
Functionality Quotes

There are 16361 quotes

"I've yet to see one person who has addressed the trauma and become less functional, right?"
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Play serves many functions, it's not just about the self."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If you are able to go to school, hold a job, have friends, and it doesn't cause such severe distress that it inhibits your ability to do those things, you wouldn't say that this person is mentally ill."
"Remember, we're not just interested in becoming functional; we're interested in becoming optimal."
"An economy to function well requires a lot of communication."
"Is there a difference between the thing and how the thing functions? Yes, there's certainly a difference."
"For neuroplasticity to be therapeutic, it has to be adaptive, it has to allow someone to function better in life than they did previously."
"Functionality is key and accessibility is what we're going for."
"It is truly astounding how well this feature works."
"Access to rich information is crucial, whether you’re exploring a new neighborhood or trying to get things done."
"The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function." - F. Scott Fitzgerald
"I love these tuners because not only do they look the part, but I love the fact that they have a split post; it makes for quick stringing and quick string changes."
"Everything is working just like a brand new radio."
"Everything about Doge, it works; it's a good cryptocurrency."
"You can use code to write a line of code that performs a function, and you can build... ideas using this language."
"Our first sponsor is ROKA...They were actually designed for cycling and running and things of that sort, but they have a terrific aesthetic."
"It's supposed to help with sound, vibration, heat."
"Emotions are not bad, they can be functional. When we stop getting in the way of their inherent purpose and we flow with them, then we're able to live better lives of meaning and integrity."
"You can totally turn function into decor by hanging things on the wall in a small space. I would encourage it."
"I believe in democracy. I believe it can work."
"It's not Pinterest worthy in here, but that's okay; it functions, and that's really what's important to me in this stage of life."
"The economy is a psychology machine. If you get the psychology right, the machine works."
"The D Grind has become a real favorite. It's so functional."
"The purpose of this thing is to send and receive packages."
"The industrialization of the 19th century separated the concept of practicality from the concept of the beautiful."
"Design a building for a purpose...the beauty of the building will come through its purity of its function."
"The apps we like section isn't showing all their integrations, but a lot of different ones that just work."
"WeChat now functions as your driver's license, your bank card, and it's where you pay your landlord, book flights, hotels, and even doctors' appointments."
"The Bat Pod is more than just a movie prop; it is a fully functional, unique motorcycle that played a significant role in the Batman franchise."
"I'm not suggesting everyone go out and get one of these, but wow, what a weird thing. The amount of effort that's got into a novelty to make it actually function as a proper device."
"These people are necessary to the fundamental upkeep and function of society."
"I value comfort and functionality. I need to be able to move freely in my clothes."
"Every aspect of them, however crude, degenerate, and unsophisticated, is nevertheless finely tuned to achieve bellicosity, endurance, and a sustainable yet exponential expansion."
"Let's make design super creative and weird and interesting, and maybe it's not always super functional, but it's cool."
"I wanted to create a small, compact router table that had all the bells and whistles and functionality of that large one but had portability."
"Don't mess with established institutions that work; do mess with established institutions that don't work."
"What is health? Health is when everything works the way it's supposed to."
"With normal leggings, you kind of like pull that seam up the glutes a little bit just to give yourself a little more glute separation, you know, two cheeks instead of one unibut."
"I love cutting boards. I think they're beautiful, I think they're functional, I think they make a great gift."
"Not only did I need to bring functionality back to this space that was so underutilized, but I also needed to make it a space of creativity, inspiration, and grand imagination."
"Functional complex systems, human systems, require discretion to be functional."
"Scramblers are bad street bikes, bad dirt bikes, or just bad bikes. But these subtle changes made to the desert sled model have elevated the street bike experience."
"The North Face has two puffers... very practical, very functional but still has some shape."
"When I say completely functional, I don't just mean an application that runs and returns a value. I mean it must create a top-level Frame Window and it must have a caption or a title bar."
"The ideal room divider should serve its purpose effectively and look good doing it."
"If the company is not providing a workable, playable version of the game that people can use, then other people privately who own the game should be able to do that themselves."
"You've got this very high-end faucet that has that dish rinse feature on it."
"Adding function truly makes more peace in your home."
"Good designers know how to make many elements work together in a holistic fashion such that the entire thing does what you want it to do and it doesn't interfere with itself."
"Return values hand you back an output that you can use and reuse."
"Live Text recognizes handwritten words from photos then allows them to be selected and copied."
"JavaScript provides them for you. And it's easy to love a language that gives you that kind of power."
"Every part, every role has a function. Everything is necessary."
"Functionality and the form factor can make or break your product as well as can the price."
"It's important to have a kitchen that is functional as well as beautiful."
"A proper wheelhouse... it feels really businesslike in here."
"This is where our machine is going to look for commands."
"So here's what this area does: it integrates everything."
"You can stand inside the camper you can sit inside the camper you could make a meal inside the camper."
"It only does one thing, but it does it pretty well."
