
Life Experiences Quotes

There are 4270 quotes

"Because while the process of grieving is in direct relation to how close we are attached to people, there are ways to move through it. And of course, it is the depth of our attachments, and the number and the depth of meaning of experiences that we share with others and with animals that makes life so rich and worth living."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You achieve the most satisfaction, the most pleasure, when you take risks, when you have intense life experiences."
"Each person's definition of happiness is unique, influenced by their strengths, values, and life experiences, and it's essential to define what happiness means for you personally."
"I'm not able to create my best work if I don't live. I'd rather go live, hang, eat, kick it with my partners... then I can go back and I could just reflect."
"My appreciation opens my life to abundant experiences."
"The life you live are the lessons you teach."
"All rich people, all millionaires would not go change their life path because you need those experiences to appreciate where you're at."
"I find it hard to believe in karma when I know how good I've been to people, how nice I am inside, and the way I've been treated."
"These experiences grow us into the people we're meant to be."
"You think these things are going to be baggage; it's more like ballast. It balances you out."
"There's going to be so many moments of pure exhilaration."
"I think I was definitely born happy, and then life happens."
"We're on a constant roller coaster ride of helpless and hopeless and many other emotions all in one, and it's a never-ending roller coaster. It doesn't stop and won't stop until he walks through the door."
"No matter what happens, unless the Men in Black turn up with that little pen and flash it in front of me and clean my mind, I've had the best time of my life."
"Regrets, I've had a few, but then again too few to mention."
"Regrets, I've had a few, but then again, too few to mention. I feel like that's been my life."
"Are you going to say to yourself, 'So glad I didn't get in the pool that day because they would have seen my cellulite,' or are you going to think, 'I'm so glad I jumped into that ocean'?"
"Every experience I've gone through, whether it be negative, positive, whatever, I have firsthand gone through."
"I'm going to say something that people don't understand: You see those moments that he's talking about, that's what made me who I am."
"Everyone has highs and lows at different times."
"I wish I had five to ten more memories in my 20s with my high school and college friends of going on those trips that everybody does."
"So what have we learned? Well, a lot of people with pain have issues in their lives from childhood and onward. Pain is connected to emotions."
"If you want to know what your experiences were in the past, look at your body now. If you want to know what your body will look like in the future, look at all the experiences you're having now."
"Life is here to experience, and I feel like you're finally going to be returning to that by the end of the month."
"All these are mirages and dreams which come. Enjoy them when they come and go, don't try to hold on."
"Everything that happens to you is a manifestation of the light of the divine, your own light."
"Everything you've been through was all rehearsal. Now we get ready to play the game."
"Life is a rollercoaster, you've got to ride it."
"Before our minds can make the world that we then live in, the world makes our mind."
"Everything you've experienced in your life has made you strong and courageous."
"Come together, fight adversity together, win and lose, cold and wet, down whatever kind of days you're playing, and get a few knocks and bruises. It's an important part of growing up."
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times."
"The playground is where I had my first brush with death."
"It's been such a beautiful and amazing journey."
"I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me."
"You can't really appreciate the good without acknowledging what's bad."
"You have to live your life to have [stuff] to talk about."
"The worst of the worst and the joyous of the joyous are still part of the same experience and if you express that through music, you're singing the same song."
"If you don't experience anything or do anything, this is the same thing as a Netflix movie."
"Deep down inside there's a creative force in you that designs certain pivotal happenings in your life and attracts the experiences that you wish to go through in order to understand, grow, and expand."
"We had lived long and great lives and done many wonderful and terrible things."
"Fear is so real. In fact, there are probably things that you're afraid of doing right now in your life, in your relationships, at work. And the fact that you're afraid, that's robbing you of all of the experiences that you want to have in your life."
"Writing imitates life, so you need to go out and live."
"You guys are going to do a lot of traveling in this life."
"We're all so caught up and looking around at what could get us and we've almost forgotten about the things that actually are really happening in our lives too."
"You never go back to what it was like before that."
"Quality of life is very important to me; I don't want to miss out on situations."
"Life is about experiences; enjoy people while they're here."
"The law of attraction will certainly and unerringly bring to you the conditions, environment, and experiences in life corresponding with your habitual, characteristic, predominant mental attitude."
"Thank you for making this the greatest three years of my life."
