
Emotional Healing Quotes

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"I want to point out that grief is a process. Like any biological or psychological event, it has a beginning, a middle and an end."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Dreaming provides at least two benefits: creativity and a form of emotional first aid."
"If your heart is broken, make art with the pieces."
"Resilience is about what we do with that. Can we make art with those pieces?"
"Take the love from your past relationships, don't take the pain."
"Don't abandon yourself because someone else abandoned you."
"Crying is honestly so healing. It is very therapeutic, a way that your body self-regulates and releases stress hormones."
"Forgiveness is not an event; it's a process."
"To forgive is not to forget, but to remember is not to re-experience."
"Healing my emotions and working through my emotions allowed me to see what I'm doing that isn't working because it's just not the right direction for me."
"The most important and deepest healing always comes from emotional honesty."
"The battle that's the centerpiece of Rick and Morty isn't against Rick Prime. It was never against Rick Prime. It's against yourself. It's about finding a healing for your own emotional scars."
"Forgiveness is letting something go, allowing it to be what it was, and no longer carrying it. Otherwise, you're just carrying the poison with you."
"Let your heart break, and your soul will heal."
"As you release old anger or resentment, you will find that your wishes will come true."
"My beloved child, break your heart no longer. Each time you judge yourself, you break your own heart."
"I release my fear so I may embrace freedom. I release my pain so I may embrace joy."
"You've got several files in the heart that you need to shred."
"I think forgiveness is the thing where you forgive from your heart."
"Deep emotional healing: Your heart is ready to heal from past experiences."
"Everyone has trauma; we all deal with trauma, and I suppose I'd put up all these protective walls around me, and now they're just flooded out."
"Leo Barnes realizes that revenge on his son’s killer will not make him feel better about the loss."
"Indeed, moving through grief requires a specific form of neuroplasticity, a reordering of brain connections, and also the connections between the brain and body."
"Healing is not just about the physical. Many of us are preoccupied with physical healing, but there are a great number of people who yearn for healing in their hearts."
"You can't ascend in energy if you're holding on to all of this unprocessed emotional baggage."
"Finally getting over that ex. Finally, they're in the past."
"The power to help us remember, grieve, and celebrate."
"Forgiveness isn't so much about saying what someone did was okay, it's about allowing you to move on."
"Art has the power to render sorrow beautiful, make loneliness a shared experience, and transform despair into hope."
"Forgiveness is not letting the person that wronged you off of the hook; it's taking you off of the hook."
"Love is the only antidote to hatred or to that bitterness."
"One of my favorite things to do when I'm stressed out is listening to a really good song. Somehow, music seems to touch our souls and soothe our minds."
"When the past starts to loosen its hold over your present, that's so powerful."
"You will never leave what you don't properly grieve."
"Sometimes the most freeing thing, the most happy outcome, is to be able to just wash it out of your hair, what happened, and move on."
"The most important person to get forgiveness from is yourself. That's the only person who can really forgive you and solve the problem."
"If vulnerability still scares you, you have not healed enough."
"2021 for you is a year of emotional healing."
"Emotional healing is coming for you in the next 30 days."
"We're moving into a new season right now, and the Lord does not want a single person to leave this room with shame, grief, and depression."
"The divine masculine is going through massive emotional and spiritual healing."
"Let your sweat wash away all your sadness, fear, worry, and hardship."
"An emotional cleansing current of love is flowing through you."
"Installing that psychology of mastery but purifying your heart, we can get into tactics so you release the past pain but you also embrace your gratitude and you stand in love."
"The tears often come as a way to wash away my own disbelief, and then truth comes."
"You need to heal from your past... you got to process these emotions, you have to release this negative energy from our spirit."
"Your inner child is not protected by you understanding what happened; they are in pain, and that pain needs to be dealt with, addressed, and felt through."
"In this moment, I choose happiness. I no longer choose sadness, I no longer choose crying...I'm ready to heal, I'm ready to open my heart chakra again."
"You feel lighter because something just broke off of you, something just came off of you."
"The first thing we have to do in a repair process is actually repair with ourselves as a parent."
"As I was sitting here and meditating, I felt a really big opening within the heart. It wasn't just the heart, it was a deeper part of the soul, the inner child, the past."