"It's just lively to drive while being soft and doing the three row things great."
"It works. I'm just gonna have to adapt to it."
"App icons are created to be easily recognized and stand out among other icons."
"Doesn't matter if it's legal or legit or makes sense, the question is does it do what it says it can do."
"It allows you to play music, so if you're a music composer, here you can kind of set whatever you want."
"That's when I was really impressed with the Prusa, was the fact that you could just do that and it just fit."
"So if you play other multiplayer games... it does kind of work."
"The nailbiter was an eight shot clip not the most ever done ever single-handed operation with an eight shot clip and it's very easy to use and I like it a lot but more importantly it fits the aesthetic of zombie stripe."
"Everything in life works best when it's used according to the way its creator designed it."
"Marlin: Where functionality meets complexity."
"The software discreetly fixes files for you."
"It makes it far easier to spot if your print is going to succeed or if it's doomed to fail."
"Once you screw it in, it turns on. Oh, that's the greatest thing."
"HTML is just tags and attributes, and it's the kind of thing that you look them up when you need to."
"A big part of the reason was to test it to make sure that it's actually working."
"Design that transforms cluttered spaces into functional, beautiful areas."
"Knobs are just a different looking version of the same thing."
"Mirrors are fantastic for opening up small spaces... really important in a room where you're going to be probably getting ready for the day."
"I'm gonna put it up to the S tier because I love the way it looks I love how easy it is to work with it it's just fantastic."
"Let's show the world and show ourselves that democracy works."
"Economic stability leads to political stability and a more functional economy."
"Voice Memos gets an update, now with playback speed adjustment."
"I hope it's not too miserable, but I think it's important to the function of democracy, it's important to the function of the United States as a free country."
"Heroes in Overwatch feel as though they're designed to DO something."
"New patch adds a wardrobe system, allowing you to change outfit appearance without affecting armor stats."
"Bottom line if you're looking for something that has three rows but drives a lot smaller out on the road and is a surprising amount of fun the Sorrento should definitely be on your list."
"This is not a defect in the system. This is the system operating exactly as it was built to operate, exactly as it was intended to operate."
"Lonely monitors don't live long; it's just like in order for it to be called a setup, you have to have two screens."
"This chair had to be made for strength, durability, and to house a mannequin."
"That Porsche seems to be working very, very well."
"If it works, it works. It ain't broke, don't even."
"The indentation on the side of the lid is shaped to fit a single tic tac inside of it like a mini spoon."
"You can now collapse the sidebar... it's nice."
"Let's say we wanted to do something like get name and we wanted to provide that name."
"Just click that hashtag 'grocery list' and it's going to take you to everywhere that hashtag shows up inside your notes app."
"Well, you know the functionality of the piece is always paramount to me."
"I adore this watch. It's a Seiko Tuna. It's a purpose-built tool watch."
"The part of the world that's still working is private enterprise."
"I just love having one place that I can customize and make it all pretty and how I like it, but it's also so functional and useful."
"I think fantasy armor's awesome. Let's at least try and make it functional. Fantasy swords? Awesome. Spikes, embellishments, designs, patterns, it's great as long as it's not impractical."
"Let's make something that is usable, has the performance but also has plenty of style."
"I think some people might have actually noticed this with the current tea set chairs because I think it's a similar functionality there."
"It's a cheap way to get a party zone, tied to the same outdoor unit compressor."
"I just shrink it down, put it where it goes, that's kind of amazing, thank you for that."
"Design should be purposeful, functional, and relevant to its original intention."
"Society depends on trust and authority. It's a system that works. And because it works, we hardly think about it."
"The rules are the sauce that make this thing work."
"It's simple, but it does what I want it to do."
"Functionality is really what we want to be right. You want to be able to do whatever you want to be able to do physically and feel confident in doing that as you age."
"Trap supercharger weapon supercharger, okay that's going to save the world."
"I mean, for a hundred bucks, it does what it's supposed to do, right?"
"VLC media player, much more than just a media player."
"Oh okay, it works. You can jump over bullets using the new matrix emo."
"It has to be equal parts unique, original, comfortable, functional, and fashionable."
"If this device checks all the blocks for you then I think I can recommend it."
"Continuous autofocus is definitely a feature that you're gonna want."
"The business logic is responsible for doing work."
"Our page is looking awesome and mobile-friendly."
"The one watch collection, this is the type of person that tries their best to find one watch that can meet all of their needs."
"We've covered adding new, but what about loading? Remember order loading?"
"Let's take a look at this really incredible schedule here."
"Energy-wise, I sleep at night. I have to sleep to function."
"The shooting here won't exactly wow you or anything but it certainly gets the job done."
"Just a really neat looking car, look at that, even it looks like it's not a parachute on the back, it is a parachute on the back of it as well."
"Every part of the suit was practical, even down to the insignia."
"Why not create an environment that works for you?"
"Artificial intelligence is about thinking, perception, and action."
