
Trauma Recovery Quotes

There are 209 quotes

"I've yet to see one person who has addressed the trauma and become less functional, right?"
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"First extinction, then relearning a new narrative with positive associations and attaching those positive associations to the formerly traumatic or fearful event."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We don't live in our trauma; we don't stay stuck in our trauma; we don't let it consume us because if it does, we're dead."
"The brain has the ability to heal from traumatic experiences."
"Healing...is about taking action, pausing to reregulate, then taking action again. It's how you climb out of the trauma ditch as many times as you need to."
"Your trauma won't affect you forever and it's a constant reminder to yourself that you will heal and it's a process."
"That's where addictive pathways can come into play."
"I have finally given myself the permission to let go of that trauma and understand where it comes from and say I can actually do things that are fun just because they're fun."
"When you go through a terrible experience and you have someone who says, 'Oh my God, how can I help you? I'll be there for you,' that makes a huge difference."
"Childhood trauma work... went from being that somewhat feral mess in daily struggling and treading water to starting college around that time and getting 4.0 GPA in my first semester."
"Emotionally and mentally, he's still alive today, but not the same from the brain trauma. It made me step up as a human being."
"If you have a trauma of any type and you are looked after and you're guided through it, you can come out the other side."
"If you're going to heal from the trauma of the past, you're going to need to get your power back."
"You could really kind of get over the effects of that trauma or reduce those effects of trauma by interacting with and being exposed to others and being social, but not others who had had trauma themselves."
"The first step to overcoming trauma is safety."
"Your brain is a liar sometimes... it may stem from some sort of trauma or pain but that does not mean that you can't challenge what your mind tells you."
"The greatest power often comes or is shown through an individual's ability to heal from their traumas."
"Trauma is like taking a rock and throwing it in the windshield... what we're trying to do is bring parts of ourselves back to ourselves."
"Releasing trauma does not mean that trauma isn't part of you; it will always be a part of your narrative. What you're doing is changing how your past trauma impacts your future."
"Love will find you if you're willing to let go of trauma."
"Many gunshot survivors say the most painful part of being shot is the recovery process."
"I still think that we are treated with a lot of love which is why I can smile and talk about what happened now."
"Trauma is an opportunity to change and to reorganize the elements that made up your life."
"I would have to tell anyone that's been through anything similar, hold your head up. It's not your fault."
"Some of those victims took months to feel comfortable to tell us their story."
"You are not your trauma. Healing is possible."
"Trauma has a unique ability, almost like water, to find its way into our lives, even when our lives seem to be trauma-proof."
"Deal with your trauma, then address your triggers. Triggers prompt recall of previous traumatic experiences."
"You can break free, you can go no contact, you can break the trauma bonds."
"That's really powerful that she's taking her trauma and trying to use it to help others."
"I turned PTSD into ptg, post-traumatic growth."
"This striking debut is an intimate and powerful account of a search for hope after trauma."
"This book is such a feel-good vibe, even though the main character has recently gone through something pretty traumatic."
"It's not the trauma that made you who you are, it was you who got yourself through that."
"Safety and stabilization... is one of the most foundational building blocks to trauma recovery."
"You need to assess all of those things so the person is as safe as they can possibly be and as stable as they can possibly be."
"Anyone who goes through any type of trauma and hardship deserves sympathy, compassion, and help."
"What happened to you, what you survived, is not your fault, period end of story."
"It's not your fault that this happened to you."
"Trauma tends to be the catalyst in most people's unplugging process."
"Nearly 50% of trauma survivors exhibit post-traumatic growth. It's a real phenomenon among regular people like you and me."
"Yusuf advocated for himself, showing strength and capability after enduring trauma."
"Relationships are what heal people from severe trauma."
"You don't escape trauma By ignoring it; you escape trauma by confronting."
"Playing and fun are the biochemical opposites of trauma."
"I want to change education, I want to change therapy, I want to change the way we look at rehabilitation from trauma."
"There's something called post-traumatic growth."
