
Grieving Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"Because while the process of grieving is in direct relation to how close we are attached to people, there are ways to move through it. And of course, it is the depth of our attachments, and the number and the depth of meaning of experiences that we share with others and with animals that makes life so rich and worth living."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I just lost my Ponder Daisy on Sunday; that's devastating. She was a 16-year-old Border Collie. I had her before my kids, and she was a huge part of my life."
"Grieving and mourning is the process of adapting to those changes and integrating those changes into ourselves so that we can start to be optimistic, start to look forward to the future."
"Grieving is the natural process that takes you through time into a new way of thinking and feeling on the other side of a loss."
"There's a time to grieve all of that, there's a time to really wrap your mind around what happened. That takes time."
"It's important to go through the grieving process."
"Grieving is about the loss of something and then the growth of something new."
"Despair is key if we don't despair we can't grieve despair is essential to having an honest authentic interaction with reality."
"It's a genuine grieving process for a lot of people leaving Mormonism."
"I'll console these parents until it stops, will you please stop?"
"You've got to grieve, you've got to work through it, and you know every minute can feel like an hour in those situations, but it will get better."
"Even the strongest people need to stop and grieve for a while, and that's okay."
"A family is grieving over lost loved ones, that is not the time to do that."
"I'm not a poet but I love my daughter, I miss her and it hurts, and it won't go away." - Wesley Hadzell
"There's only so much like crying and things that you can do in mourning and thinking about it before you like even during portions of that mourning period you're like I need these moments of like laughing and remembering."
"You really gotta give yourself time to grieve... it's okay not to be perfect."
"Grieving is also the most potent form of prayer. You want to create prayer that's going to change the world? Allow your heart to break."
"Grieving is difficult for the people that are here, that's the hard thing about loss and death is that it's really tough for the people that are left here on Earth."
"Let yourself grieve. It's a real loss, and you were allowed to grieve your sweet baby and give yourself as much time as you need."
"You can just be there and just say I'm grieving with you, this is horrible."
"It's got to be the truth, we need to get justice for our loved ones so they can rest."
"You could almost think of grieving as a form of learning."
"I'm giving myself permission to grieve and to heal."
"If you can surrender into the grieving or the sorrow or the shaking, there is this release of bliss energy on the other side of it."
"Western culture is really bad at grieving. We have no idea how to do it. We look at the grieving like they are mentally ill, we make death sterile and pretty so that we don't have to face our fears of mortality and loss."
"We're made to keep going, we're also made to grieve and it's important to be emotionally truthful."
"And again this is one of those experiences that has suggested to me that a funeral really is something to help the deceased person to transition just as much as it is for the family who are bereaved to grieve their loved one who's passed on."
"Give yourself space to grieve, accept, and process your emotions."
"It's hard to fully process and grieve something that hasn't finished yet."
"Nothing wrong with crying, nothing wrong with grieving, nothing wrong with self-care."
"How long is long enough with the grieving? As long as it takes."
"I'm gonna heal and I'm gonna grieve like crazy, and then my wife and I are gonna re-imagine what comes next."
"Guilt is another emotion many of us feel as we work through the grieving process."
"It was just somebody to listen somebody to offer me some feedback and some maybe some insight some things that I could do to help with the grieving process and I am so grateful for that."
"Funerals are not for the dead, they're for the living."
"Grieving is kind of universal, you know? We might show it in different ways, we might act out in different ways, but the grieving process is a human thing."
"There's a lot of loss and a lot of different types of grieving going on."
"A healthy part of grieving is in the end you actually move on further."
"We're seeing a generation specifically of men who are stuck at an emotional age of trauma because they haven't given themselves space to grieve."
"Love is a way of grieving that which has not yet slipped from view."
"Laughter often comes out of juxtaposition, seriousness, that someone's died, but then also you can just share in the most absurd stories about that person together, and that is like what helps people grieve and share the emotional burden together."
"It's tough. I mean, losing, putting a dog down is tough. It's like losing a person. I mean, it is. It's tough. And it's a wake-up call, you know? That is strong in the moment like for you right now. It's really strong."
"Trauma recovery requires tears. It's grieving, facing a new world full of losses."
"That is what grieving is—it is when you have to open to what’s happened, what you most didn’t want to happen."
"You don't have to rush. It's okay to take your time grieving."
"I just want you to find a passion and Outlet to find Joy during this grieving season."
"The time for mourning is very long and it should be allowed to be very long."
"Funerals weren't for the Dead, but for those they left behind, so that we may celebrate and move on."
"You get to lay them their body to rest you get some closure."
"Grieve, but show yourself compassion."
"I'm still like coping and learning to grieve and learning that it's okay to not be okay and to still miss her."
"Allow yourself the privilege to grieve the loss."
"There really are no rules and no right and wrong when it comes to grieving because it is such a personal experience and it varies from person to person."
"Grieving doesn't mean my hurt is gone forever; healthy grieving means I've made space in my heart for this hurt to be there."
"It's a darker family movie that explores death and grieving in a way that kids can hopefully wrap their heads around."
"Let the patient or family members grieve in their own way."
"We do want to talk about her and share her and not forget about her, but we need a little time for all that."
"Grieving is our soul's primary path to transformation."
"Forgiveness should be part of the grieving process, especially when there's something here that you're grieving, where there's been some kind of transgression against you."