
Medication Quotes

There are 1760 quotes

"If we have a healthcare system where you get 15-minute visits with your psychiatrist, of course, we're going to throw medicines at everything."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Clozapine is routinely regarded as the single most effective agent that we have in the fight against schizophrenia."
"If you're willing to correct the dietary choices, the need for medications can be mitigated."
"Medications can be very helpful, very very helpful if not necessary for folks who struggle with schizophrenia."
"When it comes to pain pills, you need to be very, very careful."
"For the first time, Medicare just made offers to lower prices for the top 10 most widely used and expensive drugs, which is going to lower prices for millions of Americans."
"In American medicine we are so much better at starting medicines than we are at taking them away, right?"
"Medications should be seen as temporary...like if you have a headache, you take an ibuprofen to relieve the symptoms but you don't go on ibuprofen chronically."
"Serotonergic reuptake inhibitors arguably make each level of the hierarchy more resistant to the propagation of upward error."
"If you take medicine, you have to trust it's real. If you eat food, you have to trust it's not poisonous or expired."
"We are committed to providing timely access to Molnupiravir globally if it is approved or authorized."
"I don't care if I have to be on medication. It has helped me to be able to enjoy my days, enjoy my son more, be more present."
"You can't just take a pill and expect it to be a miracle cure. You have to be healthy on top of that."
"This medication is life-saving in many situations."
"By the time you are on three medications that achieved excellent control, your risk of stroke increased 248 percent as when your hypertension is untreated."
"Sick people need drugs; it's not keeping you healthy. Okay, your body can be healthy because it's designed to be healthy."
"If you do take a blood thinner and you've got cardiac arrhythmias, you got a 97 percent chance of never having a stroke."
"Once they're off all their meds and they're doing these things, that's when I see dramatic, full, lasting recoveries."
"Medication will never fix your problems. It just puts you in a state of mind to better deal with them."
"Humans are flawed creatures, so it is normal to need medication."
"The first time I took my medication, it was like putting on glasses and realizing I could see without squinting. I could focus."
"It takes a lot for a parent to get over a lot of the stigma and fear in deciding to try to use a medication for behavior."
"I'm going to use a benzodiazepine or either commonly called the Z medicines for sleep—zolpidem or Ambien or something like that."
"It's less likely for you to contract HIV from someone who is positive and on medication than you might think."
"She's giving a great summary of what the medication does and so great job by the nurse in that scene."
"If a medication slashed cases by 77%, we'd call it a miracle pill."
"Even the best diabetes medications, the best Alzheimer's medications, the best infertility medications will pale in comparison to lifestyle changes."
"You're telling me that you lost 65 pounds, or your cholesterol dropped by 50 points, and now you're not using any diabetes medications anymore? Are you kidding me? That's real."
"Once a fact of life, pain has become another problem to be solved by pills."
"We're looking for three to seven days of decent sleep. And then we're going to try to get them off that medicine."
"It seems like society caters towards one type of mind...then it gets a little scary when it's like, okay, well the type of mind that society caters towards, we need to medicate everybody else to bring them in line with that type of mind."
"If I prescribe a surgery, a medication, everything has risk benefits. In fact, if something doesn't have a risk, that means it probably doesn't even work anyway."
"We need to think what kind of experiment are we running on our children with these drugs."
"Over-diagnosis can lead to unnecessary medications and therapy, while under-diagnosis can rob people of the understanding and support they desperately need."
"It's very odd what's even more odd is the sleeping pills weren't even prescribed to her."
"I do not think anyone should feel embarrassed or ashamed about taking medicine for something that makes them sick."
"You don't have to be ashamed to take medication, and it doesn't alter my personality or anything. It just helps me be me."
"Side effects can be really, really awful to deal with, which is a major reason why a lot of people are really adverse to taking their medication."
"I sometimes tell myself that I'm lesser of a person because I have to take antipsychotic medications."
"The last thing we want your patient to be doing is sitting back, choking on a pill."
"Medication can be incredibly useful for depression, as it actually expands your capacity to make freely willed choices."
"Our diet is such crap that many people are feeling the need to take these proton pump inhibitors in order to have a normal feeling gastrointestinal tract, and then that is putting them at risk."
"There's not a single study, not one study, that suggests that being treated with antidepressants for literally any psychiatric disorder...results in improved long-term functioning or improved long-term outcomes."
