
Psychiatry Quotes

There are 274 quotes

"If we have a healthcare system where you get 15-minute visits with your psychiatrist, of course, we're going to throw medicines at everything."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We can confidently say that there are more drugs to treat ADHD than any other psychiatric condition."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The field of Psychiatry has never before seen the kind of success in treatment of PTSD with any other compound that they are seeing and achieving with the appropriate, safe use of MDMA."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Psychiatry... is really about restoring the individual to him or herself."
"One of the most important things you can do as a psychiatrist is to believe patients."
"Psychedelics use responsibly and with proper caution could be for psychiatry what the microscope is for biology or the telescope is for astronomy."
"Trauma is the great chameleon of psychiatry."
"I can definitely help people with mild depression, anxiety, or burnout, but I'm treating patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, people who are chronically disabled."
"To avoid waking up tilted, we have to integrate a lot of information from neuroscience, clinical psychiatry, dreams—all kinds of crap."
"I became a neuroscience researcher and eventually a psychiatrist... to figure out how this works scientifically."
"Depression in psychiatry is a serious disease, a state of mind where patients have low levels of serotonin, leading to profound impacts on their ability to enjoy life."
"Earlier, I did an episode with Dr. Karl Deisseroth, who is indeed a medical doctor and a PhD. He's a psychiatrist. And he made a very important point, which is that the field of psychiatry and psychology are confronted with a challenge."
"I'm convinced this is going to be a revolution in Psychiatry and potentially other things like this takeoff in neurology as well."
"There's no one size fits all in medicine, especially when it comes to the human mind."
"I really as a psychiatrist, I don't view that child as broken."
"I could no longer in good conscience start a patient on an antidepressant or any other psychiatric medication again."
"It's extremely common for me to receive telephone calls from different parts of the country attempting to find physicians, psychiatrists, who are familiar with this phenomenon."
"Most psychiatrist practices, including my own, fill up with people who aren't getting better."
"Pedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult experiences a primary exclusive sexual attraction to children."
"If you enjoy spending time with patients, psychiatry is hard to beat."
"Psychiatry is best for those interested in how the mind works and how to treat the emotional disorders."
"It’s one of the few specialties left where you can regularly have 45-60 minute appointments."
"They could just keep kicking this can down the road they can just keep doing it for as long as as they want they can just keep over and over again."
"Insight in psychiatry means they're aware that what they're experiencing is pathological or is not real."
"I think that they will be never interested in sex study starting psychiatry disease because of different stories."
"Tavistock stressed the need of placing psychiatrists in key positions and infiltrating social institutions."
"This is the tool to modernize psychoanalysis. What would modern contemporary psychology and psychiatry look like if acknowledgment and the unconscious mind took center stage again?"
"The Rorschach test is far from the X-ray of the minds touted by its early adherents, but even 100 years on, the iconic inkblots remain a valuable tool in the psychiatrist's toolkit."
"Why can't you hear a psychiatrist using the bathroom? Because the 'p' is silent."
"I'm a good psychiatrist which in a sense I am, but I think a lot of the reason that I'm able to do what I do is because I do a particular set of third eye practices which govern my ability to understand and like give me intuition."
"This is a major serious syndrome affecting up to about 10% of psychiatric outpatients."
"Hello cruel world, my name is Dr. Shaham Das. I'm a consultant forensic psychiatrist. I assess mentally disordered offenders for a living."
"The potential significance of LSD and other psychedelics for psychiatry and psychology was comparable to the value the microscope has for biology or the telescope has for astronomy." - Stanislav Grof
"Psychedelics are not this super addictive boogie man... they are actually in possession of a ton of potential to fundamentally change how we approach psychiatry."
"Reach out to your doctor, preferably a psychiatrist, because they know psychotropic medication best."
"The heritability of BPD is about 50%, which is higher than many other disorders that we see in psychiatry."
"I became a psychiatrist when I was in medical school. My first wife tried to kill herself, and I took her to see a wonderful psychiatrist, and I came to realize if he..."
"Psychiatric medication is a $30 billion a year industry."
"Our team was certainly not typical of the psychiatric community... It allowed a small group with a particular viewpoint to take over psychiatry and change it in a fundamental way."
"We have not been able to discover a single psychiatric condition in which sleep is normal."
"Parents can rest assured that these are some of the safest medications used in Psychiatry and Pediatrics."
"Felicia was a bright, ambitious graduate of Harvard and Columbia who had just begun her Psychiatry residency."
"There is no major psychiatric disorder that we can find in which sleep is normal."
"Interventional psychiatry is a relatively new area of psychiatric treatment, where active research and treatment development is progressing quite rapidly."
"Interventional psychiatry has made game-changing strides."
"With the recruitment of world-renowned expert, Dr. Jeff Daskalakis, as our chair of psychiatry, we brought new innovations in the treatment of psychiatry and mental health disorders to San Diego."
