
Meditation Quotes

There are 8484 quotes

"Exercise, meditation, sleep can help you learn, retain, and perform better than if you do not have these three things in your life."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Many forms of meditation involve having a very still body and a focused mind, kind of a state that we are not in a lot of times unless we direct that state."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Non-sleep deep rest is an umbrella term for things like meditation, for Yoga Nidra, a very powerful science supported tool for teaching you how to relax."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If you're somebody who's interested in changing your default state of mood or of thinking, or enhancing your ability to focus, or improving your sleep or improving performance in some cognitive or physical endeavor, meditation is powerful."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Meditation and mindfulness, being present to what we are doing in a given moment, is one of the essential keys to happiness and improved mood even if what we are doing is unpleasant."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"This very simple completely nonpharmacologic behavioral practice of lying down motionless for some period of time...really points to the fact that we can increase dopamine using specific types of meditation induced consciousness. And those increases in dopamine can be used to increase our ability to be more creative."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Meditation reverses the causality and lets you actually change state such that you can be fulfilled before anything happens."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Every time you meditate, it's like making a deposit in a bank. It's always there, every time you do it, you're building a base."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Even short daily meditations can greatly improve our mood, reduce anxiety, improve our ability to focus, and can improve our memory."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The Waking up app makes it extremely easy to learn how to meditate and to carry out your daily meditation practice in a way that's going to be most effective and efficient for you."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I've been meditating on and off since I was 16 years old. I'm 45 now. So that's about 30 years of on and off meditation."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Headspace has a large number of meditations all supported by science. There's also now just a tremendous amount of science supporting a meditation practice for all sorts of things like improved sleep, reduced impulsivity, improved cognition."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"By now I think most people have heard about or experienced the benefits of meditation; improved focus, better sleep, reduced stress, more creativity and insight."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Just doing something meditative or reflective every day or so, and it hardly even matters which one you're doing."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's the one that you select and the one that you make space for, and it's the one that you hopefully enjoy that's going to work best in terms of physiology."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Meditation, specifically mindfulness meditation, is what we're going to delve into today."
"Meditation is nothing new. For thousands of years, many religious traditions have used meditation as a fundamental component of the spiritual experience."
"Meditation is a powerful way to increase your dopamine levels naturally and reset your brain."
"Gratitude and meditation, especially gratitude, reset the whole system."
"Breath work, I find incredibly interesting. It changed my life through meditation. Just shifting my breathing to diaphragmatic breathing was no joke. It changed my life."
"Meditation is training our awareness and there are many kinds of meditations."
"Meditation is to prime the brain and body into a new state of being."
"For me, this is why things like meditation really matter to me because I set my brain up for not spiraling into imposter syndrome."
"Certain types of meditation and spiritual practice appear to increase neurogenesis along the entire length of the hippocampus."
"Meditation is controlling the attention of your mind."
"If you trade resentment and impatience for gratitude, freedom, and joy, and you start making those chemicals in your meditation every single day, I swear to you, you'll get familiar with that."
"The goal of yoga is not to become a human pretzel. The goal of yoga is to prepare your mind for meditation or even enter a premeditative state."
"If we could improve awareness, we can improve outcomes."
"I wish I had that tool (meditation) when I was in training because it's stressful."
"When you start to meditate regularly, you change; the way that you view the world changes."
"Meditation is a systematic practice of stepping outside of your mind and existing in a conscious state without the activity of the mind."
"Meditating is amazing for raising your vibration. People who meditate every day have very high vibrational frequencies."
"I moved back home to my family's house, no friends, no girlfriend, no nothing, and I literally just started meditating and reading books."
"It's interesting what introspection can do. I need to meditate more too. I think that's another thing I need to pick up more. I'm really bad at that, as meditation."
"Start a daily meditation practice... it can really help you to recharge your mind."
"Prayer is how you talk to God, and meditation is how God talks to you."
"Daily meditation without ever skipping and making a commitment to meditate for the rest of your life without missing a single day...it's completely life-transforming."
