
Attachment Quotes

There are 4831 quotes

"Because while the process of grieving is in direct relation to how close we are attached to people, there are ways to move through it. And of course, it is the depth of our attachments, and the number and the depth of meaning of experiences that we share with others and with animals that makes life so rich and worth living."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I think you're going to be very attached to the refrigerator. You're going to go through some hell with that refrigerator."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The loss really also is making you realize how much that person, that dog meant to you."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"All suffering comes from attachment to an outcome."
"Once I get attached to something, that's just the way it's gonna be."
"Secure attachment... predicts a lower likelihood of adult narcissism."
"It's the hardest thing to learn to do, not only to become so attached to an opinion because it's yours."
"The source of suffering is clinging, craving, desire, expectations, or attachments to things."
"What happens is that in the child is we've got these two needs: the need to attach and to belong to the parents. Without that need being met, the child can't even survive."
"The neural circuitry and biochemistry of a growing child's brain is reliant on a safe, present, attuned attachment."
"The child has an absolute need to belong... This drive to be close to somebody in order to be taken care of... is called attachment."
"The Buddha said, 'You only lose what you cling to.'"
"Most people don't become who they want to become because they're too attached to who they were."
"Attachment is the root of all your problems."
"The first one involves the acknowledgement and really the understanding that you don't want to disengage or dismantle your real attachment to someone, an animal, or a thing. That's a real thing."
"What is important, however, is that you make some effort to shift your mindset and your understanding of that person, in a way that still holds in mind that yes, indeed, the attachment is very real."
"You want to anchor yourself to that attachment, but you want to make sure that your thoughts about the person, and your feelings about the person, are not oriented toward that map, that deep catalog of memories that you had."
"Children need to have their parents, their primary attachment figures, there to help them feel safe."
"When you have a new child born nearly every year, and your whole life is devoted to raising them, the thought of them leaving you can be devastating."
"The process of moving through grief adaptively in a healthy way, involves maintaining the attachment, but uncoupling that attachment from the space and time representation of that person, animal, or thing that we had before."
"This is saying, you need to maintain your sense of attachment, but you need to start making predictions and understanding about how you're going to engage with that attachment, how you're going to feel those things, without the expectation that things that once happened before are going to happen again."
"Grief is the process of uncoupling, unbraiding, and untangling that relationship between where people are in space, in time, and our attachment to them."
"Maybe it is true that the most dangerous thing about Pandora is you may grow to love her too much."
"Our ability to predict what it would take to see them again, and when we are going to see them again, is a prediction of the requirements to engage in the attachment."
"Being attached is the problem, and being detached is the goal."
"Attachment really works when you're practicing the journey, enjoying the journey, and you're learning self-growth."
"The root of all suffering is attachment. The more attached we become to different things in our life, the more pain we create."
"Anytime we're attached, we're trying to control. We're running around, trying to make things happen...but the current is taking you where you need to go. Just chill out, relax, don't be attached, don't try to control, just be."
"Attachment leads to jealousy. The shadow of greed, that is."
"It is immensely disorienting, in other words, to maintain a close attachment, and at the same time to not be able to make predictions about where that person, animal, or thing is in space and time."
"Were you holding on to the 'what ifs'? Was this attachment based on how you've fantasized and hoped things were going to turn out, rather than what was really happening in the present moment?"
"You're investing and investing, and it may have led to a lot of attachment, and then it's hard to let that go because you feel like you put so much time and effort into it for there to be no payoff."
"Love does not possess. It can't be stated any clearer. And the mind that is freed of the ego, the ego is the belief in possession and so when you're freed of that there is absolutely no attachment, no desire, no value placed on the belief in possessions."
"Once you get attached to a person, you feel like they're your person and you're not gonna let them go."
"I love this house; I really love this house."
"Attachment is the root of all suffering. Anything you feel attached to will create some type of suffering in you."
"We recreate a very similar type of relationship with our romantic partners that we had with our caregivers."
"This experiment reaffirmed the idea that infants bond to touch and cling to a caretaker for emotional support, not just for nourishment."
