
Go Tell It On The Mountain Quotes

Go Tell It On The Mountain by James Baldwin

Go Tell It On The Mountain Quotes
"Not until the morning of his fourteenth birthday did he really begin to think about it, and by then it was already too late."
"Each time this happened she became a little more of a stranger herself."
"John had observed his mother closely, seeing no swelling yet, but his father had prayed one morning for the ‘little voyager soon to be among them,’ and so John knew that Roy spoke the truth."
"Their singing caused him to believe in the presence of the Lord; indeed, it was no longer a question of belief, because they made that presence real."
"His heart broke and he wanted to put his head on her belly where the wet spot was, and cry."
"But he dropped his eyes and looked at his palm, at the small pile of coins."
"The Lord’ll reveal to you in His own good time everything He wants you to know."
"And he knew again that she was not saying everything she meant; in a kind of secret language she was telling him today something that he must remember and understand tomorrow."
"He wanted to be with these boys in the street, heedless and thoughtless, wearing out his treacherous and bewildering body."
"He felt that her words, after the strange fashion God sometimes chose to speak to men, were dictated by Heaven and were meant for him."
"He stared at his face as though it were, as indeed it soon appeared to be, the face of a stranger, a stranger who held secrets that John could never know."
"But no, for their thoughts were not of God, and their way was not God’s way."
"People, mostly men, leaned over the stone parapets of the raised park that surrounded the library, or walked up and down and bent to drink water from the public drinking-fountains."
"Yet in school some of them had been nice to him, and it was hard to think of them burning in Hell forever, they who were so gracious and beautiful now."
"For him there was the back door, and the dark stairs, and the kitchen or the basement."
"For God had a plan. He would not suffer the soul of man to die, but had prepared a plan for his salvation."
"If we have never cried this cry then we have never known salvation; if we fail to live with this cry, hourly, daily, in the midnight hour, and in the light of the noonday sun, then salvation has left us and our feet have laid hold on Hell."
"Woe is me, for when God struck the sinner, the sinner’s eyes were opened, and he saw himself in all his foulness naked before God’s glory."
"The wages of sin is death; that it is written, and cannot fail, the soul that sinneth, it shall die."
"Mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts."
"And if ye be Christ’s, then ye are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise!"
"The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower."
"There is no righteousness in man. All men’s hearts are evil, all men are liars—only God is true."
"But now she had buckled on her traveling shoes. She would cry aloud and spare not, and lift up her voice like a trumpet in Zion."
"I looked at my hands and my hands were new. I looked at my feet and my feet were new."
"They felt, he knew, that among themselves a little rude laughter could do no harm."
"If I got to look to you for an example, you ought to be an example."
"God works in many mysterious ways His wonders to perform."
"I'm praying all the time. But I sure will pray extra hard this week if you want me to."
"Salvation is real, God is real. Death may come soon or late, why do you hesitate?"
"No, there's a cross for everyone, and there's a crown for me."
"The consecrated cross I'll bear till death shall set me free."
"You better not let go until He makes you know you've been forgiven."
"If one had to die, to go ahead and die, but never to let oneself be beaten."
"The North promised more. And this similarity: what it promised it did not give, and what it gave, at length and grudgingly with one hand, it took back with the other."
"She knew that the kind of imprisonment that love might impose was also, mysteriously, a freedom for the soul and spirit."
"You can tell that puking bastard to kiss my big black ass."
"I heard you, spitting, and groaning, and choking."
"I’m going to beat sin out of him. I’m going to beat it out."
"All things work together for good to them that love the Lord."
"The light and the darkness had kissed each other, and were married now, forever, in the life and the vision of John’s soul."
"They were cast down forever, and He lifted them up forever."
"The trembling he had known in darkness had been the echo of their joyful feet."
"No power could hold this army back, no water disperse them, no fire consume them."
"He opened his eyes on the morning, and found them, in the light of the morning, rejoicing for him."
"They cried unto the Lord forever, and lifted up their eyes forever."
"And they looked unto Jesus, the author and the finisher of their faith."
"You fight the good fight," she said, "you hear? Don’t you get weary, and don’t you get scared."
"The Lord's going to bless that boy, you mark my words."
"He moved among the saints, he, John, who had come home, who was one of their company now."
"The joy of the Lord is the strength of His people."
"The Lord, He sees the heart—He sees the heart."
"I'm ready," John said, "I'm coming. I'm on my way."