
Exercise Motivation Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"The more you exercise, the more motivated you are to exercise."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The number one key to actually sticking with an exercise routine is to find something that you genuinely enjoy doing."
"The best exercise to lose weight is the exercise that you will do."
"It's not leftist to work out, it's just a good thing. Not everything you do is supposed to be for revolutionary purpose."
"It's not about the most efficient workout, it's not about the scientific base, it's about a workout that gets you to the gym and moving."
"90% of adherence to exercise is mental. Do what feels best for you and make it a consistent habit."
"The vast majority of people want to exercise, but they don't actually want to exercise."
"The best workout is the one that you're gonna do."
"The better you can feel subjectively during your workout, the easier it is going to be for you to go hard."
"Working out makes me feel really good, it does give me energy."
"Don't be afraid to be a nutcase and go to the gym at 1:00 a.m. because you were... your schedule was a little bit tricky."
"It's not about how I look, it's about how I feel while I'm working out."
"You need to have fun if you don't like it at first keep trying it and see what changes can you make to learn to love the exercise."
"Friday is the best day to work out because everybody drops new music. It's just the best day."
"Your happiness should be the sole goal of exercise."
"I want your quads to be burning, push past what you think you can do then let's keep moving."
"Remember, positive energy amplifies your workout."
"You will never regret the burn the next day."
"Your workouts should be something you almost crave."
"Just getting into the gym, that's the hard part. Once I'm warmed up, the session's not bad. So nothing to it but to do it."
"I think the prisoner workout is such a powerful modality."
"Exercise is not something we should force ourselves to do. It's something that we should naturally want to do."
"Your body is able to move in that way, it is a privilege not a chore."
"I just know that moving my body makes me feel really good and I highly encourage you to try a new workout if you haven't done one of these already."
"Honestly I think a lot of people just get bored man and they just don't want to train in a way that's optimal."
"So don't forget this one put it in your back pocket and use it there you go BAM work those arms."
"Learn to love that burn that's a feeling of accomplishment right there."
"Exercise is a way to celebrate the fact that you love your body, and not to punish it because you hate it."
"It's not in your worst interest to try to get a bit animalistic and just try to enjoy the burn."
"Nice, stay with me, breathe through it, find that focal point on the floor."
"Those last 3 reps are the ones that actually count."
"You would rather embrace the idea of failure rather than stay in a space of stagnation."
"If you really wanted to be jacked you would start working out...the Earth orbiting the Sun one more time isn't going to get you any [__]."
"Every time you workout, you are investing in your future self and your future health."
"Stay basic, slide, and see your gains appear."
"I visualize everything, especially like when you're doing cardio or something."
"One rep at a time, let's go. What would it look like if I said ten more seconds, stay with me, you got this right here?"
"Pretty soon I won't have a good excuse to like not at least go for a jog now and then, so I'm enjoying it while it lasts."
"Which muscles should I exercise? Only the ones you want to keep."
"Guys, always work out and feel good about yourself, bro. That is so important."
"Anybody in here who has achieved a decent amount of fitness knows that probably the hardest part is getting started."
"Find a way that your focus isn't actually focusing on how hard you're working out in that moment but focusing on other things that are actually fun during the workout."
"I'm working out with a positive piece of motivation."
"Picture yourself doing that today. Good seven five four three two one and rest."
"How do you work out when you're lazy? Make a game of it."
"Let's go work out. Superheroes don't give up."
"If you work out during chemotherapy, you're gonna feel better."
"I think people miss the element of actually pushing themselves inside of the gym."
"I need to just go to the gym, I need to work out."
"One more rep, that's what's gonna be our motto for the 0 30 program."
"Working out was only for fighting for me. My whole life I've only thought about trying to fight with people. That's why I want to work out. And then I realized, no, that's... it's for your mental health. That's what this thing is. It's all about your mental health."
"It doesn't matter how you move your body, you just want to move it more and find what actually works for you."
"...Happy feet equals a happy run..."
"It's time to get that elevation up."
"Welcome to your 45 minute hit full body strong workout."
"What an accomplishment to finish a workout and say hey I did 200 probably we'll actually get closer to 400 squats in today."
"It doesn't mean you have to do all the crazy moves, you just gotta keep moving."
"There is no shame in taking the low impact option because you know what, you are here and you're moving your body, that is all that matters."
"Good for you for taking the time to do something for yourself and exercise."
"Note that you will get a great workout that's going to help lower the blood pressure, lubricate the joint, and basically set you up for a better mood."
"Get those knees up, come on, pump it, pump it!"
"I am here in the gym for fuel. I am moving my body for energy."
"We're almost there, so feet planted on the carriage, relax the shoulders back and down, find your power."
"Embrace the shake, push through the burn."
"The main goal is to get moving, to get our hearts pumping, and to feel good."
"There is no wrong reason to train if you're exercising at all, that's great."
"I need to stop making excuses and work out again because I feel better."
"Couch to 5K is a nine-week program designed especially for beginners to go from no exercise to running a 5K."
"Embrace the shake, whether it's you need to shake it out and take a break, or feel those muscles changing."
"Just have fun with the workout today."
"The more you move your body, the better it will respond to you when you need it the most."
"I'd really like to finally properly kick start doing some more movement and exercise."
"You don't know how much you need to work out until you just do it."
"It's good to think about why am I exercising, what is motivating me to exercise."
"You're sore because you pushed yourself outside your comfort zone."
"Work out because you want to take good care of your body, not because you hate it."
"It doesn't matter what it looks like, all that matters is that you're moving."
"Resistance bands get rid of some of those hurdles that are preventing you from working out."
"Progressive overload is a little bit like Valentine's Day; they're both important, you know you should do something, but you're not really sure what to do."
"The reason why he pumps iron is because there's a dumbbell there."
"Trust me, I promise you, you will feel better when you are done. Trainer's promise."
"If you stick with me, I will get you tight and toned."
"You're almost there, 30 more seconds, yeah, come on, come on, one single stop, here's your L step, go across."
"I just work out to feel good, to stay healthy, to keep my body moving, get my blood flowing, get my heart pumping, get strong, stay active."
"Getting your heart rate up and moving."