"Multiple prescription drugs taken in combination are toxic to the liver, kidneys, and other organs, especially if they are taken on a regular basis."
"You should go talk to your doctor before you take any medication because they know your medical history."
"You don't need to be taking insulin. You're 22. You're in physique. What are you doing taking insulin or anything?"
"Henry meds offers a science-backed weight loss medication that reduces your appetite and cravings."
"Without our medication and without our respirator, the patient would not survive. That's how sick she is."
"Giving an antidepressant to a bipolar disorder patient will make them manic."
"It's best to not have high amounts of antioxidants or especially non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like Advil and Tylenol before your workout."
"Just because a bad experience on medication doesn't mean you will."
"Why should Americans pay $645 for the same inhaler... sold in the United Kingdom for $49?"
"Always start with the lowest dose possible, always the lowest dose, and don't exceed 10."
"The possibility that Aaron was on both of these at the same time is pretty concerning."
"High blood pressure lowering medications and cholesterol lowering medications are powerful, effective, and sometimes life-saving."
"Benzodiazepines appear helpful for many people."
"When you're taking them off medication, boom. The seizures may come."
"FDA warns puberty blocker may cause brain swelling vision loss in children."
"You're baiting the egg. You're kind of just meeting the anxiety with a little bit of light medication."
"There's a chance um what about the side effects well they can be mild to practically non-existent or they can be pretty darn awful"
"Therapy and even medication if necessary can also be beneficial for your well-being."
"Hydroxychloroquine has become politicized; that's unfortunate."
"It's been referred to as the celebrity weight loss drug."
"I've been off all the antidepressant medication I've been on all of 2020."
"Taking a handful of pills for the rest of your life is not a very elegant solution."
"That seems to be the drugs that the president is taking, what has been prescribed."
"You can just send stuff through the mail, and the medication simply can't be stopped."
"About a third of people who start things like antidepressant medication their life completely transforms."
"Unfortunately, it also comes with a slew of adverse effects including death."
"As long as you don't skip your antidepressant pill, another magic pill, gotta cope somehow."
"It's food versus a drug... very safe and effective."
"It's not a weakness to find someone who can assist you in figuring out coping skills or prescribe you medications."
"I just had to go on a very strong drug...I'm off all meds."
"Wow, that was so easy. These pills are amazing."
"I got off my medication after eight months of being on it and I've been in remission for the last six years."
"The difference between a pill and a poison is the dosage."
"The war on hydroxychloroquine, though, it's a really ugly chapter in our lives."
"If you're bipolar and you take depression medication it drastically messes with your brain chemistry."
"They essentially don't care what you're taking, it's kind of like a Don't Ask Don't Tell thing."
"We're treating thousands of Albertans every year and they get that immediate same-day access to evidence-based medication that brings relief to them."
"He was able to reverse all of his numbers and he was able to get off all his medication including statins and his numbers were better off the statins than they were on it by fixing all these lifestyle factors."
"Joint pain would be handled by it, this cycle of inflammation and chronic disease would be broken in general by it, so I think it is interesting to consider LDN after every COVID or in the beginning of any chronic disease."
"So satisfying now I can go take some pills to get the headache out of my head from this dude talking the whole time."
"So, please be careful when choosing what medicines you consume for your various health issues, as innocuous as they may seem."
"My Dr. Hank helps you get low-cost ED meds and overcome the psychological and emotional barriers to getting ED treatment."
"Not all medications are bad, some really fucking help."
"Side effects of ACE inhibitors and ARBs... angioedema."
"The more ivermectin used in a state, the greater reduction in deaths."
"Don't let your kids suffer or go untreated just because you don't want to have the kid that's on medication."
"Joe Rogan took ivermectin... That's not anything that tells us anything."
"For most medications, you're talking about single-digit thousands, not hundreds of millions as have now been given around the world."
"Different therapeutic profiles, so, and when I burn the heck out of my hand, you know, it's, it would have been nicer not to wake up in the middle of the night to have to take another one."
"Parents that put their children on these drugs...especially that take them for surgeries...it's child abuse."
"If you can live without it, it's safe to take."
"It's very powerful; many studies have shown that medication adds even antidepressants at 10% above the placebo response."
"Lexapro is the thing that saved my life. God bless the drug companies."