"Trauma is the gold mine to transform your life."
"It's like if I got shot which seems like that's what happened we got shot for three years and then all a sudden now I'm walking again that doesn't mean I forgot that I got shot."
"You're not seeking perfection, but relief from traumas."
"It's not your fault... Life's going to get better from here... You are safe now, I guarantee it."
"It's best to take a moment and heal from the traumatic event. It will also lead to better decisions if you do decide to get plastic surgery."
"All of that experience coalesced into her second album, 'Punisher', a record about trying to grow past trauma amid a world consumed by trauma."
"I just think that this case is beautiful in so many ways it's horrific but beyond that it's beautiful how Jennifer dealt with it who she was and that she caught her abductor she did that and she's so incredibly strong."
"The question I ask is, 'Where's the gift in this?' There's post-traumatic growth."
"He almost healed from all this trauma, not even healed yet."
"Healing trauma without medication and without medicine is possible."
"Trauma needs to be healed... before true healing and true help can occur."
"It's hard to count yourself lucky when you're one of the ones that got away."
"You will not recover from CPTSD in a passive state of mind."
"Exploring life after trauma, illuminating the path forward."
"I can move on from my trauma. I can find a way to survive this."
"Since the inquest, I'm a different person. It's given me back my life, well not all of it."
"Just when I'm about to reach a form of peace, something triggers all the memories and drags me back. Two steps forward, one step back."
"The key to rising above your trauma does exist."
"The best thing that you can tell anyone who has ever been assaulted or harassed is: It's not your fault."
"You're the leader of whatever trauma that you went through, you're not the black sheep anymore."
"Until I said it out loud and lived to like tell the tale I'm still here... I couldn't fully start to put the pieces back together and I would have been shattered forever if this #MeToo moment hadn't happened."
"You'll always have to go back to the beginning of your wounds in order to heal them all."
"Honestly, dealing with trauma doesn't have a time stamp on it."
"The cycle of abuse and Trauma stops with you."
"This book might resonate with you like on a personal level if you've survived any of those things."
"Trauma recovery: healing from past wounds and reclaiming your life."
"Sometimes, even though a crime is horrendous, the killer is quickly caught and the motive is clear. People can get closure and try to recover from the trauma of losing a loved one."
"She dedicated her whole life to helping people overcome traumas and hardships."
"Self-care is a really problematic conversation for survivors of narcissistic abuse."
"But when you stop and you take control and you say I am going to make good decisions I'm going to take self-control you defeat the trauma."
"Victims are not bound by their trauma. It will always stick with them but it also shouldn't stop you from becoming who you wish to be."
"Our worth is never going to be determined by... atrocities that have happened to you."
"The truth is that victims and survivors of CSA and trauma generally really can and very much do go on to heal and live perfectly normal and healthy and wonderful lives."
"This is a time where you can go through a really powerful psychological healing, especially when it comes to family trauma, your early childhood traumas and situations."
"Healing is possible. You can always come up with a negative scenario, but we are living proof that the symptoms of trauma, especially starting with neurological dysregulation, can be calmed."
"Every day you help her to realize what happened and you wait patiently for her to be okay with it."
"You're going through a deep healing, freeing yourself from old traumas and patterns."
"Your love will not fix all their trauma. It can help soothe some things, but if they're not on the road to fix and unpack and deal with their trauma, you're wasting your time."
"I guess I'm just struggling to put into words how a person feels after they go through such an intense near-death experience."
"Our hope is that by talking and by listening, we can make something that was unthinkably bad, something good."
"One of the things that I've learned about my trauma is that I have a very, very hard time registering compliments as truthful."
"I think if you did want to stick to that trauma disorder angle you could definitely do that but I think if you did do that you would at least need to offer the opportunity for the protagonist to kind of do anything constructive with this problem."
"Healing trauma requires reconnecting with oneself, experiencing oneself in the body, mind, and heart."
"The key to energy work, the key to trauma healing."
"You can only know what your truth is underneath the trauma, when you're brave enough to heal that trauma."