"The emerging and compelling evidence for nutrition as a crucial factor in the high prevalence and incidence of mental disorders suggests that diet is as important as Psychiatry as it is to Cardiology."
"ADHD is the most treatable psychiatric disorder we know of. It's a very rewarding specialty to be in because so many people respond so well to the variety of interventions that we have available."
"And we need that in psychiatry. That a lot of our hypotheses for the major diseases have had the same hypotheses for 60 or 70 years."
"It was amazing, it was the greatest result they've ever measured in the history of Psychiatry."
"It's tough, but you know, this is where I think many psychiatrists can feel a great deal of reward because when they can have an impact on that situation, it's very rewarding."
"Psychiatric treatment is never going to be a one-size-fits-all approach."
"Future medicine is going to look a lot more like psychiatry than it's going to look like chemistry."
"It's about... I'm reading an incredible book, an incredible book. It's a biography of a psychiatrist who, it's her life story."
"It's important to collaborate with a psychiatrist to find the right medication balance during and after pregnancy."
"Psychiatry is the most open-minded and psychologically minded medical specialty."
"In removing homosexuality per se from the nominal culture, we are only recognizing that by itself homosexuality does not meet the criteria for being considered a psychiatric disorder."
"I'll try my best. I'll be waiting. After that, I'll spend a quiet weekend with a psychiatrist."
"Anyone who goes to reading without comprehension needs a psychiatrist not a teacher."
"This is not about asking is this a psychiatric problem or is this a problem that lies in the periphery; the brain and the body has to be looked at holistically."
"My name is Navraj Saddu, I'm a psychiatrist practicing in Montreal, Canada. I have an interest in specific psychosis and particularly in psychotherapy for psychosis."
"Dr. Joanna Moncrieff is a professor of critical and social Psychiatry at University College London."
"You know, medicine's collapsing but what's happening in the Pharma, very Pharma driven field of Psychiatry right now is disturbing."
"Psychiatry is a subspecialty of medicine."
"There's hope that metabolic psychiatry research is catching up quickly."
"Most doctors want to help people, especially psychiatrists who want to help people with mental illness."
"Metabolic psychiatry is looking at improving metabolic dysfunction to improve mental health."
"The first ever psychiatric ward was in Baghdad in the year 705 CE."
"The best psychiatrist in the world is the one right inside of you."
"One thing I heard from an interview of this psychiatrist, she wrote a fantastic book called Dopamine Nation which I highly recommend."
"A narcissist doesn't mean a nasty person. It doesn't mean a person who disappointed me or when mother didn't buy me the right shade of Ferrari for my 16th birthday. It's actually a very specifically defined clinical entity in Psychiatry."
"And as you alluded to earlier, the DSM as it's abbreviated, is really at least in part a way to catalog and create crisp diagnoses around psychiatric illness, correct?"
"Stanford is so neurobiology-based, so the medical and neurobiological approach to psychiatry is among the finest points of that program."
"He really revolutionized the world of Psychiatry by just looking at the brain instead of just making a diagnosis based on a written test which is really the industry standard."
"Psychiatry can be hazardous to your mental health because when a psychiatrist diagnoses you with a disease you don't have, treats you with a drug you don't need, that can harm you."
"We have hunted for big simple neurochemical explanations for psychiatric disorders and we have not found them."
"Psychiatry has wrongly medicalized increasing numbers of people in contemporary Society."
"75% of all psychiatric disorders occur before the age of 24."
"Welcome to Healthy Minds, where we explore groundbreaking research in psychiatry."
"My psychiatrist: Have you tried not hearing voices or not believing your delusions? My goodness what an idea why didn't I think of that."
"This movie is necessary for every psychologist, psychiatrist to watch."
"So of all the kind of psychiatric drugs that we have, they're some of the most effective for a given condition."
"When a patient comes to us with certain symptoms, we think about the severity and match antidepressants to the predominant symptoms."
"I am unabashedly Christian and I am unabashedly a psychiatrist, and so I will be approaching this topic with that bias in mind that these two seemingly opposing perspectives can be held in tension with one another."
"That is the hardest part of being in psychiatry for me, when a patient begs you to just send me home, be kind to me, don't torture me, just let me go home."
"This is pseudodementia, also known as major depressive disorder. Remember, pseudodementia or major depressive disorder is a common cause in the elderly, and they often want you to distinguish this from other forms of dementia."
"Every single psychiatric hospital in the UK is probably slightly different to each other. I can only speak from my own experience."
"Using them to treat a complex psychiatric disorder is a bit like trying to change your engine oil by opening a can and pouring it all over the engine block."
"Psychiatric disorders are actually disturbances of neural circuits that mediate emotion, mood, and affect."