"Meditation... is definitely helpful for calming myself down; life's crazy at the moment."
"Meditation, enlightenment, your life purpose, learning or education, slow deliberate mindful action, contemplation, and being."
"Meditation is an effective treatment to reduce negative symptoms of schizophrenia."
"Meditation is about waking up. It's about being present, being conscious, being aware."
"When you dive within and experience that ocean of pure consciousness... it's like an ocean of solutions."
"Meditation is a mental technique that's easy to do, effortless, yet supremely profound."
"When you enter a state of Dhyana, you're in a no-mind state. This is bliss or temporary enlightenment."
"We're living in a world really not of particles, we're living in a symphony, in a sense, different fundamentals and harmonics of this ocean of existence, ocean of intelligence, that give the appearance of a material universe but only from the most superficial perspective."
"The laws of nature are the orderly, intelligent principles governing the universe... If the Unified Field is the unified source of all those laws of nature, it must, in some sense, be the most concentrated field of intelligence in nature."
"Practice meditation so that you can have that higher perspective."
"The simple remedy is to meditate and get more and more emotional resources so that you can be in with your relationships."
"Meditation, these mindfulness practices, are a way of like lowering the volume on that and in turn allowing us to then be more focused, more present, more curious, and less self-judging."
"Meditation can be a journey of discovery that leads to profound, life-changing insights."
"Meditation can also help you cultivate inner peace and lasting contentment."
"The most practical thing you can do... is to start meditation. Meditate for 20 minutes every day."
"I forget a study, but basically, they had some participants meditate for like 15 minutes a day for a few months, and they compared brain scans of pre-meditation and after that period of practicing meditation. Their brain had literally changed."
"Meditation is giving you access to your bliss and fulfillment inside of you."
"The combination of meditation and manifesting is infinitely more powerful than either one alone."
"Your mind can relax. As I chanted, we meditate to let go, not to attain, to be peaceful, to be kind."
"Meditating people always want to do meditating. Meditating is the opposite of doing something. You're stopping."
"If you're meditating, making peace, being kind, being gentle, you're making good meditation karma."
"A systematic form of mental training involving meditation can potentially transform your self and your mental habits in a positive way."
"I think we're looking at meditation as the next big public health revolution."
"Those that don't have time to meditate are the people who most need meditation."
"The real meditation retreat is life on this planet, for the time that we're here to actually experience it."
"Meditation is used for stress management, for concentration, for focus, for multiple purposes... But one must be aware that these techniques were originally developed by spiritual seekers as a support for their spiritual quest."
"The ultimate purpose is a very serious, very profound purpose for all of these methods, and that is spiritual awakening, realization of our true nature, freedom from suffering."
"The biggest benefit of meditation is that it allows us to observe our thoughts and thereby gain a degree of control over our mind."
"The primary purpose of meditation is self-realization, enlightenment."
"When the waves of the mind are calmed down and the mind is clear, what is beyond the mind shines forth."
"Meditation is the stepping stone to enlightenment."
"The real meditation practice is your life, and how you carry yourself in each moment."
"Meditation is not about getting somewhere else; it's about being exactly where you are and knowing it more deeply."
"Meditation and breath work can profoundly influence the way that stress impacts your brain and body, both for better or for worse."
"Stress is making us stupid, and here's the science behind why meditation can make you better at life."
"If you're meditating twice a day and exercising every day, your life is going to be amazing."
"We meditate to get good at life, not to get good at meditation."
"The brain centers you know. We're meditating to be better at life."
"The aim of all meditation is...that you wanna merge with reality, to me that's the essence of meditation, it's merging into reality."
"The first thing you encounter when you try to meditate... is that it's so damn hard to pay attention to anything because you're thinking every moment of the day."
"As we do things like meditation, our ability to restrain our impulses will improve."
"Learning how to meditate can significantly alter your experience of stress."
"Meditation is starting to be thought of, now, as a productivity tool."