"In the new age, I felt powerful and the girl who had been assaulted found comfort in knowing that I created my own reality and I got to decide what comes next and I got to be the writer of all of this."
"It's practical ways to start bringing those symptoms down and everyone deserves this chance to heal from their trauma."
"You're leaving your trauma behind now, you've dealt with it, yes this is good, this is leaving space."
"Pain is part of life, trauma overloads your capacity to cope."
"You're a miracle to have gone through the abuse you had as a kid and survived."
"Trauma is the loss of connection with yourself."
"We have to learn to love ourselves enough to take the time to process the trauma."
"EMDR as a research-based proven therapy technique that works for trauma."
"You did not deserve what happened to you. You are worthy of loving connection. You are deserving of healthy support."
"Your trauma isn't your fault, but it's your responsibility to heal and grow from it."
"The only other option is to stay in this diminished state or rather... we can take on the radical personal responsibility of releasing trauma up and out of our bodies and bringing in the light to replace it."
"If trauma is what happened inside us as a result of what happened, then healing and reconnection become tangible possibilities."
"Trauma generates cognitive, emotional, and physical changes; mind-body techniques are essential for recovery."
"Self-care at its core is necessary to Healing trauma."
"I don't know how you recover from this like how do you ever get to be a little girl again who just wants to ride her bike?"
"It was not your fault what happened to you, and this is something that people really need to start to own and heal from."
"We are overjoyed and relieved that she is safe. While she is now safe, the ordeal that she has been through is dangerous and traumatic. She is a fighter. She is now a survivor."
"I'm not defined by what happened to me but the first step to really get an over trauma is awareness and being honest with yourself on how that's influenced you later on in life."
"The single most powerful antidote to the impacts of trauma... is nurturing caring relationships."
"The power of small groups can heal even trauma."
"Avoiding what is traumatizing us is not the right way. We have to come at it another way."
"You're shedding the trauma responses... you're becoming the highest version of yourself."
"Telling a trauma story, facing the truth, and expressing those deep and difficult emotions takes tremendous courage."
"To tell that story with all the emotions that accompany it in a way that can be heard or understood by another as to how is to have learned how to speak truth and contain it so it does not swallow you up anymore."
"Trauma recovery needs talking, tears, and time, and it must have all three."
"So recovery from complex trauma means not an easy road where everybody's excited about the changes in you."
"To be able to overcome the wounds of trauma is so not just lifechanging it's world changing."
"Writing uses a different part of the brain than talking, allowing you to express what happened without re-triggering all the trauma."
"Trauma survivors need a certain amount of calm. Some research says that we need as much as two hours a day of peaceful time in order to help us with our recovery."
"Thankfully both he and his birth mom are doing really, really well because again it was just a very traumatic start for both her and him and I'm so thankful that they're both okay."
"When we start to walk a path of trauma recovery, I know myself better. I'm more likely to identify when I'm getting triggered. I'm more likely to turn towards and pull in my resources and attend to that with greater efficiency, resiliency, and care."
"I want people that are raped to go to the hospital and to report it and then they can live a nice a wonderful life and be strong."
"Recovery from trauma is well-documented. Establishing safety, integration of memories, and finally, the reformed self."
"Responding to trauma by implementing policies, procedures, and practices guided by trauma-informed principles."
"Awareness and acknowledgement is the first step to assessing and changing financial trauma."
"Trauma recovery requires tears. It's grieving, facing a new world full of losses."
"Faith and God's word is extremely powerful when it comes to healing any trauma."
"It helped me emotionally a ton. I mean, I don't think Zinab realizes like how damaging what happened at our wedding date was for me."
"Hurt people hurt people. Let's heal the world together. Let's heal the world from hurt. If we could teach people how to heal themselves, how to get over trauma and childhood wounds, we'll make the world a better place."
"There's no specific tools or techniques that heal trauma, it's about relationship. So that may sound contradictory to what we're saying here but the thing is you can develop that therapeutic relationship with yourself."