"I finally just laid it all at the feet of Christ, wept at his feet... and his presence just overwhelmed me."
"If you never heal from what hurt you, you'll bleed on people who never cut you."
"Yoga Nidra is generally good for cooldown periods, and meditative rewind practice is really good for people who have accumulated a lot of emotion or had a rough day."
"Swim in the ocean of nothing, let it wash over you, sweeping all of your worries away."
"The Elric brothers focus on healing emotional wounds from the past, a precursor to the kind and gentle Shonen guys we see today."
"The beautiful thing about shadow work... is when you see where this problem is coming from, right when you understand the bigger picture and why you're feeling a certain emotion, all of a sudden that emotion just dissipates."
"We are grieving the loss of a familiar way of life... We must go through the stages of grief to get to the other end of this."
"After being comforted by Kushina, Naruto's positive emotions purged the Nine Tails' hatred within its strained chakra."
"For the first time since losing his father so long ago, Geo smiles."
"I pray that you remove, Lord God, every hopelessness, every spirit of sadness and oppression."
"The key is to walk towards and through the pain, and eventually, it will change."
"Forgiveness is not easy, and I hate when people act like forgiveness just happens overnight. It doesn't."
"Dreaming seems to offer at least two different benefits for the brain: the first is creativity, the second is essentially emotional first aid."
"REM sleep provides this emotional first aid, and it just takes the sharp edges off those painful, difficult experiences so that you come back the next day and they don't feel as difficult anymore."
"You're finally getting over things that really hurt you."
"The grieving process is very important because it digests the samskara, it works through all those negative emotions."
"It has completely healed this wound for me. I don't get triggered, I don't feel it, I don't carry it within me."
"Jealousy isn't something we can just let go of; it is pervasive, it sneaks up and in and takes over our souls, but it's a wound that needs healing, a hurt that requires our compassion for ourselves."
"Your negative emotions, by forgiveness, they are exchanged for supernatural peace."
"This full moon is about healing on a deep emotional level, releasing pain, and allowing you to let go of what no longer serves you."
"Tears were God's way of cleansing out our eyes so that we might see more like him."
"I don't want to blame, I don't want to hurt anymore. I just want to identify where it comes from so that I can begin the process of healing."
"Working with someone in the process is essentially putting on thick gloves and picking up all those splinters. And putting them back together into a marble as best you can until you roll it away."
"You must grieve, and you must forgive yourself. It is not your fault."
"Accept responsibility for what you do right, and don't take responsibility for what other people do wrong."
"We need to feel love and compassion towards this aspect of us that's feeling threatened and by doing this we create more safety for ourselves and this subdues the hatred."
"If you are exiting a major relationship and you're finally with somebody who has this much love for you... they're going to feel very good about connecting to you."
"You really need to nurture yourself, forgive yourself, forgive others."
"Hurt comfort is like a warm embrace to soothe whatever's ailing you."
"Content like yours helps me reconcile with the pain I cause myself and others. Thank you."
"The question is not how do you avoid getting scarred, it's how do you deal with it?"
"Forgiveness is the most important thing, and loving yourself and always being your best friend is the best thing that at least has helped for me."
"Forgiveness is the release of all hope for a better past."
"There's hope. Let go of your own shame or doubt."
"And love is the one thing that can make everything better and the one thing we need."
"Cheater can be held accountable, that you are not alone in your pain."
"Their presence in your life, their friendship, their energy, just heals your heart."
"It's not your fault, so do not put that shame on yourself. That shame belongs to the abuser."
"Closure is everything, even after so much time has passed."
"Some of you are getting over something that hurt you, ten of swords reversed."
"That was the moment – and I think of this as 'the ouch moment' – it was like a soul sadness where she realized how her whole life had been in grip of the trance of unworthiness."
"Even if we suffer a lot... we should learn to forgive them instead of harboring hatred."
"Healing is what's coming through: the ability to take your heart and bring it into a place where you're happy, fulfilled, no longer holding on to the past."
"I release all of the contracts from the past, all of the pain, all of the regret and in releasing these contracts with people, with situations, with myself, I free myself."