"Bliss, radiance, and kindness are very common side effects of meditation."
"Jerry Seinfeld likens meditation to a cellphone charger for your mind and body."
"What meditation does is that it gives your body rest that is arguably somewhere between two to five times deeper than sleep."
"Going into the stillness of meditation, you have what wisdom traditions have called revelation - revealed truth."
"At dawn, I bow down to that blazing sun of consciousness beyond all darkness."
"Healing and letting go are possible. How? The best tool that we don't access is meditation."
"High performing people cultivate their minds and meditate. Stay cool under pressure, make more creative decisions, and do more with less stress."
"Listen to your intuition and if you're confused about what your intuition is telling you, meditate. Sit in a calm environment and just allow your mind to rest and relax your body, and the answer will literally flow to you."
"Meditation, gratitude, and compassion are practices that can transform your state of mind and your life."
"In meditation, everything needs to be balanced: The view, meditation and application are three things that have to be balanced."
"The essence of meditation is what we call 'awareness.' Being with awareness is the practice of meditation."
"The goal of meditation is [that] the mind become pliable, workable, so you can have freedom of your own mind."
"When we say the result of meditation, what happens is our mind becomes more calm, peaceful, and then also one of the most important is freedom. Then the happiness comes automatically."
"Happiness comes by... but that happiness is not like happiness from drinking coffee... The happiness that comes from meditation is some kind of life joy, contentment, which is coming within, no need to rely on the external circumstances."
"The second [important thing] is... one of the best ways to change the baseline is through meditation."
"The gift of meditation, of training in presence, is that it really allows our body and mind to be in the same place at the same time."
"Meditation, meditation, meditation. Experience it as a gift, learn, grow, pay attention."
"The biggest gift that I can give anyone is meditation, as it allows one to align the logical and the emotional parts of the brain."
"In this meditation, my aim is to help you achieve a healthier body, mind, and spirit by using the power of a focused desire and a deep body relaxation."
"Through Headspace's guided meditation programs, I have learned essential techniques to manage my stress levels, calm the racing thoughts, doubts, and ground myself in the present moment."
"I meditate not for any other reason than to shorten the distance between the thought of what I want and the experience of having it."
"The beautiful thing about meditation is that it is something that anyone can do."
"Once you understand meditation and how to meditate, you are then in control of not only your feelings but how you live your life."
"Meditation is the most important tool we have as humans for ourselves on this planet."
"Meditation...is timeless. It will continue to be something that we can all use to understand this reality better than anything else."
"You no longer feel like a person in the universe; you feel like a branch of the universe, a conscious awareness existing within it that simply can realize its roots if it sits still for long enough."
"When I meditate first thing in the morning, I'm more mindful throughout my day. I make better choices, eat the right foods, and actually do follow through and go to the gym. I actually do communicate better with my wife and I don't react to people."
"Integrating our meditation into daily life... brings joy, it brings real joy to your life because you're fully there."
"Practice tiny microscopic moments of awareness throughout the day... letting meditation become your default state."
"Everyone should meditate 20 mins a day... and if you don't have time, then it should be an hour."
"Meditation is one of the most effective [ways to keep stress levels under that boiling point]. There's been a lot of research on this."
"Different people like different types of meditation. And kind of like exercise, the best meditation... for your brain is the one that you'll actually do."
"Practicing meditation itself creates compassion, creates love, builds love, builds kindness."
"Meditation is about preventing stress in our life."
"Meditation more than anything else in his life is the biggest ingredient to whatever success he's had."
"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer."
"What is meditation? Is it a way to relax, is it a technique to promote health, vitality, and longevity, or is it a path to inner peace and enlightenment? It is all these things actually, and more."
"There is nothing as healthy, not even exercise, as the proven physiological health-promoting benefits of Transcendental Meditation."
"Transcendental Meditation is a very simple technique. It's simple not because it's simplistic or a beginner's meditation, but because there is elegant simplicity to the practice."