"The true antidote for me was going out and living real life, listening to new music, watching movies, falling in love, traveling."
"Your experiences, your burden, and what you've prepared yourself for will reveal your purpose."
"Nothing's really going to prepare you for what you're going to feel, but it's going to be amazing."
"When it goes right, it can be life-affirming."
"If you're here with me today, whether today is the best day of your life or you just got the worst news and you're curled up in a ball crying, I'm glad you're here."
"I enjoyed the book for what it was, and I appreciate Sally Rooney for showing how unpredictable, chaotic, and tough life is."
"What Bill Perkins says is that we all need to make money to survive... and once we've covered our basic needs, then we use that time and money... to essentially buy more meaningful experiences."
"You got to extract from real life experiences."
"Both the good: love, birth, joy; and the devastating: loss, death, and pain."
"The last three weeks have been atrocious and magnificent at the same time."
"You can't appreciate the sunny days if you've never been through the Rainy Days."
"Seeing that number cross over to a million, it's something you only get to experience once in a lifetime."
"In the human experience, you must have lows with the highs. How can you appreciate the high times if you don't have the low times?"
"I prefer to have the core memories, whether it's a happy moment or a sad one, because those are what you actually care about and remember what's most valuable to you as a human being."
"You can't go through life not having ups and downs; it's just impossible."
"The worst things in my life never actually happened."
"All the best things in life happen when you say yes and when you get out of your comfort zone."
"I don't think the world understands when you meet the love of your life, and all you ever wanted to do was just be in love."
"I think everything about your life, don't avoid any parts of it, because they all make you you."
"Personality is not shaped by what you do; it's shaped by how you react to particular scenarios."
"We need our spots, traumas, heartaches, etc., in order to live full lives that have some meaning outside of our ability to satisfy demand."
"Don't pollute the experiences that you have in life by trying to define them; let them define themselves."
"The things that are unpleasant that happen to us are not necessarily that bad for us, and the things that are pleasant on the surface are not necessarily good for us."
"Each experience is perfect for our soul growth."
"To me, the best moments of my life have been when I've taken a big risk, and have seen it come to fruition."
"I wouldn't do all of this again; I would do all of this better. But I would live this life."
"The fullness of life is not just positive. The fullness of life is pain and pleasure."
"We all grow up in this world where each moment is an opportunity to detour into fear."
"Last year, however, at age 31, I made $27,000, which is actually less than I earned at 18, but... I experienced life, real life, more than ever before."
"Being physical strength doesn't quite add up to your wisdom and experiences."
"It's a thief in the night that grabs you and it can be scary. It comes out of nowhere."
"Growing up on a cattle ranch, I was always like I want to be constantly traveling and flying, going on trips. And then once I actually did do like a month and a half long straight of just traveling, I have never wanted to be back home so badly."
"Every experience in your life gives you an opportunity to grow spiritually."
"We're not all going to experience everything. We all experience what we're meant to experience, not an ounce more, not an ounce less."
"It was like being on an adventure; you don't get that kind of thrill in normal life."
"Religion is for people who are afraid of going to hell; spirituality is for people who have already been there."
"Life is meant to be experienced, not spent constantly trading time for dollars. Financial literacy and wealth creation are keys to unlocking a life of experiences."
"Never should we think that the experiences of living, the relationships we have, the love and appreciation, that sense of fulfillment is not a direct important component of our immune system."
"The story is not complete without the miseries of war and depressions and so forth, but also blueberries and butterflies and all the rest that go with it."
"Life is sad, it's depressing, it's exhilarating, it's happy, it's anxiety inducing, it's all of the things. Welcome to life."
"Every experience, even the ones that were hard to experience, is relevant to our journey."
"Everything really works together for the good. Every single thing... God does not waste any experience you've ever been through... every single thing works together for your good."
"That's good. I get to see this while I'm alive."
"VIRGIL: 'Yes, there is pain in life – pain and loss and sorrow. But there is also joy and the pleasures of growing and learning.'"
"I learned that I had to take risks and just let myself experience life."
"Everything that has happened in my life has come together to create and make me the person that I am now."
"Rejection is universal, ubiquitous, and unavoidable."
"Life is a chaotic roller coaster filled with ups and downs that sometimes never seem to end."