"Overwhelmingly, I feel like [my career as a psychiatrist] is super rewarding... it's a dream job... helping people in their time of need."
"You are dealing with the most treatable disorder in psychiatry."
"This is one of the most remarkable studies in psychiatry because this is a study done in prisoners... and it shows that in a population that probably has quite severe ADHD in prison you can have a very clear and beneficial effect."
"People use the term anti-psychiatry as if the term had a meaning that was self-evident when it's actually quite moot."
"We need a revolution in psychiatry and widespread withdrawal clinics."
"There's such a strong connection to ethical issues and legal issues within psychiatry."
"Some psychiatrists primarily focus on something called medication management."
"Early psychiatric treatment is saving thousands of men."
"In Psychiatry words are our surgical tools they can treat and they can harm in equal measure."
"Do you believe in psychiatry?" "Um, yes sir I do."
"If our patients don't necessarily respond as positively to an SSRI as we'd like them to, we can provide them with an SNRI."
"What people can do is they can become experts at managing their moods to the best of their abilities using mood tracking consultation with their psychiatrist."
"There is still this art form to diagnosis in psychiatry."
"An exciting time to be in society with great advances being made in Psychiatry."
"For complicated cases, referral to an adult psychiatrist may be necessary to treat all their problems in a balanced way."
"So I got the one-week observership in psychiatry to show that I'm keenly interested in psychiatry."
"The American Psychiatric association is the National Organization of psychiatrists."
"The world of psychiatry is very different than other medical specialties. It's more of an art that's rooted in science."
"We are making things that are changing the view of psychiatry as a field."
"...the evidence in this field of nutritional psychiatry is now reflected in more than 80 very high level policy documents around the world."
"There's a revolution happening in psychiatry now where, all of a sudden, we have all of these other tools at our disposal that we didn't before, including micro dosing."
"Are you the organic psychiatrist? Well, as far as I know."
"Despite altering of serotonin in the synapse within hours, these drugs take weeks to reduce symptoms."
"There's nothing, you're not a nutcase if you want to go to see a psychiatrist. Mental illness is an illness like any other."
"We've constructed our identity around psychiatric diagnosis, identifying the locus of the problem as a disease process within our brains."
"Depression is known as the common cold of Psychiatry for good cause."
"The Armageddon predicted when psychiatric facilities went smoke-free never occurred."
"I thought maybe I should meet a critic of Psychiatry to get their view which is how I ended up having lunch with the Scientologists."
"Our speaker is Dr. K Redfield Jameson, professor of Psychiatry at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine."
"The will to meaning is the third school in psychiatry."
"One of the things that they share is, from the autism world perspective, in the 1980s a psychiatrist Lorna wing coined this term 'the spectrum.'"
"Psychiatry is the study and treatment of mental illness."
"Studying Psychiatry has taught me a lot about mental illness."
"The art form to psychiatry isn't in getting a diagnosis from scans or blood tests; it's in looking at subtle changes in what somebody says and how somebody acts to get an idea of what's going on inside their mind."
"It is a Swiss psychiatrist, Eugène Bleuler, who named the disease as schizophrenia in 1908."
"ADHD is one of the most treatable disorders in Psychiatry."
"Metabolic Psychiatry... it's not just about getting diabetes or heart attacks, it's affecting our mental health."
"It's my pleasure to introduce our next speaker, Dr. Carol Prasad, who is a clinical associate professor in the Department of Psychiatry."
"One dose produced a permanent neurological and psychological transformation."
"It is simply unprecedented in psychiatry that a single dose of a medicine produces these kinds of dramatic and enduring results."
"As a fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, you can literally work anywhere in Australia and New Zealand."
"As a psychiatrist, you are able to listen to and provide expert care for vulnerable people and their families."
"The important thing, ladies and gentlemen, is to understand that I'm a psychiatrist."
"Antipsychotics are the drugs of choice for acute mania."
"Psychiatric illness is mostly brain inflammation."
"The idea that a problem in the brain could originate outside of the brain is radical in psychiatry."
"Psychiatric disease can be pretty accurately characterized as an autoimmune condition in the brain."
"I got a job at a child psychiatric unit working with children with mental illnesses."
"I knew when I was ten years old that I wanted to be a psychiatrist."
"The purpose of placement of individuals in the psychiatric setting is to essentially treat them and rehabilitate them."
"The purpose of psychiatric care is to address the issues of the mental illness to essentially assist individuals through the use of treatment."
"...the well-being that's associated with faith in God is psychiatry's best kept secret."
"I've been accepted into the postgraduate residency in Psychiatry."
"So my psychiatrist needs a psychiatrist."
"OCPD has been included in every version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, going back to DSM-1, which was published in 1952."
"Everyone is unique and that's what keeps psychiatry interesting."
"Insight is a term that's used in psychiatry to generally describe an understanding or awareness of one's diagnosis, treatment, just a general understanding of what's going on."