"Try to be consistent, available, responsive, and present. Be that secure base for your child."
"It only takes one securely attached person in a child's life to help them feel securely attached."
"People do get attached to each other, and when we do attach to each other, it doesn't go away overnight."
"Any type of attachment, whether that is an attachment to some type of story that you have, or whether that's an attachment to one specific person, you have to let go of."
"You don't grow when you are with your attachment figure. You don't grow when you're safe."
"I loved her, always in hell, even though she wants to break things off, I still love her."
"Well, we did lose our dog, and I really did like that dog."
"It's very frustrating to feel when you're very attached and you love something and you really care for it, and you want there to be real answers."
"The futility of attachment is the more we try to hold on to something and make it stay, it won't."
"I've always been a horrible seller. I've always had trouble letting things go. I become so attached to things."
"Caring about someone means being hurt if they were ever to leave. There's just no way around it."
"I'm crazy about you. Okay, you're starting to get a little creepy there, little clingy. I'm lost without you. Alright, well, uh, might want to gain a backbone for yourself. I've been lost a long time. Oh, that's legitimately sad. Please take me with you this time. You won't leave me, will you?"
"There's nothing wrong with attachment insecurity...what do you do with that fear? Do you communicate that and own your feelings, and give the other person a chance to take care of you, or do you control and insult and accuse?"
"Kids need stability in the emotional sense, they're not attached."
"Comedy is a great way to get you attached to a character."
"Absence does make the heart grow fonder, and I certainly had Sega Stockholm Syndrome."
"And you're so attached to it, it's like this is me, this is me, it's like let it go."
"Once you get a taste, you tell me don't leave."
"I was no longer able to get free of this because I was so attached to that."
"They resist moving on from you, not wanting to let go of the happiness they had."
"Once with you, they'll be very attached and committed."
"I still love this place. So, my best memories are from here."
"You know you've got to be really cautious here because the devil shows up when there's unhealthy attachment and bondage."
"So their attachment to that person or that relationship was due to what they thought it could be."
"There's no shame in saying, 'Oh yeah, I'm still attached to this situation.' Recognizing it is a step in healing it, is a big step in healing it."
"I think this is so so gorgeous I definitely cannot get rid of it."
"Life is about finding things and then having to let them go again, you know, loving something but after a few years it falls apart, you know."
"I love them to pieces and they were surprisingly valuable for how small they are."
"Attachment coming out implies that there is something unhealthy about it."
"The first day I thought when are they going home but now I will really miss them."
"Kids don't grow attachment to organizations, they grow attachments to players."
"That was my childhood home and I really loved it there so much."
"Attaching any external hope or secondary attachments to the actions we take almost always lead to disappointment."
"I've officially found my new favorite piece of apparel. I'm never taking this off."
"It's one of those shows you never want to end, and when it does, you find yourself missing the characters and the cozy world they inhabited."
"Attachment means I am somehow related to that. Attachment means it will be the narrative of my days. It will be the place I go to determine if I am worthy. That never pays off."
"I love this game way too much to get rid of it."
"Is it ultimately a good thing, that we have the capacity to attach that much value?"
"Never get too attached to a prototype. Its end is always around the corner."
"Naturally, it holds a lot of sentimental value for them."
"You can drag my black leggings out of my cold, dead, gnarly hands when I am in my 90s at the old folks' home."
"Sometimes those setbacks renew me, and that's the real deal."
"There's no healing as long as this attachment to the thing that makes you suffer."
"It is hard to say goodbye to a plant that's just like this Lush and full."
"I will never ever ever get rid of this one. It's so cute, so classic, so timeless."
"Don't get too attached, don't get too many because it's making it seem like, you know, like women that I leave money bags in the car as a whole."
"There's still a lot I don't understand, but I'm certain about some things. I don't want to lose anything, you or this feeling."
"I don't know why I own this knife. I don't know why I love this knife."
"Your feelings as you can't walk away and you think of them a lot."
"Even if they try to find new love, they'll still always want to go back to you."