"Recovery from trauma builds resilience. It makes more resilient people when you overcome adversity."
"There's meaning behind it, and this is a person who dealt with something really traumatizing, and I want to make them feel beautiful."
"Trauma is traumatic and one of the ways to get through that and help ourselves get through that is to find a way to make a linear narrative of the story so it's not rattling around in your head at its own will."
"As you learn to do that more effectively, then these wounds won't spark this behavior of needing to push somebody away."
"I'm not completely healed, and I'm not sure that there is such a thing as being healed from trauma; however, there is such a thing as healing and healing successfully and being much better than I was before."
"The Polyvagal Theory is one of the key ones that we need to understand fully in order to heal trauma and restore health back to our nervous system."
"Remembering the traumatic event... talking it out with somebody that you trust."
"Overcoming traumas is the greatest; they really are blessings on the other side."
"To live in the shadow of trauma is to shrink, to step out of that shadow into the sunlight is to grow."
"I've sort of attracted a community of people that are interested in trauma recovery and building a life that's worth living."
"A lot of trauma has been inflicted through inappropriate relation, so relation or appropriate relation is actually the remedy."
"...you can't put a timeline on someone's courage to speak out about going through something like this."
"Trauma isn't an easy thing to deal with, it takes time."
"No one has to be traumatized to deserve happiness."
"Recovery of historical memory means integrating ancestral wisdom into our understanding of trauma and healing."
"If you see yourself as someone who can be proactive and gradually heal from trauma, you're going to be able to be proactive and grow."
"People who have been violated are not damaged goods."
"It isn't so much about taking trauma out of the system in individuals with early trauma, it is helping folks build a foundation and a capacity in the nervous system, in the body system, such that they can feel safe again, maybe for the first time ever."
"Trauma is not the end of the story."
"Those who remain optimistic are likely to have better outcomes after experiencing mass trauma because they can maintain a reasonable hope for the future."
"It's really nice to get messages from other women who have been through a trauma."
"I am not gonna focus negatively on my trauma. I'm gonna get healed of it."
"I command your body to be healed of the effects of every single trauma."
"I'm a certified clinical hypnotherapist, I am an accredited school-trained life coach, and I am a professional life coach who helps women behind the scenes tap into their self-love after relationship trauma."
"...I don't subscribe to the idea that... I'm allowed to be this victimized person for the rest of my life. I want to move past the trauma."
"Trauma that place we really want to avoid is perhaps one of the greatest mission fields of the 21st century."
"Can you stop hating yourself? Can you release the trauma?"
"Self-inquiry with a focus on trauma healing is the number one healing habit, the number one foundation for self-actualization."
"Trauma is not your fault, but it is your responsibility."
"The ambiguity of the ending was trying to get us to ask: Can we heal from trauma? Can we still move on if those who cause us harm deny responsibility for the harm that they caused?"
"You need something somatic to help you release trauma; you can't just do it by talking through it."
"Out of everyone in the entire world, you deserve to be healed and you deserve to be free of all your traumas."
"Trauma... because it happened in relationship to another person, can't be healed completely solo on your own; it actually has to be healed in relationship."
"Jesus wants to heal you; you should not be walking this Earth with that type of trauma."
"Recovery from trauma involves re-parenting ourselves."
"A secure child can recover quickly from the trauma of being separated from his mother."
"Your trauma does not define your destiny."
"The importance of not just working with the cognition when it comes to helping someone heal from traumatic experiences."
"I want to help kids and people in general who've experienced trauma and addiction and didn't grow up in the best way."
"Trauma is not a life sentence; we can work and, however slow, sometimes we have to slow down to speed up."
"Recovery from complex trauma is learning to meet all 12 needs in a healthy way."
"The usual course of trauma is to get better."
"Everyone who goes through trauma needs someone to sit down and talk to."
"My trauma is a small part of the story that I'm still writing."
"There is a way out. This is my path from trauma to profound freedom and inner peace."
"You're taking your time to heal trauma and generational curses."
"You help people open up again, heal their traumas, heal their inner wounds."