
Mood Boost Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"What you get is that mood boost, very, very consistent."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Keeping a promise to yourself will boost your mood and make you feel more in control."
"Move your body every day to release chemicals in your mind that help boost your mood."
"Sometimes you just need a dose of wholesomeness to brighten up your day."
"Sunlight helps regulate blood pressure, improves cardiovascular health, and boosts mood."
"Have a go-to song...something that is gonna put you in a good mood and make you feel amazing no matter what you have going on in your life."
"If you're ever in a bad mood just remember when Bob Ross puts squirrels in his shirt pocket so they could watch him work in The Joy of Painting."
"If you're ever feeling sad, just do a little yeah."
"Sometimes you just need a piece of cake, right? Chocolate or vanilla?"
"Sometimes it's just kind of a pick-me-up doing like full makeup curling your hair put on a cute outfit."
"Go for a morning walk, soak in the sunshine, and boost your mood for the day."
"If you ever feel like crap, McDonald's French fries cures everything."
"Other things that exercise might do other than just help you lose weight would be to improve your health, create and release endorphins, boost energy and mood."
"Hi, Fernanda! Today's challenge is to celebrate everything you check off your to-do list today, even the little things. You'd be surprised how much you can boost your mood."
"I feel like sometimes you do need just a little bit of a pick-me-up and shopping spree every now and again so it doesn't do any harm."
"Even if you don't have a dog, I would highly recommend just going on a walk, soaking up the sun. It really is such a mood boost."
"...you could see a significant boost in your mood."
"It's definitely a mood boost to start your day."
"Seeing friends or loved ones automatically provides a support system and boosts mood."
"Cute little touches in the background, it really is such a mood boost."
"Great workout today. I love going to the gym in the morning because it gets your mood so good."
"Sometimes just being nice can cheer them up a little bit, you know?"
"It totally lifted my mood and I'm such a sun person, so I need that."
"You put on a red lipstick and it instantly cheers you up, not just your face but your mood as well."
"Sometimes a simple comment could make my day happy."
"If you're ever down, find a way to help other people because when you help other people, you feel good."
"We've got to do it, training short and effective, you know, 20 minutes is enough to pick up your mood, your energy, get you fit and motivated for the day."
"The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up."
"Just always in a good mood on my rest days and I feel like I have more time to film, more time to cook."
"If you didn't already feel much better than earlier today, or maybe even fantastic by now, this song will kick you right into it."
"After doing these yellow DIYs, I had such a lift to my spirit."
"Painting your nails can help to alleviate stress, boost your mood, and give you confidence."
"I'm so tired, I had a pretty good skating session, it definitely boosted my mood up a lot."
"Crazy what a bit of sunshine can do for a girl."
"As soon as I saw the sun come out, I was like, okay yes, like instantly it just gave me a little boost of happiness."
"If you're ever feeling down, I highly recommend getting some flowers."
"I find that they really lift up my mood and make me feel... they just lift my mood, bring in some light and good energy."
"If you're ever having a down day, just get out the house and look round the Christmas Isles, it will change your entire outlook on life."
"I promise you, however you're feeling right now, if your energies are lower, your mood's a bit low, not feeling super happy, I promise you, we're gonna get over here, Captain Serotonin."
"You did make me happy; I was having a good day, but now I'm having a better day."
"The gym did indeed help my mood, got me out of that funk at least for now."
"Going down to the gym and getting a workout in always boosts my mood."
"I'm smiling a lot and feel warm throughout my entire body and an overall boost in mood."
"Exercising regularly has been proven to help boost your mood, your spirits, and improve your overall mental health."
"It brightened my day and made me feel really good about it."
"If you feel down, have a dance, and that's true, isn't it? If you can get your heart going, it does make you happier."
"Naps are good for you. A short nap can help boost alertness and mood."
I was on FaceTime with Eric DOA and he was like, "Man, I was having a bad day then I started playing your song and then I felt so happy."
"Listening to something that brings you up."
"Sometimes changing your hairstyle is just the kind of thing a girl needs to pick up her spirits."
"I hope you guys are feeling as good as I am; I know I'm always in the greatest mood after I get done with a workout."
"If you're having a rough day... get in the sun."
"We're gonna turn up, we're gonna feel great, and we are gonna increase our moods."
"Walking is proven to really boost your mood."
"It's a glorious day in London; the Sun is out, it puts one's mood up immediately."
"My mood is improving ever so slightly, it's just such a joy to teach you guys, it just lifts my spirits."
"I've been waking up and having my matcha every single morning and it has really helped just boost my mood."
"You're actually giving yourself a little boost of happy hormones, some awake, some alive, some feeling really confident hormones in your body."
"You feel great, way better than two minutes ago."
"I'm feeling so good right now, this was truly the little mood boost, confidence boost that I needed for this week."
"It's ridiculous how much just doing your hair and makeup can make you feel better."
"Your body releases those natural endorphins from you moving your body; it will change your mood."
"She meets an attractive guy at the convenience store that further boosts her mood."
"There's nothing that changes your mood and makes your self-confidence boost like feeling good."
"I feel so glamorous; there's nothing that changes your mood and makes your self-confidence boost like feeling good."
"If there's anything that's gonna bring you out of the isolation blues, it's gonna be a smoothie bowl like that."
"You will immediately feel your mood shift because your brain doesn't know the difference between high-fiving somebody else and high-fiving yourself."
"Laughing is a lot of fun, if you're feeling blue, laughing makes you feel much better."
"Actually, what about after I finish chatting with you? I’m also a lot happier."
"Simply moving your body for 10 or 20 minutes a day will release chemicals in your mind that help you boost your mood."
"If you're ever feeling in some funk, I'm telling you, a runner's high is like a good cure for any funky mood that you're in."
"If it perks up your day, if it makes you feel like, 'Okay, I'll put some lashes on today,' personally it gives me a little bit of a boost."
"Honestly, this is like the best mood lift ever because the dogs are so excited."
"Whenever I'm feeling a little bit unglamorous... I pop these sunglasses on my face and I instantly feel so much better."
"I have a list of little things that just when I need a quick pick-me-up, these are some things that I can choose from."
"I'm pretty happy with that. I reckon that's put me in a good mood now."
"Make sure you get you a midi dress that is just easy, it instantly pulls your mood up, it makes you feel better."
"Turn a blue day to a bright hue yellow with a smoothie in here, extra fruit, hey!"