"If someone is horribly depressed, it's safer to medicate them while going through therapy than having them spend months in therapy just to never be able to medicate them."
"Bring yourself some allergy pills, bring yourself some Mucinex, some Claritin, bring yourself some ibuprofen, bring all that stuff with you and have it on you in your backpack."
"Some individuals just respond well to low doses and don't necessarily need more."
"If you're really messed up like I was a year ago, get medication."
"If you are not taking Adderall then you are putting yourself at an intentional disadvantage."
"Can we even call Adderall a performance-enhancing drug?"
"Don't get into that mindset where it's one pill for every ill."
"Darvocet was pulled off the market after being connected to potentially fatal cardiac rhythm abnormalities."
"Now that it's endemic I don't think there really is a role for saying hey we should just prophylax people forever on Ivermectin."
"Finasteride will stop it and minoxidil will grow it, and that's why using them in combination is what you need for a hair loss plan."
"So, the first thing is, do you even need the medication?"
"Medication can provide us with so much relief."
"Oral contraceptive pills containing estrogen seem to be helpful in female pattern hair loss."
"I was put onto a drug called Ritalin as a medication and right through grade one through grade 12 of public school I was actually put into special education classes so I was labeled at a slow learner special needs kid."
"The day when I really did get the shot, I walked into the living room and my friend was getting forced to take medication."
"Sick people need drugs... all you gotta do is just change your friggin' lifestyle."
"Birth control pills tainting the water supply with estrogen."
"Lithium: One of the few drugs proven to help prevent suicide."
"If you need it, you need it. If you're taking it just to take it, be aware."
"Do your research and if your body doesn't need it, don't take it, but if it does then consider it, gentlemen."
"It's almost impossible to survive this, but hemadine and mayori do well."
"Drug history: having a list of all medications is really important; they all come with side effects."
"You're in the smaller percentage that has to take Keppra or you will die."
"I eased off of the pill... and then just never started the new pack."
"How could he be to blame when it was due to issues with his medication?"
"These drugs have on their labels 'may increase risk of suicide and homicide,' just like cigarettes have to say 'may be hazardous to your health.'"
"Benzodiazepines in general they all share the mechanism that they increase the frequency of the GABA D chloride channel opening."
"Ambien and Sonata and Lunesta will get you to sleep but studies have shown that as OPA clone Lunesta is going to be the best for maintaining sleep."
"Ethical responsibility to reduce over-medication."
"If that's the case, that would mean everybody else is medicating the fact that they won't do it."
"A small percentage of people have side effects and I was really, really scared."
"What is wrong with HRT? It is medication, doctor-prescribed medication that somebody needs."
"Why the heck do you have to hide it? Why does someone need to be ashamed of themselves for using something the doctors gave them?"
"It's the only way to keep me settled down, taking my medication makes me more calmer, more like I'm supposed to be."
"We have extremely effective medications that are life-saving. This is a very treatable illness." - Laura Kehoe
"Metformin is probably the safest and... one of the most long-term efficacious drugs in the treatment of type 2 diabetes."
"Meds helped me out start more of a neutral headspace instead of my brain making me hate myself so much all the time."
"It allows me to feel normal and that alone is wonderful."
"Why are we still trying to say that you and me and everyone else we're all the same and we got to get the same medications and same dose? Everyone's looking for a magic pill."
"Just because a doctor prescribed me stuff doesn't mean you should do it."
"Generic drugs are the exact same thing as a brand name drug."
"Maybe it was a tweak that did these people in, it was kamagra anyway."
"How you are prescribed and administered the medication is more important than which medication that you're receiving."
"128,000 Americans die each year from the right drug at the right time in the right dosage."
"More is not better, more will not burn more fat, more will not improve your cardiovascular system, more of any medication just leads to more side-effects."
"Don't let people scare you out of a medication that your doctor agrees is the right decision for you and your body."
"My husband's been bipolar all his life and he's now off all his medication and he feels terrific."
"We've been misled about the effectiveness of antidepressant medications."
"People have told me they're off their type 2 diabetes drugs, they're off their blood pressure drugs, that they're off their anti-depression drugs."
"Doctors prescribe it like Oprah handing out cars."
"Pill users are 250% more likely to have heart attacks and strokes."
"Ozempic is certainly just a tool, and even the best tools are worthless if the person doesn't know how to use them."