"Everyone has issues in relationships obviously but people with this attachment style probably have the least amount of unnecessary issues in relationships."
"Hold on to what you love and never let it go because once you do it's gone."
"I love my wood cook stove so much, her name's Martha by the way."
"I love this thing so much, it is one of my favorites of all time."
"There's nothing wrong with goals, it's falling in love with them that's the problem."
"When you resent something, you link yourself to it."
"I never felt so attached to someone like I do with you."
"Love means letting go of what we want to hold on to the most."
"Some of you are wanting to move something forward with someone who you can't let go."
"This is my go-to right now. This is my baby."
"I know it is quite loose... but this one I love so much."
"Secure attachment is essential for our development and our ongoing mental health."
"Borderlands is a game that crafts stories around players and their loving relationships with their guns."
"It has characters that you can latch on to very quickly."
"You forget how much you love your car until you haven't driven it for a while."
"Every girl dreams of being a princess, and actually, I don't think you wanna become a princess if you can avoid it."
"Little nightmares will always be dear to us at the studio."
"If you must leave, could you just take me with you?"
"Love is admiring a flower, attachment is like picking it up and killing it."
"Being home without Duke sucks and I keep almost crying."
"It's not a stupid bucket, it's a wonderful bucket!"
"Somebody doesn't want somebody to move on from them."
"You are already attached to the things that you want... thoughts become things."
"Once you've got something, you don't want to let it go."
"This car is just so freaking important to me and special to me."
"Believe it or not, I've never actually done a Pokémon Nuzlocke before. I was always more concerned with making friends out of these adorable little creatures instead of, you know, forcing them into the fatal crusade of war."
"The Nuzlocke forces you to give a nickname to each and every Pokémon you catch, forcing an emotional attachment to them all. So when Butterfree dies, you just murdered Jeremy and that blood is on your hands."
"That bandana... It's important to me, that's all."
"Attachment and desire is the root of all suffering."
"He is the closest thing to a son I will ever have. Unfortunately, he is, he is not human. He will never grow old, and he will never die."
"I think Resident Evil the story is you know what it is but there's a lot to the characters you've become attached to."
"I can't believe this video's done. The video is done. I'm gonna cry bro, I'm gonna cry right now."
"I'm kind of scared. Like, she's literally glued."
"Never love something that can't love you back."
"Bonnie needs Forky. No, you need Bonnie. Open your eyes, Woody. There's plenty of kids out there. You can't be just about the one you're still clinging to."
"They're holding on very tightly to you and the idea of this relationship."
"I love them. They stay on my fabric. I can move this around."
"It's hard to let go and I guess in some ways you never really do let go."
"The monkey mother experiment: highlighting the critical role of comfort and emotional support in attachment."
"You will pry my car from me from my cold dead hands."
"We've been addicted since Thierry Henry, and now I just can't let go."
"You take me away from this river and I die. I love the Nile."
"I love this song so much I don't even know how to explain it."
"They cannot let go of you; they're still holding on."
"Whatever you love, whatever you're attached to, is bound to get away from you."
"I think that's why I've attached myself to certain things... it's so heartwarming."
"That's the only car that I've sold as it went away on the truck. I cried as it left."
"Seriously, this show had it all from well-crafted characters delivering a narrative that you easily attach yourself to."
"He takes that head, he's lugging it around with him everywhere."
"There is so much beauty and so much attachment to this world... it's so worth living."
"Connection vs. attachment: know the difference."
"These are the objectively best Fakemon I've made, simply the ones I'm most attached to."
"Attachment is where your manifestation will come to a screeching halt. Drop negative attachment to what you are creating."
"We built Kikoa to sell her, but there was definitely something about it that never seemed like we were going to let go of this boat."
"They have very deep feelings for you, even if they try to walk away, the feelings are still there."
"This is something I like look for which I like don't want to go a day without."
"He changed my life. He taught me how to love."
"To me, it's beautiful to grow with a character I love."
"We've spent so much time with the Pritchett Delgado Dunphy Tucker clan that they practically feel like family."