"During Transcendental Meditation, your body gains a state of rest and relaxation in many regards deeper than the deepest part of deep sleep."
"Transcendental Meditation produces a state of restful alertness."
"The ultimate benefit of doing meditation is to get this drunk crazy monkey in line, get it under control."
"Meditation is about just being totally still and just watching these clouds kind of move through the atmosphere without moving, without judging them, without thinking about them."
"One of the best ways to change your brain from negative to positive is meditation."
"If you just meditate for five minutes and think about nothing and focus on your breathing, it helps a lot with stress."
"Don't doubt yourself, okay? Also, with all of this emphasis on the heart chakra and the star seed energy coming out, I highly recommend that you do some meditation."
"If you understand that your mind is just like the sky, and you're able to move through those thoughts and emotions without grabbing onto them, then that's meditation."
"Your mind wanders, and then there's a moment where you notice your mind has wandered - that moment is key."
"Meditation is also a tool. The point of meditation, in the words of the great teacher Emily Fletcher, is not to get good at meditation; it is to get good at life."
"I discovered this thing called meditation... it changed me."
"Meditation was my biggest tool; it helped me get Mind Valley to where it is today."
"The six-phase meditation: compassion, gratitude, forgiveness, future dreaming, visualizing the perfect day, and the blessing."
"I cannot imagine starting my day without meditating because it completely shapes what the rest of my day is going to be like."
"Allow your spiritual gifts to open through study, prayer, and meditation."
"Meditation is giving you prophetic sight into the future."
"Meditation for 10 to 15 minutes, setting an intention for the day, expressing gratitude, puts me in a state of awareness."
"I've been meditating a lot more, I went to a silent meditation retreat for a whole week... I've been trying really hard to connect to the earth."
"The only way to get to the source is to work at the being level, go internally, look within, turn your whole life into a meditation."
"The word 'effort' is not intended to convey the idea of strain. All studied meditation should be without strain or tension."
"Then don't give so much emphasis on meditation. Do your regular meditation but engage in Karma Yoga."
"Holy company... the company of people who are meditators, who are genuinely devotional, spiritual, their company is invaluable."
"The power of the present moment of meditation is something slightly different, usually overlooked."
"Meditation is important because it reduces stress and, more importantly, it helps you have control over your thoughts and emotions throughout the day."
"Meditation is often misunderstood in the western world because we think it's about clearing your mind, focusing on your breath, getting very peaceful. But you can go way deeper."
"Hypnosis is like meditation but with utilization; the point of meditation is often just to get this really relaxed and zen-like state and then be relaxed for a little bit and leave. Hypnosis utilizes a similar meditative state but then you do something with that state."
"Meditate, breathe, focus on your inhale and exhale. When your mind wanders, acknowledge the thought and then focus back on your breathing."
"If you really want to understand yourself in the nature of reality...meditation [is] sort of a crutch that gets you...to a pretty important milestone which people love and find invigorating."
"Reflect and meditate on what it is that you truly desire, and it will come to you."
"Meditate – moments of calm and quiet can really help you think something through."
"I recently started practicing meditation myself to see what all the buzz was about, and it's completely changed the way that I live my life."
"Activity in certain areas of the brain is increased by meditative practice and that this sends signals that actually go to the tumor and make something happen through a biochemical pathway that we have defined."
"There's no such thing as a bad meditation; there's only you overcoming you."
"You don't get up from your meditation until you've overcome that emotion."
"Meditation... can help you deal with negative emotions."
"Blessed is the man who doesn't walk in the counsel of the ungodly... but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law, he meditates day and night."
"Yoga and meditation is free for everybody, let's use this as an opportunity to discuss what it can do for us."
"Is it possible to heal ourselves with our thoughts and with meditation alone? I think my belief... has changed dramatically in the last two years. I'm not the same person because of the things that I've witnessed."
"Blessed is the man whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and in it he meditates day and night."
"Positive thinking, having set goals, visualizations, affirmations, and meditating all have their own place."
