
From Potter's Field Quotes

From Potter's Field by Patricia Cornwell

From Potter's Field Quotes
"It is sacrilege to say that Santa doesn’t exist, and in this case, Santa truly did not."
"That’s really what gets everybody in the end."
"It isn’t them I fear," I matter-of-factly stated.
"The world is full of people who mean no harm and cause a great deal of it."
"When violence occurs anywhere, it is everybody’s problem."
"Would you take off your clothes out here for any reason?"
"The world is full of people who don’t do anything and I’m goddam tired of it."
"I’m so tired of cruelty. I’m so tired of people beating horses and killing little boys and head-injured women."
"You can’t discipline yourself not to feel."
"Because I want us to face the facts and sort through them, somehow."
"I would be lying if I didn’t admit that I’ve always been attracted to you. Strongly attracted."
"You’re going to have to do it at some point. Even if we break this off, you’re going to have to deal with my family."
"People annihilated themselves and others. They became mentally ill and got sued."
"We probably should think about everything."
"There just aren’t enough people to ask the questions we need answered."
"I let go of Wesley’s hand. Yellow cabs rushed by in sprays of snow, and lights were warm in apartment building windows."
"I’m sorry, but I just don’t think I can be around you and Connie."
"I thought you said you could discipline your emotions."
"Instinct," I said. "And she’s a priority because we are bound morally and professionally to do everything we can for her. She has a right to be buried with her name."
"There is no justice if you’re poor," I said, "unless the issue is forced."
"I want to do whatever it takes to find out who she is. I want you to support me."
"If I am not allowed to uphold my own standards," I went on, "then I cannot serve as a consultant for the Bureau any longer."
"Be careful that your motivation isn’t subjective."
"Lucy could have been as badly head injured as this woman was," he said.
"Lives are at stake. Gault hasn’t finished killing."
"I can’t do that. It might be the only trail Gault leaves."
"I want her to return to UVA, to Charlottesville. I want her back there tomorrow," I said with a ferocity I did not feel.
"Because it’s not safe when you’re loose. I want to look around your house before I leave," he said.
"You’re the only woman friend I got," he said. "But you’re more like a guy."
"I think you need to send Lucy someplace. Get her some help."
"Bullshit. If Carrie hadn’t been Lucy’s girlfriend, ERF probably never would have been broken into, and we wouldn’t have Gault running around inside the computer."
"It’s not certain that some positive results for cocaine in hair aren’t due to external contamination."
"Are you telling me you think Lucy is the virus?" I was incredulous.
"I think Gault is the virus. And I want Lucy to help us track him."
"Then both of you may end up in our Protected Witness Program."
"I’m not believing this!" He looked at me, eyes filled with fury. "This can’t happen, it just can’t happen!"
"You know how I’ll feel if something happens to you?"
"It’s as if he’s prepping me so he can do the same thing to me he did to her. He’s trying to take away everything I have."
"Troops were clothed, fed and sheltered by the QMC, which also had supplied Buffalo soldiers with spurs and saddles, and General Patton with bullhorns for his jeep."
"I wondered about the men who had worn them."
"That’s a Civil War pennywhistle... Music was very important. They used it to tell the time of day."
"I take it you’ve got something for me to look at?"
"I realized it’s rather difficult to see since they were left in snow."
"These things hold up forever. You might find a pair in an Army Surplus store somewhere."
"I want to describe a man to you and ask if you might have seen him here in the past."
"The veteran who wants to pull his record can do so for a twenty-dollar donation."
"You’ve got to get control of yourself. You’re decompensating."
"The more he decompensates, the greater the likelihood he’ll make a mistake and we’ll get him."
"I don’t give a damn why any of them do it. I think they should all be hanged."
"Even if Gault or Carrie had this secret modem and its secret number, what about your password? How could either of them log on as a superuser?"
"The only way Luther would have given that boy boots would be if Luther still had ’em on and was kicking Temple’s butt."
"It’s almost like that flood was punishment for something I did."
"I’m going to need you to talk to her and get her back in the right frame of mind."
"You can’t do that above ground because the doors don’t open except from inside the tunnels."
"I’ve worked it so I get a message the minute those files are accessed. I know all of them were and I know when."
"If Gault did something unexpected, I will be in constant contact with the cops, the feds, via radio."
"If there are to be any casualties, it will be just one."
"It withstood almost two centuries of war and bad weather. Then that storm hit and the Flint River rose more than twenty feet."
"This is if he escapes and we must chase him through the hell where he killed Davila," I said. "This is if the worst happens."
"I pray we have already seen it," I said.
"You know that Transit’s got a touch screen telephone system," Lucy showed me.
"When do you close Second Avenue station?" I got up and said to Commander Penn.
"Of course," she said, "but they won’t stop there."
"Why hasn’t anyone called?" Lucy complained.
"He hasn’t been sighted," said Commander Penn, and she was steady but uptight.
"I assume the parade has started," I said.
"It’s on Lafayette, headed this way," Commander Penn said.
"It’s my money. I have my own from my family just like you do."
"It sounds like you’re saying you want the case to be weak," Wesley said.
"That’s what we hope," Wesley said. "We don’t know what weapons he has at present."
"We’re not sure we have him," Wesley said. "We’re not sure who we have."
"I’m just fixing the toilet in here. I don’t have any money," he said in terror.
"You can’t go out there alone," Commander Penn said.
"It’s the ladies’ room. I guess a janitor propped open the door while cleaning and left it that way."
"He’s got to know. He read the electronic messages we sent."
"He’s at Fourteenth Street and Union Square, going south right at you."
"I don’t know why he’s gone that way. But there are so many alternative routes he could take."