
Foxglove Quotes

Foxglove by Adalyn Grace

Foxglove Quotes
"It had taken Fate a millennium to learn the songs of the threads, and even longer to discover how to weave them."
"Anyone who saw him work would assume Fate was more a musician than an artist—the needle his bow and the tapestry his violin as he strummed life across a canvas."
"The first color was always the same—a hymn of white that signified new life."
"With each new lover she took and every twist he foretold, Fate grew more frantic, tearing through her life as he followed a crescendo only he could hear."
"Fate’s tapestry had once shone a brilliant and pure gold, the final thread had been marred by a new color for centuries—a quiet, perfect silver that he couldn’t bring himself to look upon."
"It’s said that foxglove is most lethal just before the seeds ripen."
"Never had Signa allowed herself to imagine the tragedy of such a death or stopped to consider the shattering glasses and earsplitting screams."
"Everett Wakefield sank to his knees beside his father. He wilted over the corpse, showing no awareness of the mounting chaos."
"You may have reign over the dead and dying, but let’s not forget that it’s my hand that controls the fates of the living."
"Signa thought of how lovely it must have been in those final moments before Death arrived."
"Human minds are easy to placate. I can control what they see, what they do... If necessary, I could have everyone forget that Elijah’s imprisonment ever happened."
"There is power to being a pretty girl in a pretty dress, and if I have any chance of getting him on our side, I intend to do so."
"If there was one thing Signa had learned about society, it was that people loved little more than watching those above them fall from grace."
"We all are. We're all eager to learn the truth."
"Give me the chance, and I shall show you that I am not the villain here, Miss Farrow."
"We already have a list of suspects in everyone who was at Thorn Grove the night of the murder."
"I heard the call of her death. I knew it was time. Still, I resisted until it was pent up inside me and burst, and I gave her the worst imaginable death possible."
"For every human life, there is a tapestry that defines their fate."
"Keep it up, Little Bird, and we’ll see if you’re still as stubborn the next time I get my hands on you."
"I didn’t expect you would have such control already."
"You mean more to me than you will ever understand."
"My brother will use every bit of his power to steal you away."
"It only took looking at your art for me to understand how terrible your taste is."
"Ladies first," Fate offered with an edge of annoyance. It was the only thing that revealed just how he felt about Death's arrival.
"I suppose that will do," Blythe said, inspecting her work with a satisfied little nod.
"I'm usually not such a horrendous shot," Everett remarked, glancing above him.
"I intend to," Fate bit back, glowering when Blythe never dropped her smile.
"It sounds like someone underestimated us," Blythe said, stretching her gloved hand before her.
"It's your turn, Signa," Blythe reminded her.
"Nonsense. We have time to redeem ourselves," Fate scoffed as he stalked toward his team's ball.
"I do enjoy a nice, fair game," Fate remarked, repositioning himself.
"Your Highness! Are you all right? I'm so sorry, is there anything—" Blythe rushed toward Fate.
"Perhaps some space, Miss Hawthorne. You don't need to be involved in such a delicate situation," Everett suggested.
"I want to see my father tomorrow," Blythe demanded, keeping her voice even.
"Arrive to the prison before sunrise tomorrow. I'll see what can be done," Fate assured Blythe.
"I'm better now that I've seen you," Blythe told Elijah in the prison.
"Invite them yourself once you're out of here in a week," Blythe said to her father.
"You have no right to say that," Blythe rebuked her father, feeling the rage in his eyes.
"I haven’t a doubt in my mind that you’re innocent," Blythe declared to her father.
"I need you to tell me one thing. I need you to tell me if my brother really left Thorn Grove the night of the fire," Blythe asked Signa.
"Is Percy alive?" Blythe demanded to know from Signa.
"I want you gone from Thorn Grove by morning," Blythe said, feeling any remaining happiness slip from her grasp.
"It's just you and me, boy," Signa said, sinking low enough to rest her head against Gundry's back.
"I heard a rumor, Miss Wakefield, that my uncle has been seeking your favor."
"My uncle has never had much luck with women."
"Byron is a good man, and I would never dare offend him."
"I’ve no idea what Everett was thinking when he thought this would help me."
"I’ve tried everything I could think of to get them out of their loops, but none of them will budge."
"I’ve waited a long time to see your face again, Miss Signa."
"It’s a damn miracle that someone hasn’t burned that place to the ground."
"I’m not alone at all, Mr. Crepsley. I’ve got you here."
"If you could see the dead, you’d already know."
"I’ve wondered when you would reach out."
"Unless you plan to argue with me through the evening, close your eyes and envision what you want this flower to turn into."
"It’s no wonder you and Miss Hawthorne were close. You’re both barbaric."
"Just as you cannot cheat Fate, you cannot steal from Death."
"I’ve used Life’s powers before, and I’ll figure out how to do it again."
"You were barred from a place, not from its people."
"Foolish as my brother may be, for once I agree with him."
"What does it matter if you cannot be at Thorn Grove?"
"There’s something I need to take care of."
"Enjoy this life, Signa. Enjoy it freely, and do not let anyone keep you from who or what you love."
"You cannot force someone to be with you."
"This will be no happy union, Fate, I assure you."
"You and I are not bound, and we never will be unless you agree to my terms."
"Death took his time tasting her, lips rolling over her breasts, her navel, and traveling lower to the most sensitive part of her as he laid her on her back."
"His name tasted like honeyed wine as she whispered it into the night."
"Look at me. I want you looking at me when I touch you."
"You are mine. For as long as you’ll have me, you are mine, Signa Farrow."
"She’d have given almost anything to spend the rest of her life with him here like this."
"Death groaned with a desire that rippled over her."
"When the sun rose, their time together would be over."
"Signa Farrow was in love with the reaper."
"The ballroom was too hot, cramped with dancing bodies ignorant of what was happening around them."
"Each breath that Blythe took felt like someone was dragging nails down her throat."
"You have no idea what you’ve just done."
"Byron never would have allowed either of those scenarios to happen."
"If this man believed that he would be her ruin, she would show him just how wrong he was."