"It takes great courage and time to heal broken hearts."
"You're fearing to lose something that is already gone."
"Falling in love with yourself transmutes into healing."
"If you're afraid to be vulnerable, there's an area in your life that needs to be healed because you can't be vulnerable because you are still wounded in that place."
"Shame will see evidence that shame is healing, that the person's shame is getting less and less."
"Let's put into them the energy of love, of light, of understanding, of compassion, and most of all, if we can't forgive it, let's let it go, at least release it."
"Unconditioned love has infinite power to heal."
"Pray for the blood of Jesus Christ to wash away any seeds of bitterness and anger from your heart."
"He probably did more to heal, or at least to soothe troubled human spirits, than all the psychiatrists in the world."
"Please don't be ashamed, it was a growth period."
"You're helping people heal emotionally through giving them good experiences."
"We both need to heal first, these things take time but it's worth the wait."
"The way out is to love. Love for you, love for your partner, love for others."
"Keep only the lessons and the love and leave everything else behind you."
"Grief is about making sure that their spirit is always alive in your home."
"I felt lighter and lighter, just love pouring into me. I couldn't explain it better than that."
"The more you hold shame and guilt around these aspects of yourself, the more you're perpetuating the pain."
"Love is light and it's so true. You can't walk around with that burden of resentment, hate. It's like an anchor, it holds you down."
"If you have a disagreement with somebody, giving them a hug, it's done, it's solved, it's like it's like sealant."
"Just allow the love to come in... and when you see your true self, it's the greatest love of all."
"But if you let me by your side, your own beach, your own escape, you'll learn to love yourself again."
"Releasing attachments to the past fills you with trust as you experience life changes and transformations."
"There's no shame in saying, 'Oh yeah, I'm still attached to this situation.' Recognizing it is a step in healing it, is a big step in healing it."
"True support groups and communities where people can find each other."
"We're kind of that abused dog that is still sweet and caring instead of biting everybody."
"Not taking things personally helps us heal and break agreements that cause suffering."
"Sometimes your heart has to break for your soul to heal; sometimes you gotta walk away from a situation to respect yourself."
"Feel and be present with your pain and unpleasant emotions to heal."
"Unconditional love and love is the greatest superfood that exists question has the ability to heart to to melt the hearts and and heal even the deepest wounds."
"It's the conclusion which is at the same time going to bring you healing, solace, and a mind-blowing satisfactory result."
"Pearl and Bismuth obviously have endured a lot when it comes to Rose Quartz and Pink Diamond, so this Fusion could represent both of them moving forward from that chapter of their lives while learning to believe in love again."
"I think the sign that someone's healed and someone's overcome something is that it becomes insignificant to them."
"It's okay to keep a bookmark on the pages that he existed so you can ever so often revisit that chapter, but what do they say? You can't keep rereading the same story hoping for a different ending."
"Allow yourself to sit in discomfort and stop resisting your emotions. Surrender to the process of healing and trust that everything will pass."
"Holding on to that unforgiveness is not bringing healing."
"Leia was finally able to forgive her father and let go of the hate she contained for him."
"Would you like to hear somebody say 'I'm sorry'? I would, but it's not going to help any of them."
"Give back what isn't yours through meditation."
"You cannot get your identity from connecting to another person, and sex does not mean that you are loved."
"Change your outcomes by changing your response to events. Process your trauma and learn to flow with life."
"You're not letting the past hold you back any longer."
"Breaking the trauma bonds, reversing the illness and the disease caused by the toxic relationship."
"Everyone has their traumas and motivations laid out so that they can come to terms with their feelings towards one another and offer forgiveness."
"There needs to be healing. This pain is obviously so incredibly raw for everyone involved."
"If Jesus was anointed to the brokenhearted, who do you think would be attracted to him? People who had a broken heart."
"Words can make you, break you, they can heal your soul, they can damage you forever."
"Emotional storm freedom from strife, so you're coming out of this energy Libra."
"There is some sadness being lifted off your heart this week Libra."
"Healing involves recognizing one's inherent value and setting boundaries to break the cycle of abuse."
"I was too damaged to love you, but you cracked open my heart."
"Time usually heals just about everything, particularly emotional wounds."