"Stickers are a great way to decorate your planner but also they have some really great functional roles as well."
"Dispensers: from behaving like droppers to their current functionalities."
"Games do everything that art is supposed to do and beyond."
"The overall functionality of the Sims 4 creative sim is superior to the other games."
"Almost all of your buildings can be upgraded. Upgrading a building improves its functionality."
"Just a basic 1911, but we'll get the job done."
"You can basically build a skyscraper with every floor having a different function."
"Spot: the nimble and compact robot that can do what most dogs can't."
"It's a great way to incorporate something they love with a functional piece that they can use."
"Helicopters aren't designed for style points. They're designed to fulfill a job."
"That little hole on the handle of a pot or a frying pan isn't just for hanging them on the wall."
"Crafted with exceptional Dutch quality standards, this CE category A liveaboard explorer yacht is a model of seaworthiness, stability, and functional design."
"When you design a city for cars, it fails for everyone, including drivers."
"I just feel like you get a lot more movability."
"Despite the shortcomings, these are some very fun and capable, classy watches indeed."
"I'm digging the flat black fully functional in the center."
"The front end is bluff but stylishly engaging."
"Scandinavian design is our kind of design fillers right so Simplicity functionality and Beauty we see is kind of seamlessly working together."
"The Loewe Puzzle bag... it's such a good multifunctional bag."
"A very unique look and it also gives you really good visibility."
"Being able to have that dynamic focal distance is going to be really valuable. It's not just a comfort thing but it's going to unlock a lot of functionality."
"It's a perfectly good starfish that can be held by a clip as well as a stud."
"This is intended for him to be able to grab on to here, which obviously we can do."
"We can now add data directly to our database here using the platform."
"Everything is now connected, everything is working."
"Just little things like the fact that all the bracketry just fits together."
"Well, it's pretty hackneyed at this late date to say that forms should follow function. JVC could have made this a much better camera if they just put these things in it from the get-go."
"It's basic, it's boring, it gets the job done."
"The difference between having a lamp positioned in a good spot or not is huge."
"Having very intricate but functional straps designed in a way that is very aesthetically pleasing."
"Once you build something that works it usually works."
"The most obvious job of the hub world is... a kind of training area."
"Exactly what I want from a system like this."
"I love the idea of the dynamically reconfigurable function row. I think that is a step forward and is a great move."
"I think Connie is a beautiful woman, you feel me."
"Grouping sprites differently allows for varied functionality, a key concept for effective game development."
"The physical QWERTY keyboard feels very accurate, ensuring precise typing."
"Let's add a refund button to enable refunds through the Stripe API."
"So what can I do with them? Well, it's very simple. If I have, for example, another artboard, okay, and I want to use this component one that I just created, what I can simply do is just drag and drop my other artboards."
"Just because someone is asexual, that doesn't mean the equipment down there isn't working."
"What works, works and what doesn't, doesn't."
"It's one of those weapons that does exactly what it says it does at face value."
"Expanding tables can be truly amazing works of art..."
"Operate when you pull that lever, that's a big plus."
"They activate really easily. That's maybe my favorite thing about them."
"The Glock stick mag... holds that latch open on that last round."
"Much of the magic of Slack comes from its ability to integrate with other apps."
"The infrastructure of channeled blocks beneath old kingdom sites suggests functionality over mere decoration."
"This solid wood shelf may look like something you could get at IKEA, but the hidden hinge in its design means the top can fold out to become a desk."
"The Fitbit versa - is absolutely fantastic and a great device and something that you don't have to worry about as much because of that battery life."
"GTI: The perfect daily driver with added power."
"The practicality of a gun and the coolness of a gun are often inversely proportional."
"This one's a little bit more clunky and it is leaking, which, yes, we're going to talk about in a moment."
"So when it comes to design, this is definitely one of the most interesting products that I've checked out recently, both in terms of design and functionality."
"It functions really well and again it's just a great callback to the vintage."
"Architecture should look good and be functional."
"The design as simple as it is it's just a chimney is actually really good."
"It's really amazing that something as old as this can work."
"I really do feel the back scabbard absolutely can fit in a fantasy setting logically and functionally."
"Your bed is a shell for your body when you're not using it."
"Statement collars: perfect for those Zoom meetings."
"It handles dirt so well... it does guide you."
"Function first: Make sure your space is comfortable and relaxing, and that it works for you."
"When you hover, it's going to work. Beauty. Beautiful."
"This is kind of a really good example of sort of how form meets function."
"To make sure that capitalism is working as it should work."
"There's not a single muscle on my body that isn't for a purpose."
"There's nothing on the market that compares to it in terms of build quality aesthetic and functionality."
"It's not about aesthetics, it's really about making you organized and more productive."
"We want to return values with either the credit account of accounts receivable or the debit account of accounts receivable. I want both of those options here."
"This bag is one of the sleekest of all time ever to travel with."
"The veins of the Banana Leaf keep from all of the juices merging together."
"You're the prototype. You're the way it works."