"Everything that has gone on in your life... He used it to help make you who you are today."
"Let birth come, let death come, let health or sickness come; I the consciousness am neither increased by their presence nor decreased by their absence."
"There's a first time for everything, and a last time as well."
"Life can be really tough, yet there are times where it can be really good as well."
"Your experiences turn you into the person that the world needs you to be."
"Happiness is moments... it's peaks, it spikes."
"Whether you love them or hate them, emotions are a big part of our lives. They shape our best days and our worst ones."
"While none of us have lived the exact life of Carl Fredrickson, we have all probably experienced some sort of close loss or heartbreak or regret."
"Life's blade Deep cuts Many to burden and dust Some into diamonds."
"We can never catch a break here at this house; there's always something crazy going down in Toronto."
"We were already bonded by brothers, but now we're friends for life."
"We're literally about to have the time of our lives."
"Don't go to a friend's house for a weekend, go live with your parents for a weekend, go camping for a weekend, go on a road trip... even if you got to sleep on the streets."
"The uncertainties and ups and downs of life are important, essential even. The negatives, as much as the positives, in most cases, it's the difficulty, scariness, and unpleasantness a part of things that allows the experience of things to ultimately become meaningful or worthwhile."
"I would rather feel the disappointment of unmet expectations because I just feel like there is a spice of life in it."
"Everything that happens to you changes you for the rest of your life."
"Great life experiences open up different doors for me."
"Our goal should be not to require they study or are interested in one thing or another, but that they're exposed to the joys and the sufferings of whatever it is they might choose to do."
"The best things in life come when you least expect them."
"Music really has been a soundtrack to lots of people's lives."
"It was so... I'll tell you, man, it was the [__] greatest time of my life."
"Not all of it was good, but most of it was memorable, and really, that's what this story is about."
"Do you think that personalities can change over the course of someone's life?"
"Present moment is so great that everything that happened to me was worth it to get where I'm at now."
"Until you've been in my shoes, you can't speak on anything. That's not the way this world works. We're in all of this together."
"Life and death, love and heartbreak; these are the chapters of our story."
"Our life is fortunately made richer by the things we experience, both the good and the bad."
"I don't have any regrets in my life, not one."
"It's about jumping into life, taking a big slice of life, and eating it and doing it. You get to remember all that; he gets to live that experience, relive it, and he sees it, and he hears it, he feels that he smells it in his mind. And that is something else."
"Honestly, the worst parts about growing up is probably the best parts about growing up."
"Life's about trying different things and seeing what works best for you."
"Becoming a creator of moments by taking advantage of a few key elements like boosting the sensory appeal, breaking the script, moments of pride, moments of connection, as well as a whole range of other things."
"Life is made up of so many different moments, good and bad, that all contribute to who we are."
"Your life is going to be a whole series of experiences like that is great. That's what makes life so interesting."
"I think our life experiences will always reflect on the things we are creating."
"I don't need all the BS... for me, life is about experiences."
"We try to label moments as good or bad, and when you label the moment as bad, it now does not have the opportunity to become good."
"We've all been in positions where a curse turned into a gift and a gift turned into a curse."
"Every once in a while, you have those good days."
"It can also be true that you just had the best day of your life at a time where things are completely upside down."
"In life, once people have had the closure that they need, then they're willing to talk about things that were negative and that they've moved past."
"The human experience is struggling, man, woman, child, old people – we all struggle."
"Every experience we go through in life is unique, but this is something else."
"This is just magnificent, one of the greatest things I've ever seen in my time here on this planet."
"Things happened gradually, and then suddenly."
"We're talking about a moment of pure surprise, joy, and happiness where you stopped thinking about expectations and you felt present and you loved being where you were for a moment."
"I believe that each and every one of us will experience something special at least once a year."
"You have to understand how to pull the wisdom out of your life experiences... life is my guru."
"If it's exciting and a little bit scary, that's kind of where you want to be."
"It's about being, it's about enjoying, it's about those special moments."
"You're never gonna be closed off to experiencing something, with the exception of a few very specific things."
"It's nice to sometimes have different things to do, go out, explore the world."
"The experience of life, whatever happens to us, you can either make it into your wound or into wisdom."
"Life is made up of funny little defining moments that you never forget for reasons that may be too poetic to try and explain."