"The week after heart surgery, the strong pain medication made my depression, chronic fatigue almost disappeared for the first time in 10 years."
"Use the brain and use common sense. We all do natural remedy at home and natural stuff, but there are times when you have to take medication. Natural remedy not gonna help you no matter what you do."
"It's generic, it's cheap, it's widely available."
"They put him on Prozac, which is a common SSRI."
"When you medicate you put a Band-Aid on it and it typically allows that behavior to continue."
"That'd kill an animal, kill a cow, that much medication."
"Being on the right medication feels great. Suddenly, you're a functional human being."
"It acts as a sedative to the tongue and temper as well as to... the blood vessels."
"The use for inhalers and the wider issue of medicine in sports needs to be re-addressed."
"Inflammation is not evil it is a repair process anti-inflammatories are evil."
"Will you be planning on giving these medications to your kids? The answer every time will be no, certainly not."
"Mavenclad is a prescription medicine used to treat relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis."
"Take those pills, distracted by the healthcare system making people so broke they can't pay those bills. They don't even care if you're sick no more, long as you got money, you should take those pills."
"We're pumping kids full of drugs meant to prevent the completely natural process of puberty."
"You're already starting at a deficit... I'm on 10 milligrams of Prozac."
"The MacBook Air finally has a Retina display now."
"I can barely take Tylenol, but now I'm a pro. Probably couldn't handle anything bigger than this. That's what she said."
"You can only medicate one thing, you can't medicate someone's personality."
"Under my plan, hundreds of thousands of Medicare patients will see their insulin costs capped at just thirty-five dollars a month."
"Medication is a big one it's something that you really have to consider really look into the side-effects."
"So my point is, there's a lot of people out there struggling in silence, misdiagnosed, and they're taking pills and maybe the voices are quieting, but there are some people legitimately, a lot of people legitimately, that need freedom."
"We have no idea what the 30-year long-term data on that is going to be, and yet we prescribe them by the billions of dollars."
"Hey, it's an off-patent medication, it's super cheap."
"I went in and I got a prescription for some drug whose name I can't pronounce that is supposed to supposedly help with altitudes sickness."
"The majority of people that actually die from having a heart attack or a stroke don't have blood pressure's high enough to justify the risks of medication."
"More and more research coming out on statins, do everything you can to not need them."
"But when I take it I don't so I'm convinced."
"Birth control pills are known as an endocrine disrupter."
"He made sure to take the meds that Lizzie had sent with him."
"Antidepressants such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors work very well for anxiety as well as depression."
"Finasteride is also known as Propecia and this has typically been given to guys… it blocks DHT."
"Oh, what's that? I would be beside myself to put a needle that big in my neck. Drugs? Pain reliever."
"Aspirin, this is a really, really important one."
"Aspirin is also a really good indication for individuals with chronic coronary artery disease."
"I don't want to be on medication the rest of my life. I feel like this is a wake-up call for me."
"The frontline medication for that is epinephrine."
"Psychiatric medication is a $30 billion a year industry."
"These drugs really do massively reduce or reverse obesity, and a few years from now we'll have 50% of the population taking it."
"It's about staying on your blood pressure medicine, staying on your cholesterol... you do these things that make you live longer."
"Metformin is the most widely prescribed anti-diabetic drug on the planet."
"I certainly think there are things that you should know to be a more empowered and educated consumer of this medication."
"The most effective treatment for ADHD is to improve the chemistry of the brain with medication."
"It's not that more medication's going to fix this; it's that we actually do need to embrace these lifestyle changes."
"We're engaging in a vast public experiment with more and more people taking these drugs for longer and longer and we really still don't know the extent to which this kind of prescribing is harming people."
"I'm not ashamed to talk about how I'm on medication for it because it's a real thing and so many people deal with it."
"Coming off an antidepressant safely involves doing it gradually, going at a rate that they can tolerate."
"For most people, these drugs are not highly effective, and it may be the case that for most people they don't do anything at all."
"The doctors started pushing meds and doing blood draws on this guy to see what was in the system."
"Medication response... for children, what about adults over the age of 40, 50, 60? The short answer: yes."
"Ivermectin, the hot dog of anti-parasitic medications."
"Paxlovid is the first oral antiviral at-home treatment for COVID-19."
"Paxlovid received emergency use authorization from the FDA for the treatment of recently diagnosed COVID-19 in December of 2021."