
Electric Idol Quotes

Electric Idol by Katee Robert

Electric Idol Quotes
"One would think the events of the last few months would be enough to give her ambitions pause, but Demeter is nothing if not driven."
"I would rather gnaw off my own leg than marry anyone here."
"For sure a large room, it’s remarkably claustrophobic."
"You can’t tell that from the way Aphrodite parades person after person in front of our new Zeus."
"I’m tempted to step outside and freeze for a bit just to get some fresh air."
"Tonight isn’t officially a marriage mart, but you can’t tell that from the way people behave."
"I don’t stop to worry about my mother. She can handle Aphrodite. She’s been doing it for years."
"Those insults aren’t my beliefs. I’ve worked hard for them not to be."
"The only thing that makes sense is that Eros is actually offering to marry me."
"No one would believe that you’ve lost your head and married anyone in a whirlwind affair. You’re too cold."
"I don’t play the game because it bores me, not because I’m incapable."
"The change is almost instantaneous. Eros smiles at me, and it’s as if the sun just came out from behind a cloud."
"I don’t want to do this, but my options are between bad and worse."
"Unlike my mother, I am capable of putting my emotions aside and thinking logically."
"It feels shitty to do this after you helped me."
"You won’t harm my family. Not my sisters. Not my mother."
"I’ve made my choice. It wasn’t much of a choice, but I’ll stand by it."
"There are plenty of couples who don’t share bedrooms."
"I have nowhere to run and I’ve given my word that I’ll do this."
"I don’t have a conscience, so don’t get any funny ideas."
"I can count on one hand how many have chosen the latter option in the entire history of Olympus."
"I don’t want you dead. This is the only other way."
"I’m not a good man, but I want her chained to me, and I’ll rip out the throat of anyone who thinks they can take her away."
"I’ve done a lot of stuff I’m not proud of, hurt people who I thought were enemies at the time."
"I’m sure it has." She recovers quickly and waves that away. "Sex is a great stress reliever."
"We started it the second you said yes. Relax and stop grinding your teeth."
"I won’t allow you to do something to put her in danger, either."
"I don’t want to keep you safe if I’m not with you, Psyche."
"The only time I’ve felt this discombobulated was when I held hands with Jenny Lee in seventh grade."
"You’re not alone. It’s a kind of barrier, a reminder of how isolated we are from the rest of the world."
"As closely as I follow gossip about every person in Olympus who might become a threat someday."
"I thought I could cut corners, but today’s proven that’s an impossible ask."
"You’re protective of her. I understand, but—"
"If anyone can understand political maneuvering, it’s our mother. Give her the benefit of the doubt."
"I never fall on them like a beast intent on ravishing."
"If you do anything to bring my daughter harm in any way, I will gut you and leave you for my pigs."
"Psyche, my mother might still be furious, but our reasons for getting married remain the same."
"You’re saying sex hasn’t been like this before for you?"
"No, it’s not like this with other people. It hasn’t been bad or anything, just different."
"Nothing lasts forever. Not the hibernation over the winter, but not the beautiful blooms of summer, either."
"I won’t allow that to happen. You deserve better than to be her weapon."
"Thank you for bringing me here. Thank you for sharing this with me."
"I’ve survived—thrived, even—in Olympus because I kept my distance and trusted no one outside my family."
"I hope I can survive the night without getting eaten."
"We have laws for a reason, though, and everyone knows what happened the last time a member of the Thirteen turned against another."
"Every person contains a balance of both good and bad inside them."
"I won’t let you bear the burden. Not for me. Not for anyone."
"Love doesn’t much care whether you deserve it or not. It’s not exactly a conditional thing—or at least it shouldn’t be."
"He might think himself a monster in truth, but if that were accurate, he wouldn’t be able to care for me the way he does."
"I’m taking a gamble of my own with this. Not only with my life but Eros might never forgive me for what I’m about to do."
"I’ve always worked with Persephone to manage Callisto’s anger, to protect Eurydice from the worst Olympus has to offer."
"I’ll bear that price and gladly if it means I spare him from carrying the weight of harming one of the few people he cares about in this world."
"Eros is in trouble, and I need Aphrodite’s number. I don’t have time to explain why."
"If this is all some ploy that will hurt him in the end, I’ll grind you to dust."
"Your mother’s done plenty. She needs to be taken down a few notches."
"Wake up, little girl. No one asked for it in Olympus."
"You don’t get to swim with sharks and then cry about getting eaten."
"You’re nothing but a fat girl playing pretend."
"One hundred thousand viewers and counting. Before the end of the day, all of Olympus will have heard you confess to trying to kill me."
"I love you, too. But that’s not a good enough reason to keep you chained to me."
"You might be a monster, Eros, but you’re my monster."