"The act of getting overly attached and overly emotional about any given experience is what prevents that experience from happening consistently."
"But what happens when someone can’t accept the death of their beloved animal companion? When the unconditional love of their pet is suddenly missing from their life, how far will a person go to recapture that feeling?"
"If they still haven't picked up their stuff or if they still have some of your stuff... it's a good sign that they're pretending to be over you but they still have one foot in the door."
"They want something to be there to hold on to... hopefully you won't move on."
"Understand the difference between unhealthy attachment and genuine love."
"Most men don't want to deal with a deeply attached woman."
"SEO Jun clung to the bear gifted to him by saying, displaying no interest in the other toys."
"Man, it's hurting me right now to let it go because I grew a lot of love for this little truck."
"Securely attached people make your nervous system feel calmer."
"So it was actually really hard to watch my car leave."
"This individual was very attached to you before the separation."
"I'm not leaving this, I think I just want to keep them."
"Consider any problem you've been wrestling with or a painful situation to which you are attached."
"If you're having fun with it... don't get so attached."
"The harder you hold on to something, the more it will escape you."
"I don't want to sell anything; I'm too attached to everything we got here."
"I feel like a lot of you guys will have people who are overly attached to you or who kind of project on you romantically."
"If you're like us honestly you'll kind of fall in love with the people the dragon Isles it's a massive win."
"He's like a member of the family already, and I've been hand-rearing him for the last eight days. I'm so in love with him already."
"That's just love, can't do anything about that."
"I'm sorry, it's just that that creature means a great deal to me."
"Never getting rid of any of the Hermès bags in my collection because they're just too precious to me."
"Attachment requires consistency, responsiveness, attention, validation, encouragement, and support."
"I can't imagine my life without his questions, smiles, and hugs."
"Some of us love the things that we're tied to more than we love the God that says I'm willing to untie."
"As with the living, spirits can attach themselves to us."
"The love of God is sticky, it wants to cling to you."
"She was very attached to her pets and took the loss hard, which manifested itself in the form of commemorative tattoos."
"At a secure attachment in adulthood is a relationship where you feel that somebody really has your back."
"This bag is honestly like my firstborn child out of all the bags."
"Who is ready to see the final room? Minnie, I don't know why my dog is like very attached to me right now."
"Whenever I hear cash cry it literally makes my heart break. It's not funny, Kim. I really hella love him with like every bone in my body."
"They're holding on to you, Libra. They don't want to let you go."
"It honestly feels like we've had him forever."
"I'd love to give this away, but I'm gonna keep it forever."
"Maybe hope is just something that I'm attached to, and maybe it all happens as it should."
"Once you attach your happiness to something that can never be filled, something really bad happens."
"You're gonna have trouble letting this go, and unhappiness is gonna result if you stop waiting for this person."
"I am actually obsessed with this one this one's anton and he's just so chill on you all you want is cuddled all day."
"You know how most kids have a security blanket? Well, mine was this Sight and Sound Mickey Mouse electric guitar that I carried basically everywhere with me."
"Mariner still has a special place in my heart just like Freedom does."
"They can't walk away from you, they want to be around you."
"I have absolutely fallen in love with this little HP 9807a."
"Anything you love, you're gonna leave, and if it's fun, you're gonna come back to it."
"Surprisingly, that trial by fire turns those random characters into beloved, hard-fought characters that you’ll enjoy playing as much as ones you had spent days and days planning out."
"This person really is attached to you, that's what I feel like too."
"It's like a migration of the Hermits. Oh, I don't want to lose anybody."
"I usually finish a book and say, 'Geez, I don't want to say goodbye to these people.'"
"Anyone that says I understand you, I get you, I know you... automatically have an attachment or feel safe."
"This person is going to try and stop you from leaving their life, whether it's texting you all day long or being face to face."
"I felt a lot more attached to my guy during the leveling process compared to how I felt in other games."
"You cannot afford to attach yourself, for the price of fame, to anything they do."
"People just got so attached to their own expectations."