"Your mind has to always be clear. That's why I meditate 2 hours every single night because I refresh, I reorganize the garage which is my mind every night."
"It connects your conscious mind with your subconscious mind and gives you an equanimity and a creativity that you ordinarily wouldn't have."
"Meditation has given me that kind of equanimity."
"Through silence, through meditation, and through non-judgment, you will access the first law, the law of pure potentiality." - Deepak Chopra
"Meditation has been shown scientifically to help people improve their levels of self-discipline."
"Whenever you find yourself in pain, any kind of pain is like a meditation bell that is going off."
"Your meditation or your stillness is gonna come through rhythm and balance, not through sitting still."
"Meditation for you should be about anchor and balance, not about stillness."
"Laughing during meditation is like the best outcome. It's not serious. What are we doing this for if not bliss?"
"If you can meditate, do yoga, exercise, adjust your diet, get a nice Ayurvedic diet going...then you don't need medication."
"I still meditate two hours a day, I go for a walk in the nearby woods."
"Meditation requires very strict Focus; it's about sitting down and controlling your thoughts."
"The difference between prayer and meditation or Dhyana is, prayer means you are making an attempt to speak with God... meditation means you stop your nonsense and listen."
"I'm gonna stick to it, I'm gonna kill it, I'ma meditate before I state 'cause meditating helps."
"The perfection of concentration is power; the perfection of meditation is wisdom."
"The understanding which you get after hearing, reflecting, and meditating deepens into enlightenment."
"Experienced meditators can significantly reduce pain with only four training sessions of mindfulness-based meditation training."
"Meditating made me feel calm, made me feel like I could start my day right."
"I came out as genderqueer... and after that stumbling across a genuinely interesting meditation about how sex and gender would be viewed by a fantasy species such as a tree folk was such a delight."
"When we close our outer eye, we open our inner eye and see in the middle of our mind a little ball of golden light."
"The point is that yes, you can't spend all day in your yoga practice, you don't spend all day in your meditation, however, the point for the adept is to carry it with us when we go out into the world."
"Meditation is actually a really great thing to include in your everyday life."
"The best way of treatment of depression, they found from the clinical trial, the most effective way, was meditation."
"Meditation is a magical way that nature has given us where you can reset that to absolute zero, to where you feel completely calm and creative and anchored."
"Meditation is thousands of years old and it's remained popular... because it is so effective at building willpower."
"The quieter your mind is, the easier it is for you to connect with your spirit guides."
"Meditation is where these Satori States or Samadhi states occur."
"Meditation is about how important it is to train the mind."
"Meditation works every time. It is crazy. It is a way to return to equanimity."
"The top-down approach that you can get through meditation makes far more sense to me in terms of coming to grips with the nature of truth and reality than the bottom-up approach that is inherent in reductive materialism."
"Meditation... I feel like it gives me like GPS for all my decisions for life."
"Meditation is just a way to say, 'Let me get my brain and body right.'"
"A lot of techniques of meditation are just paying such scrupulous attention to an object, a seeming object, that you eventually collapse the distance between subject and object."
"Meditation determines your destiny. We're always meditating; your thoughts and feelings control your destiny."
"A powerful meditation for transforming your self-image can profoundly change your life if you engage with it consistently."
"Listen to this meditation for at least 21 days to get the maximum benefit out of it, and for now, I'm going to leave you in this higher self vibration. Allow yourself to soak it in and just know that you are forever changed."
"Remember, a little bit of softness, a little bit of breathing, a little bit of listening to calming music, soothing music, maybe a little bit of meditation, could take us a very, very, very long way."
"Pay attention to your dreams, take notes, meditate, do automatic writing, which is just writing with intent, and that will help you connect to spirit."
"Thought moves the world. Stop and meditate over this for a few moments."
"Monks can actually raise their body temperature with just the power of their mind."
"Meditating is a really beautiful part of yoga practice. It helps not only to clear out the clutter and craziness of what's happening in our head but it also helps us to tune in from a gross level to a more subtle level."