"When you get to a place where you can forgive even when there's pain involved, that's freedom."
"Sadness or healing among friends. Maybe they want you to open up more."
"No longer hold on to grief, it's time to forgive yourself."
"The truth coming out is so critical and helpful for some victims to feel believed and that someone cares about their story."
"Just because you're not crying doesn't mean you're not still healing."
"Some of us are medicating what needs a miracle."
"When Emilia finally manages to grab her arm and reveal the truth to her, she lets go of her hatred..."
"I've learned to be ashamed of all my scars. Run away, they say, no one will love you as you are. But I won't let them break me down to dust."
"We forgive to lighten our karmic load so that we are not burdened with baggage."
"You felt shut out in the cold with this connection, but this card is in reverse so it does mean that you and this person can recover this connection."
"You are moving away from disappointment. You're moving away from feeling sorry for yourself. You're moving away from feeling this lack of fulfillment."
"Temperance brings balance, massive healing for you."
"Plant the seed of hope, plant the seed of forgiveness."
"There's blessing in the breaking even if it's just road rage as simple as that to maybe losing someone that you love there is no perfect way to heal."
"There's forgiveness that is going to be received here."
"Apologies are crucial for the healing process."
"We all go through pain, we all experience heartache. You have to face it, you have to face your pain, you have to purge through it, you have to heal through it."
"Feel it to heal it... Brain 2. If you want to heal it, you need to feel it."
"Feel it to heal it. Emotions are like waves."
"This person is releasing the heavy burden, the baggage, whatever it is that is the blockage."
"It's very important that we allow the feeling emotional and spiritual energies of Pisces to wash around us."
"There will never be closure, but this helps with the healing."
"Eventually, you would have to accept it. You know, in order for it to be healed, in order for it to not feel this bad anymore."
"In life there are wounds... that silently scrape at and consume the soul."
"You've got to forgive it, what you think it cost you, what you think it did to you."
"Being vulnerable is so important right now. You've got to go in and heal those old wounds and traumas."
"Forgive everyone who caused that pain, praise and worship God for everything that has happened."
"Resisting it and being angry about it prevents healing from happening."
"I aim to make emotional healing a global Norm through cultivating candid discussions about love."
"Break free from past seasons of trauma, grief, and loss."
"Identify where you feel stuck and where you feel powerless, and then break the chains and heal that part of yourself."
"Your heart space is going to feel a lot better. It may not seem that way from this point of view. You can't help but wonder if your cup will ever be set to rights again. The answer is yes."
"Closure does not exist closure is a myth and closure is a thing we give to ourselves."
"Once you free yourself from this extra narrative of humiliation you can start to heal."
"Perhaps this was the beginning of getting over her."
"Being unconditionally present with any aspect of our being can provide so much healing for us."
"If you're attracting the same person in a different body, that means you're trying to fill the same wound."
"Forgiveness is for yourself... it's forgiving people, situations."
"Forgive your parents. One of the most important ways... is to forgive them."
"Filled with nostalgia and shared memories, they hugged each other, letting go of all their past hurt and pain."
"Once you let go of anger and resentment, God will give you something better."
"This next person that you fall in love with literally brings your heart back to life, opens your heart chakra like they hold a key."
"Cure his pain. This is why he wants to let the past die. The only thing that's keeping him from fully committing to the dark side is his family. If he can kill the past, then all that pain will be gone."
"Rituals for breakups help us understand that while the relationship may be over, we are not over."
"Compassion is important, and letting go of the past is so important right now."
"The heartbreak changed me, but you turned that pain into a diamond."
"You're in this building... God, you are a heart fixer and a mind regulator."
"Music has been therapy for me. If you listen to my lyrics, I talk about pain."
"The essence of the no contact period is a time where you are maintaining the ultimate standard, the ultimate act of self-love in a time when every cell in your body is screaming to violate your standards."
"Forgiveness prevents their behavior from destroying my heart."
"We have to forgive, no matter how bad it is."
"This is Sylvanas saying his name for the last time and moving on from the pain."
"If you find it hard to trust in a new relationship, it means you haven't healed from your last one."
"The answer is not revenge for what's happened to you. The answer is forgiveness."