
Fired Up Quotes

Fired Up by Jayne Ann Krentz

Fired Up Quotes
"The two-block walk from the bus stop on Broadway to her apartment was a terrifying ordeal late at night."
"Should never have agreed to take the night shift, she thought."
"The bookstore, with its window full of occult books and Goth jewelry, the pawnshop, the tiny hair salon, and the payday loan operation had been closed for hours."
"But in the end, it was a demon that had saved her."
"I’m afraid it’s a fake," she lowered her senses, turned away from the small statue and looked at Bernard Paddon.
"If I’d known that you were so unknowledgeable I would never have agreed to let you examine the piece."
"It’s critical that the lamp is found as soon as possible."
"The only thing that can change my future is finding that damned lamp."
"You call yourself a professional? You’re nothing but a two-bit private investigator."
"He studied her for a moment. She was almost positive she could feel currents of energy shifting in the atmosphere."
"I think she came here because she’s lonely, Mr. Jones. She was looking for a place to call home."
"This is your way of negotiating for an additional fee from me, isn’t it, Miss Harper?"
"If I don’t tell you how I came up with your name you won’t take my case, will you?"
"I don’t know what I am, Chloe, or what I’m becoming."
"You’re a businessman, Miss Harper. I’m not interested in the art and antiquities world."
"Find her go, Mr. Winters. I don’t care what it costs. Name your price."
"She’s nothing but a two-bit private investigator who happens to dabble in the antiquities market."
"You can’t rat out your own several times great grandfather, Hector, even if he has been dead since the first quarter of the twentieth century. Family is family."
"I've got a lot invested in you," Jack said. "You're starting to shiver."
"Every quarter he picks out a new female student in one of his classes and fires up a relationship."
"I can't afford to be a romantic, Mr. Winters. Not with my talent."
"You're a real romantic, aren't you?" he said flatly.
"That's not the point. The point is you're not going to take any more chances until that lamp is in my hands."
"I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to tease you. But I do worry about you and this new celibacy phase of yours."
"Forget it. Under the circumstances, I’m more than happy to cut you a little slack."
"I thought private investigators always drank whiskey."
"If you can’t get rid of this second talent and stabilize my dreamstate, I will have to disappear."
"There’s something about it." Drake said. "Every time I considered getting rid of it I got this weird feeling that I should hold on to it."
"Money can’t buy everything, even in this town."
"The problem is that when they find out that they’ll have to book two rooms they get irate, even when I make it clear that I’ll pay for the second room."
"But I need to get him home from the vet as soon as possible. He’s got abandonment issues."
"What do you say to one hour in a private hot tub at the Tropical Gardens Motel?"
"Power is power, though. You have to respect it."
"I can read your prints. You’re not a danger to me."
"No matter how well justified, the destruction of another human being exacts a price somewhere on the spectrum."
"Your greatest weakness is always linked to your greatest strength."
"There is no problem. I was able to bring you out of the fugue, just as I said I would."
"The truth is, I didn’t even know for sure I could do what I did until I did it."
"You don’t have to be nervous about your talent."
"I think Fallon just hired me to work for J&J."
"It’s the pressure of everything that’s been going on."
"Fletcher seems to have recovered well from his ordeal."
"I managed to stagger the two blocks to Broadway."
"But all things considered, I’m not complaining."
"You’re afraid that maybe Jack Winters is attracted to you just because you found that lamp for him, aren’t you?"
"I know what you’re talking about, but I am not going to talk about it. Got it?"
"You really are afraid you’re going to screw up again, aren’t you?"
"His name was Larry Brown, and he was the quintessential nerd."
"The bad guys were more dangerous than the classroom bullies."
"Power is the Holy Grail of all victims of bullying everywhere."
"This will be the fourth injection. It should be more than enough to open the channels between your latent dream-psi energy and your para-senses."
"Don’t worry. The new version of the drug is very powerful and works very quickly."
"Within twenty-four hours I have every expectation that not only will you be a Level Eight or Nine but you also will have an additional talent."
"When this was all over he was going to be able to control people with psychic powers."
"Mercer Island real estate was a classic example of the oldest rule in the business: Location, location, location."
"The decision to sell George’s antiquities has been an extremely difficult one for me."
"I’ve been thinking about that. It’s possible that she got to Jerry."
"I need you to trust me. Promise me you won’t let anyone give me the antidote."
"I think you’re on to something here with this chain of gyms."
"He’s just a kid. How could you do this to him?"
"It was clear that he was in excellent shape."
"I am happy to report that the experiment was, all in all, a complete success."
"We thought that perhaps the experiment had failed."
"The problem with burning down the gyms would be arson investigators."
"My interest in the formula has been peripheral until recently."
"Your body and your senses just need some time to adjust."
"I was careful to use a strong, amnesia-inducing sedative."
"It represents a huge advance over the formula."
"I’m afraid that he’s feeling some of the side effects of his treatment."
"Miss Knight informed me that she was trying to find it."
"Please come with me. I want to talk to you before I show you the collection."
"I don’t know. I went out for a couple of beers with an old friend and client."
"But you’re still just one man. What makes you think you can do this?"
"I do hope you appreciate what I have accomplished here today."
"It’s not the flu. They shot you up with that sedative they used on me, didn’t they?"