
Bless Me, Ultima Quotes

Bless Me, Ultima by Rudolfo Anaya

Bless Me, Ultima Quotes
"The magical time of childhood stood still, and the pulse of the living earth pressed its mystery into my living blood."
"In my dream I flew over the rolling hills of the llano."
"The days of my childhood were a magical time for me."
"The river's brown waters would be stained with blood, forever and ever and ever…"
"Each morning I seemed to awaken with new experiences and dreams strangely mixed into me."
"It was a world where people were happy, working, helping each other."
"There was a nobility to her walk that lent a grace to the small figure."
"There is a time in the last few days of summer when the ripeness of autumn fills the air."
"The smallest bit of good can stand against all the powers of evil in the world and it will emerge triumphant."
"I have always been a fisherman, as long as I can remember."
"You are innocent until you understand, and you will understand good and evil when the communion is placed in your mouth and God fills your body."
"Why had the power of God failed to cure my uncle?"
"It is because good is always stronger than evil. Always remember that, Antonio."
"People, grown-ups and kids, seem to want to hurt each other—and it’s worse when they’re in a group."
"If I had been alone I would have paid no heed to them, so concerned was I with finding some direction in the strange duststorm."
"The pain and sadness seemed to spread to my soul, and I felt for the first time what the grown-ups call, la tristesa de la vida."
"The garden of Narciso is envied by all—Would you like to taste its fruits?"
"The fishermen follow the trail around the brush," he whispered, "they hit the creek again just below the pond that’s hidden in here."
"The golden carp will come through there."
"The golden carp will scare him up," Cico whispered.
"He knows you are a friend," Cico whispered.
"The golden carp," Cico smiled, "they catch two and three pounders below the beaver dam, the black bass must weigh close to twenty."
"This whole land was once covered by a sea, a long time ago."
Antonio," she said calmly and placed her hand on my shoulder, "I cannot tell you what to believe.
"We who were baptized in the water of the moon which was made holy by our Holy Mother the Church are saved."
"Your evil bird has blinded me!" he cried. "For that I curse you! I will see you dead!"
"Only fools and drunks would be out in that storm."
"The llano bred and sustained me, it can bury me."
"I had seen evil, and so I carried the evil within me."
"The sins of the town would be washed in the waters of the golden carp."
"Perhaps the llano was like me, as I grew the innocence was gone."
"May your soul be damned and go to hell!"
"Then pray for me, you are pure of heart."
"It is good to die on a hill of the llano, beneath the juniper."
"Your brother has sinned with the whores, and so I condemn him to hell for eternity!"
"I can have no priest who has golden idols before him."
"The atomic bomb, a ball of white heat beyond the imagination, beyond hell."
"There will be no punishment, there will be no penance! His sins are forgiven!"
"A mountain of sand so high that it reaches to the clouds."
"Thou art dust, and to dust thou shalt return."
"The wind says the llano gave us good weather."
"We used me too much, the wind says for the earth."
"I saw a high school boy and a girl fucking in the grass by the Blue Lake!"
"I am the priest, and I have absolved him of his sins!"
"The body becomes dust and trees and exploding fire."
"It’s not right to hear another person’s confession."
"Christ was risen! He had walked in hell for three days."
"The priest drinks it because he’s a wino."
"I swallowed Him. God. Now I would know the answers!"
"The God I so eagerly sought was not there."
"There are so many dreams to be fulfilled, but Ultima says a man’s destiny must unfold itself like a flower, with only the sun and the earth and water making it blossom, and no one else meddling in it."
"Understanding comes with life," he answered, "as a man grows he sees life and death, he is happy and sad, he works, plays, meets people—sometimes it takes a lifetime to acquire understanding, because in the end understanding simply means having a sympathy for people."
"Always have the strength to live. Love life, and if despair enters your heart, look for me in the evenings when the wind is gentle and the owls sing in the hills. I shall be with you."
"The tragic consequences of life can be overcome by the magical strength that resides in the human heart."
"In the end, magic is magic, and one does not explain it so easily. That is why it is magic."
"I bless you in the name of all that is good and strong and beautiful, Antonio."
"The greater immortality is in the freedom of man, and that freedom is best nourished by the noble expanse of land and air and pure, white sky."
"Be prepared to see things changed when you return."
"I have tried to lead my own life, and I have given other men room and respect to live theirs."
"My work was to do good," she continued, "I was to heal the sick and show them the path of goodness. But I was not to interfere with the destiny of any man."