"We just busted through life, played in the sunshine, did the science experiment, read those stories, and it makes me want to cry, but it's like it's happy tears, right?"
"It's the meaning you attach to your experiences that defines your happiness, not the experiences themselves."
"Had we procrastinated just one month... all the adventures, all the experiences, never would have happened."
"You are meant to experience heartbreak, joys, and enjoy the physical condition."
"Every twist, every turn becomes not only a part of you but a chapter in the story of your becoming."
"You should definitely feel those feelings when you're having them, because sadness, loss, and loneliness are all part of life, but you don't want to get stuck there."
"The longer I live, the more coincidences I run across, and the less impressive they become because the more I learn about how weird and wild the world is."
"Why do these things keep happening to you? Because I have never been around so much drama in my life."
"Risk has value intrinsically linked to it. Without taking risks, you don't have stories that people want to hear."
"I sometimes feel like if I...when I was working, when I was taking the subway all the time, when I was going to school in the city, and like when I was hanging out with my friends...there was a kind of a part of the zeitgeist that I felt. If there was material for anything, like, I feel like that was very rich in material because you're observing things from like a very linear standpoint of...like you're part of the culture."
"Confronting our scars, confronting our experiences, and gleaning the wisdom and the lessons and compassion connected to those moments in our life."
"Live your life, step out of your comfort zone, and take some chances."
"I am NOT who I am if I didn't go through hell and back with my family and if I didn't go through hell and back living in Iran, living in the refugee camp."
"There's no way in the world I am who I am today without those experiences."
"You have to realize that what has happened to you as a person does not define who you are."
"We're so connected and we've always been connected in all our joys and all our fun and the challenge of life."
"It teaches you to value things like food and sleep, doesn't it, going through experiences like this."
"I learned from there; it's like my fertilizer, man. It's what I grew in."
"The wind hit slow, but it comes by fast. I don't wanna feel pity because it comes right back."
"Life really has so many ups and downs, it's wild."
"It's really one of these experiences that made such a huge impact on me and really taught me what I wanted out of life and what I didn't want."
"In life, there are times that you do things with expected outcomes, but the truth is, when you do them and you get unexpected outcomes, that's what makes it really interesting."
"This is probably the most awesome thing I've ever done in my entire life."
"For those who fight, life has a flavor the sheltered will never know."
"You have too much doubt. Life's full of experiences. Just go along with it."
"I don't think I've ever had two days that were the same. Everything changes, you know, by the minute."
"It's a blessing to be able to travel the world and meet so many people."
"I try not to trust people until we've been through a major situation. If there's a situation where somebody could have screwed me over and they didn't, then they get a lot of credit for that."
"I've seen the world, done it all, had my cake now. Diamonds, brilliant, and Bel Air now."
"If you're going to be successful in creating the life of your dreams, you have to believe that you create all of your experiences because you do."
"We both needed to separately go through the things that we needed to go through in order to become better."
"Life is crazy. Every time you think... the worst thing in the world happened, it turns out to be like a blessing in disguise."
"You go through life and then you wiggle out of that...it's a redemption story, a real life story."
"People acclimate very quickly to bad and good things."
"There are two ways to learn in life: You can learn from your own experiences in life, or you can learn from the experiences of others."
"Everyone got a story to tell...the things that really made you and really got you here."
"People are gonna disappoint you; it's life. You can't escape without these heartaches and heartbreaks."
"Enjoy your 20s. It's when you're supposed to get into trouble and sorts of crazy shenanigans."
"In an increasingly overpopulated and regulated and rule-filled world, we have these vast spaces where your children can go swimming in the creek of the river, where you can go hunting with your daughter, or you can go fishing and be about as free as a person can be in this world."
"Embracing the riot of colors and emotions in the mahogany moments of life."
"You can experience mourning in a time of victory, depression in a place of provision, and what feels like failure in a season of success."
"Life is a mosaic of experiences, both good and bad."
"Life's true excitement comes from taking actual risks, even the risk of death."
"How fortunate in life are we doing this, right?"
"You have to live a little bit before you leave this world."
"I want the kind of thrilling excitement that money can't buy."
"It is no secret that we have to go from joy to sadness and sadness back to joy."
"The experience that I gained through modeling was of life and seeing the globe in different spots, it was a really good experience."