"I have not been able to discover a single major psychiatric condition in which sleep is normal."
"When it comes to second-generation antipsychotics, you're going to treat both the positive and the negative symptoms."
"After decades of standing still, the field of Psychiatry is really taking a quantum leap forward."
"The importance of cultural parameters in their utilization in psychiatric assessment is well established through the field."
"In conclusion, ECT is a bit of a mixed bag; it does work for some but has been abused a lot during its 90 or so years of use."
"PTSD is unique among psychiatric disorders in that it needs exposure to a major traumatic event."
"TMS is a safe, well-tolerated, non-invasive therapy that improves psychiatric symptoms by modifying brain activity of regions that have been affected by disease."
"Written from personal experiences, my book is called 'The Thin Book by a Formerly Fat Psychiatrist'."
"To allow him to continue to be out there practising as a psychiatrist is just unbelievable. Unbelievable."
"Psychiatry is a branch of medicine... just that the specialist training is a little bit different."
"She will be a great psychiatrist one day."
"LSD came to the Psychiatric clinic where I was working... it was discovered practically by accident."
"Now is the time for the role of nutrition and nutrient supplementation in psychiatry."
"Psychiatry is a very broad field."
"Focus yourself on the mood disorders, psychotic disorders, and anxiety disorders."
"Adding atypical antipsychotics, clozapine is usually the first choice."
"Nutritional medicine should now be considered as a mainstream element of psychiatric practice."
"I was put on antipsychotics from age 12."
"Modern psychiatry makes no sharp division between the mind and the body."
"Psychiatry is the only discipline which gives back a person his or her happiness."
"For me, psychiatry has been intellectually stimulating."
"That element of always thinking on my feet and being challenged keeps it fresh."
"Think about psychiatry seriously; it will give you a much better work/life balance than most of the medical specialties."
"As a CAMHS psychiatrist, you can really make a difference to young people's lives."
"Forensic psychiatry is the specialty that pertains to the law."
"It's a privilege to be involved in patients' lives at very interesting points."
"General adult psychiatry is one of the most interesting and rewarding careers."
"We are in an absolute crisis and I am not only a psychiatrist but I have public health training as well, and I'm considering this a public health crisis that necessitates a public health response."
"I will not violate the psychiatrist-patient relationship."
"A psychiatrist is a medical doctor who has specialized into mental health and pharmacology."
"Understanding any psychiatric condition is that you need to establish some level of causality."
"Psychiatry 3.0 kind of circuit-based thinking about mental illness aligns it with neurology, neurosurgery."
"The introduction of psychopharmacology is arguably one of the most significant and successful contributions to mental illness treatment."
"We are a group of psychiatrists, psychologists, and neuro-behavioral scientists who explore phenomena of consciousness."
"MDMA could offer us, in psychiatry, for the first time, the opportunity to tackle trauma."
"MDMA could be [as] important for the future of psychiatry as the discovery of antibiotics was for general medicine a hundred years ago."
"MDMA could be the antibiotic that psychiatry has been waiting for."
"The forensic psychiatrist is a fully trained psychiatrist who has undergone extra training to learn to deal with issues related to psychiatry in the law."
"Just a reminder that although I am a psychiatrist, nothing we discuss on stream today is intended to be taken as medical advice."
"Extremely concerned for her son, Ophelia decides to take him down to see his psychiatrist."
"What is autism? According to the American Psychiatric Association, autism spectrum disorder is a complex developmental condition."
"In psychiatry, there's no typical day."
"What I found is that integrating some of these Eastern monk Concepts, Buddhist Hindu Concepts about spirituality and stuff into psychiatric practice is really about understanding the Mind from both a neuroscience clinical perspective and from a spiritual perspective."
"Gallagher is a certified Ivy League psychiatrist and calls himself a man of science."
"If you look at the literature, there's a term called schizophreniform, meaning features of schizophrenia."
"We rather deal with the effects of drugs, measuring the effects of drugs, assessing those drugs, and in the treatment of diseases such as psychiatric disease."
"The adverse effects with the intoxication... it's mimetic of some psychiatric psychotic symptoms or analogy and it's an adverse effect of the drug."
"The response is out of the norm or excessive in terms of psychiatric symptoms in dealing with a stressful event."
"Psychiatry has become very decontextualized, lacking in a psychological or social element."
"Is it possible to be a sophisticated psychiatrist and believe that evil spirits are, however seldom, assailing humans?"
"In psychiatry, clinical practice is all about being able to formulate a case and implement a coherent management plan."
"Patients do not fit nicely into categories described by the DSM or ICD."
"As a psychiatrist, my primary goal is to reduce human suffering. Let's just start there, let's make their life less miserable and help alleviate their symptoms."
"Lithium, lithium, lithium. It has a solid and influential history in psychiatry."