and deal with, and most people don't ever get rid of their mental health issues, they just kind of learn to live with them."
"I wouldn't run from this. Don't run from this or try to avoid it. Just take it slow, take things slow."
"Do whatever it takes to be in the moment and to stay positive."
"You just don't know if you're gonna go through hell or if it's gonna be nothing, who knows?"
"One thing I would encourage you to do is no matter what you're experiencing like talk it out with somebody walk it out those thoughts are not meant to just live with you and you alone."
"Life hasn't been fair, so what you want in those scenarios is to find a warm inviting loving caring compassion at home."
"Sex and materialism both being used as coping mechanisms for Kendrick."
"It's what we were meant to do. No gaslight and project. It's the only way I make it out of this thing without my neck being extended."
"Saving money helps so much when fighting uncertainty."
"I'm living a much healthier lifestyle and I have so much better coping mechanisms."
"It's okay to get rejected because it is truly like a shot in the dark."
"As long as we're talking about the Gardeners, think of life like a big scrapbook. The challenge is to incorporate both positive and negative elements." - John
"When difficult moments arise, what do you do with that page in your scrapbook?" - John